Ravens terminate Ray Rice's contract!

Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice as long as Rice's. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The medi dictates everything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.
Last edited:
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?

How about sticking with the facts for now. There is no evidence that he ever hit her before. What I think is irrelevant. If we are talking no tolerance then fine.I am talking about the ESPN types and media who praise Floyd Mayweather, seem to have forgotten about Brandon Marshall, yuck it up with Ray Lewis, and employ a Michael Irvin should be seen as the hypocrites they are.
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not. What about that guy who held 3 girls captive for 10 years? If those girls didn't want to press charges would you just let that guy go with a slap on the wrist? Who knows how bad this is with Rice. He may be completely abusing her. You want us to mind our own business? Sorry you got caught on tape. Can't imagine what we haven't caught on tape.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?

How about sticking with the facts for now. There is no evidence that he ever hit her before. What I think is irrelevant. If we are talking no tolerance then fine.I am talking about the ESPN types and media who praise Floyd Mayweather, seem to have forgotten about Brandon Marshall, yuck it up with Ray Lewis, and employ a Michael Irvin should be seen as the hypocrites they are.

You know how people say, "all people that old are racist"? Well Ray Lewis is the past. These guys can't think its normal to behave like this.

This should be a lesson to all the college football players. I know big MSU linemen who cold cocked girls who were rude at their advances. They think they are invincible.

P.S. I bet you think OJ didn't do it because you didn't see him do it with your own eyes. Well here you go you see what this guy is capable of on tape and you still want to say we don't know the whole story? I know enough of the story. 1 year out of the league. Bye bye.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice as long as Rice's. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The medi dictates everything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

Did people get to see what Brandon Marshall did on video?

That image will stay in peoples minds and will impact Rices future employment opportunities. Is it fair?

Yup....it is
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not. What about that guy who held 3 girls captive for 10 years? If those girls didn't want to press charges would you juList let that guy go with a slap on the wrist? Who knows how bad this is with Rice. He may be completely abusing her. You want us to mind our own business? Sorry you got caught on tape. Can't imagine what we haven't caught on tape.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?

How about sticking with the facts for now. There is no evidence that he ever hit her before. What I think is irrelevant. If we are talking no tolerance then fine.I am talking about the ESPN types and media who praise Floyd Mayweather, seem to have forgotten about Brandon Marshall, yuck it up with Ray Lewis, and employ a Michael Irvin should be seen as the hypocrites they are.

You know how people say, "all people that old are racist"? Well Ray Lewis is the past. These guys can't think its normal to behave like this.

This should be a lesson to all the college football players. I know big MSU linemen who cold cocked girls who were rude at their advances. They think they are invincible.

P.S. I bet you think OJ didn't do it because you didn't see him do it with your own eyes. Well here you go you see what this guy is capable of on tape and you still want to say we don't know the whole story? I know enough of the story. 1 year out of the league. Bye bye.
Since I think there is hypocrisy generated by the hype in regards to how Ray Rice is treated as opposed to how Brandon Marshall etc are treated means I am condoning Ray Rice and it means I think OJ did not do it?

Liberals are so fucking annoying.
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not. What about that guy who held 3 girls captive for 10 years? If those girls didn't want to press charges would you juList let that guy go with a slap on the wrist? Who knows how bad this is with Rice. He may be completely abusing her. You want us to mind our own business? Sorry you got caught on tape. Can't imagine what we haven't caught on tape.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?

How about sticking with the facts for now. There is no evidence that he ever hit her before. What I think is irrelevant. If we are talking no tolerance then fine.I am talking about the ESPN types and media who praise Floyd Mayweather, seem to have forgotten about Brandon Marshall, yuck it up with Ray Lewis, and employ a Michael Irvin should be seen as the hypocrites they are.

You know how people say, "all people that old are racist"? Well Ray Lewis is the past. These guys can't think its normal to behave like this.

This should be a lesson to all the college football players. I know big MSU linemen who cold cocked girls who were rude at their advances. They think they are invincible.

P.S. I bet you think OJ didn't do it because you didn't see him do it with your own eyes. Well here you go you see what this guy is capable of on tape and you still want to say we don't know the whole story? I know enough of the story. 1 year out of the league. Bye bye.
Since I think there is hypocrisy generated by the hype in regards to how Ray Rice is treated as opposed to how Brandon Marshall etc are treated means I am condoning Ray Rice and it means I think OJ did not do it?

Liberals are so fucking annoying.

First of all, that was 2008. Clearly only suspending a guy for 1-3 games was not sending the right message. And sorry but getting caught on tape changes everything because the NFL has to consider the audience and advertisers. This is not apples to apples with Brandon Marshall. Sorry you got caught on tape. Maybe you should wait till you are in your home before you savagely beat your wife.

I knew either you had to be either a brotha or a conservative. Had to be a reason I disagreed with you. Sorry if I thought you were a brotha. I'd like you better too if you were a brotha.

So are you a Ravens fan? There has to be a reason why a conservative is defending a brotha.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

And even though she has nothing at all to feel bad about, I'd bet they both secretly (or not!) blame all of this on her.

Things might get really raw in the Rice household.

"She killed his career."
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not. What about that guy who held 3 girls captive for 10 years? If those girls didn't want to press charges would you juList let that guy go with a slap on the wrist? Who knows how bad this is with Rice. He may be completely abusing her. You want us to mind our own business? Sorry you got caught on tape. Can't imagine what we haven't caught on tape.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?

How about sticking with the facts for now. There is no evidence that he ever hit her before. What I think is irrelevant. If we are talking no tolerance then fine.I am talking about the ESPN types and media who praise Floyd Mayweather, seem to have forgotten about Brandon Marshall, yuck it up with Ray Lewis, and employ a Michael Irvin should be seen as the hypocrites they are.

You know how people say, "all people that old are racist"? Well Ray Lewis is the past. These guys can't think its normal to behave like this.

This should be a lesson to all the college football players. I know big MSU linemen who cold cocked girls who were rude at their advances. They think they are invincible.

P.S. I bet you think OJ didn't do it because you didn't see him do it with your own eyes. Well here you go you see what this guy is capable of on tape and you still want to say we don't know the whole story? I know enough of the story. 1 year out of the league. Bye bye.
Since I think there is hypocrisy generated by the hype in regards to how Ray Rice is treated as opposed to how Brandon Marshall etc are treated means I am condoning Ray Rice and it means I think OJ did not do it?

Liberals are so fucking annoying.

First of all, that was 2008. Clearly only suspending a guy for 1-3 games was not sending the right message. And sorry but getting caught on tape changes everything because the NFL has to consider the audience and advertisers. This is not apples to apples with Brandon Marshall. Sorry you got caught on tape. Maybe you should wait till you are in your home before you savagely beat your wife.

I knew either you had to be either a brotha or a conservative. Had to be a reason I disagreed with you. Sorry if I thought you were a brotha. I'd like you better too if you were a brotha.

So are you a Ravens fan? There has to be a reason why a conservative is defending a brotha.

I am not defending him. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I do not need to see the video to know what happened. I unlike libs like you apparently, can deduce things on my own.

Sounds to me like you think OJ was innocent since the murders were not caught on video.

Either way, the amount of play and the way Rice is being treated by the media types is hypocritical compared to how they treat others that are as guilty as Rice. Like Mayweather for example.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

And even though she has nothing at all to feel bad about, I'd bet they both secretly (or not!) blame all of this on her.

Things might get really raw in the Rice household.

"She killed his career."

Ray killed his own career. She was willing to lie and take the blame to save it
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

And even though she has nothing at all to feel bad about, I'd bet they both secretly (or not!) blame all of this on her.

Things might get really raw in the Rice household.

"She killed his career."

Ray killed his own career. She was willing to lie and take the blame to save it

Certainly. I'm just giving y'all some insights into what the behind the scenes interpersonal dynamics might be.
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not. What about that guy who held 3 girls captive for 10 years? If those girls didn't want to press charges would you juList let that guy go with a slap on the wrist? Who knows how bad this is with Rice. He may be completely abusing her. You want us to mind our own business? Sorry you got caught on tape. Can't imagine what we haven't caught on tape.
Gooddell has former FBI agents working for him, but he could not get this video? Really?
Roger got some plainin to do....

Yes, she apologized and talked his felony down to a misdemeanor...and then he marries her. AMAZING WHAT LOVE CAN DO.
I wonder about the love when he's no longer that big NFL gravy train.

He's already pocketed about $18 million from the NFL. If they pinch pennies that might last them for a bit.

You know the saying about hitting bottom. My personal hypothesis is that bad behavior will go on so long as there is little consequence, but now Rice's violence is known all over America. I think that this is hitting bottom and we probably will see a change in his behavior where we wouldn't see a change in a person not in the public eye. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Ray has destroyed his chances for post NFL employment

He was a popular player who had a great career open to him once he retired. Now, nobody will hire a wife beater to represent them

Brandon Marshall has a job on Inside the NFL. His rap sheet is twice ad long as Rice. Difference is both of Marshalls fiances pressed charges have restraining orders on him. Ray Rice's fiance forgave him, married him and wants everyone to leave him alone.

This is about hype. The media.dictateseverything. Now, they ignore the victims wishes....cause the story sells.

It is typical of the abused to defend their abuser.

Do you think this is the first time he's hit her? Did you see his reaction. Didn't seem like he was even surprised when he knocked her the fuck out.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior. But he should get a second chance next year.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can. She may be ok with that kind of behavior but society is not. There is enough evidence that he should be on trial for felony battery. 10 years. He's getting off lucky even though lucky is going to cost him millions. He'll never get that money back. Big mistake.

But doesn't a christian society forgive?

How about sticking with the facts for now. There is no evidence that he ever hit her before. What I think is irrelevant. If we are talking no tolerance then fine.I am talking about the ESPN types and media who praise Floyd Mayweather, seem to have forgotten about Brandon Marshall, yuck it up with Ray Lewis, and employ a Michael Irvin should be seen as the hypocrites they are.

You know how people say, "all people that old are racist"? Well Ray Lewis is the past. These guys can't think its normal to behave like this.

This should be a lesson to all the college football players. I know big MSU linemen who cold cocked girls who were rude at their advances. They think they are invincible.

P.S. I bet you think OJ didn't do it because you didn't see him do it with your own eyes. Well here you go you see what this guy is capable of on tape and you still want to say we don't know the whole story? I know enough of the story. 1 year out of the league. Bye bye.
Since I think there is hypocrisy generated by the hype in regards to how Ray Rice is treated as opposed to how Brandon Marshall etc are treated means I am condoning Ray Rice and it means I think OJ did not do it?

Liberals are so fucking annoying.

First of all, that was 2008. Clearly only suspending a guy for 1-3 games was not sending the right message. And sorry but getting caught on tape changes everything because the NFL has to consider the audience and advertisers. This is not apples to apples with Brandon Marshall. Sorry you got caught on tape. Maybe you should wait till you are in your home before you savagely beat your wife.

I knew either you had to be either a brotha or a conservative. Had to be a reason I disagreed with you. Sorry if I thought you were a brotha. I'd like you better too if you were a brotha.

So are you a Ravens fan? There has to be a reason why a conservative is defending a brotha.

I am not defending him. I am pointing out the hypocrisy. I do not need to see the video to know what happened. I unlike libs like you apparently, can deduce things on my own.

Sounds to me like you think OJ was innocent since the murders were not caught on video.

Either way, the amount of play and the way Rice is being treated by the media types is hypocritical compared to how they treat others that are as guilty as Rice. Like Mayweather for example.

Why do you think they are being unfair to Rice? I think its because it was caught on tape.

OJ is a great example. How many white women flirted with him after he was found not guilty? Now imagine his crime was caught on tape. Do you think those same women would get anywhere near him?
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not

A child isn't an adult. I'm OK with you wanting to designate women as being children before the law but at least be honest about what you're arguing for. Women, of any age, cannot be allowed to drink because the law considers them to be children. Women can't have credit cards because the law considers them to be children.

A child needs extraordinary protection from the law in cases where the child's parents are failing in their duty to the child. A woman is an adult, she can leave an abusive situation or an abusive relationship.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior.

What goes on in the private lives of individuals is not the business of the employer. If Rice was a homosexual and taking it up the ass, the NFL would have no business judging him worthy or unworthy of being on the team.

But if you want to open the door to allow employers to fire people for personal behaviors of which they disapprove, I don't have an objection so long as we apply this rule uniformly.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can.

The entire thrust of many liberal lawsuits of late has been to take the State out of the bedrooms/personal lives of couples. What goes on between couples is not for society to judge.

Again, if you want to shove the State into marriages as the 3rd partner and allow the State to judge what is going on, say so and let's apply that rule uniformly.
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not

A child isn't an adult. I'm OK with you wanting to designate women as being children before the law but at least be honest about what you're arguing for. Women, of any age, cannot be allowed to drink because the law considers them to be children. Women can't have credit cards because the law considers them to be children.

A child needs extraordinary protection from the law in cases where the child's parents are failing in their duty to the child. A woman is an adult, she can leave an abusive situation or an abusive relationship.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior.

What goes on in the private lives of individuals is not the business of the employer. If Rice was a homosexual and taking it up the ass, the NFL would have no business judging him worthy or unworthy of being on the team.

But if you want to open the door to allow employers to fire people for personal behaviors of which they disapprove, I don't have an objection so long as we apply this rule uniformly.

There should also be a law that if the woman won't press charges, the state can.

The entire thrust of many liberal lawsuits of late has been to take the State out of the bedrooms/personal lives of couples. What goes on between couples is not for society to judge.

Again, if you want to shove the State into marriages as the 3rd partner and allow the State to judge what is going on, say so and let's apply that rule uniformly.

No. You can't discriminate against someone for their sexual orientation but you can fire someone who you know to be a wife abuser. Bad for the companies image.

No one defends wife abusers. If you want to fire someone for being gay, they are protected by the constitution. Wife abusers are not.
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not

A child isn't an adult. I'm OK with you wanting to designate women as being children before the law but at least be honest about what you're arguing for. Women, of any age, cannot be allowed to drink because the law considers them to be children. Women can't have credit cards because the law considers them to be children.

A child needs extraordinary protection from the law in cases where the child's parents are failing in their duty to the child. A woman is an adult, she can leave an abusive situation or an abusive relationship.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior.

What goes on in the private lives of individuals is not the business of the employer. If Rice was a homosexual and taking it up the ass, the NFL would have no business judging him worthy or unworthy of being on the team.

But if you want to open the door to allow employers to fire people for personal behaviors of which they disapprove, I don't have an objection so long as we apply this rule uniformly.

I didn't say women should be treated like children.

You are ignoring the abused women syndrome. They were talking about this on the radio today. Ever see a woman getting her ass kicked by her man, another man steps in to defend her and she turns on him and starts defending her abusive boyfriend? Dogs do it too. A master can abuse his dog all his life and if another man started beating up his master, he would defend his master.

Abused women are not thinking right. They have been brainwashed to think they deserve the beatings they get. I don't think they are children but they sure aren't intelligent women who know to get out of that abusive relationship.
If we see a child being molested, do we care if the child wants to press charges? No we do not

A child isn't an adult. I'm OK with you wanting to designate women as being children before the law but at least be honest about what you're arguing for. Women, of any age, cannot be allowed to drink because the law considers them to be children. Women can't have credit cards because the law considers them to be children.

A child needs extraordinary protection from the law in cases where the child's parents are failing in their duty to the child. A woman is an adult, she can leave an abusive situation or an abusive relationship.

The NFL can not tolerate this kind of behavior.

What goes on in the private lives of individuals is not the business of the employer. If Rice was a homosexual and taking it up the ass, the NFL would have no business judging him worthy or unworthy of being on the team.

But if you want to open the door to allow employers to fire people for personal behaviors of which they disapprove, I don't have an objection so long as we apply this rule uniformly.

I didn't say women should be treated like children.

You are ignoring the abused women syndrome. They were talking about this on the radio today. Ever see a woman getting her ass kicked by her man, another man steps in to defend her and she turns on him and starts defending her abusive boyfriend? Dogs do it too. A master can abuse his dog all his life and if another man started beating up his master, he would defend his master.

Abused women are not thinking right. They have been brainwashed to think they deserve the beatings they get. I don't think they are children but they sure aren't intelligent women who know to get out of that abusive relationship.

And homosexuals aren't thinking right. Get it? It's not government's business to second guess adults on whether they're "thinking right." If you think that this woman is mentally ill, then take her before a judge and commit her to a mental hospital, otherwise keep government out of the business of people's marriages. Your religious views shouldn't be shoved onto other people.
Here is the real question. What exactly did we learn about this incident that is new? We already know the NFL knew. He was already penalized for doing what everyone else knew he did.

What exactly have we learned that is new over the last 24 hours?
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Here is the real question. What exactly did we learn about this incident that is new? We already know the NFL knew. He was already penalized for doing what everyone else knew he did.

What exactly have we learned that is new over the last 24 hours?
That the NFL is run by craven assholes.

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