Re: IRAN.....Diplomacy vs. Belligerence...

I didn't realize they were anything but adjoining countries. As soon as Mexico or Canada sponsors an attack like 911 on the US, we will invade them. We were completely justified in invading both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sure, because right wing MORONS still believe that the 9-11 terrorists were Iraqis ????

No they don't and never did. They just believed what these leading Democrats were saying.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 |

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 |

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

Again, I am not here to defend those democrats who were either too gullible or too afraid to be called "cowards" by republican war-mongers....

I can't defend their stupidity just as I would not want to defend the stupidity of those who actually believe the rhetoric of Trump or Cruz.

Kerry and Clinton, gullible or afraid. OK! It sure looked to me like they were the war mongers. They even voted that way in the Senate.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.
you dont understand the process, stop embarassing yourself

A number of years ago I worked at Aerojet Nucleonics in San Ramon, CA. We built experimental nuclear reactors and tested them in a facility in Idaho. Perhaps you should stop embarrassing your self.
Let's assume i believe you.

did your work there, in whatever capacity, involve the details of the nuclear agreement?

because i very much doubt it did, and that's what you were embarassing yourself over
There is a vast difference between Israel bombing a site that is a threat to them and threatening to eliminate Iraq's right to exist as a country

In other words, rhetoric is STRONGER that the raining of bombs on someone else's soil.....Interesting.

Eliminating a threat to your countries very existence is justified. Some dipshits think Israel could have sweet talked them into stopping and tearing down the nuclear plant.
The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.
you dont understand the process, stop embarassing yourself

A number of years ago I worked at Aerojet Nucleonics in San Ramon, CA. We built experimental nuclear reactors and tested them in a facility in Idaho. Perhaps you should stop embarrassing your self.
Let's assume i believe you.

did your work there, in whatever capacity, involve the details of the nuclear agreement?

because i very much doubt it did, and that's what you were embarassing yourself over

I know how long it would have taken to get rid of any incriminating evidence and 24 days would be sufficient.
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.




I would agree to return the money as soon as the soldiers that were wounded and the families were awarded damages for the advanced IED's that Iran furnished to kill and maim US soldiers. Until then, not a fucking dime.
you mean in that Repub-instigated voluntary, war-of-choice based on lies and half truths? :eusa_eh: Please tell me why I don't have you on ignore.

If you mean lies like these that seem to be Democrat-instigated voluntary war-of-choice ideas. And they voted accordingly in the US Senate.
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.




I would agree to return the money as soon as the soldiers that were wounded and the families were awarded damages for the advanced IED's that Iran furnished to kill and maim US soldiers. Until then, not a fucking dime.
you mean in that Repub-instigated voluntary, war-of-choice based on lies and half truths? :eusa_eh: Please tell me why I don't have you on ignore.

If you mean lies like these that seem to be Democrat-instigated voluntary war-of-choice ideas. And they voted accordingly in the US Senate.
based on lies and half-truths. Your point? :eusa_eh:
Why does the low information left justify Iran's belligerence but not the U.S.? Is it about reducing the last super power on earth to a 3rd world country to even the playing field?

What are you mumbling about, nitwit....When was the last time that Iran invaded and occupied Canada and we did to Iran by invading and occupying Iraq and Afghanistan?

I didn't realize they were anything but adjoining countries. As soon as Mexico or Canada sponsors an attack like 911 on the US, we will invade them. We were completely justified in invading both Afghanistan and Iraq.
by whose judgement? Yours? :rofl: You ever been over there son?

I'm not your son and if the attack on 911 and the material breach of the UN cease fire
weren't justification, what is?
You mistake $150 Billion payoff + egregious levels of appeasement and leading from behind for Diplomacy.




I would agree to return the money as soon as the soldiers that were wounded and the families were awarded damages for the advanced IED's that Iran furnished to kill and maim US soldiers. Until then, not a fucking dime.
you mean in that Repub-instigated voluntary, war-of-choice based on lies and half truths? :eusa_eh: Please tell me why I don't have you on ignore.

If you mean lies like these that seem to be Democrat-instigated voluntary war-of-choice ideas. And they voted accordingly in the US Senate.
based on lies and half-truths. Your point? :eusa_eh:

Only a real dumbass doesn't know the difference between lies and mistaken intelligence.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.
you dont understand the process, stop embarassing yourself

A number of years ago I worked at Aerojet Nucleonics in San Ramon, CA. We built experimental nuclear reactors and tested them in a facility in Idaho. Perhaps you should stop embarrassing your self.
Let's assume i believe you.

did your work there, in whatever capacity, involve the details of the nuclear agreement?

because i very much doubt it did, and that's what you were embarassing yourself over

I know how long it would have taken to get rid of any incriminating evidence and 24 days would be sufficient.
that seems unlikely.
and yet there is verification.
you're just mad becauae obama has rolled back iran's nuclear capability and secured the release of tbe prisoners without a single shot fired or dead soldier.

just galls you that every problem doesn't need a bomb for a solution

The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.

How would you know how long it takes to remove the incriminating evidence?

Evidence like what?
Only a real dumbass doesn't know the difference between lies and mistaken intelligence.
"mistaken"? :rofl: This guy propogated "mistaken" intel?

Douglas J. Feith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This office came into existence to support the War on Terror. The office's aim was to influence policymakers by submitting biased news stories into the foreign media. Feith played a significant role in the buildup to the Iraq war.[13] As part of his portfolio, he supervised the Pentagon Office of Special Plans, a group of policy and intelligence analysts created to provide senior government officials with raw intelligence, unvetted by the intelligence community.[14] The office, eventually dismantled, was later criticized in Congress and the media for analysis that was contradicted by CIA analysis and investigations performed following the invasion of Iraq. General Tommy Franks, who led both the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the Iraq War, once called Feith "the dumbest fucking guy on the planet."

stop it. You're killing me
The IAEA still does not have access to Iran's military installations that could be working to develop a bomb.
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.

How would you know how long it takes to remove the incriminating evidence?

Evidence like what?
yeah. what "evidence" could be taken away LEAVING NO TRACE after 24 days?
unless they, or we, suspect development.

so try again

Then they have to give 24 days to inspect, if they ever got permission. You don't expect Obama to suspect anything do you? It might affect his legacy and his ego would not allow that.

Iran has 24 days to comply with any new sites and it's not like you can just quickly build up and tear down a nuclear facility like your double wide, it takes time.

Iran's existing facilities are under continuous monitoring. The 24 day compliance period is not something to get your panties bunched up about.

How would you know how long it takes to remove the incriminating evidence?

Evidence like what?
yeah. what "evidence" could be taken away LEAVING NO TRACE after 24 days?

He's probably panicked that that we won't find the nukes stashed in the Ayatollah's toilet.
(With my apologies to others who may have already posted this good news....)

Obama and Kerry have been raked through the coals (especially by the clueless, egotistical, Trump) about the Iran deal......

Now that we find out that a prisoners' swap in underway between us and Iran, AND the uneventful release of our sailors from detention...IS THERE ONE...JUST ONE....RIGHT WINGER ON HERE READY TO ADMIT THAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION SHOULD BE PRAISED?
This is clearly a victory for those detained, the Obama Administration, and the American people.

And this victory is indeed the result of the Iran nuclear accord, which not only prevents Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, but affords both the United States and Iran the ability to talk directly to each other and to resolve issues before they turn into conflicts.

Right, that's why they returned all 7 Americans they were holding..............oh wait, they didn't did they.
Eliminating a threat to your countries very existence is justified.

Well, that depends if its a threat to country's (correct, spelling, btw) survival OR a threat to that country's leadership survival.

After all, is "death to America [or Israel]" much different than a superpower calling one's country part of the "axis of evil"??

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