Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

He...like you...is just mad because your vagina didn't pull more weight.

Poor sad little moonbats.

yay another pussy grabbing Trump supporter. No misogyny going on here. Move along....
It's so easy to point at the liberal lies and falsehoods when you can see the truth. I'm a centrist but would never even CONSIDER voting for a true liberal because it is easy to see what dishonest, hypocritical lying scumbags they really are. I suppose they can hold out hope for the college snowflakes that they've indoctrinated, but OTOH, half of them will probably be dead or institutionalized by the time the next election rolls around because they've created a class of people who cannot handle life or reality.

If you voted for Trump you have no right talking about falsehoods to anybody. You guys fell for it like a sack of spuds. Well done. Every time Trumpie opened his mouth you got down on your knees and sucked in the bile he was selling....
If you voted for Trump you have no right talking about falsehoods to anybody. You guys fell for it like a sack of spuds. Well done. Every time Trumpie opened his mouth you got down on your knees and sucked in the bile he was selling....
Both ChrisL and myself voted for Johnson, but are not unhappy to see that Hillary lost.

If you are so unhappy to see Trump win, why didn't you support a better candidate than Hillary Clinton?
Trump won, get over it… Bed wetter

Couple of things here;

Translation: I have no argument so I'll just ad hom.
Me: I know. You're as dumb as a post. You couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag.

yeah Trump won the EC. Hillary won the popular vote. And just to translate that for your dumb arse, more people voted for her to be president. Yeah. More. Not Less. More.
More people in more states voted for trump, 31 as opposed to 19.
This is a republic, not a shit eating democracy.
Both candidates knew going into the election, the EC determines the winner.
All of the PC progressives are still in disbelief, but they deserve The Donald as president of the United States. :lmao:

I'm not in disbelief. I think it says a lot about the US. A country where the conservative just loves to be loved. Where they crave it. Where their egos are so uncontrolled they think they're sticking it to the 'rest of the world' how great they are. But we don't think you're great. We're laughing at you noecon whackos. It's a belly ache kinda laugh. Falling over ourselves with mirth. We;re thinking "They could never be as dumb as they were when they voted in the thick-as-pig-shit, moronic stooge like Bush again, could they"? No they couldn't, Instead , they doubled down. They went twice as bad.. RATFLMAO...you guys are so caught up in cutting off your noses to spite your faces, you've just fucked yourselves up the arse with somebody who not only will be one of the worst presidents in US history, but possibly one of the worst in the 21st century. His only saving grace is that there will be 83 years left in this century to prove me wrong. I hope he does. For your sake.
Sorry, I'm not a Republican, I'm a libertarian… We've just had the worst president in our history…
While not being a Trump fan I do have to say it was great for the country to get the Hildabeast the fuck out of there… LOL
Anything is better than having a career politician as president of the United States, we just had a commander Asshat in there. No thanks.
Why are you melting down? You aren't even American.

Melting down? Fuck no. Ask my wife. When Trump was elected I was laughing my arse off. Not for the poor normal people who will have to live through the charlatan's tenure. No, I was laughing at those who voted for him. If you think he is even going to deliver 1/10 of what he promised you're mistaken. I think I could have run for president and fucked you guys over. All he did - and this is so easy to do - is tell you what you wanted to hear. And he did. And you voted for him. he offered no actual plans, ideas or manifesto. Not once did he address an issue. He offered you the world, and you believed. He is a snake oil salesman. And you fell for it. He is a Nigerian scam artist and ou just sent him your last $20 bill .Well done. Now what?

And what is he doing right now? Looking to those who sucked his cock long enough and reward. Not on merit. Not if they are best for the job. Not if they are qualified enough. no, just who sucked him off long enough. This is fantastic/a disaster. I am literally going to be watching a train wreck....
You must've missed out, hope and change was a load of shit. Country is much worse off because of it.
You being a snowflake would not understand…:itsok:
He...like you...is just mad because your vagina didn't pull more weight.

Poor sad little moonbats.

yay another pussy grabbing Trump supporter. No misogyny going on here. Move along....
Here's some crocodile tears for you…:lmao:

If you voted for Trump you have no right talking about falsehoods to anybody. You guys fell for it like a sack of spuds. Well done. Every time Trumpie opened his mouth you got down on your knees and sucked in the bile he was selling....
Both ChrisL and myself voted for Johnson, but are not unhappy to see that Hillary lost.

If you are so unhappy to see Trump win, why didn't you support a better candidate than Hillary Clinton?

I voted for Trump. While I would have liked to have voted for Johnson, I realized that he didn't have a chance in hell of winning and I wanted to help keep Hillary out of the White House. My biggest concern was her picking SCOTUS nominees. I wanted to do everything in my power to keep THAT from happening. I feel we would have seen our rights eroded away by liberal judges.
It's so easy to point at the liberal lies and falsehoods when you can see the truth. I'm a centrist but would never even CONSIDER voting for a true liberal because it is easy to see what dishonest, hypocritical lying scumbags they really are. I suppose they can hold out hope for the college snowflakes that they've indoctrinated, but OTOH, half of them will probably be dead or institutionalized by the time the next election rolls around because they've created a class of people who cannot handle life or reality.

If you voted for Trump you have no right talking about falsehoods to anybody. You guys fell for it like a sack of spuds. Well done. Every time Trumpie opened his mouth you got down on your knees and sucked in the bile he was selling....

You are disgusting. I know it's difficult but try to have just a modicum of class.

Hillary is a corrupt career establishment politician. There is no defending that. I don't really care how you feel about MY vote. It's really not your business anyways. Perhaps it's time to for you to stop whining and accept your new president, President Trump. :)
Why are you melting down? You aren't even American.

Melting down? Fuck no. Ask my wife. When Trump was elected I was laughing my arse off........
Yet you do seem to be suffering a lot of angst and giving off a lot of hate toward anyone you think may have voted for Trump such as your previous false accusation against ChrisL.

How anyone can support the disgusting leftists is beyond me. They think they are somehow "superior" but it is quite obvious that they are completely INFERIOR. Trash is what they really are.
I voted for Trump. While I would have liked to have voted for Johnson, I realized that he didn't have a chance in hell of winning and I wanted to help keep Hillary out of the White House. My biggest concern was her picking SCOTUS nominees. I wanted to do everything in my power to keep THAT from happening. I feel we would have seen our rights eroded away by liberal judges.
Every American voter has to confront those issues. You voted for your reasons, I for mine. That said, a sincere thanks for your explanation even though it wasn't necessary. After all, we're both registered American voters and all others can go fuck themselves. :D
How anyone can support the disgusting leftists is beyond me. They think they are somehow "superior" but it is quite obvious that they are completely INFERIOR. Trash is what they really are.
"Leftists" meaning socialist nanny-staters who want to dictate what is best for everyone? Agreed 100%.

OTOH, there are Rightists who want to dictate our freedoms too. I'm a right-leaning moderate who believes the Libertarian platform best fits my ideals compared to the Democrat and Republican platforms even if it is not 100% (mostly disagreeing isolationist issues).

I, for one, am fucking tired of elitist assholes dictating from their Washington mountaintop what is best for me and my family. I'm not talking about treaties with other nations, national defense or other national/international issues, but individual rights. A right to choose how to live, how to think, what to believe. Fuck all those cocksuckers.
How anyone can support the disgusting leftists is beyond me. They think they are somehow "superior" but it is quite obvious that they are completely INFERIOR. Trash is what they really are.
"Leftists" meaning socialist nanny-staters who want to dictate what is best for everyone? Agreed 100%.

OTOH, there are Rightists who want to dictate our freedoms too. I'm a right-leaning moderate who believes the Libertarian platform best fits my ideals compared to the Democrat and Republican platforms even if it is not 100% (mostly disagreeing isolationist issues).

I, for one, am fucking tired of elitist assholes dictating from their Washington mountaintop what is best for me and my family. I'm not talking about treaties with other nations, national defense or other national/international issues, but individual rights. A right to choose how to live, how to think, what to believe. Fuck all those cocksuckers.

Lol! Agreed! :D

I am a centrist, so while I hold some left leaning and right leaning views, I can recognize the bullying ways of the liberals (neo liberals is what they should be called). I couldn't agree more about individual rights. I'm not crazy about the religious right and their wish to force their brand of morality on everyone else either.

I'm sick of the name calling and the constant race card played by the left. I was absolutely appalled when Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as "deplorables." Attacking the other candidate is one thing but when you start attacking the American people, you have gone too far, IMO.
Lol! Agreed! :D

I am a centrist, so while I hold some left leaning and right leaning views, I can recognize the bullying ways of the liberals (neo liberals is what they should be called). I couldn't agree more about individual rights. I'm not crazy about the religious right and their wish to force their brand of morality on everyone else either.

I'm sick of the name calling and the constant race card played by the left. I was absolutely appalled when Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as "deplorables." Attacking the other candidate is one thing but when you start attacking the American people, you have gone too far, IMO.
Agreed, Chris. Tired of the bullshit too. Tired of those who keep pushing the bullshit.

Be fair, be honest, seek truth. That's a good motto!

You are disgusting. I know it's difficult but try to have just a modicum of class.

Hillary is a corrupt career establishment politician. There is no defending that. I don't really care how you feel about MY vote. It's really not your business anyways. Perhaps it's time to for you to stop whining and accept your new president, President Trump. :)

you voted for a pussy-grabbing, woman-hating racist loser and you ask me to have class? oh, the irony. How is she corrupt? I asked this question so many times before the election on this board and not ONE single person answered. Sure, there was a lot of vitriole and links to 'rumours', but not one single fact. not one. Briebart and Loser Hannity and Beck and Insane Jones can spout and rant all they like. We can call make up shit....proving it is a different matter.
I was absolutely appalled when Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as "deplorables." Attacking the other candidate is one thing but when you start attacking the American people, you have gone too far, IMO.

Most, but not all, were deplorable. They are white trash. I saw the rallies. I saw their sound bites on TV. Nothing but uneducated trash. Hillary and the Dems main concern are the ones who voted for Trump but don't fit that category. We're probably talking about 10-15 million of the 60 million who voted for Trump.

And, please, save you false indignation about what Hillary said about those losers. You've hated her from day 1. Her calling them for what they are had no affect on how you voted.

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