reaction to Trumps "order"

Trump gave soybean farmers $16 BILLION DOLLARS paid for by American Taxpayers to offset the loss from his tariff - his tariff wont even pay for the interest on that 16 billion.

took a course in economics at Trump University didnt you Sparky -
Wait til you see how much Japan buys in the new trade deal. You’re gonna hate it :D

China buys more of our debt than Japan, they also buy billions of dollars of real estate in Cali, Tx, Fl, and NY ..

who hates what will show up ...
This post right here demonstrates that you have no clue what you’re talking about beyond whatever you “learn” from the media. I can’t even take a discussion with you seriously. When you’re ready to discuss the intricacies of economics regarding this issue you let me know.
Says there guy who thinks tariffs are good. Your economics can't be taken seriously.
This is how stupid you people are..

You think increased income taxes on business, that can and do get passed on to consumers, are amazing but somehow tariffs aren’t.. because the media tells you they aren’t. The real truth of the matter is you don’t have any fucking idea how good or bad they are. You need to rely on an actor to tell you what you know about tariffs. You people are the stupidest people on the planet. You’ve probably never uttered the phrase “yield curve” in your entire life until this past week. Like I said, we can revisit this discussion down the road when all this economic activity going on right now has had a chance to sink in and we’ll see where things are at. But right now the markets are saying you’re wrong. The steel tariffs have been in effect for a year now and the market didn’t crash, it regained its losses from the dip a year ago and broke a new resistance level in the process which is a bullish signal. But hey go ahead and think what you want. The market knows more than you do though, and it’s foolish to think otherwise.
Take a look at US Steel stock. Ouch.
But, but Trump better hurry & cease having his suits & trinkets made in China because it's a "NATIONAL EMERGENCY"!! Someone please inform Trump of this!

Maybe someone in the Trump herd can send him a Tweet!
If they are correct, with 5 -6 million unemployed and supposedly 7 million jobs open...the unemployment rate ought to drop to near next month.

Think it will?
For a second time, Lesh.
Either they aren't qualified or they don't want to work.
A certain amount of our society refuse to work ,like those who live in their mommy's basement,
and those who choose to live on the streets.

Big numbers of that are moms with kids. It’s more expensive to go work paying babysitters or day care than staying home.

We run a prototype helping a single mom by working from home. We ( not me personally) set up her home like part of our telephone and computer systems. If you call her extension you would not know the difference if she out there. It didn’t work.

People complained that when you talk to her kids are crying and screaming on the background. I tried it. So we let her go.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .

Who will make Trump's ties and MAGAt hats?

Garments district in Los Angeles can make those ties, socks and hat. The same as China’s price. They just don’t have papers and accept only cash.
Congress has granted the POTUS this power by Statute.

In place since 1977 to empower Jimmy Carter in dealings with OPEC.

Dumb bastards never repealed it.

He can PROSECUTE any company or individual who does business with any country he puts off limits.

And put them all in prison.

President Trump has this power under the International Emergency Economic Lowers Act of 1977. And/ or if he determines it necessary he still has the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917. Plus more!
But, but Trump better hurry & cease having his suits & trinkets made in China because it's a "NATIONAL EMERGENCY"!! Someone please inform Trump of this!

Maybe someone in the Trump herd can send him a Tweet!

There are 268 items for sale on the Trump Organization’s online store. Of those only 41 items are made in the US

Trump says -
We are going to defend our workers, protect our jobs, and finally put America first

Trump does -
use workers in foreign countries to make his trinkets

obvious what he was saying America first except with me and its Me first
When Fox even reports using an economist that says he can't do that

has he really loss his mind and thinks that because he is the president he can run the US like a company that he owns.

Does he listen to anyone or ask their opinion and if it does not coincide with what he wants he ignores it and does what he wants

Still only ET can issue an order on tweeter and expect what

He is already the worst president.

Trump is merely fanning his feathers in front of China. He's showing China he's not backing down no matter what they do. Of course Trump listens to his people. People that have worked with Trump in the past have said he's a very good listener. He sits down, absorbs what people have to say, and then makes a decision on his next move.

So a dumb president start negotiating by threatening China? Since when a country will just bow their head and negotiate? And he keeps doing it by his tweets.

NO and NO he is not listening to his advisers. If he does then he hired the wrong temporary new employees.

He keeps firing his tweets while negotiations are on going. I’m sure some his advisers with minimum experience told him to stop.

A boyscout could have hit his head. You stupid kid stop messing around.
Do we still have more jobs than people to fill them? If the answer is yes, then your point is moot.
3% unemployment says we don't

CBS says we do.

The U.S. has 1 million more job openings than unemployed workers

CNBC says we do:

Hiring by US businesses hits a record high

CNN says we do:

There are now more job openings than workers to fill them
If they are correct, with 5 -6 million unemployed and supposedly 7 million jobs open...the unemployment rate ought to drop to near next month.

Think it will?
For a second time, Lesh.
Either they aren't qualified or they don't want to work.
A certain amount of our society refuse to work ,like those who live in their mommy's basement,
and those who choose to live on the streets.

Big numbers of that are moms with kids. It’s more expensive to go work paying babysitters or day care than staying home.

We run a prototype helping a single mom by working from home. We ( not me personally) set up her home like part of our telephone and computer systems. If you call her extension you would not know the difference if she out there. It didn’t work.

People complained that when you talk to her kids are crying and screaming on the background. I tried it. So we let her go.

yeah it is not hard to imagine that it does not work.

You need a room that is your office and if they are old enough you need to tell them to not bother you while in the office. If they are younger then good look with that one. Still it would probably be cheaper to get a kid to babysit while you are working at home.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

He sure as shit can and I hope he's about time these sold out sons of bitches are brought to their senses and stop fucking the country that made them rich and powerful. He can declare anything from an American company in China contraband and have it seized and destroyed.

Trump takes aim at media after 'hereby' ordering US businesses out of China

I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

Do you really believe China is the only country in the world with dirt cheap labor?

True but most of the 14 countries nearby do not have the raw materials that can supply US economy. They cannot compete with China.

Other wise they could have done it long time ago. Some companies did but not big enough.

Labors in Middle East like constructions workers, operators, services like waiters, cooks or maids, engineers etc etc etc. Came from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines etc ........ then Chinese entered the labor force. Salaries went down.
I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

New Balance still are manufactured in the US....only their soles come from China. You're going by an assumption that the past is the present....Trump is changing all the rules and China is going to be a much different situation when he's done with them.

When Trump is done. I’m still scratching my head. Like WHAT? What are you trying to accomplish?

When farmers are very pissed. Next victims are the wine makers. The lobster business are already hurting.
He already made farmers a welfare recipients. Is he going to do the same with the lobster, wine and shoe businesses??

National Farmers Union Says Trump Is 'Burning Bridges' With His Trade Wars

National Farmers Union condemns new tariffs: 'Trump is making things worse'

The National Farmers Union (NFU) on Friday hammered President Trump over his escalating trade war with China, saying he is "making things worse."

The statement came the same day as Washington and Beijing boosted tariffs in the widening dispute, with China targeting cars and farm products, further harming farmers who have already borne the brunt of the Chinese penalties.
I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

New Balance still are manufactured in the US....only their soles come from China. You're going by an assumption that the past is the present....Trump is changing all the rules and China is going to be a much different situation when he's done with them.

Trump is like a wrecking ball.
Wakes up in the morning......

Let me fuck with the democrats.
Let me fuck with the Clintons.
Let me fuck with the wall streets.
Let me fuck with the Chinese.
Let me fuck with the Europeans.
Let me blame Obama.

Let me kiss Putin and Kim.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .

Who will make Trump's ties and MAGAt hats?

Garments district in Los Angeles can make those ties, socks and hat. The same as China’s price. They just don’t have papers and accept only cash.

Okay, but that's not the point. The point is Trump's hypocrisy.

I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

New Balance still are manufactured in the US....only their soles come from China. You're going by an assumption that the past is the present....Trump is changing all the rules and China is going to be a much different situation when he's done with them.

And when is Trump going top be done with them. This tariff shit has been going on for over 500 days, now, with no positive results.
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you people even read economic news? Home Depot just announced its suppliers are moving much of their production out of China and into other countries including the US. And many others are doing the same thing. Retailers are trying to avoid passing the cost on to consumers through price increases and are instead looking for ways to produce cheaper elsewhere. This is the entire point of these tariffs. China is gojng to have no other choice but to cave on this. They can only devalue their currency for so long before that has an even worse impact than it’s worth.

That is a bunch of cow dung.
First do you have a link?
Second. Home Depot has thousands of products. Do you honestly believe that by moving the supplier is that easy? If Home Depot or me wants to move 2 years ago or last year. Don’t you think we could have done that??

Businesses will move the operations based from business interests. NOT because of inept POTUS.

I watched Kudlow grilled by CNN this morning. He was dancing tango and acrobatic trying to defend Trump cow dung policy.
I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

New Balance still are manufactured in the US....only their soles come from China. You're going by an assumption that the past is the present....Trump is changing all the rules and China is going to be a much different situation when he's done with them.

And when is Trump going top be done with them. This tariff shit has been going on for over 500 days, now, with no positive results.
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you people even read economic news? Home Depot just announced its moving much of its production out of China and into other countries including the US. And many others are doing the same thing. Retailers are trying to avoid passing the cost on to consumers through price increases and are instead looking for ways to produce cheaper elsewhere. This is the entire point of these tariffs. China is gojng to have no other choice but to cave on this. They can only devalue their currency for so long before that has an even worse impact than it’s worth.

Just what flavor of Kool-Aid is trump serving today? Also, when did Home Depot, a retailer, suddenly become a manufacturer?

Lots of these people are MANUFACTURER of lies.
But, but Trump better hurry & cease having his suits & trinkets made in China because it's a "NATIONAL EMERGENCY"!! Someone please inform Trump of this!

Maybe someone in the Trump herd can send him a Tweet!

There are 268 items for sale on the Trump Organization’s online store. Of those only 41 items are made in the US

Trump says -
We are going to defend our workers, protect our jobs, and finally put America first

Trump does -
use workers in foreign countries to make his trinkets

obvious what he was saying America first except with me and its Me first

Actually that is my favorite.

He keeps hammering Buy Americans ad Hire Americans.

Most of his products are made overseas. His Maralago and vineyards are full of foreign workers.
Totally hypocrite lying POTUS.

It’s very funny......... His excuse was he cannot find waiters, cook, janitors and chef in Florida. Oh we tried to advertise but only 2 applicants.
I saw one of those ads about 2 years ago. Some one showed it to me. They place the ads in one of those cheap flyers ( like Penny saver in California) with just a fax numbers and it say no tips forgot how much $/per hour.

Maralago is one of the most expensive golf club in the world. Don’t have a website or a telephone number for an ad?
Housing and food plus salary foreign workers doesn’t come cheap compared to local workers.
Manufacturers Are Considering Leaving China. But It Isn’t All Because of the Trade War – Fortune

Manufacturers Are Considering Leaving China. But It Isn’t All Because of the Trade War Eamon Barrett
June 7, 2019

Rising labor costs have been driving factory emigration from China since long before Washington’s tariffs were a factor.
Minimum hourly wages in the major factory hubs of Guangdong province rose from Rmb4.12 in 2008 to Rmb14.4 ($2.00) last year. Manufacturers, particularly low value-added ones like textile factories, have sought even cheaper labor in Southeast Asian countries, like Vietnam and Malaysia.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

He sure as shit can and I hope he's about time these sold out sons of bitches are brought to their senses and stop fucking the country that made them rich and powerful. He can declare anything from an American company in China contraband and have it seized and destroyed.

Trump takes aim at media after 'hereby' ordering US businesses out of China

I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

Do you really believe China is the only country in the world with dirt cheap labor?

True but most of the 14 countries nearby do not have the raw materials that can supply US economy. They cannot compete with China.

Other wise they could have done it long time ago. Some companies did but not big enough.

Labors in Middle East like constructions workers, operators, services like waiters, cooks or maids, engineers etc etc etc. Came from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines etc ........ then Chinese entered the labor force. Salaries went down.

I think they can do what others have already done, and that is move operations to a more profitable country. Tariffs severely cut that profit so having raw materials at hand is just a matter of importing them to their new location.

China is not giving up on this trade war just yet. However nothing like this has been tried before in modern times, and while I don't care for trade wars, I say we can't gauge the results int he middle of the battle. Each country will make moves, and eventually come to some sort of settlement good or bad. Only then can we rate the Trump strategy.

In the meantime, growing pains will have to ensue. As long as our government is taking care of these farmers, they can wait out the battle with the rest of us.
Just wondering if Trumpy will also bail these poor people and makes them welfare recipients.

US exports to lobster-loving China go off cliff amid tariffs

US exports to lobster-loving China go off cliff amid tariffs

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — U.S. lobster exports to China have fallen off a cliff this year as new retaliatory tariffs shift the seafood business farther north.

China, a huge and growing customer for lobster, placed heavy tariffs on U.S. lobsters — and many other food products — in July 2018 amid rising trade hostilities between the Chinese and the Trump administration.

Meanwhile, business is booming in Canada, where cargo planes are coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Moncton, New Brunswick, to handle a growing bump in exports. Canadian fishermen catch the same species of lobster as American lobstermen, who are based mostly in Maine.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

He sure as shit can and I hope he's about time these sold out sons of bitches are brought to their senses and stop fucking the country that made them rich and powerful. He can declare anything from an American company in China contraband and have it seized and destroyed.

Trump takes aim at media after 'hereby' ordering US businesses out of China

I suppose that you are prepared to go barefoot. 99% of the shoes sold in America are manufactured in China.

Do you really believe China is the only country in the world with dirt cheap labor?

True but most of the 14 countries nearby do not have the raw materials that can supply US economy. They cannot compete with China.

Other wise they could have done it long time ago. Some companies did but not big enough.

Labors in Middle East like constructions workers, operators, services like waiters, cooks or maids, engineers etc etc etc. Came from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines etc ........ then Chinese entered the labor force. Salaries went down.

I think they can do what others have already done, and that is move operations to a more profitable country. Tariffs severely cut that profit so having raw materials at hand is just a matter of importing them to their new location.

China is not giving up on this trade war just yet. However nothing like this has been tried before in modern times, and while I don't care for trade wars, I say we can't gauge the results int he middle of the battle. Each country will make moves, and eventually come to some sort of settlement good or bad. Only then can we rate the Trump strategy.

In the meantime, growing pains will have to ensue. As long as our government is taking care of these farmers, they can wait out the battle with the rest of us.

1. Raw materials. Let me use myself as an example. In the mid 90s I tried to convince my father to make my consumables in the Philippines. I don’t like China for several reasons. Plus Philippines has lots of advantages especially most speak English and cleaner. Plus women are PRETY ( the Spainiards left overs ) not the locals.

I tried but I was unable because I have to deal with middle guy instead of directly buying raw materials. My cost are lots higher. The same with others.

2. China is not giving up just yet. I doubt it if they give up. Especially the way your dude threatening negotiate style. You want them to bow? Because of tweets? I doubt it.

You don’t care about the trade wars. Really? Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans?

We do care about trade wars. Especially the impact and un imaginable consequences. Just like almost every business industries here in US blasting your inept POTUS trade wars.

3. Thats just farmers how about the Lobster or wine industry is he going to bail them out too?
How about John Deere heavy equipments used by farmers? Sales are down about 50%. They are going to lay off people soon. Is he going to bail them out too? How about fertilizer companies?
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?
They can go wherever they want, except China. Building up China and their military is treason. Bush, Obama, Clinton and the rest of the establishment globalists only see K-Street $$$$$$$$$$. When China thinks they have the upper hand, whose kids are going to be sent? Yeah. longer a free market in America. Got it.

You sell us out cheap, dope.

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