Raw Footage Of Michael Hastings Car Exploding Caught On Surveillance Cameras.

Hastings said he was working on a major story. He warned his friends to get attorneys. He was killed because of whatever he found out.

obama doesn't leave witnesses. How many members of Seal Team Six has he assassinated so far?

Indeed......and two Boston police detectives who were on the scene during the shootout with the terror bad guy. Just happened to fall out of a helicopter three weeks ago.......both at the same time. Must have been a banana peel.:banana:
Hastings said he was working on a major story. He warned his friends to get attorneys. He was killed because of whatever he found out.

obama doesn't leave witnesses. How many members of Seal Team Six has he assassinated so far?

Katz bro......must bookmark links my friend.........

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - Clearing the rubbish from the road to reality

No More Fake News Jon Rappoport Investigative Reporter

Washington's Blog

Until about 8 months ago, I would never miss FOX news in the evening on a weeknight. Did it for over 15 years. I don't even waste my time with those frauds anymore. They are just another part of the the ruse. Sandy Hook changed everything for me.......a seminal moment in my life. I trust none of these assholes anymore........the masters in the art of deception.
Cars that have head on crashes into a tree at high speed never have any front end damage:eusa_dance::happy-1::eusa_dance:.....
The car had front end damage

.and we see every day, front end collisions where the engine of the car is 100 yards behind the scene of the accident!!!
You're wrong, the engine was found ahead in the direction the car was going, South of the collision near Highland & Clinton.

Oh....and at the crash scene the next morning, there was a sheet over the front end of the car!!! Well.......we see that every day don't we??!!!
Its quite common to cover parts of a accident with a tarp or sheet when fatality is involved.
Cars that have head on crashes into a tree at high speed never have any front end damage:eusa_dance::happy-1::eusa_dance:.....
The car had front end damage

.and we see every day, front end collisions where the engine of the car is 100 yards behind the scene of the accident!!!
You're wrong, the engine was found ahead in the direction the car was going, South of the collision near Highland & Clinton.

Oh....and at the crash scene the next morning, there was a sheet over the front end of the car!!! Well.......we see that every day don't we??!!!
Its quite common to cover parts of a accident with a tarp or sheet when fatality is involved.

LMAO........there are hundreds of vids of cars hitting an abutment at over 50 mph. This car was reportedly going much faster. In all of these vids, one common thing: the entire front end of the car is destroyed.

But not this car........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Here is the raw vid of Hastings car just after the crash...........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LSY3wVuASg&feature=player_embedded]Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE - YouTube[/ame]

Witness says, "He was coming 100......!!!"

Yup.....that's real legit!!! Who cant see that??

High speed crash.......and the whole fucking front end of the car is intact!!:2up:
The tree he hit isn't damaged. Just scorched. What ever he found out the government killed him for it.
Meanwhile, here in reality land we have dozens of pictures of an obviously damaged tree.



But hey at least you've evolved from your previous dumbass claim of "not a mark on it" eh? It takes a special person to look at that tree and say "not a mark on it" don't you think? You are clearly special.

I toodled on down to Hancock Park to take a look around. What do you think a tree would look like if it had been slammed by a Mercedes going over 100 mph? How about not a mark on it? The only damage is to the road from the fire.

It was a tree he hit? Geez I thought it was something Concrete. I'm not saying his car couldn't have gone up like a roman candle from the crash but I have known many people who have wrapped themselves around trees and an explosion like that never happened. Recently a car hit a curb, went airborn landed on a gas station canopy and fell to the ground. The car was a pretzel and two out of the three died, I think the third guy was thrown from the car saving his life. The car still didn't catch on fire. RIP BRY

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqqAPxv4vlE]Two dead in New Haven crash - YouTube[/ame]
Damage to a car in head on crash at 100mph.......


Reports from eyewitnesses state that Hastings was traveling those speeds...........now look at the photo of his "car crash"!!:funnyface::uhoh3::funnyface::uhoh3::funnyface::uhoh3:

If you were looking at this pic from the other side (like the Hasting's pic) and it was covered with a sheet it would look like there wasn't much damage to the front end.

vid above s0n........and pull up your pants.:gay:
Here is the raw vid of Hastings car just after the crash...........

Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE - YouTube

Witness says, "He was coming 100......!!!"

Yup.....that's real legit!!! Who cant see that??

High speed crash.......and the whole fucking front end of the car is intact!!:2up:

IDK the fire hydrant the car ran over could have breeched the gas tank and the crash caused a spark? Still that was one hell of an explosion.
........there are hundreds of vids of cars hitting an abutment at over 50 mph. This car was reportedly going much faster. In all of these vids, one common thing: the entire front end of the car is destroyed.
Most reports have the car going about 60, not 100.

No front end damage? Wrong again.


Oh my gosh a white sheet over a car crash! Better alert skookerasbil, this is clearly something unusual that is indicative of a government conspiracy.
Here's a pic of Hastings' car, covered. Looks to me on the right, just past the sheet, is part of the left side of the hood/front end of the car. As if there is severe damage done on the left side.



Also, here's a pic of the left side (tree blocks front left though). Looks like the driver's side got whacked against the tree.

Damage to a car in head on crash at 100mph.......


Reports from eyewitnesses state that Hastings was traveling those speeds...........now look at the photo of his "car crash"!!:funnyface::uhoh3::funnyface::uhoh3::funnyface::uhoh3:

If you were looking at this pic from the other side (like the Hasting's pic) and it was covered with a sheet it would look like there wasn't much damage to the front end.

vid above s0n........and pull up your pants.:gay:

Are you under the impression that I'm a gay male?


If you were looking at this pic from the same angle as the Hastings pic, w/sheet covering the front end, it would look like there wasn't much damage done to the front end.

Could Hastings have been killed off? I have no doubt that the government most certainly would do such a thing; I do not trust them as far as I can spit. Did they? I don't know.
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front end collisions where the engine of the car is 100 yards behind the scene of the accident!!!
Here is the engine at 602 Highland near intersection of Clinton. That would be South of the accident, in the direction the car was traveling. Google map it, dumbass and stop making shit up.


The whole front end is intact you fucking shitforbrains assholes!!!
Again, stop making shit up you're no better than that "tree didn't have a mark" moron. You can clearly see most of the left front end is gone, its on the other side of the tree.

Everyone give skooker a break, he thought the Boston Marathon bombings were government staged. He's just that dumb.
front end collisions where the engine of the car is 100 yards behind the scene of the accident!!!
Here is the engine at 602 Highland near intersection of Clinton. That would be South of the accident, in the direction the car was traveling. Google map it, dumbass and stop making shit up.


The whole front end is intact you fucking shitforbrains assholes!!!
Again, stop making shit up you're no better than that "tree didn't have a mark" moron. You can clearly see most of the left front end is gone, its on the other side of the tree.


fAil s0n.........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LSY3wVuASg&feature=player_embedded]Journalist Michael Hastings Dies in Fiery Crash / Hollywood RAW FOOTAGE - YouTube[/ame]
Everyone give skooker a break, he thought the Boston Marathon bombings were government staged. He's just that dumb.

Hey.......what can I say?

Not every day you see a guy who, 5 minutes after his legs were blown off, hes getting pushed in a wheelchair, only his expression says, "Get me the fuck to the bar for a beer!!!"

Both legs torn off and he is looking as fit as a fiddle!!!!:eusa_dance::happy-1::eusa_dance:

And at the scene just after the bombing......no blood.......no blood anywhere around the guy, but shit......his legs were just blown off!!! Id post the pics but last time, the mods threatened to ban my ass.......goggle them for those who like a good laugh.

Clearly legit.......

Pictures That Prove Double Amputee Was An Actor at Boston Bombings | Alternative
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I don't think there is enough information yet to determine what went wrong on this automobile.

My condolences to the family and loved ones of Michael Hastings.

The startling footage shows Hastings’ car speed by and seconds later erupt in flames as it crashes. The L.A. County coroner's office has not given a final ruling on the death, as it awaits the results of a toxicology test. A number of car experts have said there does not seem to be reason to suspect foul play. Hastings' brother, Jeff Hastings, also thinks there was no conspiracy.

Journalist Michael Krikorian's blog post, saying he has shown it to experts who ruled out several conspiracy theories, including that the explosion was the work of a bomb. “I hope that someone will be able to explain why Hastings’s Mercedes was speeding like a silver bullet,” he wrote. "Maybe the answer will show up in the toxicology results. I know this much: American journalism has lost a pit bull of an investigative reporter.”

Hastings' Mercedes crashed at 4:15 a.m. June 19. He was 33.
Snipped from The Hollywood Reporter link
Everyone give skooker a break, he thought the Boston Marathon bombings were government staged. He's just that dumb.

I've not encountered him before, but was quickly coming around to the conclusion that he suffers from mental problems. Aside from the obvious manifestation of irrational paranoia he is able to detach from reality and hold onto something even when it is clearly proven false.

But hey that is part of what makes message boards interesting, you get to encounter the gibbering retards that aren't as easily picked out just walking around town.
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