Reactions to Terror in Sweden & Australia / Swedish Rape Epidemic - It's not what we think it is

Here we go. Muslims are a bunch of rapists. Hide your women!
Will you quit? Jeebus.
what do you know about islam? not much I take goes far beyond the fact, that in islam women nearly worthless....while Kufir women are worthless...haven't you seen my thread in "Europe"? about the Rotherham,Rochester,Birmingham and Glasgow grooming gang scandal?

no..what you have to understand is what islam creates as society...islamic culture is polygamist in nature, where one man can marry four women and while this is disgusting enough (de-valuing women) does it lead to an overhang of young men who are usually unemployed (muslim societies are generally economically weak and the reason is in islam as well,btw) who are on top sexually frustrated yet get told from young age on, that women are subservient to men and have to serve them.

The men, who can marry four women tend to be the few, who are better merchants for instance....monogamy creates levelled and fair societies, polygamy creates loser.

All those young men in North Africa, hanging around, poor and sexually frustrated....

PS: my 13 year old son was raped last year by a Syrian "refugee" wanna make fun of him as well? or me?
I'm so sorry, Lincoln. I'm not making fun of ANYONE who has been raped. I am making fun of people who think Muslims are all evil and rapists and misogynists and yada yada. So yes, even though your son had a tragic experience, I am going to make fun of you if you continue to buy the propaganda out there. There is a lot of evil in Europe right now, writing a lot of really twisted propaganda against Muslims. We do not experience those problems in this country, probably because the problems themselves are greatly exaggerated to begin with, but there are people here who eat up all that vile bullshit about them, and you appear to believe it as well.
I'm so sorry, Lincoln. I'm not making fun of ANYONE who has been raped. I am making fun of people who think Muslims are all evil and rapists and misogynists and yada yada. So yes, even though your son had a tragic experience, I am going to make fun of you if you continue to buy the propaganda out there. There is a lot of evil in Europe right now, writing a lot of really twisted propaganda against Muslims. We do not experience those problems in this country, probably because the problems themselves are greatly exaggerated to begin with, but there are people here who eat up all that vile bullshit about them, and you appear to believe it as well.

It's not propaganda...btw: your "Tommy" leftist had a "smile" for my post...that is the state of the left here and they control the,any surprise here?
You want proof?
Drei Männer vergewaltigen 16-jähriges Mädchen auf offener Straße - WELT
Panorama is a state controlled news outlet,very pro-govt "refugee" policy....yet, even they report on this...16 yo girl raped by three Afghan asylum seeker in the street

Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn: 16-Jährige von zwei Flüchtlingen vergewaltigt
Again,Panorama, 16 year old rape by two asylum seeker

16-jähriges Mädchen bei München vergewaltigt: Polizei soll in der Nähe gewesen sein
Focu, left wing news outlet, very much pro asylum seeker...16 yo raped by two asylum seeker

Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten, Flüchtlinge, Migranten Rapefugees

"rapefugees" is no the slang name used for refugees...cause that's what they are most known for...besides theft,assault,murder.....

I am German speaker,you me quite an insight into the situation...

You want more? we can do this all after link...

just because you're sheltered, doesn't mean you have the right to belittle the plight of the people.....
I'm so sorry, Lincoln. I'm not making fun of ANYONE who has been raped. I am making fun of people who think Muslims are all evil and rapists and misogynists and yada yada. So yes, even though your son had a tragic experience, I am going to make fun of you if you continue to buy the propaganda out there. There is a lot of evil in Europe right now, writing a lot of really twisted propaganda against Muslims. We do not experience those problems in this country, probably because the problems themselves are greatly exaggerated to begin with, but there are people here who eat up all that vile bullshit about them, and you appear to believe it as well.

It's not propaganda...btw: your "Tommy" leftist had a "smile" for my post...that is the state of the left here and they control the,any surprise here?
You want proof?
Drei Männer vergewaltigen 16-jähriges Mädchen auf offener Straße - WELT
Panorama is a state controlled news outlet,very pro-govt "refugee" policy....yet, even they report on this...16 yo girl raped by three Afghan asylum seeker in the street

Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn: 16-Jährige von zwei Flüchtlingen vergewaltigt
Again,Panorama, 16 year old rape by two asylum seeker

16-jähriges Mädchen bei München vergewaltigt: Polizei soll in der Nähe gewesen sein
Focu, left wing news outlet, very much pro asylum seeker...16 yo raped by two asylum seeker

Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten, Flüchtlinge, Migranten Rapefugees

"rapefugees" is no the slang name used for refugees...cause that's what they are most known for...besides theft,assault,murder.....

I am German speaker,you me quite an insight into the situation...

You want more? we can do this all after link...

just because you're sheltered, doesn't mean you have the right to belittle the plight of the people.....
Well thats nearly 10. Not really a significant issue although awful for the victims.
Well thats nearly 10. Not really a significant issue although awful for the victims.
who ask you? fat disgusting I said: I could link all night no problem..want me to? what is your fucking nazi excuse than?

here,have some more to laugh about: some kids, being marched to the gas chambers...that'll make you nazi puke laugh...fucking inhumane bastard


  • kids to the gaschambers.jpg
    kids to the gaschambers.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 23
Well thats nearly 10. Not really a significant issue although awful for the victims.
here, laugh some more,Nazi...I bet you get a hard one as well...


  • 83a2618a3e6a8b52f786303f1dcc0727--concentration-camps-lieutenant.jpg
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Well thats nearly 10. Not really a significant issue although awful for the victims.
who ask you? fat disgusting I said: I could link all night no problem..want me to? what is your fucking nazi excuse than?

here,have some more to laugh about: some kids, being marched to the gas chambers...that'll make you nazi puke laugh...fucking inhumane bastard
Now you need to link it to your Islamophobia.
Now you need to link it to your Islamophobia.
here,laugh some more Nazi

PS: islamophobia is bullshit you dirty nazi scumbag....go, look at some more victims you can laugh at you pathetic tosser


  • dead kids.jpg
    dead kids.jpg
    63.7 KB · Views: 18
Now you need to link it to your Islamophobia.
which one are you? right left or center?

Scum Nazi...tell me,do you laugh about the victims of Rotherham too? I bet you do...degenerate vile piece of shit that you are, you fucking fascist boot licker


  • tommy.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 24
Well thats nearly 10. Not really a significant issue although awful for the victims.
Nach Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten: Frau begeht Selbstmord
Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten, Flüchtlinge, Migranten Rapefugees
Vergewaltigungen durch Ausländer und Flüchtlinge

This one is really good: a young politician from "Die Linke" (the left) is being raped by refugees, yet tells the police it was Germans....yeah, that's how you left turds work,eh?
Opfer verschweigt Vergewaltigung durch Flüchtlinge
Vergewaltiger waren Asylbewerber
Schon wieder! Asylwerber vergewaltigt Frau in Freiburg bestialisch
19-Jährige hat versuchte Vergewaltigung durch Flüchtlinge frei erfunden
Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten: Schon wieder wurde eine deutsche Frau Opfer | Michael Mannheimer Blog
Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten
Dortmund: Asylant vergewaltigt Frau auf Disco-Toilette
Somalischer Asylant vergewaltigt Frau in Strullendorf
and so and and so on....

want more? no much time do you got?

as for your denial of reality: left loon antifa thugs like you seem to be a special kind of see only what you want to the Nazis...I told you...when the red army is already pouring into Berlin,you too would write on walls" the hourse before sunrise are the darkest"...just in case you've ever wondered, why the Nazis were so fanatical...cause they were just like you...Nazi thug
I'm so sorry, Lincoln. I'm not making fun of ANYONE who has been raped. I am making fun of people who think Muslims are all evil and rapists and misogynists and yada yada. So yes, even though your son had a tragic experience, I am going to make fun of you if you continue to buy the propaganda out there. There is a lot of evil in Europe right now, writing a lot of really twisted propaganda against Muslims. We do not experience those problems in this country, probably because the problems themselves are greatly exaggerated to begin with, but there are people here who eat up all that vile bullshit about them, and you appear to believe it as well.

It's not propaganda...btw: your "Tommy" leftist had a "smile" for my post...that is the state of the left here and they control the,any surprise here?
You want proof?
Drei Männer vergewaltigen 16-jähriges Mädchen auf offener Straße - WELT
Panorama is a state controlled news outlet,very pro-govt "refugee" policy....yet, even they report on this...16 yo girl raped by three Afghan asylum seeker in the street

Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn: 16-Jährige von zwei Flüchtlingen vergewaltigt
Again,Panorama, 16 year old rape by two asylum seeker

16-jähriges Mädchen bei München vergewaltigt: Polizei soll in der Nähe gewesen sein
Focu, left wing news outlet, very much pro asylum seeker...16 yo raped by two asylum seeker

Vergewaltigung durch Asylanten, Flüchtlinge, Migranten Rapefugees

"rapefugees" is no the slang name used for refugees...cause that's what they are most known for...besides theft,assault,murder.....

I am German speaker,you me quite an insight into the situation...

You want more? we can do this all after link...

just because you're sheltered, doesn't mean you have the right to belittle the plight of the people.....
How come they're ALL 16? Not the same incident being reported by more than one outlet, is it?
I'm not going to belittle Muslims because a few of them are pigs. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though.
Do you want me to start shrieking that all Christians are rapists because one raped my child?
How come they're ALL 16? Not the same incident being reported by more than one outlet, is it?
I'm not going to belittle Muslims because a few of them are pigs. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though.
Do you want me to start shrieking that all Christians are rapists because one raped my child?

Cause that's what I first searched for...I was actually looking for two rather famous cases: on case in Hamburg, where a 16 year old girl was lured into a flat and gang raped by four asylum seeker for 10 hours straight...all four Iraqia were let of with 6 month suspended sentences...after extreme outcry by the public, they tried to relocate these thugs, but they had already fled Germany

The other is a case where yet again a 16 year old was gang raped by 15 asylum seeker (Iraq/Kuds?Syrian) but were the fake news leftist msm triumphant announcend that "one is a German"..not really though, since that thug is only dual citizen, getting Germman citizenship after being 2 years in the country....but you're not interested in reality, are you?

as for the second batch of links: those are all mixed ages, from 11 years to 72...the oldest rape victim in Germany is 82 years old,she was raped by a asylum seeker from Gahna while visting the grave of her late husbend...charming,eh?

"Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though."

Link? evidence?

I guess you have're agenda driven and your virtue signalling doesn't allow for you to recognize reality....why do you think, right wing populist parties are taking over in Europe? after decades of center left to far left rule?

But you don't ask these questions....

I bet you have lot's of Americans, who cut up 18 year old girls, right? and take parts of the heart and vagina for black market "muti" deals
Nigerian Kills, Cut 18yr Old Italian Girl To Piece, Hide Body In Suitcase | CKN News
Criminologist Says Italian Teen Butchered by Nigerian Migrant Could Have Been Eaten

see? but for you, all you need is another dishonest is that?

Look at your side: looney leftist like that Tommy guy....look how they laugh at son or any other victim is of no concern to wanna be as inhumane as them?
I bet you have a lot of men in the States, who fuck animals:

Berlin petting zoo farm:
Zoophilie in Berlin: Kind musste zuschauen! Mann missbraucht Pony in Streichelzoo
a 23 year old asylum seeker sexually assaults a pony and is seen bu children doing broad day light

here, sorry but there are just too many links to post:
schaaf auf weide sexuell missbraucht - Bing

you want proof? it's out there in great quantity...and you know what? it never used to be such a problem...strange eh?

not until millions of people from the middle east marched in that, pretty much did we see this from 2015 on...

oh,btw: do you know what "Taharusch Gamea" is? it translates from arabic as "rape game"
it's the practice of vast groups of men, assambling in large public places and waiting for women to step in..these women are than gang raped by (as many as possible) those men, while every non-participant helps to shield the scene and waits for his term...this charming practice was very noticeable first executed in Germany New years eve of 2015/16 in Cologne and other big cities like Duesseldorf,Frankfurt/Main etc with similar occurances in Sweden and France.In Cologne over 650 women were assulted with 22 reported full rapes.
2015–16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia

Mass sexual assault in Egypt - Wikipedia

Tell me: how ignorant and empathyless does one have to be to ignore the victims of sustematic rape?

How come they're ALL 16? Not the same incident being reported by more than one outlet, is it?
I'm not going to belittle Muslims because a few of them are pigs. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though.
Do you want me to start shrieking that all Christians are rapists because one raped my child?

Cause that's what I first searched for...I was actually looking for two rather famous cases: on case in Hamburg, where a 16 year old girl was lured into a flat and gang raped by four asylum seeker for 10 hours straight...all four Iraqia were let of with 6 month suspended sentences...after extreme outcry by the public, they tried to relocate these thugs, but they had already fled Germany

The other is a case where yet again a 16 year old was gang raped by 15 asylum seeker (Iraq/Kuds?Syrian) but were the fake news leftist msm triumphant announcend that "one is a German"..not really though, since that thug is only dual citizen, getting Germman citizenship after being 2 years in the country....but you're not interested in reality, are you?

as for the second batch of links: those are all mixed ages, from 11 years to 72...the oldest rape victim in Germany is 82 years old,she was raped by a asylum seeker from Gahna while visting the grave of her late husbend...charming,eh?

"Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though."

Link? evidence?

I guess you have're agenda driven and your virtue signalling doesn't allow for you to recognize reality....why do you think, right wing populist parties are taking over in Europe? after decades of center left to far left rule?

But you don't ask these questions....

I bet you have lot's of Americans, who cut up 18 year old girls, right? and take parts of the heart and vagina for black market "muti" deals
Nigerian Kills, Cut 18yr Old Italian Girl To Piece, Hide Body In Suitcase | CKN News
Criminologist Says Italian Teen Butchered by Nigerian Migrant Could Have Been Eaten

see? but for you, all you need is another dishonest is that?

Look at your side: looney leftist like that Tommy guy....look how they laugh at son or any other victim is of no concern to wanna be as inhumane as them?
Link? evidence?
100,000 in 2017.
U.S.: number of rapes 1990-2017 | Statista

And yes, we've had sickos who cannibalize their victims. People who come here and postulate that is a cultural norm in Nigeria are the real haters. And pretty ignorant, if they believe it.
100,000 in 2017.
U.S.: number of rapes 1990-2017 | Statista

And yes, we've had sickos who cannibalize their victims. People who come here and postulate that is a cultural norm in Nigeria are the real haters. And pretty ignorant, if they believe it.

where is the proof of who did rape who? You made explicit comments about girls being raped and such...rape is in every society...the NUMBERS are what makes it different.

have you even read about the Taharush Gamea?

Oh, all you do is to stick your fingers in your ears and go "nanananana" pathetic,dishonest and disgusting

You mam, are no lady nor decent human being

Have you seen the movie "tears of the sun"? very good one with Bruce shows attrocities and behaviour, displayed by African men in militia/army positions in the midst of the nigerian civil war.....interestingly, the movie was directed by Antoine Fuqua who tried to draw attention to the plight of ordinairy people in Africa and the violence and the justification for it as depicted, reflect the real situation in Africa...they even went so far as to add witness testimony of real refugees from the area in the bonus section of the, cutting of a woman's breasts to let her slowy die is practice there

Tears of the Sun - Wikipedia

your ideology and agenda, which doesn't allow for you to see reality just allows these practices to are guilty of the same crimes in the sense, that you willingly let them happen and DEFEND the people doing that..your moral compass is broken and your humanity is basically gone..congratulations for becoming a worthless human worm
How come they're ALL 16? Not the same incident being reported by more than one outlet, is it?
I'm not going to belittle Muslims because a few of them are pigs. Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though.
Do you want me to start shrieking that all Christians are rapists because one raped my child?

Cause that's what I first searched for...I was actually looking for two rather famous cases: on case in Hamburg, where a 16 year old girl was lured into a flat and gang raped by four asylum seeker for 10 hours straight...all four Iraqia were let of with 6 month suspended sentences...after extreme outcry by the public, they tried to relocate these thugs, but they had already fled Germany

The other is a case where yet again a 16 year old was gang raped by 15 asylum seeker (Iraq/Kuds?Syrian) but were the fake news leftist msm triumphant announcend that "one is a German"..not really though, since that thug is only dual citizen, getting Germman citizenship after being 2 years in the country....but you're not interested in reality, are you?

as for the second batch of links: those are all mixed ages, from 11 years to 72...the oldest rape victim in Germany is 82 years old,she was raped by a asylum seeker from Gahna while visting the grave of her late husbend...charming,eh?

"Do you live in the U.S.? If so, you know that men here rape girls, boys, women, too. They're not Muslims, though."

Link? evidence?

I guess you have're agenda driven and your virtue signalling doesn't allow for you to recognize reality....why do you think, right wing populist parties are taking over in Europe? after decades of center left to far left rule?

But you don't ask these questions....

I bet you have lot's of Americans, who cut up 18 year old girls, right? and take parts of the heart and vagina for black market "muti" deals
Nigerian Kills, Cut 18yr Old Italian Girl To Piece, Hide Body In Suitcase | CKN News
Criminologist Says Italian Teen Butchered by Nigerian Migrant Could Have Been Eaten

see? but for you, all you need is another dishonest is that?

Look at your side: looney leftist like that Tommy guy....look how they laugh at son or any other victim is of no concern to wanna be as inhumane as them?
Link? evidence?
100,000 in 2017.
U.S.: number of rapes 1990-2017 | Statista

And yes, we've had sickos who cannibalize their victims. People who come here and postulate that is a cultural norm in Nigeria are the real haters. And pretty ignorant, if they believe it.

here, how come that Sweden is FOURTH in rape world wide, when the oh so aweful USA are only number 11 (even though it appears that prison rape is a huge part of the whole thing...68000

and how many rapes are being committed in the US by illegal migrants?
11 Countries With Highest Rape Crime Rate in the World 2019

and how come the first three countries are all in Africa?
100,000 in 2017.
U.S.: number of rapes 1990-2017 | Statista

And yes, we've had sickos who cannibalize their victims. People who come here and postulate that is a cultural norm in Nigeria are the real haters. And pretty ignorant, if they believe it.

where is the proof of who did rape who? You made explicit comments about girls being raped and such...rape is in every society...the NUMBERS are what makes it different.

have you even read about the Taharush Gamea?

Oh, all you do is to stick your fingers in your ears and go "nanananana" pathetic,dishonest and disgusting

You mam, are no lady nor decent human being

Have you seen the movie "tears of the sun"? very good one with Bruce shows attrocities and behaviour, displayed by African men in militia/army positions in the midst of the nigerian civil war.....interestingly, the movie was directed by Antoine Fuqua who tried to draw attention to the plight of ordinairy people in Africa and the violence and the justification for it as depicted, reflect the real situation in Africa...they even went so far as to add witness testimony of real refugees from the area in the bonus section of the, cutting of a woman's breasts to let her slowy die is practice there

Tears of the Sun - Wikipedia

your ideology and agenda, which doesn't allow for you to see reality just allows these practices to are guilty of the same crimes in the sense, that you willingly let them happen and DEFEND the people doing that..your moral compass is broken and your humanity is basically gone..congratulations for becoming a worthless human worm
What the fuck do you mean, I'm defending rapists and cannibals? You're not worth reading. I'm sorry I ever gave you donuts.
What the fuck do you mean, I'm defending rapists and cannibals? You're not worth reading. I'm sorry I ever gave you donuts.
you don't know that,eh? see? that's how bad it is with you..

I will try to explain it to you, even though I am pretty sure you are not able to comprehend...

If I see, how someone breaks into my neighbor's house an d I tell you:" someone tries to break into X's house" and your reply is "oh c'mon, that's not true that never happens around here" and I show you a picture of the guy as he does it and you reply" not possible, these kind of people don't do that" or some bullshit...what are you doing? right abetting the enemy as it is called in military terms...

YOU are the real problem cause you and your ilk are the people who prevent these crimes and their causes to be fought...
What Swedish rape epidemic ?
that's all you twats can do, eh? you sound like Stalin in the thirties:"what famine?"

lol...left turds are just delusional and dishonest...

well,THIS rape epidemic:
In Swedish No-Go Zones, Microphones Will Hear You Scream
Sweden Installs Microphones in Migrant Areas to Pick Up Women’s Screams
Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

but what do you care for victims, eh? you're just a souless NPC drone antifa piss on human life, the only thing that counts for you is the a fucking Soviet or Nazi thug...disgusting
Sweden is no worse than anywhere else. Its the way they record their crimes. Do some research you know nothing little shit.
Give a few more years.
100,000 in 2017.
U.S.: number of rapes 1990-2017 | Statista

And yes, we've had sickos who cannibalize their victims. People who come here and postulate that is a cultural norm in Nigeria are the real haters. And pretty ignorant, if they believe it.

where is the proof of who did rape who? You made explicit comments about girls being raped and such...rape is in every society...the NUMBERS are what makes it different.

have you even read about the Taharush Gamea?

Oh, all you do is to stick your fingers in your ears and go "nanananana" pathetic,dishonest and disgusting

You mam, are no lady nor decent human being

Have you seen the movie "tears of the sun"? very good one with Bruce shows attrocities and behaviour, displayed by African men in militia/army positions in the midst of the nigerian civil war.....interestingly, the movie was directed by Antoine Fuqua who tried to draw attention to the plight of ordinairy people in Africa and the violence and the justification for it as depicted, reflect the real situation in Africa...they even went so far as to add witness testimony of real refugees from the area in the bonus section of the, cutting of a woman's breasts to let her slowy die is practice there

Tears of the Sun - Wikipedia

your ideology and agenda, which doesn't allow for you to see reality just allows these practices to are guilty of the same crimes in the sense, that you willingly let them happen and DEFEND the people doing that..your moral compass is broken and your humanity is basically gone..congratulations for becoming a worthless human worm
What the fuck do you mean, I'm defending rapists and cannibals? You're not worth reading. I'm sorry I ever gave you donuts.
His sort do that a lot when they have lost the argument. If you say not all muslims are rapists then you are deffo defending rapists.

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