Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...

Praised for allowing Iran to obtain nuclear capability? You're joking right?
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.
A country offered OBL and a sitting president refused to accept it..............Who would that be?

From Fact Check......

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
He was a known terrorist.................Clinton was Obama..............a pussy.
You RW dupes were all about how he was wagging the dog at the time. Pathetic and destructive.
If having an Embassy in Tehran taken over and US personnel being held hostage for 444 days was the US creating a problem, I would agree. But it wasn't and only a fool would think it was

Well, the above is because your knowledge of history boils down to yesterday's headline from FOX....

Go back and read (just for fun) about the CIA overthrow of Iran's Mosadegh in 1953......the installment of the Shah....Savak, etc...THEN, you'll have a better idea as to why the US Embassy was taken over.....something that I too believe should NOT have been done.

I would rather read about the overthrow of the Shah. The Embassy would not have been touched had the Shah still been in power.

Was it Fox news or George Bush's fault that the Shah was overthrown. That seems to be your backup argument to everthing.
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.
he should have qualified that the rightwinger that accepts and admits that diplomacy worked would have to have a connection to reality. you clearly do not

A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.
you dont understand the process, stop embarassing yourself
A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

We can search Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.
24 days is the maximum amount of time. it is not a 24 day 'notice' period
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

We can search Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.
24 days is the maximum amount of time. it is not a 24 day 'notice' period

Yes, true.
I didn't realize they were anything but adjoining countries. As soon as Mexico or Canada sponsors an attack like 911 on the US, we will invade them. We were completely justified in invading both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sure, because right wing MORONS still believe that the 9-11 terrorists were Iraqis ????

No they don't and never did. They just believed what these leading Democrats were saying.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 |

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 |

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

Again, I am not here to defend those democrats who were either too gullible or too afraid to be called "cowards" by republican war-mongers....

I can't defend their stupidity just as I would not want to defend the stupidity of those who actually believe the rhetoric of Trump or Cruz.
There is a vast difference between Israel bombing a site that is a threat to them and threatening to eliminate Iraq's right to exist as a country

In other words, rhetoric is STRONGER that the raining of bombs on someone else's soil.....Interesting.
There is a vast difference between Israel bombing a site that is a threat to them and threatening to eliminate Iraq's right to exist as a country

In other words, rhetoric is STRONGER that the raining of bombs on someone else's soil.....Interesting.
no, it just doesn't matter what israel does, they have the limbaugh/hannity tea party seal of approval and will always be right, just as obama and iran have the seal of disapproval and will always be wrong no matter what they do.
I would rather read about the overthrow of the Shah. The Embassy would not have been touched had the Shah still been in power.

Was it Fox news or George Bush's fault that the Shah was overthrown. That seems to be your backup argument to everthing.

If you'd bothered to learn a bit of recent history, you too would learn that the Shah was overthrown for the following reasons:

1. He spent little time in Iran (he was too busy womanizing in France); couldn't....for a long time.....sire a male heir; and was basically viewed by Iranians as a PUPPET of western oil conglomerates and, most of all, the Shah condoned the cruel oppression of any dissent (the secret service, Savaak...that, like Pinochet's tactics, took people off the streets never to be seen again.)

2. The Shah got cancer...exiled himself for treatment (first in Egypt) and his generals abandoned him.
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.




I would agree to return the money as soon as the soldiers that were wounded and the families were awarded damages for the advanced IED's that Iran furnished to kill and maim US soldiers. Until then, not a fucking dime.
you mean in that Repub-instigated voluntary, war-of-choice based on lies and half truths? :eusa_eh: Please tell me why I don't have you on ignore.
Why does the low information left justify Iran's belligerence but not the U.S.? Is it about reducing the last super power on earth to a 3rd world country to even the playing field?

What are you mumbling about, nitwit....When was the last time that Iran invaded and occupied Canada and we did to Iran by invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan?

I didn't realize they were anything but adjoining countries. As soon as Mexico or Canada sponsors an attack like 911 on the US, we will invade them. We were completely justified in invading both Afghanistan and Iraq.
by whose judgement? Yours? :rofl: You ever been over there son?
no, it just doesn't matter what israel does, they have the limbaugh/hannity tea party seal of approval and will always be right, just as obama and iran have the seal of disapproval and will always be wrong no matter what they do.
Sadly, this is true. rw'ers do what am radio and a tv station owned by two foreigners tell them to do.
LAME response.......Don't you think that GWB should have attacked and invaded Saudi Arabia after 9-11; after all, how many of those 19 terrorists WERE FROM Saudi Arabia?

Let's follow the GWB "rationale" after 9-11.......

15 of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.....So, GWB labels Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the "axis of evil".......Make sense? would have bombed Saudi Arabia after 9/11? refuse to avow those from the Dem party who voted for this War.....who used the same rhetoric to go to War.......Including the one who is the answer to my last question...............Who before getting out of office said the same things Bush said...............including the leading candidate of the Dem party...........which is part of her luggage...........
see I told ya he didn't get it ... stupid beyond belief ... her bag of luggage is nothing more themes coming from the right ... you forget that the leading candidate for the Dem party was lied to by your republicans ... like everything you post its half truths ... she was told that they would use the U.N. first she believed bush before ... Bush didn't do that ... he lied to all those democrats who believe he was sincere in solving the problem ... he was nothing more then a typical lying republican .... as soon as it was passed he went to war... so if you're going to tell it like it is, try something new eagle. like tell the truth ... then after he lied to the american people he cause more debt then we could imagine ... with your brilliance in believe the right wing nut jobs ... when the Dems took control of the white house you all start blaming this debt on the dems ... when you go and look at how much we have cut in dollars you'll see in all off the presidents in office obama has cut more taxes then any president to date ... too hear it from you liars he rant this up to 19 trillion dollars ... you have no credibility at all eagle none
I would rather read about the overthrow of the Shah. The Embassy would not have been touched had the Shah still been in power.

Was it Fox news or George Bush's fault that the Shah was overthrown. That seems to be your backup argument to everthing.

If you'd bothered to learn a bit of recent history, you too would learn that the Shah was overthrown for the following reasons:

1. He spent little time in Iran (he was too busy womanizing in France); couldn't....for a long time.....sire a male heir; and was basically viewed by Iranians as a PUPPET of western oil conglomerates and, most of all, the Shah condoned the cruel oppression of any dissent (the secret service, Savaak...that, like Pinochet's tactics, took people off the streets never to be seen again.)

2. The Shah got cancer...exiled himself for treatment (first in Egypt) and his generals abandoned him.
there you go again telling these guys history ... the problem they have is there ability to do research, or remember what they said hours earlier ... I guess thats why they like trump so much ...
A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.

How would you know how long it takes to remove the incriminating evidence?
A treaty without verification is worthless. Obviously, you are disillusioned.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.
you dont understand the process, stop embarassing yourself

A number of years ago I worked at Aerojet Nucleonics in San Ramon, CA. We built experimental nuclear reactors and tested them in a facility in Idaho. Perhaps you should stop embarrassing your self.

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