Read the actual report and then decide how pissed you are

I dont care. He was elected and will be the next president and I get to move to the front of the bus.
life is good, if it takes a little russian connection to get me my rights, then so be it.

Says the guy with the American flag avatar and patriot in his name.


You are yet another leftard that is more pissed about whom may have been behind the release of the e-mails showing how the leftards were going to steal the election than you are about the disgusting corruption of your beloved DNC party. That makes you one disgusting pile of shit in my book so your opinion means nothing to me.

Amazing you missed the guy ironically named Maryland Patriot says Russian espionage on the US is ok. But scream at the guy who objects to that statement.
didnt say anything about espionage, it said he had deep ties. I dont see a problem with that. Funny how you would find issue with it yet pretend that hillary giving away classified information is perfectly acceptable. I think your priorities are just a bit skewed

No you didn't say espionage but that's what Maryland Patriot was in favor of and you decided the attack someone who is against it. Unlike you, I'm only quoting what you said and did. I don't have to make up a distraction about Hillary and "priorities". Nice try tho.
At least you admit you are a typical liberal liar.
Just make shit up to suit your needs. Its why nothing any of you say has any impact.
Its why you have no power in government now, its why, to use the colored boys words, you need to move to the back of the bus. Liberals have proven themselves to be liars and thieving cheats.
Your free ride is coming to an end. and that is the truth
At least you admit you are a typical liberal liar.
Just make shit up to suit your needs. Its why nothing any of you say has any impact.
Its why you have no power in government now, its why, to use the colored boys words, you need to move to the back of the bus. Liberals have proven themselves to be liars and thieving cheats.
Your free ride is coming to an end. and that is the truth

Wow that was a bunch of nothing. I guess if you pretend to be super emotional that will cover for the fact you blessed Russian espionage against the US.

Very clever...not!

I predict that PissGate will be verified and true.

Buzzfeed has published a "dossier" of unclear provenance that says President-elect Donald Trump is a pervert who is being blackmailed by Russian agents who have compromising material about his sexual kinks.

Sensational, provocative, insane, scatological (urological?), incredible—the dossier is all that and more. Read about how Trump supposedly insisted on staying in a hotel room used by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama and hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed. Yes, it's that level of report.

Updated! Hey, Here's That Unverified 'Dossier' Claiming Trump Is Into Golden Showers!
didnt you also predict that hillary would win?

I predict that PissGate will be verified and true.

Buzzfeed has published a "dossier" of unclear provenance that says President-elect Donald Trump is a pervert who is being blackmailed by Russian agents who have compromising material about his sexual kinks.

Sensational, provocative, insane, scatological (urological?), incredible—the dossier is all that and more. Read about how Trump supposedly insisted on staying in a hotel room used by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama and hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed. Yes, it's that level of report.

Updated! Hey, Here's That Unverified 'Dossier' Claiming Trump Is Into Golden Showers!
didnt you also predict that hillary would win?
Occam's Razor

This is about the Democrat / media complex not being happy about the Election results from day one and wanting to have a new election. Thus you get fake news stories like the one where Trump supposedly had people urinate on a bed that Obama and his wife slept in. Democrats care about race relations? really? they should stop making this shit up and making news stories out of it
Russian Attempts at influencing our elections were so effective that Hillary Clinton won The Popular Vote by 3 Million Votes.

Conclusion: The Russians Influenced Nothing and until The DNC Coughs up their server, Nothing is all this is.

I predict that PissGate will be verified and true.

Buzzfeed has published a "dossier" of unclear provenance that says President-elect Donald Trump is a pervert who is being blackmailed by Russian agents who have compromising material about his sexual kinks.

Sensational, provocative, insane, scatological (urological?), incredible—the dossier is all that and more. Read about how Trump supposedly insisted on staying in a hotel room used by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama and hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed. Yes, it's that level of report.

Updated! Hey, Here's That Unverified 'Dossier' Claiming Trump Is Into Golden Showers!
Your prediction success rate is, how should we say, not very good?

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