reaction to Trumps "order"

Their suppliers are moving their manufacturing out of China. Is that something you think is good or bad?

thats something I would like to see backed up with a credible link -
Home Depot says suppliers are moving manufacturing out of China to avoid tariffs

...because Malaysia is so much better......
You people are never happy. The whole point here is China loses the business. Why does it matter to you where these companies decide to do their business after they move out of China?

I know that Trump has convinced you that China is your enemy, but they have never caused me even the slightest difficulty.
China is one of Trump's best friends. He owes them money and I suspect his ties and Trump wear are still manufactured there.
He's a man whore. Plain n' simple.
Their suppliers are moving their manufacturing out of China. Is that something you think is good or bad?

thats something I would like to see backed up with a credible link -
Home Depot says suppliers are moving manufacturing out of China to avoid tariffs

...because Malaysia is so much better......
You people are never happy. The whole point here is China loses the business. Why does it matter to you where these companies decide to do their business after they move out of China?

I know that Trump has convinced you that China is your enemy, but they have never caused me even the slightest difficulty.

...because Malaysia is so much better......
You people are never happy. The whole point here is China loses the business. Why does it matter to you where these companies decide to do their business after they move out of China?

I know that Trump has convinced you that China is your enemy, but they have never caused me even the slightest difficulty.
That’s because you clearly have no understanding of economics. Most on the left don’t.

oh please - 98% of Trumps drones dont know the difference between debt/deficit - trade economics is totally meaningless to them.
As I said before, we all know that Trump is an economic genius. He explained to Larry King decades ago that the reason that his Taj Mahal Casino went bankrupt was because the slot machines were so popular that they overheated and fell apart.
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you people even read economic news? Home Depot just announced its moving much of its production out of China and into other countries including the US. And many others are doing the same thing. Retailers are trying to avoid passing the cost on to consumers through price increases and are instead looking for ways to produce cheaper elsewhere. This is the entire point of these tariffs. China is gojng to have no other choice but to cave on this. They can only devalue their currency for so long before that has an even worse impact than it’s worth.

Just what flavor of Kool-Aid is trump serving today? Also, when did Home Depot, a retailer, suddenly become a manufacturer?
Their suppliers are moving their manufacturing out of China. Is that something you think is good or bad?

thats something I would like to see backed up with a credible link -
Home Depot says suppliers are moving manufacturing out of China to avoid tariffs
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .
Trump is shorting the market. Every time he runs his yap on Twitter the market reacts & tanks like it did last week. He's buying low, selling high & cleaning up. That's why he's doing it & the suckers fall for it every time. He's the biggest con artist of all time.
Just what flavor of Kool-Aid is trump serving today? Also, when did Home Depot, a retailer, suddenly become a manufacturer?
Their suppliers are moving their manufacturing out of China. Is that something you think is good or bad?

thats something I would like to see backed up with a credible link -
Home Depot says suppliers are moving manufacturing out of China to avoid tariffs
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Their suppliers are moving their manufacturing out of China. Is that something you think is good or bad?

thats something I would like to see backed up with a credible link -
Home Depot says suppliers are moving manufacturing out of China to avoid tariffs
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.
Their suppliers are moving their manufacturing out of China. Is that something you think is good or bad?

thats something I would like to see backed up with a credible link -
Home Depot says suppliers are moving manufacturing out of China to avoid tariffs
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?

Trump gave soybean farmers 16 billion -

16 - 2 = 14 .... BRILLIANT MOVE !

RW math.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

Trump can't really order companies out of China. I think what he's doing is showing China he will not be pushed around.

This whole tariff thing is a game of Chicken; see who is going to drive off the road first. However we have the biggest car on the block, and China knows this. What they can do is to interfere in our economy, especially now that the Democrats are trying to start a recession. Good timing by the Chinese, but it won't work.
They have a massive amount of debt that they’re having trouble servicing and they can’t afford to have anyone cut their throats like this. They’re only going to be able to stand their ground for so long. I can’t even believe I’m watching this happen before my eyes this was something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime.

China doesn't have to stand it's ground like the USA does. China has other found other sources for their soy beans, rice, and wheat, and it's busy investing in the seaports and other trade infrastructure to secure these markets. Added to which, Trump has caved on every negotiation he's part a part of, with little to show for it.

Trump claimed a huge victory with NAFTA2.0, and the hard goods trade deficit with Canada, doubled. In Canada, tariff's on Canadian made steel haven't hurt our steel production one bit, but Trump's much touted "opening up" of Canadian dairy markets has been a bust for US dairy farmers. We only import milk which meets Canadian standards of production, which is no anti-biotics or growth hormones in our milk Milk here is now bagged as "Locally Sourced" in big black letters on the bags. Unlike Americans, who always shop price, Canadians will actually buy Canadian to help out our local workers.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

If you look at these charts, everywhere Trump has started a trade war, the US trade deficit has increased, not decreased, as a result. Everything Trump has set out to fix, has gotten worse, not better,

His health care "fixes" have seen 5 million people lose their health insurance.

His tariffs and trade wars have increased the trade deficits in every jurisdiction where he's imposed tariffs.

Trump is destabilizing world markets and his "America alone" policies have made him an unreliable negotiator, since he frequently makes agreements and quickly renegs on his promises.
Last edited:
When Fox even reports using an economist that says he can't do that

has he really loss his mind and thinks that because he is the president he can run the US like a company that he owns.

Does he listen to anyone or ask their opinion and if it does not coincide with what he wants he ignores it and does what he wants

Still only ET can issue an order on tweeter and expect what

He is already the worst president.

Trump is merely fanning his feathers in front of China. He's showing China he's not backing down no matter what they do. Of course Trump listens to his people. People that have worked with Trump in the past have said he's a very good listener. He sits down, absorbs what people have to say, and then makes a decision on his next move.

Trump has been “fanning his feathers” for 18 months now while China cuts the legs out from under him. "Fanning his feathers" is about the only thing Trump has accomplished. China has cut US imports in half, and stopped investing in either jobs or real estate in the USA, causing high end real estate sales to slump in the US. Despite the tariffs Trump has imposed, Chinese imports to the US are increasing, as there is literally no low end manufacturing left in the USA. Shoes, clothing, school supplies, electronics, toys - all that manufacturing is gone. American corporations outsourced all of it because Americans want cheaper goods.

Of course the smart thing to do would have been to enter into discussions with the Chinese about the current trade deal and ask politely for a new one like a sensible leader might do, but Trump has to puff himself up and throw around his power, like the old fool that he is. I worked for an international trade lawyer for four years, and both the Chinese and the Japanese don't respond well to "disrespectful" behaviour. But all are prepared to play Trump like a fiddle - especially Kim. Xi has been masterful, but much more low key. Abe less so since he doesn't want Trump to pull the troops out of Okinawa, but he'll use any advantage he can.

Watching the course of these "negotiations" between Trump and Xi has been very insightful. Trump started this trade war by imposing tariffs on steel, in an effort to help the US steel industry, and bring back jobs in steel production to the US. All of these are laudable goals, but the devil is in the details. Xi responded by cancelling all soy bean orders from the US Midwest, and overnight, mid-western farmers, who overwhelmingly voted for Trump, were wiped out and placed on government welfare, and thereby exacerbating the trade deficit Trump was supposed to be wiping out.

Exports to China have steadily declined in the light of Xi's control over his countries supply chains, and markets the world over are re-aligning in the wake of this trade war. Just as Obama's good relations with your allies, and the cooperation amongst the various trading partners mitigated the damage caused by W's fiscal crisis, the current destruction of the world trading relationships, and the tariffs and protectionism emanating from the USA, is having the opposite effect and utterly destabilizing the world economy. Trump did promise to undo every Obama did, and saving the world's economy was Obama's greatest triumph, so of course Trump is destroying everything in his path. It's what he does.

When Xi issues orders, they're obeyed. Otherwise, you lose your position, your privilege, and even your freedom. When Trump orders US companies to find new suppliers, they tell him to smarten up.

As for the results of Trump's tariff's at home. The result was a loss of 50 manufacturing jobs for every new job created in the steel industry, and while new American steel plants are in fact opening, they are highly automated. The new jobs being created are highly technical, and highly skilled. This isn't your grandfather's steel manufacturing plant. Manufacturing in the USA is officially in recession mode, and that was so even before the Trump Administration announced that job creation numbers were being revised downward for 2018, by up to 500,00 jobs.

As the country drifts steadily towards recession, once again it's obvious Trump is relying on his "gut instincts" to guide him policy decisions, or perhaps his decisions are based more on who he's trying to offend or who he's trying to appease. Either way, these are the same "gut instincts" that has lead to Trump being the worst businessman in American history - in terms of his bankruptcies, his billion dollars in losses, and his 3000+ lawsuits, all records for any American businessman.

American businessmen are now saying that Trump has no plan to extract himself from this mess of his own creation, and certainly when the shit hits the fan in a major way, your allies won't be there to help bail Trump out, like they did with Obama, because Trump has pissed everyone off except Putin, Kim, and Erdogan.

What are you talking about?

View attachment 275842
63 is historically really low that's what I'm talking about obviously. Obama was around 63 with trump said the real unemployment rate might be as high as 42%! And you believe him then so you must believe it now.

DumBama's participation rate sunk every year he was in office:

View attachment 275843

Now we are at least seeing some stabilization during Trump.

That’s because baby boomers retired in large numbers starting under Bush. This was expected.

Yes, that does play a part in it. We still however have a large group of people who don't want to work. Drugs are a major problem here.

Funny how you consider Trump's taxes nobody's business but his, but you have no problem with employers demanding drug tests for all employees. No violation of privacy rights is to great, unless the person is rich of course.

good point about honor as in Asian culture honor is everything and shame brings shame onto the family but nowadays its about country but honor is still important

Trump cannot understand honor and only looks for greed. There may be asians who are greedy but for the most part they many still feel that honor is important. And yes that is an opinion of mine

honor in american has been mostly lost, the old days even the south spoke of honor abide and it would be notable except for the periods of hanging and segregation but I give them the benefit of doubt and say that most are turning it around except for the few and the proud

intentionally not to offending others, and maintain a reputation for not accepting improper conduct by others.

You wanna make america great again remember honor

Pre Trump that actually meant something
Thank God we finally have a President with the balls to take on China. But people have to realize, especially Democrats and establishment free traders, that Trump needs everyones help to do this. Whatever happened to all that stronger together BS Democrats were chirping about? And Trump isn't ordering anything. He requesting help and stating the simple fact that companies may have to relocate if things in China turn south. Trump is right. Eff the globalist slavers.
BWHAHAHAHAHA! Trump is waiting for China to line his pockets & when they do he'll change his mind on trade faster then he can stuff his yap with a McD's Big Mac. Why oh why do you people believe in this Conman?
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.

In America, estimates say that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Walmart’s merchandise, leaving less than 20 percent for American-made products.

Source: Walmart China, Frontline, The Atlantic

Walmart makes $34,985 in profit every minute, meaning that Walmart makes $10 million in profit approximately every five hours.

HD customers go to Walmart.
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.
Right cause the stock is the best indicator of how they are doing. Funny. You notice the dow has been stagnant for about a year? MAGA!

Doesn't sound good to me:
Home Depot had also lowered its sales outlook for the year to be up about 2.3% and same-store sales to increase by about 4%. Previously it had called for total sales growth of 3.3% and same-store sales growth of 5%. Fadem said that the company mentioned the forecast was conservative because of uncertainty over how the tariffs will impact consumers.
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.

In America, estimates say that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Walmart’s merchandise, leaving less than 20 percent for American-made products.

Source: Walmart China, Frontline, The Atlantic

Walmart makes $34,985 in profit every minute, meaning that Walmart makes $10 million in profit approximately every five hours.

HD customers go to Walmart.
Look at their stock chart too. Higher highs, lower lows and new support each rebound from correction. Again, not the performance of a company that’s hurting from Chinese tariffs. The market knows more than you, me, or a journalist.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

He sure as shit can and I hope he's about time these sold out sons of bitches are brought to their senses and stop fucking the country that made them rich and powerful. He can declare anything from an American company in China contraband and have it seized and destroyed.

Trump takes aim at media after 'hereby' ordering US businesses out of China
Wonder if he’ll have his Chinese made MAGA hats seized as contraband?
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.
Right cause the stock is the best indicator of how they are doing. Funny. You notice the dow has been stagnant for about a year? MAGA!

Doesn't sound good to me:
Home Depot had also lowered its sales outlook for the year to be up about 2.3% and same-store sales to increase by about 4%. Previously it had called for total sales growth of 3.3% and same-store sales growth of 5%. Fadem said that the company mentioned the forecast was conservative because of uncertainty over how the tariffs will impact consumers.
If you look at the 1 year chart of the Dow versus the year to date, we can see that while the 12 month performance is running about even, the year to date is up 4000 points. By this time last year it had started to drop because of fear of how the steel tariffs were going to affect the economy. The market found that bottom and has been increasing since then because of the fact that the steel tariffs ARENT having the negative effect we were told they would have. And the last 6 months have been very positive and that’s what we see in the stock performance of Walmart and Home Depot- higher highs, lower lows, and new support. The markets are our best indicator of future economic activity because the smartest money has access to the best information before the average person.
Looks like no good news for us. From you link:
  • The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.
  • The company's suppliers are moving some manufacturing to other countries, including Taiwan and Vietnam.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.

In America, estimates say that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Walmart’s merchandise, leaving less than 20 percent for American-made products.

Source: Walmart China, Frontline, The Atlantic

Walmart makes $34,985 in profit every minute, meaning that Walmart makes $10 million in profit approximately every five hours.

HD customers go to Walmart.
Look at their stock chart too. Higher highs, lower lows and new support each rebound from correction. Again, not the performance of a company that’s hurting from Chinese tariffs. The market knows more than you, me, or a journalist.

Walmart Inc. (WMT) Earnings Surprise
And not for nothing but since the Dow has rebounded from the low last year it has broken key resistance levels each time and recently broke the latest at 27k.
View attachment 275933

Does this look like the performance of a company that’s hurting from tariffs? You people wouldn’t know an economic signal if it stabbed you in your ass.
Again, from your own link:
The tariffs on Chinese goods are projected to have a "cost impact" on Home Depot's U.S. sales of about 2%, or $2 billion.

That sounds good to you?
Read the fucking link. Home Depot’s suppliers are moving out of China to avoid this cost impact. This is reducing the impact of those sales numbers. These tariffs have been in place for a while and yet we still see the performance of HD stock increasing with higher highs and lower lows and new support each time it rebounds from its correction. That’s not how a company hurting from tariffs performs.

In America, estimates say that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Walmart’s merchandise, leaving less than 20 percent for American-made products.

Source: Walmart China, Frontline, The Atlantic

Walmart makes $34,985 in profit every minute, meaning that Walmart makes $10 million in profit approximately every five hours.

HD customers go to Walmart.
Look at their stock chart too. Higher highs, lower lows and new support each rebound from correction. Again, not the performance of a company that’s hurting from Chinese tariffs. The market knows more than you, me, or a journalist.

Walmart Inc. (WMT) Earnings Surprise
Surprise lol. Let’s revist this discussion in a couple weeks after the market has had a chance to process the newest reports about the tariffs because clearly the only thing that drives your economic opinion is single news articles that prove next to nothing macroeconomically.

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