RE The 2 Beheaded Scandinavian Girls

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Yet Morocco has much sophistication.

Rick's Bar in Casablanca.

High speed trains; more to come. Which makes Britain's network look third world.

Does Morocco have a democratic system?

It's a monarchy.

Though I could ask myself, do the rest of us have a democracy? Too wary of opening my mouth these days.

Regarding the decapitations, the authorities have acknowledged the heinous crime, and some individuals have been arrested.

Monarchy? That's unfortunate.

I saw a lot of Morrocans on Twitter apologizing for what happened. No country is exempt from murderous loons.
Thank you for representing the asshole contingent.
Yes...we need less people standing up for young helpless rape victims. Especially when the British justice system, such as it is, has been complicit in the crimes in order not to offend certain members of a seventh century belief system that
endorse raping women not of their kind. Thank you again, racist prick.
Thank you for representing the asshole contingent.
Yes...we need less people standing up for young helpless rape victims. Especially when the British justice system, such as it is, has been complicit in the crimes in order not to offend certain members of a seventh century belief system that
endorse raping women not of their kind. Thank you again, racist prick.
I was just correcting your grammar, dumbass. Geesh ya whiny little bitch.
Liberals have no concept of how dangerous many places of the world is for various reasons.

If these same two girls had tried walking thru Harlem, the projects of Detroit, Chicago, or the hood of basically any large American city at 2am on a moonless night, their chances of survival and not being raped and robbed, and murdered, would be very grim. .... :cool:

I think they'd be safer in Harlem than an Islamic shithole.
Yet Morocco has much sophistication.

Rick's Bar in Casablanca.

High speed trains; more to come. Which makes Britain's network look third world.

Does Morocco have a democratic system?

It's a monarchy.

Though I could ask myself, do the rest of us have a democracy? Too wary of opening my mouth these days.

Regarding the decapitations, the authorities have acknowledged the heinous crime, and some individuals have been arrested.

Monarchy? That's unfortunate.

I saw a lot of Morrocans on Twitter apologizing for what happened. No country is exempt from murderous loons.
Ya they are always full of apologies AFTER the fact!
You NEVER see them demonstrating against the barbarity in public.
That speaks volumes.
Yet Morocco has much sophistication.

Rick's Bar in Casablanca.

High speed trains; more to come. Which makes Britain's network look third world.

Does Morocco have a democratic system?

It's a monarchy.

Though I could ask myself, do the rest of us have a democracy? Too wary of opening my mouth these days.

Regarding the decapitations, the authorities have acknowledged the heinous crime, and some individuals have been arrested.

Monarchy? That's unfortunate.

I saw a lot of Morrocans on Twitter apologizing for what happened. No country is exempt from murderous loons.
Ya they are always full of apologies AFTER the fact!
You NEVER see them demonstrating against the barbarity in public.
That speaks volumes.

Twitter is rather public.
I was just correcting your grammar, dumbass. Geesh ya whiny little bitch.
Why? Is there a substantial difference between having less of something and fewer
of that same thing? They're synonymous aren't they? Try a sentence and see if the meaning changes:

We used to have ten cats and now we have fewer that that. OR
We used to have ten cats and now we have less than that.

There's no difference, is there. Only a true dumbass makes corrections where they aren't needed.
Found this on FB. This man says it all. (I've attached the post he is referencing in his opening sentence)

This is a post from Maren Ueland from her FB page. She is one of the two Scandinavian college girls savagely beheaded by Muslims while backpacking. They pulled her from her tent, assaulted her, and put their boots on her head to hold her still as they cut her head from her neck. They then tossed her head aside and spat on it. All on gruesome video.

This is an example of failure.
Failure of her parents to teach her about the reality of the world and to protect her. Failure of her educational system to teach her history and the difference in societies. Failure of her government to tell her the reality of the differences between her culture and sub cultures.

This is what happens, in a 2018 “We’re all just one big happy family coexisting on the planet with open borders and nobody is better than anybody and all faiths and cultures are equal” bullshit society that continues to lie and inundate its citizens with nonstop propaganda.

We see massive immigration into countries and the harm it brings. We hear the propaganda narratives that accompany it. You are in a constant brainwash machine meant to shame you and vilify you if you dare step outside of group-think. If you dare for a moment say “Hey... now hold on. I have a different view and some valid concerns”, you will be immediately identified and punished. Social media will censor you. Activist groups will target you. People will doxx you and try to get you fired or removed from positions. Friends will abandon you. Rumors swirl. (I’ve had this happen.) It’s by design. It’s meant to make an example of you to others. An ominous warning: BEWARE. STAY IN LINE. OR YOU ARE NEXT.

Ironically, useful idiots protect and defend this globalist fascism, while claiming to be anti-fascist. Having been failed themselves, they ignorantly take their marching orders and work toward what will eventually lead to their own slaughter.

You are constantly told that nationalism is bad. Real bad. In fact, it’s wrong. You should have no pride or allegiance to your homeland. You shouldn’t think better of yourself having been born there. The reason for that is so you won’t defend it when the time comes. In fact, you’ll tear it down yourselves over time. It will become worthless and discardable to you. You’ll open your borders and flood your country with a culture that at its core wants to conquer you. You’ll allow your women and children to be raped. You’ll watch your citizens get ran over in Christmas markets. You’ll witness the stabbings. The bombings. But, you’ve been told that if you speak out, well, you’re a RACIST. You are an ISLAMOPHOBE. You’re a number of really bad things. “Not ALL of them are bad,” you’ll say to yourself, re-educating yourself in your own private propagandized mind like a good little NPC. Some will speak out, and they’ll be destroyed quickly. Most will just stay in line, oblivious.

We have lost the ability to recognize fact for ourselves. We are programmed by various sources. The progressive State tells you what you are allowed to think. They download into your mind daily. Hollywood hides it in their movies. Comedians squeeze it into punchlines. Teachers push it on the young and impressionable. News and media presents it as fact. Songs put it to tune. And meanwhile, Big Brother watches. Tracks. Listens. Punishes. People used to fear being spied on. Now, in your homes, you say “Eavesdrop, play this song.”

Can you even fathom any more the idea that you are better than someone else, or someone better than you, through the totality of you and your culture? Why is that a bad thing to say? The people that will scold you for this will also be the ones to say they’ll wear this clothing line but not that one. Or live in this neighborhood, but not that one. Why? Would you rather your daughter marry a doctor from a good family? Or a Somali warlord? If aliens landed tomorrow, do you think Bob down the street should be sent to talk to them? Or maybe someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking? I mean, we’re all the same. Right?

People ARE different. Countries ARE different. Cultures ARE different. I’m not saying look down your nose at people and lose what makes us human. But recognize fact and reality and understand something else..... fear is an important mechanism that protects you. It is absurd to deny it. It’s the thing that kept an ancestor from walking up and petting a bear. It’s why you’re here. It’s why you should legitimately look at things that in your gut give you pause so that you, too, survive and go on so that people in the future exist because YOU recognized danger. Facing your fears is one thing. Denying them is another. We have lost our need for hard and tough things and lost our awareness of danger because we live in societies that shield you from it. We see it daily. Nobody NEEDS a gun. Nobody NEEDS a mean dog. Nobody NEEDS (whatever, fill in the blank.) We as a society are losing our hardness and our toughness and the things that got us here.

Politicians and celebrities tell you, “This isn’t who we are. We’re better than this.” Ironic that you claim to be better while claiming you’re not better. It’s good guy camouflage propaganda talk meant to shame you and get you to deny what you know in your heart. And it works on most of the population because I believe most people are absolute followers, sadly. Incapable of their own thought. They shame easily and care too much how others accept them.

Anyway, this young girl was failed by many. And through a sad turn of fate, of karma, of survival of the fittest, reality coldly fell upon her. Had you stood and told her that day, “You need to go. You are in danger. These people will kill you.” Know what she would’ve done? Ignored you. Laughed at you. Maybe called you a racist. Or something else. I don’t know. She was a product of the failed system of the Coexist bumper sticker generation. But now, literally, she is removed from time and her ancestors stop where she fell that day. Think about that.

In the video she screamed out “ow!” as they carved into her flesh with the knife. Her final cry was one word in her native language.... but translated, she heartbreakingly cried out for “Mother”.

Luke 10:3
“Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.”

Link here:

This is the 2nd story of 2018 with the same ironic and tragic ending. The earlier one was a dating couple who espoused world peace and harmony and decided to go on a bike trek somewhere in the Far East near Pakistan to "prove their theory". They were similarly murdered by fundies out to score Allah points.

Was all happy and jolly until it was not. Too bad that education and the media and their mentors are not painting a realistic picture of the dangers in this world.

More than the second. Remember the mid west girl who posted Trump was being mean to illegals who she welcomed...then was raped and killed by an illegal Mexican?

Liberalism is, basically, a simple minded and childish naivety which young women are most susceptible to and which those in power don’t mind using. Getting women raped and killed is small price to them for the cause.

The media encourages it and the young women suffer for it.

Liberals have no concept of how dangerous many places of the world is for various reasons.

If these same two girls had tried walking thru Harlem, the projects of Detroit, Chicago, or the hood of basically any large American city at 2am on a moonless night, their chances of survival and not being raped and robbed, and murdered, would be very grim. .... :cool:

I think they'd be safer in Harlem than an Islamic shithole.

Yes, but it's not totally an Islamic shithole. There's the alluring French influence. Many of the metropolitan people walking around are mostly French, look French; an irresistible combination. Those animals in the Atlas Mountains are something else.

The country is caught between the 21st century modernism, and primitive mediaeval.

Turkey has a similar problem.
The British manage to get guns nonetheless. And the French. I've already posted about the huge black market in guns, in Europe.

Ban things, and people will do it all the more. Like prohibition.

Again, I'll take the UK's 48 Gun homicides over our 13,000 any day of the week.

Oh... Prohibition actually worked just fine. a few places like Chicago it didn't work, but most of the country was dry as a bone.
How liberal of you. And what if you suddenly don't get to decide who the racist is?
Can we lock you up?

I'll bet the families of young girls in England who were being raped and drugged by Muslim grooming gangs were quite happy and thankful to have someone speak up about it. The world needs more "racists" like them and less assholes like you.

You mean another fake 'moral' panic.. like when we all thought Satanists were in Role Playing Games and Rock Music...

No thank you.
Found this on FB. This man says it all. (I've attached the post he is referencing in his opening sentence)

This is a post from Maren Ueland from her FB page. She is one of the two Scandinavian college girls savagely beheaded by Muslims while backpacking. They pulled her from her tent, assaulted her, and put their boots on her head to hold her still as they cut her head from her neck. They then tossed her head aside and spat on it. All on gruesome video.

This is an example of failure.
Failure of her parents to teach her about the reality of the world and to protect her. Failure of her educational system to teach her history and the difference in societies. Failure of her government to tell her the reality of the differences between her culture and sub cultures.

This is what happens, in a 2018 “We’re all just one big happy family coexisting on the planet with open borders and nobody is better than anybody and all faiths and cultures are equal” bullshit society that continues to lie and inundate its citizens with nonstop propaganda.

We see massive immigration into countries and the harm it brings. We hear the propaganda narratives that accompany it. You are in a constant brainwash machine meant to shame you and vilify you if you dare step outside of group-think. If you dare for a moment say “Hey... now hold on. I have a different view and some valid concerns”, you will be immediately identified and punished. Social media will censor you. Activist groups will target you. People will doxx you and try to get you fired or removed from positions. Friends will abandon you. Rumors swirl. (I’ve had this happen.) It’s by design. It’s meant to make an example of you to others. An ominous warning: BEWARE. STAY IN LINE. OR YOU ARE NEXT.

Ironically, useful idiots protect and defend this globalist fascism, while claiming to be anti-fascist. Having been failed themselves, they ignorantly take their marching orders and work toward what will eventually lead to their own slaughter.

You are constantly told that nationalism is bad. Real bad. In fact, it’s wrong. You should have no pride or allegiance to your homeland. You shouldn’t think better of yourself having been born there. The reason for that is so you won’t defend it when the time comes. In fact, you’ll tear it down yourselves over time. It will become worthless and discardable to you. You’ll open your borders and flood your country with a culture that at its core wants to conquer you. You’ll allow your women and children to be raped. You’ll watch your citizens get ran over in Christmas markets. You’ll witness the stabbings. The bombings. But, you’ve been told that if you speak out, well, you’re a RACIST. You are an ISLAMOPHOBE. You’re a number of really bad things. “Not ALL of them are bad,” you’ll say to yourself, re-educating yourself in your own private propagandized mind like a good little NPC. Some will speak out, and they’ll be destroyed quickly. Most will just stay in line, oblivious.

We have lost the ability to recognize fact for ourselves. We are programmed by various sources. The progressive State tells you what you are allowed to think. They download into your mind daily. Hollywood hides it in their movies. Comedians squeeze it into punchlines. Teachers push it on the young and impressionable. News and media presents it as fact. Songs put it to tune. And meanwhile, Big Brother watches. Tracks. Listens. Punishes. People used to fear being spied on. Now, in your homes, you say “Eavesdrop, play this song.”

Can you even fathom any more the idea that you are better than someone else, or someone better than you, through the totality of you and your culture? Why is that a bad thing to say? The people that will scold you for this will also be the ones to say they’ll wear this clothing line but not that one. Or live in this neighborhood, but not that one. Why? Would you rather your daughter marry a doctor from a good family? Or a Somali warlord? If aliens landed tomorrow, do you think Bob down the street should be sent to talk to them? Or maybe someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking? I mean, we’re all the same. Right?

People ARE different. Countries ARE different. Cultures ARE different. I’m not saying look down your nose at people and lose what makes us human. But recognize fact and reality and understand something else..... fear is an important mechanism that protects you. It is absurd to deny it. It’s the thing that kept an ancestor from walking up and petting a bear. It’s why you’re here. It’s why you should legitimately look at things that in your gut give you pause so that you, too, survive and go on so that people in the future exist because YOU recognized danger. Facing your fears is one thing. Denying them is another. We have lost our need for hard and tough things and lost our awareness of danger because we live in societies that shield you from it. We see it daily. Nobody NEEDS a gun. Nobody NEEDS a mean dog. Nobody NEEDS (whatever, fill in the blank.) We as a society are losing our hardness and our toughness and the things that got us here.

Politicians and celebrities tell you, “This isn’t who we are. We’re better than this.” Ironic that you claim to be better while claiming you’re not better. It’s good guy camouflage propaganda talk meant to shame you and get you to deny what you know in your heart. And it works on most of the population because I believe most people are absolute followers, sadly. Incapable of their own thought. They shame easily and care too much how others accept them.

Anyway, this young girl was failed by many. And through a sad turn of fate, of karma, of survival of the fittest, reality coldly fell upon her. Had you stood and told her that day, “You need to go. You are in danger. These people will kill you.” Know what she would’ve done? Ignored you. Laughed at you. Maybe called you a racist. Or something else. I don’t know. She was a product of the failed system of the Coexist bumper sticker generation. But now, literally, she is removed from time and her ancestors stop where she fell that day. Think about that.

In the video she screamed out “ow!” as they carved into her flesh with the knife. Her final cry was one word in her native language.... but translated, she heartbreakingly cried out for “Mother”.

Luke 10:3
“Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.”

Link here:
Islam is just an excuse for sick bastards to go around killing women.
I've seen examples of this kind of violence in South Africa on Twitter.
Blacks using Islam as an excuse to murder white women in this exact same manner.
You mean another fake 'moral' panic.. like when we all thought Satanists were in Role Playing Games and Rock Music...

No thank you.
It's only "fake" to those hiding in their cone of denial. LONDON: DEAFENING SILENCE ON RAPE GANGS - AltNewsMedia
It's okay. We all know the systematic rape of young English girls by gangs of Pakistani immigrants is something
you'd rather not have to acknowledge.
Here's some more "fake news" for you to ignore. Eighteen people found guilty over Newcastle sex grooming network

Thank God we aren't all pathetic cowards like you deniers.
t's only "fake" to those hiding in their cone of denial.

yeah, when you cite something called the "AltNewMedia", you really don't have a lot of credibility at that point.

It's okay. We all know the systematic rape of young English girls by gangs of Pakistani immigrants is something
you'd rather not have to acknowledge.
Here's some more "fake news" for you to ignore.

Meh, we have prostitution all over the world, as long as we have backwards laws about it, we are going to have human trafficking.
The British manage to get guns nonetheless. And the French. I've already posted about the huge black market in guns, in Europe.

Ban things, and people will do it all the more. Like prohibition.

Again, I'll take the UK's 48 Gun homicides over our 13,000 any day of the week.

Oh... Prohibition actually worked just fine. a few places like Chicago it didn't work, but most of the country was dry as a bone.

How have we strayed into American gun crime?

Did Dr. Who land in an alternate universe?
Again, I'll take the UK's 48 Gun homicides over our 13,000 any day of the week.
What you're not taking into consideration is the culture and ethnicity of the people when it comes to homicide rates.

For instance, Mexico has some of the toughest gun restriction laws on the planet. In fact there is only 1 public gun shop in all of Mexico.

Yet, with less than half of the population of the U.S.

Mexico has almost double the gun homicide rate compared to America. ... :cool:
Again, I'll take the UK's 48 Gun homicides over our 13,000 any day of the week.
What you're not taking into consideration is the culture and ethnicity of the people when it comes to homicide rates.

For instance, Mexico has some of the toughest gun restriction laws on the planet. In fact there is only 1 public gun shop in all of Mexico.

Yet, with less than half of the population of the U.S.

Mexico has almost double the gun homicide rate compared to America. ... :cool:
Wow! You're not wrong.

Intentional homicide rate 15
Ranked 1st. 3 times more than United States 4.7
Ranked 7th.

Murder rate 25,757
Ranked 2nd. 98% more than United States 12,996
Ranked 9th.

Mexico vs United States: Crime > Violent crime Facts and Stats

Liberals have no concept of how dangerous many places of the world is for various reasons.

If these same two girls had tried walking thru Harlem, the projects of Detroit, Chicago, or the hood of basically any large American city at 2am on a moonless night, their chances of survival and not being raped and robbed, and murdered, would be very grim. .... :cool:

I've been through Harlem, and I'm not a liberal.

Please don't do the equivalence thing with the US and North Africa.
the US has one of the highest murder rates in developed countries
Region Rate Count
Americas 16.3 157,000
Africa 12.5 135,000
World 6.2 437,000
Europe 3.0 22,000
Oceania 3.0 1,100
Asia 2.9 122,000

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

To be fair Americas covers a huge area.

You're quite right. Since almost nation in CENTRAL America exceeds our homicide rate in the US.. It's a statistic without adequate explanation. And those are dangerous to the mind.

But maybe only slightly less dangerous than taking yourself on a "World Peace Trek" to prove that love is greater than hate.
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