Rayshard Brooks was "Calm, Cordial, and Really Displayed a Cooperative Nature..."

The the policeman, who talked with Brooks in a cordial manner for a long time, got the results of the Breathalyzer test, showing Brooks was intoxicated, he then tells Brooks he is under arrest, then proceeds to start the handcuffing move, that is when Brooks violently resisted arrest, forcibly wrest the taser from the policeman's hands.

Stop trying to deny it, Brooks resisted arrest and ran off, with police in pursuit, he turns half way around to fire the police grade taser at one of the pursuing policemen.

they had the dude go thru hoops, playing & toying with him - which he was fully compliant in doing with the 'field test' which btw- was totally unnessisary & time consuming if they had a breathalyzer. at no time did they say he was under arrest until all was said & done & wen they handcuffed him - he freaked given the arbery & floyd's killings. the taser was discharged & the cop knew it was rendered useless after that & THAT is when he shot the dude, twive in the back as he was running away.

felony murder is the 1st charge & the other cop has turned state's witness.

yer boy is going down & rightfully so.


You didn't even listen to Brooks meandering replies to the police, he was asked several times on specific details, that is one reason why it took so long. The Police from the start noticed a heavy smell of alcohol in Brooks car and from his breath, the test showed he was legally drunk. The man was parked in the MIDDLE of the DRIVE IN lane! He was sound asleep so deeply that it took several attempts to wake him up, a classic sign of being drunk.

Your attempt to rationalize Brooks violent resistance to a lawful arrest and handcuffing decision is pure stupidity. You can't ignore the following unlawful actions of Brooks:

Resist arrest, violent assault, drove a car drunk, parks car illegally, takes a police grade taser from a policeman, shoots a policeman with the stolen taser.

Stop trying to defend a man who committed MULTIPLE crimes against Policemen who were doing their job patiently in dealing with this criminal.

he was not innocent by any means - but didn't deserve a death sentence, being shot - in the back - as he was running away.

thankfully the state also thinks that. tutt tutt.

But the JURY will Acquit. Then the filthy MOB will burn it down. Consistent with their behavior.

With the Atlanta PD refusing to show up to work, the barbarian mob will burn down the city way before the case goes to the jury. As usual, this shit only happens in cities or states run by enemy within Democrats.

He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

..so if this crazy/irrational/VIOLENT jackass went on to harm someone if the cops let him go, then you people would blame the cops!!!
..or if Mr Violent jackass ---who was committed crimes before--got hurt somehow if they let him go, you would blame the cops@
he deserved what he got--plain and simple

Looks like that asshole DA told more than one lie yesterday

NEW: This statement is from the attorney representing Atlanta cop Devin Brosnan who is charged with assault in the death of Rayshard Brooks. Notably, the attorney says Brosnan has “NOT agreed to be a “state’s witness” as the DA alleged. The attorney lays out his clients side: pic.twitter.com/f270bZRVkZ

David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) June 18, 2020

Did you even watch that video?
The guy didnt even know where he was and he was all over the place. First he didnt know what he was drinking,then it was a pina colada and half a margarita.
The guy couldnt keep his story straight and he kept trying to deflect the conversation to his gf and daughter.

When they tried to put him in cuffs he started fighting.

Thats it,end of story.

he was drunk. there's no disputing that. he was compliant in all the field tests they made him do - when all they had to do was give him the breathaliser from the start. that would have been the end of it.

they played with him & never said he was under arrest until all of that happened.

He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

A taser will render you helpless.

yep. howverrrrrrrrrrrrr............ after discharging twice - it cannot be used again. hence the useless part. when he was running away, turned & discharged the taser - that was the 2nd time - hence again the useless part.

he was shot, in the back, twice, after the cop knew the taser was not going to do a damn thing.

He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

OK lets do a test, you be a cop with an unloaded gun. You let me taze you for real, if I can take the gun from you then you inject heroin into your eyeballs

are you that poorly educated or just play it up on the board?
The DA Howard is playing a shell game with liberal morons to lose the focus on him being investigated during runoff election.
He is also accused of sexual assault.
The DA is pandering to the mob. Pathetic.

As far as the boogaloo nonsense, those folks go hand in hand with 911 truthers, and Sandy Hook deniers. Fucking conspiracy nonsense.

Catering to the lynch mob.

Just shows that Democrat Negroes in prominent positions can not be trusted to do the right thing.

They get elected and appointed for all the wrong reasons. Democrats are just as deficient in Ethics as they are in History, Economics, Climate Science, Biology and the Constitution.

^^^ best ironic post of the day ^^^

& it's only 7:15 am!!!! :113:


It is obvious you didn't watch the last 2 minutes of the video YOU posted, where it shows Brooks violently resisting arrest.

You are making a complete fool of yourself here.

lol - except nothing he did rose to the level of needed deadly force.

& i didn't have to see the whole thing. i saw enough of it plus the presser where all the points state's decision were explained. pretty damning stuff.

He punched the cops, took his taser, then used the taser on the cop. Does the cop have to be on his death bed before he can shoot?

the sticking point was.... now read slowly....

that he was



the taser was not

per their own policy

not a lethal weapon.

nor reached the cop.

& being discharged 2x

the cop knew

it couldn't be used again.

but shot the dude twice.

in the back.

a 3rd bullet hit another car with passengers.
Last edited:


It is obvious you didn't watch the last 2 minutes of the video YOU posted, where it shows Brooks violently resisting arrest.

You are making a complete fool of yourself here.

lol - except nothing he did rose to the level of needed deadly force.

& i didn't have to see the whole thing. i saw enough of it plus the presser where all the points state's decision were explained. pretty damning stuff.

He punched the cops, took his taser, then used the taser on the cop. Does the cop have to be on his death bed before he can shoot?

the sticking point was.... no read slowly....

that he was



the taser was not

per their own policy

not a lethal weapon.

nor reached the cop.

& being discharged 2x

the cop knew

it couldn't be used again.

but shot the dude twice.

in the back.

a 3rd bullet hit another car with passengers.
His last mistake was turning half-way around and firing the taser at a cop. One less thug is not a bad thing.
especially after it was rendered useless
Got a link for that claim? I dont do left-wing sources, but if you can show me any, that'd be great

i don't do biased sources either for exactly the reason you would use as a 'defense'.

but ummmm - would the fulton county DA presser do? btw - i watched/heard the whole thing.

the actual video starts at the 30 min mark - but at 40+ minutes in, should do it.

Looks like that asshole DA told more than one lie yesterday

NEW: This statement is from the attorney representing Atlanta cop Devin Brosnan who is charged with assault in the death of Rayshard Brooks. Notably, the attorney says Brosnan has “NOT agreed to be a “state’s witness” as the DA alleged. The attorney lays out his clients side: pic.twitter.com/f270bZRVkZ

David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) June 18, 2020

or the cop retracted. hmmmmm.... looking for a better plea?

either way - they are both marked men. bad cops don't do well in prison.
The DA is obviously corrupt as fuck and being influenced by politics.

Anyone who watches the FULL VIDEO and claims Brooks was cordial and jovial is a lying asshole.

i believe there are eye witness' too - like the innocents sitting in their car & got a bullet shot at their car.
The DA is obviously corrupt as fuck and being influenced by politics.

Anyone who watches the FULL VIDEO and claims Brooks was cordial and jovial is a lying asshole.

i believe there are eye witness' too - like the innocents sitting in their car & got a bullet shot at their car.
Good thing there was video here. At least we won't have to hear that "hands up, don't shoot" crap now that we know the thug fought and fired at the cops.
Looks like that asshole DA told more than one lie yesterday

NEW: This statement is from the attorney representing Atlanta cop Devin Brosnan who is charged with assault in the death of Rayshard Brooks. Notably, the attorney says Brosnan has “NOT agreed to be a “state’s witness” as the DA alleged. The attorney lays out his clients side: pic.twitter.com/f270bZRVkZ

David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) June 18, 2020

or the cop retracted. hmmmmm.... looking for a better plea?

either way - they are both marked men. bad cops don't do well in prison.

That asshole Neggra DA lied several times in his little hate speech to lynch the Officer yesterday. He also omitted the extenisive violent criminal record of Raytard and the fact that Raytard was treated with some dignity until the sonofabitch decided to vilolently attack the police.

Like I said earlier, shitheads like that Neggra DA have no ehtics. The racist scum of America.
Looks like that asshole DA told more than one lie yesterday

NEW: This statement is from the attorney representing Atlanta cop Devin Brosnan who is charged with assault in the death of Rayshard Brooks. Notably, the attorney says Brosnan has “NOT agreed to be a “state’s witness” as the DA alleged. The attorney lays out his clients side: pic.twitter.com/f270bZRVkZ

David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) June 18, 2020

or the cop retracted. hmmmmm.... looking for a better plea?

either way - they are both marked men. bad cops don't do well in prison.

That asshole Neggra DA lied several times in his little hate speech to lynch the Officer yesterday. He also omitted the extenisive violent criminal record of Raytard and the fact that Raytard was treated with some dignity until the sonofabitch decided to vilolently attack the police.

Like I said earlier, shitheads like that Neggra DA have no ehtics. The racist scum of America.

^ says the torch bearer.

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