Rats Celebrate Too Early Trump Tricks Em Again

USMB commies sure seem SOUR this morning.....what happened? :lol:
When the Republicans are out of power, they whine about excessive spending. "Let us back into the henhouse", they say, "We'll get the budget balanced. We are not big spenders."

Then they get all the power and what do they do? They SKYROCKET our deficits. They spend to an all new RECORD. Half a trillion dollars more last year than Obama's worst year. For the year ahead, a full trillion more than Obama ever spent.

Just like last time they got all the power, the Republicans prove they are the bigger spenders. They break all past records.

And you stupid fucks actually fall for this hoax over and over and over. You STILL have not caught on.

So I guess it ain't old enough yet, because you dumb fucks have STILL not caught on.

You actually blame the Democrats for Trump putting our country in a hostage situation! It just doesn't get more cuck than that.

you keep looping anyone who disagrees with you into your own reasons for THEIR disagreement.

you come back bitching at me thinking you know my stance so you go whine at things i'm not even referring to as if it matters or is even close to be "correct".

our entire gov is dysfunctional. putting blame on 1 person is fucked up these days.
Trump takes all the credit for shit, so he gets all the blame, too.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Trump, and only Trump, submitted a $4.4 trillion budget to Congress. It came from his desk.

That's a record budget. A full trillion more than Obama ever spent in a year. The highest budget on this planet since the Big Bang.

It has a trillion dollar deficit built into it. Trump is going to run out other people's money AGAIN faster than anyone ever has.
Maybe we shouldn't be sending $10 BILLION to Central America?
Yeah, that money we spend down there for drug interdiction is a waste. :rolleyes:

And why should we want to help those countries develop so their people won't want to flee any more? :rolleyes:

Nah...not the responsibility of American taxpayers...fuck those filthy cockroaches...let them all die.
Build the fucking Wall and defend that bitch like Fort Knox. DONE AND DONE!
Trump doesnt even have the votes within his own party to get the wall. There arent even 40 GOP house members in DC right now; home for holidays

Haha...as a passionate investor, take it from me....WE DONT GIVE TWO FUCKS...BUILD THE FUCKING WALL!
A passionate investor. Yeah, right. Your hundred dollars of stock is now worth 80 bucks.

There’s nothing I planned on liquidating today...I’ve lost nothing.
The stock market, the deficit and the debt...you cry like a little bitch about them all yet you’ve never been able to illustrate how your quality of life has been affected by any. WHY is that?
Now ask me how my quality of life is and has been affected by disgusting wetbacks..

Haha...as a passionate investor, take it from me....WE DONT GIVE TWO FUCKS...BUILD THE FUCKING WALL!
A passionate investor. Yeah, right. Your hundred dollars of stock is now worth 80 bucks.

There’s nothing I planned on liquidating today...I’ve lost nothing.
The stock market, the deficit and the debt...you cry like a little bitch about them all yet you’ve never been able to illustrate how your quality of life has been affected by any. WHY is that?
Now ask me how my quality of life is and has been affected by disgusting wetbacks..
I'm sure no one minds their 401k's taking a beating this year, dumb fuck.

Yeah, sure.

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