Re: Officer Darren Wilson: Any expressions of regret?

OK so you know more than the people that were there and all the scientist that reviewed the forensics. God it must hurt to be so fucking smart.

Well I am smart. But not smart enough to figure out what part of my scenario differs greatly from the people who wrote the report you mentioned. So point out to me how it differs.

Did the cop pull right up to the suspects?
Did the cop try and get out and got slammed back in the vehicle and punched?
Did the cop and kid fight for the cops gun?
Did the kid get shot?
Did the kid back away from the SUV?
And the cop got out and started firing?
And the kid charged the cop cause of trying to save his (Browns) life?

Ahha, that's not what the report says is it? No one can ask the kid what motivated him to charge at a cop shooting him over and over. He's dead. It just couldn't be that that was the only course of action he had. Well he could have turned and been shot in the back. Which ultimately would have been better for all. Seeing as how the cop was determined to kill the kid anyway.

The report you like believes this kid was such a bad mother fucker that even after being shot 5 or 6 times that he was gonna kill that nice police man that wouldn't stop shooting him.

Believe what you want. None of us were there. The cop was a pussy and deserves the nightmares and whatever else is coming his way. As far as I am concerned.
You choose to believe some and dismiss other portions of the same report and refuse to truthfully call it cherry picking...what were you saying about pie in the sky and bullshit, again...smh.

You are dumbass as well ... And cannot read.

I didn't choose to believe anything ... Just understand what they are willing to prosecute.
I understand the difference in having an opinion and being able to prove it holds any merit in a court of law.

Sorry you are stuck riding the short bus.


You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove
Ferguson officials circulated racist emails
The Justice Department said during the course of the investigation it found numerous racist emails sent by Ferguson officials from their city email accounts and apparently "during work hours." Here's a sampling:

One email "stated that President Barack Obama would not be President for very long because 'what black man holds a steady job for four years'," according to the report.

Another email, the DOJ said, "described a man seeking to obtain 'welfare' for his dogs because they are 'mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are.'"

And yet another email, the report said, depicted President Obama as a chimpanzee.

Now watch the faggots here dodge this as "not being proof" of racism. Watch 'em.

It's not a dodge to say it's just more off topic bullshit. The thread was specifically about Wilson and the lefts response, not the department. Maybe you should read the OP again and try to stay on topic.

Lets see...Is this thread about the DA latitude? No?

Actually I do, the DA has wide latitude as to what evidence is presented, though not required to provide exculpatory evidence, he has every right to do so. You ever thought the DA realized he had suborn perjury early on in the grand jury proceedings by putting some of the flakes on the stand and felt obligated in the name of justice to provide all evidence?

Take your own advice fucktard. nice dodge

That was a reply to a post directed to me, if you're going to quote that do it in complete context, because it was a discussion of how the DA handled the Wilson case.
You choose to believe some and dismiss other portions of the same report and refuse to truthfully call it cherry picking...what were you saying about pie in the sky and bullshit, again...smh.

You are dumbass as well ... And cannot read.

I didn't choose to believe anything ... Just understand what they are willing to prosecute.
I understand the difference in having an opinion and being able to prove it holds any merit in a court of law.

Sorry you are stuck riding the short bus.


I see that when your attempts at logic, truth, intellectual honesty all fail, you can always fall back on senseless yelling...
Next time don't post above your IQ level.
Ferguson officials circulated racist emails
The Justice Department said during the course of the investigation it found numerous racist emails sent by Ferguson officials from their city email accounts and apparently "during work hours." Here's a sampling:

One email "stated that President Barack Obama would not be President for very long because 'what black man holds a steady job for four years'," according to the report.

Another email, the DOJ said, "described a man seeking to obtain 'welfare' for his dogs because they are 'mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are.'"

And yet another email, the report said, depicted President Obama as a chimpanzee.

Now watch the faggots here dodge this as "not being proof" of racism. Watch 'em.

It's not a dodge to say it's just more off topic bullshit. The thread was specifically about Wilson and the lefts response, not the department. Maybe you should read the OP again and try to stay on topic.

Lets see...Is this thread about the DA latitude? No?

Actually I do, the DA has wide latitude as to what evidence is presented, though not required to provide exculpatory evidence, he has every right to do so. You ever thought the DA realized he had suborn perjury early on in the grand jury proceedings by putting some of the flakes on the stand and felt obligated in the name of justice to provide all evidence?

Take your own advice fucktard. nice dodge

That was a reply to a post directed to me, if you're going to quote that do it in complete context, because it was a discussion of how the DA handled the Wilson case.

STFU and keep dodging while asking everyone else to stop dodging
I see that when your attempts at logic, truth, intellectual honesty all fail, you can always fall back on senseless yelling...
Next time don't post above your IQ level.

Nobody is yelling ... Unless you are for some unknown reason.

To make accusations about intellectual honesty when you cannot prove any different and will not support your accusations in the eyes of the law ... Is foolish at best.
Any comments concerning IQ coming from you ... Could be filed in the same garbage can your baseless, unsupported bullshit is headed.

You choose to believe some and dismiss other portions of the same report and refuse to truthfully call it cherry picking...what were you saying about pie in the sky and bullshit, again...smh.

You are dumbass as well ... And cannot read.

I didn't choose to believe anything ... Just understand what they are willing to prosecute.
I understand the difference in having an opinion and being able to prove it holds any merit in a court of law.

Sorry you are stuck riding the short bus.


You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

Yet those accusations are thrown around here all the time, mainly by the left, how about you tell them that.
Ferguson officials circulated racist emails
The Justice Department said during the course of the investigation it found numerous racist emails sent by Ferguson officials from their city email accounts and apparently "during work hours." Here's a sampling:

One email "stated that President Barack Obama would not be President for very long because 'what black man holds a steady job for four years'," according to the report.

Another email, the DOJ said, "described a man seeking to obtain 'welfare' for his dogs because they are 'mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can’t speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are.'"

And yet another email, the report said, depicted President Obama as a chimpanzee.

Now watch the faggots here dodge this as "not being proof" of racism. Watch 'em.

It's not a dodge to say it's just more off topic bullshit. The thread was specifically about Wilson and the lefts response, not the department. Maybe you should read the OP again and try to stay on topic.

Lets see...Is this thread about the DA latitude? No?

Actually I do, the DA has wide latitude as to what evidence is presented, though not required to provide exculpatory evidence, he has every right to do so. You ever thought the DA realized he had suborn perjury early on in the grand jury proceedings by putting some of the flakes on the stand and felt obligated in the name of justice to provide all evidence?

Take your own advice fucktard. nice dodge

That was a reply to a post directed to me, if you're going to quote that do it in complete context, because it was a discussion of how the DA handled the Wilson case.

STFU and keep dodging while asking everyone else to stop dodging

Poor baby.
You choose to believe some and dismiss other portions of the same report and refuse to truthfully call it cherry picking...what were you saying about pie in the sky and bullshit, again...smh.

You are dumbass as well ... And cannot read.

I didn't choose to believe anything ... Just understand what they are willing to prosecute.
I understand the difference in having an opinion and being able to prove it holds any merit in a court of law.

Sorry you are stuck riding the short bus.


You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

Yet those accusations are thrown around here all the time, mainly by the left, how about you tell them that.

You dont know the difference between an accusation and someone asking for proof of the improvable?

Yes you do...dont act stupid its beneath you
You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.

You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.


Great, so I'll ask you again, what is proof of racism?

Dont type a paragraph, bullet points will be fine, thanks.

One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?


Far from having any regret, they are now going to sue him personally in court. These people are ripe for perdition.
You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.

This is one of the great things about the PC Police - they can run around screaming "racist", intimidating people, wrecking careers, and they don't have to prove it.

The accusation and the damage it causes is enough for them.

It's dishonest, it's cowardly, but it works for them.

You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.

This is one of the great things about the PC Police - they can run around screaming "racist", intimidating people, wrecking careers, and they don't have to prove it.

The accusation and the damage it causes is enough for them.

It's dishonest, it's cowardly, but it works for them.


Because proving racism is improvable...but why let facts get in the way.

Its good enough for me when someone feels that someone is racist...just like someone who is antisemitic. Its a feeling.
You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.


Great, so I'll ask you again, what is proof of racism?

Dont type a paragraph, bullet points will be fine, thanks.

Proof? Well, that'd be when Al Sharpton says it is so.
You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.

This is one of the great things about the PC Police - they can run around screaming "racist", intimidating people, wrecking careers, and they don't have to prove it.

The accusation and the damage it causes is enough for them.

It's dishonest, it's cowardly, but it works for them.


Because proving racism is improvable...but why let facts get in the way.

Its good enough for me when someone feels that someone is racist...just like someone who is antisemitic. Its a feeling.

Gets my vote for the most ignorant thing uttered in quite some time. That's all you need about these folks.
You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.


Great, so I'll ask you again, what is proof of racism?

Dont type a paragraph, bullet points will be fine, thanks.

Proof? Well, that'd be when Al Sharpton says it is so.

Soggy is on record for not having an answer.

Keep it going
You cant prove someone is guilty of racism dumbass....thats why you keep asking for proof of somethign you cannot prove

If you can make the accusation ... You can prove it if is valid.
There are laws against racial discrimination ... And they are prosecuted regularly.

You may not be able to prove your baseless assumptions as to the guilt of others ... But that doesn't restrict the law or reality in any way.

This is one of the great things about the PC Police - they can run around screaming "racist", intimidating people, wrecking careers, and they don't have to prove it.

The accusation and the damage it causes is enough for them.

It's dishonest, it's cowardly, but it works for them.


Because proving racism is improvable...but why let facts get in the way.

Its good enough for me when someone feels that someone is racist...just like someone who is antisemitic. Its a feeling.

Gets my vote for the most ignorant thing uttered in quite some time. That's all you need about these folks.

Sorry, what you think about it doesnt have any effect on anything or anyone. Not sorry

One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?

Nice to pretend that holder wasn't fair.

Let me know when the rightwingnuts express one note of regret that the cops in the area engaged in a pattern and practice of racism

Its fun to watch the racists having no choice but to agree with Holder.

No doubt they'll be back to lying about him tomorrow.
That's great PC Police "racist" deflection and all.

But what about Wilson?

Were you going to actually address the point of the thread, or are you planning on just avoiding it?


Wilson will be fine. He and Zimmerman will hook up and travel around the country fighting equality anywhere they see it.


You mean the right to steal, rough up store owners, and strut down the middle of the street all full of self-esteem for your acts?

Hey, karma got that fat bastard, and within minutes of stealing, and assaulting a little man 1/3 his size, he was dead in the streets like the rabid dog he was.

I love it.

And those two murderers will be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives in fear of someone they might never even see. I don't know how they will be able to sleep at night, but I hope they can. I want them to experience the nightmares they so deeply deserve.

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