Ray Epps' lawyer demands Tucker Carlson retract false claim that he was FBI agent on Jan. 6

He was there you proved that after daring me to...
I've never denied he was there. QUite the contrary. I've shown you pictures of Ray Epps on 1/6, disproving your ludicrious theory that your dude in the black hoodie was Ray.

You're lying. If your argument had merit, there would be no need.

and he did say lets go INTO the capitol... now is that illegal or not?.... because people who also did that have been prosecuted... why hasn't Epps?....

He did not. You're lying again. He said;

"When we go in, leave this here."

What, pray tell, is Ray Epps referring to? You can certainly share your assumptions. But you're not quoting Ray.

And NO ONE has been prosecuted for incitement for their actions on J6. You're lying again.

If your argument needs this many lies to support it, its not a good argument.
In your mind Epps is just a dumb hick MAGA hat wearing clown... so why are you defending him?....

Because your conspiracy is batshit crazy. You've literally picked a guy in a sea of MAGA, and then tried to blame the entire attack on the capitol on this one guy.

All to absolve your ilk's responsibility for their attack on the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

There is no evidence that Ray Epps is a fed. There is no evidence that Ray Epps started the attack on the capitol. There's no evidence that Ray Epps broke any law.
Does anyone have proof that Carlson called Epps FBI? So far no one has come up with the evidence that Carlson did anything but report the accusation.
Does anyone have proof that Carlson called Epps FBI? So far no one has come up with the evidence that Carlson did anything but report the accusation.

Carlson repeatedly promoted the 'Fedsurrection' conspiracy, including the Ray Epps conspiracy.

Not simply guests, but his own commentary, creating entire segments about the conspiracy.
The question is....why are you inferring yet ANOTHER conspiracy to avoid the most basic of questions about Ray Epps.

What crime could you even charge him with?

When I ask these simple questions, your ilk squirm. They dodge. They make excuses for trying to change the topic. They invent new conspiracies.

Anything but answer the question.

Why? These aren't hard questions. They're basic. And you have no answer.
Are you really this stupid ? What the heck did they charge the other's with for interfering on that day ??? Yeah you are the one deflecting.
Are you really this stupid ? What the heck did they charge the other's with for interfering on that day ??? Yeah you are the one deflecting.

Because they entered the capitol and interfered with an official proceeding.

There's no evidence that Ray Epps entered the capitol. Nor interfered with anything.

So I ask again, what crime could Ray Epps even be charged with?

Its such a simple question. And yet you flee yet again. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to run.
Carlson repeatedly promoted the 'Fedsurrection' conspiracy, including the Ray Epps conspiracy.

Not simply guests, but his own commentary, creating entire segments about the conspiracy.
Carlson reported on others asking why Epps was not in jail and the theory (shouted by the protestors) that Epps was a 'Fed.' Carlson never said he had proof Epps was, in fact, a Fed.
Ray Epps was encouraging people to go into the capitol....when?

....answer that question....

....and you answer your own...

....or you could....

... once again....

....replace reason...

....with more ellipses....
There is a video of him with a megaphone the day before saying just that.
Tomorrow? That's can't be right. I asked you to show me one of the hundred videos of Ray Epps encouraging anyone to enter the capitol on January 6th.

There are no such videos.

Your SOLE video is from January 5th.

What crime is committed in the video you just showed us. And yes, this is a trap. I definitely know more than you do.
What difference does it make what day Epps said that? He was instigating and trying to create turmoil the next day!!! What crime did other protesters who were there commit to be jailed? Many of them never went into the capitol. Also the video from inside the capitol on J6 shown no one committing any crimes.
What difference does it make what day Epps said that? He was instigating and trying to create turmoil the next day!!!

The 1st amendment. The difference between protected speech and incitement is advocacy of "imminent lawless action".

I can refer you to the relevant Supreme Court cases if you're interested. You don't strike me as the curious type, but hey....you could surprise me.

What crime did other protesters who were there commit to be jailed? Many of them never went into the capitol. Also the video from inside the capitol on J6 shown no one committing any crimes.
Speaking of you not striking me as the curious type......why have you refused to look at what others were charged with?

Incurious folks abound. I've got you, baby bird! Many were charged with Obstruction of an Official Proceeding.

Do you have any evidence that Ray Epps obstructed an official proceeding? Or any crime at all?
The 1st amendment. The difference between protected speech and incitement is advocacy of "imminent lawless action".

I can refer you to the relevant Supreme Court cases if you're interested. You don't strike me as the curious type, but hey....you could surprise me.

Speaking of you not striking me as the curious type......why have you refused to look at what others were charged with?

Incurious folks abound. I've got you, baby bird! Many were charged with Obstruction of an Official Proceeding.

Do you have any evidence that Ray Epps obstructed an official proceeding? Or any crime at all?
Well, Epps was inciting an eminent lawless action. According to the J6 committee, Epps was encouraging lawless obstruction wasn't he?
And? What crime would that be?

And yes, this is a trap. I know *way* more about this topic than you do.
The same 'crime' the Biden administration charged protesters with. So, why wasn't Epps arrested and jailed? You don't seem like you know that much.
Well, Epps was inciting an eminent lawless action.

Not eminent. Imminent.

And imminent is time based. A statement made the day before, with several meals and a good night's sleep between between statement and action?

There's nothing imminent about that. A prosecutor would be laughed out of court if they tried.

According to the J6 committee, Epps was encouraging lawless obstruction wasn't he?
No one has been charged with 'encouraging lawless obstruction'.

There's no such crime. Which might explain why no one was charged with it.
The same 'crime' the Biden administration charged protesters with. So, why wasn't Epps arrested and jailed? You don't seem like you know that much.

Do you have evidence that Epps obstructed an official proceeding?

If so, show us.
Do you have evidence that Epps obstructed an official proceeding?

If so, show us.
He did as much or more than others who got arrested and jailed. Frankly, I don't think they or Epps should have been or should be arrested however the discrepancy is glaring. Why wasn't Epps subjected to the same punishment?

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