Rats Celebrate Too Early Trump Tricks Em Again

Dale, do you need attention?

Guys like you are awesome. You don't believe ANYTHING. Sandy Hook, Moon Landing, the shape of the earth. But Trump? Yeah. He's telling it like it is.


Spare me the spew, LL......this shit was going on even before the election took place. Planting the ol seed that Trump and the ROOSKIES were in cahoots to expose the cheating, criminality and corruption of the DNC...and according to those of your ilk? That would be cheating....if there was a smidgen of truth to it.

BTW, shove the moon landing and flat earth b.s right back up your ass and twist it. I have never claimed either one of those things are false.

.You lose what tiny credibility you might have when you blatantly lie, ass wipe. Apologize for lying or go fuck yourself. But bear in mind that I will rub this bullshit you posted in your face whenever I come across you posting about other's honesty.....capiche'?

Just apologize and that's the end of it or deal with the fallout.

Ohhhh! You are not flat earther and you believe the moon landing. My bad. I apologize.

What about Sandy Hook?

Who killed Kennedy?

Is Hillary the leader of a pedophile ring?

Do vaccinations cause autism?

Come on man. You're a conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe that Trump conspired to do ANYTHING. ITS WEIRD.

You know the answer to those topics. Kudos for "man-ing" up and admitting you were wrong.

Trump didn't need nor even want this fucking job. He was recruited for it. If I was Trump? I would have refused because half the idiots in this country deserve to starve to death...them and their little snot-nosed, entitled spawn. You better hope that the white hats win because there is going to come a huge food shortage that will be partially due to the corruption of the PH balance in the soil; limiting crop yields and artificial scarcities like the jacobins did in France. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how fragile and vulnerable the sheeple really are....grocery store shelves always stocked, plenty of everything but the grocery store chains started being gobbled up and consolidated much like the media outlets. Grocery stores once had a mini-warehouse of canned goods......not anymore. They are streamlined and depend on trucking. The stores are much smaller and use the FIFO method, first in, first out. All it would take is one incident where trucking came to a stop and the store shelves would be barren.

Gotta question for ya, can you hunt? Do you know how to gut small or large game if it came to that? Do you know how to fish and gut one of those and de-bone it? Do you know what wild growing plants are edible? How do purify water without boiling it? If not, you are not much of a man and pretty much useless to your significant other and children. What would you do if you couldn't feed them with food? Feed them with a steady diet of hatred and blame your lack of abilities to step up and be a man on repubs? That's not gonna fill their bellies, my friend.

Hmmm. You're a prepper? Cool.

You're so fucking gullible that I will easily dupe you out of your stash of cured meat and provisions.

Look! A squirrel!

Nah, your failure as a man isn't my problem. Your lame liberal speak to try and guilt me into feeding ya.....I could help you out with a mercy killing...euthansia. Starving to death is a horrificly slow and tortorous way to die.

My failure as a man?

Do you have kids?
Spare me the spew, LL......this shit was going on even before the election took place. Planting the ol seed that Trump and the ROOSKIES were in cahoots to expose the cheating, criminality and corruption of the DNC...and according to those of your ilk? That would be cheating....if there was a smidgen of truth to it.

BTW, shove the moon landing and flat earth b.s right back up your ass and twist it. I have never claimed either one of those things are false.

.You lose what tiny credibility you might have when you blatantly lie, ass wipe. Apologize for lying or go fuck yourself. But bear in mind that I will rub this bullshit you posted in your face whenever I come across you posting about other's honesty.....capiche'?

Just apologize and that's the end of it or deal with the fallout.

Ohhhh! You are not flat earther and you believe the moon landing. My bad. I apologize.

What about Sandy Hook?

Who killed Kennedy?

Is Hillary the leader of a pedophile ring?

Do vaccinations cause autism?

Come on man. You're a conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe that Trump conspired to do ANYTHING. ITS WEIRD.

You know the answer to those topics. Kudos for "man-ing" up and admitting you were wrong.

Trump didn't need nor even want this fucking job. He was recruited for it. If I was Trump? I would have refused because half the idiots in this country deserve to starve to death...them and their little snot-nosed, entitled spawn. You better hope that the white hats win because there is going to come a huge food shortage that will be partially due to the corruption of the PH balance in the soil; limiting crop yields and artificial scarcities like the jacobins did in France. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how fragile and vulnerable the sheeple really are....grocery store shelves always stocked, plenty of everything but the grocery store chains started being gobbled up and consolidated much like the media outlets. Grocery stores once had a mini-warehouse of canned goods......not anymore. They are streamlined and depend on trucking. The stores are much smaller and use the FIFO method, first in, first out. All it would take is one incident where trucking came to a stop and the store shelves would be barren.

Gotta question for ya, can you hunt? Do you know how to gut small or large game if it came to that? Do you know how to fish and gut one of those and de-bone it? Do you know what wild growing plants are edible? How do purify water without boiling it? If not, you are not much of a man and pretty much useless to your significant other and children. What would you do if you couldn't feed them with food? Feed them with a steady diet of hatred and blame your lack of abilities to step up and be a man on repubs? That's not gonna fill their bellies, my friend.

Hmmm. You're a prepper? Cool.

You're so fucking gullible that I will easily dupe you out of your stash of cured meat and provisions.

Look! A squirrel!

Nah, your failure as a man isn't my problem. Your lame liberal speak to try and guilt me into feeding ya.....I could help you out with a mercy killing...euthansia. Starving to death is a horrificly slow and tortorous way to die.

My failure as a man?

Do you have kids?

Did I stutter? If you can't feed or protect your family by being able to feed them when food is scarce or protect them when the SHTF then "YES", you are useless as a man to those that depend on you.

Am I a father? Damn straight and they have basic skills that most gen-xers and millennials have no clue about. What did you teach your kids? How to beg for "gubermint" help? How to call Triple A? How to whine, bitch, moan gripe and complain until da "gubermint" decides to toss you and your family some scraps of bread? I wouldn't be all that proud about that, LL.......
Ohhhh! You are not flat earther and you believe the moon landing. My bad. I apologize.

What about Sandy Hook?

Who killed Kennedy?

Is Hillary the leader of a pedophile ring?

Do vaccinations cause autism?

Come on man. You're a conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe that Trump conspired to do ANYTHING. ITS WEIRD.

You know the answer to those topics. Kudos for "man-ing" up and admitting you were wrong.

Trump didn't need nor even want this fucking job. He was recruited for it. If I was Trump? I would have refused because half the idiots in this country deserve to starve to death...them and their little snot-nosed, entitled spawn. You better hope that the white hats win because there is going to come a huge food shortage that will be partially due to the corruption of the PH balance in the soil; limiting crop yields and artificial scarcities like the jacobins did in France. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how fragile and vulnerable the sheeple really are....grocery store shelves always stocked, plenty of everything but the grocery store chains started being gobbled up and consolidated much like the media outlets. Grocery stores once had a mini-warehouse of canned goods......not anymore. They are streamlined and depend on trucking. The stores are much smaller and use the FIFO method, first in, first out. All it would take is one incident where trucking came to a stop and the store shelves would be barren.

Gotta question for ya, can you hunt? Do you know how to gut small or large game if it came to that? Do you know how to fish and gut one of those and de-bone it? Do you know what wild growing plants are edible? How do purify water without boiling it? If not, you are not much of a man and pretty much useless to your significant other and children. What would you do if you couldn't feed them with food? Feed them with a steady diet of hatred and blame your lack of abilities to step up and be a man on repubs? That's not gonna fill their bellies, my friend.

Hmmm. You're a prepper? Cool.

You're so fucking gullible that I will easily dupe you out of your stash of cured meat and provisions.

Look! A squirrel!

Nah, your failure as a man isn't my problem. Your lame liberal speak to try and guilt me into feeding ya.....I could help you out with a mercy killing...euthansia. Starving to death is a horrificly slow and tortorous way to die.

My failure as a man?

Do you have kids?

Did I stutter? If you can't feed or protect your family by being able to feed them when food is scarce or protect them when the SHTF then "YES", you are useless as a man to those that depend on you.

Am I a father? Damn straight and they have basic skills that most gen-xers and millennials have no clue about. What did you teach your kids? How to beg for "gubermint" help? How to call Triple A? How to whine, bitch, moan gripe and complain until da "gubermint" decides to toss you and your family some scraps of bread? I wouldn't be all that proud about that, LL.......

You have an active imagination. But you already knew that.
You know the answer to those topics. Kudos for "man-ing" up and admitting you were wrong.

Trump didn't need nor even want this fucking job. He was recruited for it. If I was Trump? I would have refused because half the idiots in this country deserve to starve to death...them and their little snot-nosed, entitled spawn. You better hope that the white hats win because there is going to come a huge food shortage that will be partially due to the corruption of the PH balance in the soil; limiting crop yields and artificial scarcities like the jacobins did in France. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how fragile and vulnerable the sheeple really are....grocery store shelves always stocked, plenty of everything but the grocery store chains started being gobbled up and consolidated much like the media outlets. Grocery stores once had a mini-warehouse of canned goods......not anymore. They are streamlined and depend on trucking. The stores are much smaller and use the FIFO method, first in, first out. All it would take is one incident where trucking came to a stop and the store shelves would be barren.

Gotta question for ya, can you hunt? Do you know how to gut small or large game if it came to that? Do you know how to fish and gut one of those and de-bone it? Do you know what wild growing plants are edible? How do purify water without boiling it? If not, you are not much of a man and pretty much useless to your significant other and children. What would you do if you couldn't feed them with food? Feed them with a steady diet of hatred and blame your lack of abilities to step up and be a man on repubs? That's not gonna fill their bellies, my friend.

Hmmm. You're a prepper? Cool.

You're so fucking gullible that I will easily dupe you out of your stash of cured meat and provisions.

Look! A squirrel!

Nah, your failure as a man isn't my problem. Your lame liberal speak to try and guilt me into feeding ya.....I could help you out with a mercy killing...euthansia. Starving to death is a horrificly slow and tortorous way to die.

My failure as a man?

Do you have kids?

Did I stutter? If you can't feed or protect your family by being able to feed them when food is scarce or protect them when the SHTF then "YES", you are useless as a man to those that depend on you.

Am I a father? Damn straight and they have basic skills that most gen-xers and millennials have no clue about. What did you teach your kids? How to beg for "gubermint" help? How to call Triple A? How to whine, bitch, moan gripe and complain until da "gubermint" decides to toss you and your family some scraps of bread? I wouldn't be all that proud about that, LL.......

You have an active imagination. But you already knew that.

You betcha, LL......I bet you couldn't stomach cutting a perch much less a deer or a wild hog.

"Hey, dad! We are hungry! What are we gonna do???"

LL: "Take it easy, kids. I am going to use my vast array of knowledge as it pertains to demcrat politics and why it's a better party. It's not gonna fill your stomach, but it will take your mind off of your hunger pains.....now, gather 'round"


Now, now, LL, no need to go getting your lil feelins hurt. It's not really your fault that you are a bit of a "girly man". I would place the blame squarely on the frail shoulders of the liberal role model that you looked up to. The first step towards admitting that you need skills that you lack is coming to grips with it and then coming up with a plan to rectify it. I'm rooting for ya!
Trump is not going to sign anything the Democrats shove through? That is a good thing. When a child pulls a stunt and gets no attention, he has to accept responsibility for his own doings.

So if stuff goes sour on the border or on one of the DNC's pet rock projects, the Democrats will have to accept responsibilities for their own doings and their own omissions, and cannot blame Trump, whose signature okay gives them cause later to call it "Trump's mess." That's what they did to George Bush. No more.

Trump knows that the onus will now be on the Democrats for crap they pull when he doesn't sign it. They've used the "It's his fault because he signed 'the' bill." (The DNC Bill, but they don't tell anyone, and their comrades in the press keep it hush-hush, too.)
He's not signing a damn thing that doesn't have at least $3B for the Wall. Chuck and Nancy say "WHA?"....Now the Rats got to nurse their hangover and stay in the Swamp for Christmas....tsk tsk. Trump wins. MAGA!


It ain't gonna happen. There are not enough RePuBliKlan Votes to support it, much less Democrat. Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi have no reason to support the Wall.

As with the previous RePuBliKlan Shutdowns, it will blow up in his face.
Quote: There are not enough RePuBliKlan Votes to support it, much less Democrat.
As with the previous RePuBliKlan Shutdowns, it will blow up in his face.

You're wrong to blame Republicans using the "Klan" reference to the KKK. The KKK's membership was started and maintained by Democrats for its first century in being. So if you think you're getting away with your unfair calumny, I will be watching you, because I am a Republican who joined my husband's party because I saw so much unfairness to blacks when I was growing up, and all of it was coming from Democrat badmouthing, marginalization, and ridicule of black people. The Democrats pissed me off so bad, I decided I'd never, never join that hatefest they call a political party.
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It ain't gonna happen. There are not enough RePuBliKlan Votes to support it, much less Democrat. Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi have no reason to support the Wall.

As with the previous RePuBliKlan Shutdowns, it will blow up in his face.

Fuck them, fuck you.....he ain't signing it and the American people are behind him.
Don't get so excited--it's only Thursday. He's got plenty of time to change his mind again.
He's too smart for that. Democrats forced bills down America's throats, so Bush just signed whatever they passed the last year or two of his tenure. Now if the bill has caused problems, they're blaming their devious ideas on Bush because he signed their spendathonic demands.
All Trump has to do is sign it and end HIS shutdown
After the trap Pelosi and Schumer tried to put him in the other day on tv? I give him credit for doing the right thing until the DNC House membership decides to grow up and play nice. I predict that ain't gonna happen until they shoot themselves in the foot so many times they become a boresome burden to their already-dissatisfied clientele..
After the trap Pelosi and Schumer tried to put him in the other day on tv? I give him credit for doing the right thing until the DNC House membership decides to grow up and play nice. I predict that ain't gonna happen until they shoot themselves in the foot so many times they become a boresome burden to their already-dissatisfied clientele..

They shot the last of their toes off with the Kavanaugh sliming and are now hobbling around like a diabetic with fallen arches. They cheated their way into regaining the House..."vote harvesting" is the new catch-phrase for filling out blank ballots with fake names and then mysteriously discovering them a couple days after the election...it happened all over the country. Schumer and Pelousy are both relics of the old Gus Hall communist party days. Schumer never made any real money in Congress but Nancy did....she's worth a couple hundred million$.....She couldn't survive a campus police investigation of her insider trading much less a Comey-less FBI look. This is their last rodeo and don't be surprised if Trump cozies up to Nancy on the infrastructure bill by promising her millions more....Trump uses the lure of money like a artist uses his paint brushes...he knows her weak spot.
It ain't gonna happen. There are not enough RePuBliKlan Votes to support it, much less Democrat. Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi have no reason to support the Wall.

As with the previous RePuBliKlan Shutdowns, it will blow up in his face.

Fuck them, fuck you.....he ain't signing it and the American people are behind him.
Don't get so excited--it's only Thursday. He's got plenty of time to change his mind again.
He's too smart for that. Democrats forced bills down America's throats, so Bush just signed whatever they passed the last year or two of his tenure. Now if the bill has caused problems, they're blaming their devious ideas on Bush because he signed their spendathonic demands.

The Five Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Stain has at best a 5th. Grade Reading Level. He does not read reports and he recently discovered that Dick, Jane and Sally was fake news.
Just in time shits and giggles.

For all of you Dead From The Neck Up, Goose Stepping, Seil Shouting, Tiki Torch Carrying Followers of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Gibbon....let me remind you that on January 2, 2019 the Democrats take over the House and that means Hearings into the Criminal Cabal of 45 and his cohorts.
They're gonna scream and cry like demon possessed jackals.... "People will DIE"..... "The earth is going to fall out of orbit"......
"The children"..... etc, etc.

Stay strong, Mr. President. The American people are behind you.
Just in time shits and giggles.

For all of you Dead From The Neck Up, Goose Stepping, Seil Shouting, Tiki Torch Carrying Followers of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Gibbon....let me remind you that on January 2, 2019 the Democrats take over the House and that means Hearings into the Criminal Cabal of 45 and his cohorts.
Go fuck yourself and piss on your hearings. Go for it. If that's your priority, you're gonna lose the House in 2020. Be my guest.
Just in time shits and giggles.

For all of you Dead From The Neck Up, Goose Stepping, Seil Shouting, Tiki Torch Carrying Followers of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Gibbon....let me remind you that on January 2, 2019 the Democrats take over the House and that means Hearings into the Criminal Cabal of 45 and his cohorts.

Your beloved "gubermint" has been nothing but a criminal operation since 1913. If some of these swamp rats from both bought and paid for political parties, we are fucked.

P.S l know that you fly your rainbow colored demcrat commie flag proudly and wave it to and fro. What has me curious is to why leftards would even show their cyber faces here after the Wikileaks data dump. Pussies such as yourself have no moral high ground to preach from, bitch boy.
Man. Trombies can twist. It's almost hard to keep track.

Not like the leftard clown posse, right, LL? Honest as the day is long and above reproach....all about the truth and transparency!

Said no one ever........

Dale, do you need attention?

Guys like you are awesome. You don't believe ANYTHING. Sandy Hook, Moon Landing, the shape of the earth. But Trump? Yeah. He's telling it like it is.


Spare me the spew, LL......this shit was going on even before the election took place. Planting the ol seed that Trump and the ROOSKIES were in cahoots to expose the cheating, criminality and corruption of the DNC...and according to those of your ilk? That would be cheating....if there was a smidgen of truth to it.

BTW, shove the moon landing and flat earth b.s right back up your ass and twist it. I have never claimed either one of those things are false.

.You lose what tiny credibility you might have when you blatantly lie, ass wipe. Apologize for lying or go fuck yourself. But bear in mind that I will rub this bullshit you posted in your face whenever I come across you posting about other's honesty.....capiche'?

Just apologize and that's the end of it or deal with the fallout.

Ohhhh! You are not flat earther and you believe the moon landing. My bad. I apologize.

What about Sandy Hook?

Who killed Kennedy?

Is Hillary the leader of a pedophile ring?

Do vaccinations cause autism?

Come on man. You're a conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe that Trump conspired to do ANYTHING. ITS WEIRD.
who killed Mary Jo?
It ain't gonna happen. There are not enough RePuBliKlan Votes to support it, much less Democrat. Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi have no reason to support the Wall.

As with the previous RePuBliKlan Shutdowns, it will blow up in his face.

Fuck them, fuck you.....he ain't signing it and the American people are behind him.
Don't get so excited--it's only Thursday. He's got plenty of time to change his mind again.
He's too smart for that. Democrats forced bills down America's throats, so Bush just signed whatever they passed the last year or two of his tenure. Now if the bill has caused problems, they're blaming their devious ideas on Bush because he signed their spendathonic demands.

The Five Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Stain has at best a 5th. Grade Reading Level. He does not read reports and he recently discovered that Dick, Jane and Sally was fake news.
you're jealous!!!!
They're gonna scream and cry like demon possessed jackals.... "People will DIE"..... "The earth is going to fall out of orbit"......
"The children"..... etc, etc.

Stay strong, Mr. President. The American people are behind you.

He wanted this shut down. He is proud to own this shut down.

No, I am NOT behind 45.

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