Rayshard Brooks was "Calm, Cordial, and Really Displayed a Cooperative Nature..."


Atlanta cop who killed Rayshard Brooks had prior controversial shooting
Officer Garrett Rolfe was involved in a questionable and bizarre 2015 incident.
June 17, 2020 | by Curtis Gilbert

The Atlanta police officer who recently killed Rayshard Brooks was involved in another controversial police shooting in 2015 — a case that a local judge found so troubling, she's still bothered by it to this day.

In the days since the killing of Brooks, numerous media outlets have reported that 12 complaints had been filed against Rolfe during his tenure with the Atlanta Police Department, 9 of which were dismissed.

But the details of the 2015 shooting haven't been widely reported. Rolfe was one of three officers who fired their guns that night. One of the bullets struck the suspect, Jackie Harris, collapsing his lung, according to court records.

But the police report on the matter failed to mention the shootings. The judge in the case, Doris Downs, found that omission bizarre and outrageous.

"I recall it vividly," Downs told APM Reports on Wednesday "I had never really seen anything like this case, where the police report didn't even mention that any shots were fired."
Atlanta cop who killed Rayshard Brooks had prior controversial shooting
Atlanta Fire Department releases new photos of 2nd suspect in Wendy's arson
Published 1 day ago
FOX 5 Atlanta


ATLANTA - Atlanta officials have released photos of another suspect who is believed to have set fire to a southwest Atlanta Wendy's that was the site of the deadly shooting of 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks.

On Tuesday afternoon, officials shared new images of one of the two suspects at a press conference at a fire station on Manford Road. Both suspects believed to be connected to the crime are white women.

Earlier photos of a suspect showed an individual wearing black clothing and a face covering.
The new surveillance photos show another suspect, a woman without a mask who is wearing a black with a purple shirt on her waist and a necklace. She is carrying a blue bag and a water bottle.


Atlanta Fire Department releases new photos of 2nd suspect in Wendy's arson


You disagreed with my post and now post this video as evidence that Brooks was calm, cordial, and cooperative? Do I have that right? Did you watch the whole video? Did you see the other video? He was calm right up until he realized he was being rightfully arrested for DUI. Then he fought...which escalated the entire situation.

Just stop the bullshit.

It appears that he had an outstanding warrant .

The the policeman, who talked with Brooks in a cordial manner for a long time, got the results of the Breathalyzer test, showing Brooks was intoxicated, he then tells Brooks he is under arrest, then proceeds to start the handcuffing move, that is when Brooks violently resisted arrest, forcibly wrest the taser from the policeman's hands.

Stop trying to deny it, Brooks resisted arrest and ran off, with police in pursuit, he turns half way around to fire the police grade taser at one of the pursuing policemen.

they had the dude go thru hoops, playing & toying with him - which he was fully compliant in doing with the 'field test' which btw- was totally unnessisary & time consuming if they had a breathalyzer. at no time did they say he was under arrest until all was said & done & wen they handcuffed him - he freaked given the arbery & floyd's killings. the taser was discharged & the cop knew it was rendered useless after that & THAT is when he shot the dude, twive in the back as he was running away.

felony murder is the 1st charge & the other cop has turned state's witness.

yer boy is going down & rightfully so.


You didn't even listen to Brooks meandering replies to the police, he was asked several times on specific details, that is one reason why it took so long. The Police from the start noticed a heavy smell of alcohol in Brooks car and from his breath, the test showed he was legally drunk. The man was parked in the MIDDLE of the DRIVE IN lane! He was sound asleep so deeply that it took several attempts to wake him up, a classic sign of being drunk.

Your attempt to rationalize Brooks violent resistance to a lawful arrest and handcuffing decision is pure stupidity. You can't ignore the following unlawful actions of Brooks:

Resist arrest, violent assault, drove a car drunk, parks car illegally, takes a police grade taser from a policeman, shoots a policeman with the stolen taser.

Stop trying to defend a man who committed MULTIPLE crimes against Policemen who were doing their job patiently in dealing with this criminal.

I see a justifiable shooting here, how ever this is not how I typically see this shit go down. The first mistake made by the officer was when the first officer let the guy drive to a parking spot. Ohio cops find ya passed out at the wheel they are not going to let you drive the car even an inch. He should have been cuffed and placed in the back of the police vehicle right after being found unresponsive. We can not tell by video if resistance was enough for lethal force to be used but it also does not show it should not have been used. Tragic situation but in this case the cops have reasonable defence of thier actions.
Some of these LEOs could win their court case and then there will be more riots.
These juries know this and it sways their verdicts.
Brooks knew he was on probation. The officers didn't know that. Brooks knew that the arrest would revoke that probation and send him to prison for a long time. The officers didn't know that. The fight Brooks put up came as a surprise.
The shoot was a good one because Brooks was an armed fleeing felon.
Brooks knew he was on probation. The officers didn't know that. Brooks knew that the arrest would revoke that probation and send him to prison for a long time. The officers didn't know that. The fight Brooks put up came as a surprise.
The shoot was a good one because Brooks was an armed fleeing felon.

ummmm.... brooks knew the second he turned his license over to them - which he did with no hesitation or resistance - the po po would run his ID thru the system & that any outstanding warrants, priors or his probation status would magically show up on their computer.

sooooooooooo you still got nuthin'.
Brooks knew he was on probation. The officers didn't know that. Brooks knew that the arrest would revoke that probation and send him to prison for a long time. The officers didn't know that. The fight Brooks put up came as a surprise.
The shoot was a good one because Brooks was an armed fleeing felon.

ummmm.... brooks knew the second he turned his license over to them - which he did with no hesitation or resistance - the po po would run his ID thru the system & that any outstanding warrants, priors or his probation status would magically show up on their computer.

sooooooooooo you still got nuthin'.
As long as nuthin means fleeing felon that gambled and lost.
Brooks knew he was on probation. The officers didn't know that. Brooks knew that the arrest would revoke that probation and send him to prison for a long time. The officers didn't know that. The fight Brooks put up came as a surprise.
The shoot was a good one because Brooks was an armed fleeing felon.

ummmm.... brooks knew the second he turned his license over to them - which he did with no hesitation or resistance - the po po would run his ID thru the system & that any outstanding warrants, priors or his probation status would magically show up on their computer.

sooooooooooo you still got nuthin'.
As long as nuthin means fleeing felon that gambled and lost.

he lost his life.

seems like one piggy is gonna lose much more than that.

The the policeman, who talked with Brooks in a cordial manner for a long time, got the results of the Breathalyzer test, showing Brooks was intoxicated, he then tells Brooks he is under arrest, then proceeds to start the handcuffing move, that is when Brooks violently resisted arrest, forcibly wrest the taser from the policeman's hands.

Stop trying to deny it, Brooks resisted arrest and ran off, with police in pursuit, he turns half way around to fire the police grade taser at one of the pursuing policemen.

they had the dude go thru hoops, playing & toying with him - which he was fully compliant in doing with the 'field test' which btw- was totally unnessisary & time consuming if they had a breathalyzer. at no time did they say he was under arrest until all was said & done & when they handcuffed him - he freaked given the arbery & floyd's killings. the taser was discharged & the cop knew it was rendered useless after that & THAT is when he shot the dude, twice in the back as he was running away.

felony murder is the 1st charge & the other cop has turned state's witness.

yer boy is going down & rightfully so.

This is meaningliess.

The point is that the moronic politcally pressured black DA is going after the cop describing the situation in a way that is total bullshit.

That is the OP.

And it's right.

He's not going anywhere.

Fuck, if they send him to prison, I'll be one of many who'll make sure he's a millionaire when he gets out.
Brooks knew he was on probation. The officers didn't know that. Brooks knew that the arrest would revoke that probation and send him to prison for a long time. The officers didn't know that. The fight Brooks put up came as a surprise.
The shoot was a good one because Brooks was an armed fleeing felon.

ummmm.... brooks knew the second he turned his license over to them - which he did with no hesitation or resistance - the po po would run his ID thru the system & that any outstanding warrants, priors or his probation status would magically show up on their computer.

sooooooooooo you still got nuthin'.
As long as nuthin means fleeing felon that gambled and lost.

he lost his life.

seems like one piggy is gonna lose much more than that.

Fuck you and let's hope the piggy's stand down if you ever find yourself on the bad end of an assault.

Did you even watch that video?
The guy didnt even know where he was and he was all over the place. First he didnt know what he was drinking,then it was a pina colada and half a margarita.
The guy couldnt keep his story straight and he kept trying to deflect the conversation to his gf and daughter.

When they tried to put him in cuffs he started fighting.

Thats it,end of story.

he was drunk. there's no disputing that. he was compliant in all the field tests they made him do - when all they had to do was give him the breathaliser from the start. that would have been the end of it.

they played with him & never said he was under arrest until all of that happened.

So they gave him a chance to prove he wasnt intoxicated and you bitch about it.
And what makes you think it would have turned out any different if they'd gave him the breathalyzer first?
Besides thats not how they do it. They always give field sobriety tests.

He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

A taser will render you helpless.

yep. howverrrrrrrrrrrrr............ after discharging twice - it cannot be used again. hence the useless part. when he was running away, turned & discharged the taser - that was the 2nd time - hence again the useless part.

he was shot, in the back, twice, after the cop knew the taser was not going to do a damn thing.

He did have a shot left in the taser.
You can see him fire it here....

He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

A taser will render you helpless.

yep. howverrrrrrrrrrrrr............ after discharging twice - it cannot be used again. hence the useless part. when he was running away, turned & discharged the taser - that was the 2nd time - hence again the useless part.

he was shot, in the back, twice, after the cop knew the taser was not going to do a damn thing.

But but but the same DA that charged the police, claimed about two weeks ago that "taser is use of deadly force according to Georgia law" when referring to police using it against violent rioters.
He shouldn't have been shot in the back, but it's clear that Brooks started this mess, and that he was the aggressor.
Brooks knew he was on probation. The officers didn't know that. Brooks knew that the arrest would revoke that probation and send him to prison for a long time. The officers didn't know that. The fight Brooks put up came as a surprise.
The shoot was a good one because Brooks was an armed fleeing felon.

ummmm.... brooks knew the second he turned his license over to them - which he did with no hesitation or resistance - the po po would run his ID thru the system & that any outstanding warrants, priors or his probation status would magically show up on their computer.

sooooooooooo you still got nuthin'.
As long as nuthin means fleeing felon that gambled and lost.

he lost his life.

seems like one piggy is gonna lose much more than that.

Fuck you and let's hope the piggy's stand down if you ever find yourself on the bad end of an assault.

^^^ triggered ^^^

Did you even watch that video?
The guy didnt even know where he was and he was all over the place. First he didnt know what he was drinking,then it was a pina colada and half a margarita.
The guy couldnt keep his story straight and he kept trying to deflect the conversation to his gf and daughter.

When they tried to put him in cuffs he started fighting.

Thats it,end of story.

he was drunk. there's no disputing that. he was compliant in all the field tests they made him do - when all they had to do was give him the breathaliser from the start. that would have been the end of it.

they played with him & never said he was under arrest until all of that happened.

So they gave him a chance to prove he wasnt intoxicated and you bitch about it.
And what makes you think it would have turned out any different if they'd gave him the breathalyzer first?
Besides thats not how they do it. They always give field sobriety tests.

uh-huh. the first cop smelled alcohol & that alone is reason to do a breathalyzer. the field tests are used if said breathalyzer isn't functioning or not available. why? why you say? because 'opinion' - even a professional one does not match what the breathalyzer does; which records the legal, or not legal limit of the one taking it; & shows the results beyond a reasonable doubt aka game over. field tests will be used in conjunction if the driver shows they are slightly under the limit & they wanna judge how impaired he is.

brooks willingly took it. & they didn't utter a word that he was under arrest per their own protocol which is a

fail fail fail on the cops part.

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He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

A taser will render you helpless.

yep. howverrrrrrrrrrrrr............ after discharging twice - it cannot be used again. hence the useless part. when he was running away, turned & discharged the taser - that was the 2nd time - hence again the useless part.

he was shot, in the back, twice, after the cop knew the taser was not going to do a damn thing.

He did have a shot left in the taser.
You can see him fire it here....

the 2nd time the taser was shot was the time that brooks shot it & it was rendered unfunctional at that point. . the DA not only concluded that - but got confirmation from the manufacturer of that taser.

He also said Brooks "never presented himself as a threat".

Is the District Attorney trying to get the office acquitted? Why is he blatantly lying? Who does he think he is kidding? If you want to tell me that the officer was out of danger after the taser was fired and he didn't have to shoot him at that point....fine. I think it's a justified shooting, but if you want to argue that he didn't HAVE to shoot him...I'll listen.

But why are you being a lying piece of shit? Anybody, besides the most ardent of white hate black racist, will see past this nonsense. Calm, Cordial, and Cooperative? When he violently resisted arrest and escalated every single step of the incident? Never presented himself as a threat? When he wrestled and punched the officers and stole their weapon? How can anyone actually believe this?

I ask again...who are the real racists here?

Funny how firing a weapon is now not presenting a threat

they patted him down & the cop knew that taser was not life threatening to him especially after it was rendered useless. that's when he shot brooks in the back.

A taser will render you helpless.

yep. howverrrrrrrrrrrrr............ after discharging twice - it cannot be used again. hence the useless part. when he was running away, turned & discharged the taser - that was the 2nd time - hence again the useless part.

he was shot, in the back, twice, after the cop knew the taser was not going to do a damn thing.

But but but the same DA that charged the police, claimed about two weeks ago that "taser is use of deadly force according to Georgia law" when referring to police using it against violent rioters.

but but but the ' fired ' taser was the same as a gun without bullets & the cop knew it when brooks was shot in the back. THAT is the point.

they patted him down earlier - without resistance - & found he had no other weapons. soooooooooooo.....
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Did you even watch that video?
The guy didnt even know where he was and he was all over the place. First he didnt know what he was drinking,then it was a pina colada and half a margarita.
The guy couldnt keep his story straight and he kept trying to deflect the conversation to his gf and daughter.

When they tried to put him in cuffs he started fighting.

Thats it,end of story.

he was drunk. there's no disputing that. he was compliant in all the field tests they made him do - when all they had to do was give him the breathaliser from the start. that would have been the end of it.

they played with him & never said he was under arrest until all of that happened.

So they gave him a chance to prove he wasnt intoxicated and you bitch about it.
And what makes you think it would have turned out any different if they'd gave him the breathalyzer first?
Besides thats not how they do it. They always give field sobriety tests.

uh-huh. the first cop smelled alcohol & that alone is reason to do a breathalyzer. the field tests are used if said breathalyzer isn't functioning or not available. why? why you say? because 'opinion' - even a professional one does not match what the breathalyzer does; which records the legal, or not legal limit of the one taking it; & shows the results beyond a reasonable doubt aka game over. field tests will be used in conjunction if the driver shows they are slightly under the limit & they wanna judge how impaired he is.

brooks willingly took it. & they didn't utter a word that he was under arrest per their own protocol which is a

fail fail fail on the cops part.


They always give field sobriety tests which of course are recorded to bolster the prosecution's case.
They told him to put his hands behind his back,he resisted.
End of story.

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