Re-Election Bid Collapse

It's the AH's like Rush that feed their feeble minds. Then Trump gets wind of the same BS and spoon feeds them the leftovers.

And what feeds your "mind," commie traitor? The NYC sewer system?
Trump RIP (2016-2020)

Well, good luck with that, hack.

Democrats have a plan to deal with the white people problem in America:
You are confused, tRamp lies to you everyday and you eat his shit like it's pumpkin pie.

Nah, you're just a fucking liar. You're a CCP democrat who has not a shred of honor or integrity.

You Commie fucks are psychopaths. You lack the ability to discern right from wrong. That which serves your filthy and purely evil party is that which you do.

Trump sent the Hospital ship Comfort to New York City - you don't give a fuck - you blatantly lie that he did nothing - because you're a psychopath and promoting your party is harmed by facts - so you fucking lie - about EVERYTHING.

Trump sends 4,000 ventilators in March? You don't give a fuck, you just lie - you're a psychopath.

You want to end America and will tell any lie to achieve your goal.

Blah, blah, blah, yawn ewe are a boring lil turd.

Thanks psychopath.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump did a GREAT job responding to the virus your bosses in China unleashed on the world and that you're just a lying cocksucker who refuses to acknowledge fact due to your partisan hackery.

ROTFLMFAO, dumb Donny has barely acknowledged that there even is a pandemic. The liars are ewe and the Orange virus.
Losing support for the President isn't just from Independents but from Trump's hard-core Republicans.
It's a matter of trust. Especially when it comes to misleading comments and falsehoods.

"Pointing to a report from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker Team that states, “The coronavirus pandemic has spawned a whole new genre of Trump’s falsehoods. The category in just a few months has reached nearly 1,000 claims, more than his tax claims combined. Trump’s false or misleading claims about the impeachment investigation — and the events surrounding it — contributed almost 1,200 entries to the database,” Scott notes that deep dive into the president’s poll numbers shows a recent trendline that indicates he has been losing support from hardcore Republicans — a demographic he badly needs to have any hope of being re-elected."

“The problem is that there are weaknesses in that group. According to the Post-ABC survey, nearly 30 percent of Republicans — one of the most pro-Trump voting blocs — said they don’t trust what the president says about the outbreak,” he explained. “And neither do nearly 2 in 3 political independents, a voting bloc that was key to helping deliver the White House to Trump in 2016.”
"He went on to conclude, “The Post reported that while Trump aides are aware of his declining popularity, even with some of the voting blocs that he won in 2016, the president shows little sign of changing his behavior or words to increase confidence in him.”

Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

The President's done a tremendous job with the virus, what are you talking about.

The Javits Convention Center was converted to a hospital, hospital ships were moved into NY Harbor, President Trump got his good friend Rev. Franklin Graham to put a field hospital in Central Park. Thousands of ventilators were requested by Fredo to the President and he delivered them.

Health experts predicted more than 2 million would keel over dead in America, and they were wrong. Trump made sure they were wrong.

Trump leadership saved millions of lives, the libs should be kissing his feet as the lives were mostly in leftist cities.
For the nuts on the left his words supercede his actual deeds.
ROTFLMFAO, dumb Donny has barely acknowledged that there even is a pandemic. The liars are ewe and the Orange virus.

Yes, you're a lying cocksucker - I've already acknowledged that fact.


You Communists are as dumb as you are dishonest.
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.

That's because their Dear Leader's vocabulary is that of a 5th grader.
It has to be a part of this adoration group pathology. They have a guy in the White House who behaves and communicates like they do, or at least the way they want to, and I guess that therefore justifies and normalizes the way they are.

Look at the way they celebrate when he he calls people childish names and attacks them with grade school-level insults. They're living their lives vicariously through him. He's the person they want to be.

Amazing to watch.
What you are seeing is one side being absolutely FED UP with the other side getting away with cocksucking bullshit while useless idiot GOP establishment twats stand around doing NOTHING and taking the "high road.".

You can't have one set of rules for Democrats and another for everyone else. You can't have Democrats held to almost no standard while everyone else is held to an impossiobke one (see YOUR LYING ASS on Trump and COVID-19).

The fact the you pretend we're too stupid to see through your fake ignorance of the Marxist infiltration of YOUR PARTY is so fucking insulting that if I saw you in person I would probably spit in your face and dare you to make a fucking move.

Even MORE infuriating is how you PRETEND that all this current shit is due to anything OTHER than the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization which which YOUR PARTY is tightly allied. You are just like all the rest.

Trump is a big FUCK YOU to the goddamn high road. You can thank the MSM. They had a huge part in it.

This is WAR and it was started by the Marxist in YOUR PARTY that you PRETEND do not exist. ALL RULES are off the table. NOTHING is too far.

The ends justify the means. YOUR PARTY started it.
I have no doubt that going through life with one eye open keeps stuff real simple.

Those who have allowed themselves to become convinced we're in a war are killing this country.

Maybe that's your goal.
There is no talking to you. You have made up your mind that BLM is not a Marxist movement (despite CLEAR, CONCLUSIVE evidence). You have decided that Marxist college professors do not exist (I had fucking Marxist professors at Texas A&M, the most hardcore, disgustingly "conservative" a public university you can find in the entire fucking world).

You have decided that there have not been efforts since the 1950s to overthrow the U.S. and install a Marxist system.

Stick your head back in the sand.

What is killing this country is when people like you deliberately ignore what should be decidedly clear.
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.

That's because their Dear Leader's vocabulary is that of a 5th grader.
It has to be a part of this adoration group pathology. They have a guy in the White House who behaves and communicates like they do, or at least the way they want to, and I guess that therefore justifies and normalizes the way they are.

Look at the way they celebrate when he he calls people childish names and attacks them with grade school-level insults. They're living their lives vicariously through him. He's the person they want to be.

Amazing to watch.
What you are seeing is one side being absolutely FED UP with the other side getting away with cocksucking bullshit while useless idiot GOP establishment twats stand around doing NOTHING and taking the "high road.".

You can't have one set of rules for Democrats and another for everyone else. You can't have Democrats held to almost no standard while everyone else is held to an impossiobke one (see YOUR LYING ASS on Trump and COVID-19).

The fact the you pretend we're too stupid to see through your fake ignorance of the Marxist infiltration of YOUR PARTY is so fucking insulting that if I saw you in person I would probably spit in your face and dare you to make a fucking move.

Even MORE infuriating is how you PRETEND that all this current shit is due to anything OTHER than the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization which which YOUR PARTY is tightly allied. You are just like all the rest.

Trump is a big FUCK YOU to the goddamn high road. You can thank the MSM. They had a huge part in it.

This is WAR and it was started by the Marxist in YOUR PARTY that you PRETEND do not exist. ALL RULES are off the table. NOTHING is too far.

The ends justify the means. YOUR PARTY started it.
I have no doubt that going through life with one eye open keeps stuff real simple.

Those who have allowed themselves to become convinced we're in a war are killing this country.

Maybe that's your goal.
There is no talking to you. You have made up your mind that BLM is not a Marxist movement (despite CLEAR, CONCLUSIVE evidence). You have decided that Marxist college professors do not exist (I had fucking Marxist professors at Texas A&M, the most hardcore, disgustingly "conservative" a public university you can find in the entire fucking world).

You have decided that there have not been efforts since the 1950s to overthrow the U.S. and install a Marxist system.

Stick your head back in the sand.

What is killing this country is when people like you deliberately ignore what should be decidedly clear.
Look at all that.

What is my opinion of BLM, the organization?

What is my opinion of BLM, the movement?

Clearly you think you know. Go ahead.
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.

That's because their Dear Leader's vocabulary is that of a 5th grader.
It has to be a part of this adoration group pathology. They have a guy in the White House who behaves and communicates like they do, or at least the way they want to, and I guess that therefore justifies and normalizes the way they are.

Look at the way they celebrate when he he calls people childish names and attacks them with grade school-level insults. They're living their lives vicariously through him. He's the person they want to be.

Amazing to watch.
What you are seeing is one side being absolutely FED UP with the other side getting away with cocksucking bullshit while useless idiot GOP establishment twats stand around doing NOTHING and taking the "high road.".

You can't have one set of rules for Democrats and another for everyone else. You can't have Democrats held to almost no standard while everyone else is held to an impossiobke one (see YOUR LYING ASS on Trump and COVID-19).

The fact the you pretend we're too stupid to see through your fake ignorance of the Marxist infiltration of YOUR PARTY is so fucking insulting that if I saw you in person I would probably spit in your face and dare you to make a fucking move.

Even MORE infuriating is how you PRETEND that all this current shit is due to anything OTHER than the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization which which YOUR PARTY is tightly allied. You are just like all the rest.

Trump is a big FUCK YOU to the goddamn high road. You can thank the MSM. They had a huge part in it.

This is WAR and it was started by the Marxist in YOUR PARTY that you PRETEND do not exist. ALL RULES are off the table. NOTHING is too far.

The ends justify the means. YOUR PARTY started it.
I have no doubt that going through life with one eye open keeps stuff real simple.

Those who have allowed themselves to become convinced we're in a war are killing this country.

Maybe that's your goal.
There is no talking to you. You have made up your mind that BLM is not a Marxist movement (despite CLEAR, CONCLUSIVE evidence). You have decided that Marxist college professors do not exist (I had fucking Marxist professors at Texas A&M, the most hardcore, disgustingly "conservative" a public university you can find in the entire fucking world).

You have decided that there have not been efforts since the 1950s to overthrow the U.S. and install a Marxist system.

Stick your head back in the sand.

What is killing this country is when people like you deliberately ignore what should be decidedly clear.
Look at all that.

What is my opinion of BLM, the organization?

What is my opinion of BLM, the movement?

Clearly you think you know. Go ahead.
You posted a thread on it a few weeks ago.

You say there are no Marxists (which I affectionate refer to as commies) but I give you REPEATED examples.

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party or not?
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.

That's because their Dear Leader's vocabulary is that of a 5th grader.
It has to be a part of this adoration group pathology. They have a guy in the White House who behaves and communicates like they do, or at least the way they want to, and I guess that therefore justifies and normalizes the way they are.

Look at the way they celebrate when he he calls people childish names and attacks them with grade school-level insults. They're living their lives vicariously through him. He's the person they want to be.

Amazing to watch.
What you are seeing is one side being absolutely FED UP with the other side getting away with cocksucking bullshit while useless idiot GOP establishment twats stand around doing NOTHING and taking the "high road.".

You can't have one set of rules for Democrats and another for everyone else. You can't have Democrats held to almost no standard while everyone else is held to an impossiobke one (see YOUR LYING ASS on Trump and COVID-19).

The fact the you pretend we're too stupid to see through your fake ignorance of the Marxist infiltration of YOUR PARTY is so fucking insulting that if I saw you in person I would probably spit in your face and dare you to make a fucking move.

Even MORE infuriating is how you PRETEND that all this current shit is due to anything OTHER than the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization which which YOUR PARTY is tightly allied. You are just like all the rest.

Trump is a big FUCK YOU to the goddamn high road. You can thank the MSM. They had a huge part in it.

This is WAR and it was started by the Marxist in YOUR PARTY that you PRETEND do not exist. ALL RULES are off the table. NOTHING is too far.

The ends justify the means. YOUR PARTY started it.
I have no doubt that going through life with one eye open keeps stuff real simple.

Those who have allowed themselves to become convinced we're in a war are killing this country.

Maybe that's your goal.
There is no talking to you. You have made up your mind that BLM is not a Marxist movement (despite CLEAR, CONCLUSIVE evidence). You have decided that Marxist college professors do not exist (I had fucking Marxist professors at Texas A&M, the most hardcore, disgustingly "conservative" a public university you can find in the entire fucking world).

You have decided that there have not been efforts since the 1950s to overthrow the U.S. and install a Marxist system.

Stick your head back in the sand.

What is killing this country is when people like you deliberately ignore what should be decidedly clear.
Look at all that.

What is my opinion of BLM, the organization?

What is my opinion of BLM, the movement?

Clearly you think you know. Go ahead.
You posted a thread on it a few weeks ago.

You say there are no Marxists (which I affectionate refer to as commies) but I give you REPEATED examples.

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party or not?
So you don't know.

That doesn't stop you from just making stuff up and spouting off all the standard, simplistic, paranoid talk radio talking points like a trained seal.

Standard Trumpian arrogant ignorance.

Try this on someone else. It's not going to work with me.
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.

That's because their Dear Leader's vocabulary is that of a 5th grader.
It has to be a part of this adoration group pathology. They have a guy in the White House who behaves and communicates like they do, or at least the way they want to, and I guess that therefore justifies and normalizes the way they are.

Look at the way they celebrate when he he calls people childish names and attacks them with grade school-level insults. They're living their lives vicariously through him. He's the person they want to be.

Amazing to watch.
What you are seeing is one side being absolutely FED UP with the other side getting away with cocksucking bullshit while useless idiot GOP establishment twats stand around doing NOTHING and taking the "high road.".

You can't have one set of rules for Democrats and another for everyone else. You can't have Democrats held to almost no standard while everyone else is held to an impossiobke one (see YOUR LYING ASS on Trump and COVID-19).

The fact the you pretend we're too stupid to see through your fake ignorance of the Marxist infiltration of YOUR PARTY is so fucking insulting that if I saw you in person I would probably spit in your face and dare you to make a fucking move.

Even MORE infuriating is how you PRETEND that all this current shit is due to anything OTHER than the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization which which YOUR PARTY is tightly allied. You are just like all the rest.

Trump is a big FUCK YOU to the goddamn high road. You can thank the MSM. They had a huge part in it.

This is WAR and it was started by the Marxist in YOUR PARTY that you PRETEND do not exist. ALL RULES are off the table. NOTHING is too far.

The ends justify the means. YOUR PARTY started it.
I have no doubt that going through life with one eye open keeps stuff real simple.

Those who have allowed themselves to become convinced we're in a war are killing this country.

Maybe that's your goal.
There is no talking to you. You have made up your mind that BLM is not a Marxist movement (despite CLEAR, CONCLUSIVE evidence). You have decided that Marxist college professors do not exist (I had fucking Marxist professors at Texas A&M, the most hardcore, disgustingly "conservative" a public university you can find in the entire fucking world).

You have decided that there have not been efforts since the 1950s to overthrow the U.S. and install a Marxist system.

Stick your head back in the sand.

What is killing this country is when people like you deliberately ignore what should be decidedly clear.
Look at all that.

What is my opinion of BLM, the organization?

What is my opinion of BLM, the movement?

Clearly you think you know. Go ahead.
You posted a thread on it a few weeks ago.

You say there are no Marxists (which I affectionate refer to as commies) but I give you REPEATED examples.

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party or not?
So you don't know.

That doesn't stop you from just making stuff up and spouting off all the standard, simplistic, paranoid talk radio talking points like a trained seal.

Standard Trumpian arrogant ignorance.

Try this on someone else. It's not going to work with me.

Do you deny that there are Marxists in the Dem Party????
Well first, this is not a person with either the intellectual or temperamental capacity to make significant changes in his behaviors to match conditions. This is what he is, this is all he knows.

And second, perhaps more than anything else, this virus crisis has reminded us of the importance of leadership from the top, and he has failed that test. That was obvious from early on.

Let's ask Rapey old Quid Pro Joe Biden what he thinks of Trump's temperment?

"Look man, it's the thing, I'm making America great again. 4 score and hey is that a squirrel? Toasters frighten me."

Yeah, let's go with the Communist - he's a real intellectual...
I know. If he's not an obedient Trumpster, he's a commie.

That's it. That's as deep as you go.

You guys have regressed to grade school-level thinking.

That's because their Dear Leader's vocabulary is that of a 5th grader.
It has to be a part of this adoration group pathology. They have a guy in the White House who behaves and communicates like they do, or at least the way they want to, and I guess that therefore justifies and normalizes the way they are.

Look at the way they celebrate when he he calls people childish names and attacks them with grade school-level insults. They're living their lives vicariously through him. He's the person they want to be.

Amazing to watch.
What you are seeing is one side being absolutely FED UP with the other side getting away with cocksucking bullshit while useless idiot GOP establishment twats stand around doing NOTHING and taking the "high road.".

You can't have one set of rules for Democrats and another for everyone else. You can't have Democrats held to almost no standard while everyone else is held to an impossiobke one (see YOUR LYING ASS on Trump and COVID-19).

The fact the you pretend we're too stupid to see through your fake ignorance of the Marxist infiltration of YOUR PARTY is so fucking insulting that if I saw you in person I would probably spit in your face and dare you to make a fucking move.

Even MORE infuriating is how you PRETEND that all this current shit is due to anything OTHER than the actions of the Chinese Communist Party, an organization which which YOUR PARTY is tightly allied. You are just like all the rest.

Trump is a big FUCK YOU to the goddamn high road. You can thank the MSM. They had a huge part in it.

This is WAR and it was started by the Marxist in YOUR PARTY that you PRETEND do not exist. ALL RULES are off the table. NOTHING is too far.

The ends justify the means. YOUR PARTY started it.
I have no doubt that going through life with one eye open keeps stuff real simple.

Those who have allowed themselves to become convinced we're in a war are killing this country.

Maybe that's your goal.
There is no talking to you. You have made up your mind that BLM is not a Marxist movement (despite CLEAR, CONCLUSIVE evidence). You have decided that Marxist college professors do not exist (I had fucking Marxist professors at Texas A&M, the most hardcore, disgustingly "conservative" a public university you can find in the entire fucking world).

You have decided that there have not been efforts since the 1950s to overthrow the U.S. and install a Marxist system.

Stick your head back in the sand.

What is killing this country is when people like you deliberately ignore what should be decidedly clear.
Look at all that.

What is my opinion of BLM, the organization?

What is my opinion of BLM, the movement?

Clearly you think you know. Go ahead.
You posted a thread on it a few weeks ago.

You say there are no Marxists (which I affectionate refer to as commies) but I give you REPEATED examples.

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party or not?
So you don't know.

That doesn't stop you from just making stuff up and spouting off all the standard, simplistic, paranoid talk radio talking points like a trained seal.

Standard Trumpian arrogant ignorance.

Try this on someone else. It's not going to work with me.

Do you deny that there are Marxists in the Dem Party????
You just proved yourself to be a liar, and now you're trying to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Perhaps this behavior works in your world. In Normal World, it's merely transparent Trumpian nuttery.
You just proved yourself to be a liar
and now you're trying to change the subject and put me on the defensive.
You're the one who said there were no commies.
Perhaps this behavior works in your world. In Normal World, it's merely transparent Trumpian nuttery.
What? Making you clarify your bullshit?

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party? Simple question.

Your evasiveness supports the inference that your answer would be a resounding "YES."

That has NOTHING to do with "Trumpian Nuttery" and you FUCKING KNOW IT!!!

The defense rests....
You posted a thread on it a few weeks ago.

You say there are no Marxists (which I affectionate refer to as commies) but I give you REPEATED examples.

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party or not?

The real question is, is there anyone in the shameful democrat party who is NOT a Marxist?
What? Making you clarify your bullshit?

Are there Marxists in the Dem Party? Simple question.

Your evasiveness supports the inference that your answer would be a resounding "YES."

That has NOTHING to do with "Trumpian Nuttery" and you FUCKING KNOW IT!!!

The defense rests....

Hack1958 is a radical left troll.

Mock him, expose him, laugh at him, but NEVER take him seriously. He will not engage in serious, adult debate. He is a troll, nothing more.

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