Raving Englishman tells why Hillary Lost. Most of its true, too..

No mention of Joe 'Hi folks, I'm back again' Biden, Joe 'what do you mean I have to run as an independent' Lieberman, Al 'I can't win my home state' Gore, Walter 'I can only win my homestate' Mondale, Hillary 'I can't win anything unless you just give it too me' Clinton, Mike 'Tank commander' Dukacus.

aren't they in your talking points?

Talking about intelligence here. Not whether they won their states. "I can see Russia from my house"..."One day you too can be president with a C average" "potatoe.." Dumb FUCKS all of them..."Birther"...
How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more, but basically 97% of Repubs in the house and senate voted for the war in Iraq. About 50% of dems did. That matters. Dubya and his deferment/chickhawk cabal had the final say and it rests with them. Your argument seems to be "95 percent of my people agree with the decision. 50 per cent of the other guys agreed so it's their fault". uh-ih, not way. Doesn't work like that unless you're simpleton. Are you a simpleton?

As for Benghazi, Stephenson was told NOT to go, and he went anyway, so the responsibility lies with him. And just so you know he died of smoke inhalation not bullets.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more,

and yet, you are bothered enough to tell us you can't be bothered?
How bout Congress who approved those wars??

How bout Hillary and her incompetent State Department that did nothing, a nothing that allowed Benghazi to happen.

I have posted this so many times I can't be bothered any more, but basically 97% of Repubs in the house and senate voted for the war in Iraq. About 50% of dems did. That matters. Dubya and his deferment/chickhawk cabal had the final say and it rests with them. Your argument seems to be "95 percent of my people agree with the decision. 50 per cent of the other guys agreed so it's their fault". uh-ih, not way. Doesn't work like that unless you're simpleton. Are you a simpleton?

As for Benghazi, Stephenson was told NOT to go, and he went anyway, so the responsibility lies with him. And just so you know he died of smoke inhalation not bullets.

He sure did but they received months of warnings and his boss, the State Department should have done what the Brits and Red Cross did. Pull the fuck out of the area. If they had done that there would have been no Benghazi and those four men would still be alive.

Congress voted for that war. Who cares how many Reps or Dems voted for it. The fact that they did is a fact.
Hillary lost because she is not liked. She was offensive in every way, nobody could stand listening to her or watching her. She never articulated what she would do as president, all she did throughout the whole campaign was attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations and say stupid shit like "I'll fight for you", and everyone knew she wouldn't. Everyone knew she's a criminal and sold out her country. Terrible candidate, probably the worst ever.

OMG...you're a fucking idiot. While I agree with quite a bit of what is said in the video, you still don't get it. She absolutely articulated what she would do as president. Trump did not. All he offered were sound bites with no solutions. Now he is in the winning seat he might actually offer something. I'm beginning to believe you're a left wing satirist going by your posts "attack Trump personally with smears and false allegations"? You mean like "LOCK HER UP"? False allegation like "grab her by the pussy"? Your are a fucking moron of the first degree... The worst candidate ever at any level was Palin. Then Trump. Then Dumbya. Then Quayle. Easily verifiable by their lack of IQ...

Yeah, she wanted to raise taxes. She got a huge chunk of change from the banking oligarchs that control this debt slavery system so we know THAT wasn't going to change. I never heard a single thing from her about how she would deal with the incredible trade imbalance. She had a big ol bag of nothing. Trump was pretty clear to me what he wants to do and his message resonated with Americans that have seen their manufacturing jobs disappear. Hitlery SHOULD be locked up....she and her pals like John Podesta, Huma Abedin and others are up to their necks in shit with the revelations of Wikileaks and the information contained on Anthony Wiener's computer implicating them in child trafficking and Hitlery and Bill "drop trou" using their influence to get Laura Silsby off the hook when she tried to get 33 children out of the country claiming that they were "orphans" when most of them were not and why would you need to whisk away "orphans" to take them to an orphanage when you could have one built in Haiti with the billions donated to the Haitian relief fund that had yet to be spent that was being controlled by the Clinton (slush fund) Foundation? The whole thing reeks and it reeks BIG time and ties into the world-wide child trafficking ring that is BIG money for the perverted global elites that have an appetite for little children....be proud, ass-wipe....be REAL proud that you backed that piece of disgusting shit.
No mention of Joe 'Hi folks, I'm back again' Biden, Joe 'what do you mean I have to run as an independent' Lieberman, Al 'I can't win my home state' Gore, Walter 'I can only win my homestate' Mondale, Hillary 'I can't win anything unless you just give it too me' Clinton, Mike 'Tank commander' Dukacus.

aren't they in your talking points?

Talking about intelligence here. Not whether they won their states. "I can see Russia from my house"..."One day you too can be president with a C average" "potatoe.." Dumb FUCKS all of them..."Birther"...

"I can see Russia from my house"..."

Tina Fey said that, not Palin.


Started in Clintons campaign against Obama.

Which says a lot about YOUR intelligence.

(Do you enjoy getting laughed at?)

oh, and before I forget...

that president with the C average did better than his opponent in school
Tina Fey said that, not Palin.


Started in Clintons campaign against Obama.

Which says a lot about YOUR intelligence.

(Do you enjoy getting laughed at?)

oh, and before I forget...

that president with the C average did better than his opponent in school

Hey if you want to champion obvious morons go for it!
Yeah, she wanted to raise taxes. She got a huge chunk of change from the banking oligarchs that control this debt slavery system so we know THAT wasn't going to change. I never heard a single thing from her about how she would deal with the incredible trade imbalance. She had a big ol bag of nothing. Trump was pretty clear to me what he wants to do and his message resonated with Americans that have seen their manufacturing jobs disappear. Hitlery SHOULD be locked up....she and her pals like John Podesta, Huma Abedin and others are up to their necks in shit with the revelations of Wikileaks and the information contained on Anthony Wiener's computer implicating them in child trafficking and Hitlery and Bill "drop trou" using their influence to get Laura Silsby off the hook when she tried to get 33 children out of the country claiming that they were "orphans" when most of them were not and why would you need to whisk away "orphans" to take them to an orphanage when you could have one built in Haiti with the billions donated to the Haitian relief fund that had yet to be spent that was being controlled by the Clinton (slush fund) Foundation? The whole thing reeks and it reeks BIG time and ties into the world-wide child trafficking ring that is BIG money for the perverted global elites that have an appetite for little children....be proud, ass-wipe....be REAL proud that you backed that piece of disgusting shit.

Tina Fey said that, not Palin.


Started in Clintons campaign against Obama.

Which says a lot about YOUR intelligence.

(Do you enjoy getting laughed at?)

oh, and before I forget...

that president with the C average did better than his opponent in school

Hey if you want to champion obvious morons go for it!

If you need to lie about them to make them look like morons....

Well, proves how low your intelligence is.
Yeah, she wanted to raise taxes. She got a huge chunk of change from the banking oligarchs that control this debt slavery system so we know THAT wasn't going to change. I never heard a single thing from her about how she would deal with the incredible trade imbalance. She had a big ol bag of nothing. Trump was pretty clear to me what he wants to do and his message resonated with Americans that have seen their manufacturing jobs disappear. Hitlery SHOULD be locked up....she and her pals like John Podesta, Huma Abedin and others are up to their necks in shit with the revelations of Wikileaks and the information contained on Anthony Wiener's computer implicating them in child trafficking and Hitlery and Bill "drop trou" using their influence to get Laura Silsby off the hook when she tried to get 33 children out of the country claiming that they were "orphans" when most of them were not and why would you need to whisk away "orphans" to take them to an orphanage when you could have one built in Haiti with the billions donated to the Haitian relief fund that had yet to be spent that was being controlled by the Clinton (slush fund) Foundation? The whole thing reeks and it reeks BIG time and ties into the world-wide child trafficking ring that is BIG money for the perverted global elites that have an appetite for little children....be proud, ass-wipe....be REAL proud that you backed that piece of disgusting shit.


What's your cats name?
Yeah, she wanted to raise taxes. She got a huge chunk of change from the banking oligarchs that control this debt slavery system so we know THAT wasn't going to change. I never heard a single thing from her about how she would deal with the incredible trade imbalance. She had a big ol bag of nothing. Trump was pretty clear to me what he wants to do and his message resonated with Americans that have seen their manufacturing jobs disappear. Hitlery SHOULD be locked up....she and her pals like John Podesta, Huma Abedin and others are up to their necks in shit with the revelations of Wikileaks and the information contained on Anthony Wiener's computer implicating them in child trafficking and Hitlery and Bill "drop trou" using their influence to get Laura Silsby off the hook when she tried to get 33 children out of the country claiming that they were "orphans" when most of them were not and why would you need to whisk away "orphans" to take them to an orphanage when you could have one built in Haiti with the billions donated to the Haitian relief fund that had yet to be spent that was being controlled by the Clinton (slush fund) Foundation? The whole thing reeks and it reeks BIG time and ties into the world-wide child trafficking ring that is BIG money for the perverted global elites that have an appetite for little children....be proud, ass-wipe....be REAL proud that you backed that piece of disgusting shit.


If you need to lie about them to make them look like morons....

Well, proves how low your intelligence is.

Yeah, because Quayle, Bush, Palin and Trump are the epitome of intelligence. You stick with that. It will see you go a long way in life. No, it really will!
how dare she offer competence.

orage is the new black, eh?

To be honest, Hillary kinda looked relieved after the election. Like she wasn't that interested. Trump looked the opposite. When you look at the moron loons on the right on this board alone, I kinda sympathise with His Orangeness..
If you need to lie about them to make them look like morons....

Well, proves how low your intelligence is.

Yeah, because Quayle, Bush, Palin and Trump are the epitome of intelligence. You stick with that. It will see you go a long way in life. No, it really will!

NO one said they were the 'epitome' of intelligence, but your need to lie about them makes them all more intelligent than you.


Turned a few million into a few billion.


Higher grades in college than his opponent Gore


Housewife to city council to mayor to governor.

What's your campaign record.

You keep lying, I'll keep laughing.
how dare she offer competence.

orage is the new black, eh?

To be honest, Hillary kinda looked relieved after the election. Like she wasn't that interested. Trump looked the opposite. When you look at the moron loons on the right on this board alone, I kinda sympathise with His Orangeness..

i took the opposite from that. i think trump is shocked and doesn't really want anything to do with running the country. he clearly doesn't have a clue about what a transition is supposed to be.

and he's surrounded by incompetents. more interestingly, his kids are going to both run the business and be "national security advisors". not like there's a conflict of interest there.

no doubt their insight into our security will be based in .....nothing.

and yes, look at the imbecile wingnuts even on this thread. they, and their orange sociopath, are pathetic.
Yeah, this was posted in another thread. He's exactly right about WHY still, he's a left wing loon.

you would have to be sane and not a full on rightwingnut to know what left is.


Really, ya little Fabian socialist? Anyone that isn't just left of Mao Tse-Tung is a "rightwing nut". I am so grateful that God saw fit to give me more sense than what you possess...it has to be a very hard life to go through it so terminally stupid.....SMH....

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