Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

"When the Founding Fathers protected our right to free speech, I think that meant we were supposed to use it." jillian

The quote is a good one and one I support 100%. However, attacking people, impeding their right of free passage, bullying them into silence and other such actions shown by the anti-Trump protesters isn't free speech, it's an attempt to take away the free speech of others.
How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more, but basically 97% of Repubs in the house and senate voted for the war in Iraq. About 50% of dems did. That matters. Dubya and his deferment/chickhawk cabal had the final say and it rests with them. Your argument seems to be "95 percent of my people agree with the decision. 50 per cent of the other guys agreed so it's their fault". uh-ih, not way. Doesn't work like that unless you're simpleton. Are you a simpleton?

As for Benghazi, Stephenson was told NOT to go, and he went anyway, so the responsibility lies with him. And just so you know he died of smoke inhalation not bullets.
Yeah, looks like smoke inhalation to me.



....She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions.......
All correct, but what she articulated didn't sit well with many voters. IMO, especially her articulation to ban guns. Sure, she put it subtly like President Obama by dishonestly phrasing it as "weapons of war" and "military-style weapons" but her message was both consistent and clear. Now tell me that isn't what she meant, that she was just engaging in political rhetoric AKA bullshit and that the Democrats have no desire for any additional gun control beyond reenacting Slick Willies gun control bill.

Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention
She will also support work to keep military-style weapons off our streets.

Hillary Clinton Is Basically the Only Person in DC Who Wants to Ban Assault Weapons
she once again called for the reinstitution of a federal ban on the sale of assault weapons, telling CBS This Morning, “We’ve got to keep weapons of war off our streets.

These are weapons of war. These are military-style weapons. Her message was clear for those who were listening:

Bolt-action rifle

Ithaca Model 37 pump shotgun

Navy Smith & Wesson Victory revolver. Similar to the one issued when I was in the Navy (Marine pilots carried .45s), so I chose to carry my own Browning Hipower 9mm (stored in the ship's armory, of course).
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How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more, but basically 97% of Repubs in the house and senate voted for the war in Iraq. About 50% of dems did. That matters. Dubya and his deferment/chickhawk cabal had the final say and it rests with them. Your argument seems to be "95 percent of my people agree with the decision. 50 per cent of the other guys agreed so it's their fault". uh-ih, not way. Doesn't work like that unless you're simpleton. Are you a simpleton?

As for Benghazi, Stephenson was told NOT to go, and he went anyway, so the responsibility lies with him. And just so you know he died of smoke inhalation not bullets.
Yeah, looks like smoke inhalation to me.




They spread the lie that this man was already dead. Obviously he was not. Horrible people they are, horrible and rotten liars, partly (at least partly) responsible for the torture and death of that man. :(
How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more, but basically 97% of Repubs in the house and senate voted for the war in Iraq. About 50% of dems did. That matters. Dubya and his deferment/chickhawk cabal had the final say and it rests with them. Your argument seems to be "95 percent of my people agree with the decision. 50 per cent of the other guys agreed so it's their fault". uh-ih, not way. Doesn't work like that unless you're simpleton. Are you a simpleton?

As for Benghazi, Stephenson was told NOT to go, and he went anyway, so the responsibility lies with him. And just so you know he died of smoke inhalation not bullets.
Yeah, looks like smoke inhalation to me.




They spread the lie that this man was already dead. Obviously he was not. Horrible people they are, horrible and rotten liars, partly (at least partly) responsible for the torture and death of that man. :(

To hell with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Evil bastards.
Yeah, this was posted in another thread. He's exactly right about WHY still, he's a left wing loon.

you would have to be sane and not a full on rightwingnut to know what left is.

Here is what "left" is...

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
And Hillary voted YES to Iraq. Lol.

And? Trump was for it too....
As mentioned ad nauseum though the vast majority of Repubs in the Senate and house voted for the war in Iraq. A majority of Dems did not.
Yeah, looks like smoke inhalation to me.




Local civilians found Stevens and brought him to the Benghazi Medical Centre in a state of cardiac arrest. Medical personnel tried to resuscitate him, but he was pronounced dead at about 2 a.m. local time on September 12, 2012.[19]

According to Bloomberg, just under 3 billion, according to Forbes, just over 4

Reading problems?

I said grades, not SAT scores

and you were mayor of...?

I thought he said he was worth $10 billion.. Hey. what's a few billion amongst friends?

Oh, so SATs don't matter...riiiggghhttt..

Oh, so now I can be Mayor of Shitvilles, Nowheresland and I'm worth something and am somebody. Okay....
Trump won, get over it… Bed wetter
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.

OMG...you're a fucking idiot. While I agree with quite a bit of what is said in the video, you still don't get it. She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions. Now he is in the winning seat he might actually offer something. I'm beginning to believe you're a left wing satirist going by your posts "attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"? Your are a fucking moron of the first degree... The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...
Why are you melting down? You aren't even American.
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.

OMG...you're a fucking idiot. While I agree with quite a bit of what is said in the video, you still don't get it. She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions. Now he is in the winning seat he might actually offer something. I'm beginning to believe you're a left wing satirist going by your posts "attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"? Your are a fucking moron of the first degree... The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...
Why are you melting down? You aren't even American.

he isn't melting down, nutter.
Yeah, this was posted in another thread. He's exactly right about WHY still, he's a left wing loon.

another thread?

I think I"ve seen it in about 10
With good reason... it's a devastating analysis of just how culpable Democrats were in their own defeat.

But, it is the Fate of Man, that he does not learn from his mistakes, in things touching upon collaborative efforts such as Politics.

So, Leftists will continue to delude themselves that it was everyone's fault but their own, and that it was every factor under the sun except their own agenda.

Such arrogance and self-delusion just cost them the White House, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court.

Well done, Lefties... well done.


Now... get your heads out of your asses, fix what's wrong (with you, and your agenda), and get back out there again.

America is going to need a Loyal Opposition more than ever, in about 60 days.

And, if you're not up to the job, in a meaningful, substantive and effective manner, then someone or something else will arise to shove you aside, and take your place.

It's "Go Time", you arrogant shits.

Time to shed your arrogance, your elitist Establishment ways, and some big chunks of your agenda, and to embrace White, Christian, Straight America again.

Especially its Blue Collar demographic, which you've owned since FDR's time, and which just bitch-slapped the hell out of you, for going wwwaaayyyyy too far with your frigging social engineering and your judicial activism and your internationalism and your siding with Illegal Aliens and Refugees over your own people - you damned fools.

Can you change enough to overcome all that?

Are you up to the challenge?

If not, you're gonna be sitting on the sidelines for a VERY long time, after what's just happened.

It's "Go Time", kiddies.
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