Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

i still think Hillary lost because she always acted so stupid, all she had to do was speak, and 200 Million Americans just laugh at her. "What A Stupid Bitch!" "And she's running for President???"
She had a lot of fans. Per another thread, most of them are "snowflakes".







They sang that at my mothers funeral...


they should still be laughing. it's a joke.

and he's still behind by about a million votes.

it's not like he or you are any smarter than you were the day before election day. i'd also look to how incompetent his transition is. his "presidency" won't be any less pathetic

and he's still behind by about a million votes.

When do those votes convert into electoral votes?

Before of after he takes the Oath of Office?
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.

OMG...you're a fucking idiot. While I agree with quite a bit of what is said in the video, you still don't get it. She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions. Now he is in the winning seat he might actually offer something. I'm beginning to believe you're a left wing satirist going by your posts "attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"? Your are a fucking moron of the first degree... The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...
Why are you melting down? You aren't even American.

he isn't melting down, nutter.
He...like you...is just mad because your vagina didn't pull more weight.

Poor sad little moonbats.
None of the English can pronounce Sanders' name; all of the call him Saunders. As if there are not enough American commentators on American politics, here is an Englishman.
I see Snowflake has run away from an adult discussion . . . again. Insult, make a silly statement and then run. That is the mantra of the rotten liberals. Lol.
It's so easy to point at the liberal lies and falsehoods when you can see the truth. I'm a centrist but would never even CONSIDER voting for a true liberal because it is easy to see what dishonest, hypocritical lying scumbags they really are. I suppose they can hold out hope for the college snowflakes that they've indoctrinated, but OTOH, half of them will probably be dead or institutionalized by the time the next election rolls around because they've created a class of people who cannot handle life or reality.
Trump won, get over it… Bed wetter

Couple of things here;

Translation: I have no argument so I'll just ad hom.
Me: I know. You're as dumb as a post. You couldn't debate your way out of a wet paper bag.

yeah Trump won the EC. Hillary won the popular vote. And just to translate that for your dumb arse, more people voted for her to be president. Yeah. More. Not Less. More.
All of the PC progressives are still in disbelief, but they deserve The Donald as president of the United States. :lmao:

I'm not in disbelief. I think it says a lot about the US. A country where the conservative just loves to be loved. Where they crave it. Where their egos are so uncontrolled they think they're sticking it to the 'rest of the world' how great they are. But we don't think you're great. We're laughing at you noecon whackos. It's a belly ache kinda laugh. Falling over ourselves with mirth. We;re thinking "They could never be as dumb as they were when they voted in the thick-as-pig-shit, moronic stooge like Bush again, could they"? No they couldn't, Instead , they doubled down. They went twice as bad.. RATFLMAO...you guys are so caught up in cutting off your noses to spite your faces, you've just fucked yourselves up the arse with somebody who not only will be one of the worst presidents in US history, but possibly one of the worst in the 21st century. His only saving grace is that there will be 83 years left in this century to prove me wrong. I hope he does. For your sake.
Why are you melting down? You aren't even American.

Melting down? Fuck no. Ask my wife. When Trump was elected I was laughing my arse off. Not for the poor normal people who will have to live through the charlatan's tenure. No, I was laughing at those who voted for him. If you think he is even going to deliver 1/10 of what he promised you're mistaken. I think I could have run for president and fucked you guys over. All he did - and this is so easy to do - is tell you what you wanted to hear. And he did. And you voted for him. he offered no actual plans, ideas or manifesto. Not once did he address an issue. He offered you the world, and you believed. He is a snake oil salesman. And you fell for it. He is a Nigerian scam artist and ou just sent him your last $20 bill .Well done. Now what?

And what is he doing right now? Looking to those who sucked his cock long enough and reward. Not on merit. Not if they are best for the job. Not if they are qualified enough. no, just who sucked him off long enough. This is fantastic/a disaster. I am literally going to be watching a train wreck....
And Hillary voted YES to Iraq. Lol.

And? Trump was for it too....
As mentioned ad nauseum though the vast majority of Repubs in the Senate and house voted for the war in Iraq. A majority of Dems did not.

Trump had no vote. He was a civilian. Lol.

Not the point. Doesn't matter whether he was a politician, civilian or a pussy grabbing billionaire, his stance on the matter is important.
This guy is not saying anything new. Just about every person I know, including many if not most here, all said both choices sucked.

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