Read the actual report and then decide how pissed you are

Gee Hillary made 133.6 million for her *cough* charity in just one uranium deal with Russia while she was SoS.

No libs seem to take issue with her pay to play.
I must say I'm having a blast watching you libs twist in the wind over this. No proof. No evidence. Even BuzzFeed admitted nothing can be verified.

What a fucking joke.
I dont care. He was elected and will be the next president and I get to move to the front of the bus.
life is good, if it takes a little russian connection to get me my rights, then so be it.

Says the guy with the American flag avatar and patriot in his name.


You are yet another leftard that is more pissed about whom may have been behind the release of the e-mails showing how the leftards were going to steal the election than you are about the disgusting corruption of your beloved DNC party. That makes you one disgusting pile of shit in my book so your opinion means nothing to me.

Your book is a scratch and sniff, pop-up book designed for a 6 year old, so I'm not overly concerned about what I'm considered in "your book".

I'll compare "brain pans" with you any day of the week. I will also debate you on any topic as it pertains to the current geo-political scene and I will bury you....step up to the plate, lil have nothing to lose but your pride.


Not impressed

An "intelligence report" can be MANUFACTURED by anyone with an axe to grind, who has an imagination and a word processor.



Interesting, since just a few months ago you seemed very interested in the reports that came out about Hillary's email scandal. How come you weren't so quick to dismiss those reports?

Click me to See how much of a Hypocrite Contumacious is ----> WSJ: FBI , Hillary and Political Favoritism


The report posted ACTUAL EMAILS that the Secretary of State CONFIRMED.

But the emails was not a big issue with me

Her decision to deprive us of the right to bear arms and her determination to start WWIII did it for me.

So my vote was not persuaded by the so-called hackers.



What's the Russian translation for this?

As Washington collapses into scandal, Moscow remains calm
As Washington collapses into scandal, Moscow remains calm

Dmitry Peskov, President Putin’s spokesman, denied the allegations in the Trump Dossier yesterday, just as the Russians have previously denied the hacking claims and the claims that they leaked the DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks.

In passing, Peskov has a starring role in the Trump Dossier, which makes him out to be the mastermind behind the whole alleged Russian campaign to meddle in the US election.

I doubt that there is any person with genuine knowledge of Russian politics who believes that. Peskov, because of his job as Putin’s spokesman, is obviously well-informed and well-connected. He has worked for Putin continuously as his press officer ever since Putin was elected Russian President in 2000. Undoubtedly he has Putin’s confidence and trust.

Having said this, Peskov is not a member of Russia’s Security Council, and he is not a member of Russia’s government. This means that he is outside the circle of key decision makers. That makes it all but inconceivable that he would have been allowed to run off with a madcap scheme to meddle in a US Presidential election, or that he would have been put in charge of it. The important role in the affair the Trump Dossier attributes to him is a strong reason to doubt its truth.

Here is what Peskov had to say about the Trump Dossier

No, the Kremlin has no compromising materials on Trump. This is absolutely fake information, a fabrication and complete nonsense. The Kremlin does not engage in gathering compromising materials. This is called pulp fiction.

Peskov’s claim that “the Kremlin does not engage in gathering compromising materials” is of course untrue. Like the intelligence services of all the other Great Powers, Russia’s are unquestionably active “gathering compromising materials” whenever they can. Indeed if rumours are to be believed they are rather good at it.

Similarly Peskov’s claim that the Kremlin has “no compromising materials on Trump” or indeed (as he also said) on Hillary Clinton, needs to be taken with a strong dose of salt. Russia’s intelligence community undoubtedly has lengthy files on both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and it is not impossible that they contain material which both might find embarrassing.

However Peskov is certainly right to call the Trump Dossier “pulp fiction” and it can be said with confidence that any material about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the Russian intelligence community’s files has not appeared in it.
I dont care. He was elected and will be the next president and I get to move to the front of the bus.
life is good, if it takes a little russian connection to get me my rights, then so be it.

Says the guy with the American flag avatar and patriot in his name.


You are yet another leftard that is more pissed about whom may have been behind the release of the e-mails showing how the leftards were going to steal the election than you are about the disgusting corruption of your beloved DNC party. That makes you one disgusting pile of shit in my book so your opinion means nothing to me.

Amazing you missed the guy ironically named Maryland Patriot says Russian espionage on the US is ok. But scream at the guy who objects to that statement.
didnt say anything about espionage, it said he had deep ties. I dont see a problem with that. Funny how you would find issue with it yet pretend that hillary giving away classified information is perfectly acceptable. I think your priorities are just a bit skewed

No you didn't say espionage but that's what Maryland Patriot was in favor of and you decided the attack someone who is against it. Unlike you, I'm only quoting what you said and did. I don't have to make up a distraction about Hillary and "priorities". Nice try tho.
Direct link to the report for the lazy.

Trump Intelligence Allegations
Again, where's the real report, not the uploaded fake news?

BTW - this is widely debunked, but keep going.

It's a fucking scan of the actual physical document. What else do you want? A book on tape?
I want tards to stop posting absolute crap. Bunch of fucking babies.

They will believe anything as long as it fits their in their game plan.

I predict that PissGate will be verified and true.

Buzzfeed has published a "dossier" of unclear provenance that says President-elect Donald Trump is a pervert who is being blackmailed by Russian agents who have compromising material about his sexual kinks.

Sensational, provocative, insane, scatological (urological?), incredible—the dossier is all that and more. Read about how Trump supposedly insisted on staying in a hotel room used by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama and hired prostitutes to urinate on the bed. Yes, it's that level of report.

Updated! Hey, Here's That Unverified 'Dossier' Claiming Trump Is Into Golden Showers!
Was Hitler pro abortion in a very aggressive way? Kind of like a modern party we are familiar with. Run little one.
I dont care. He was elected and will be the next president and I get to move to the front of the bus.
life is good, if it takes a little russian connection to get me my rights, then so be it.

Says the guy with the American flag avatar and patriot in his name.


You are yet another leftard that is more pissed about whom may have been behind the release of the e-mails showing how the leftards were going to steal the election than you are about the disgusting corruption of your beloved DNC party. That makes you one disgusting pile of shit in my book so your opinion means nothing to me.

Amazing you missed the guy ironically named Maryland Patriot says Russian espionage on the US is ok. But scream at the guy who objects to that statement.
didnt say anything about espionage, it said he had deep ties. I dont see a problem with that. Funny how you would find issue with it yet pretend that hillary giving away classified information is perfectly acceptable. I think your priorities are just a bit skewed

No you didn't say espionage but that's what Maryland Patriot was in favor of and you decided the attack someone who is against it. Unlike you, I'm only quoting what you said and did. I don't have to make up a distraction about Hillary and "priorities". Nice try tho.
fortunately anyone with a brain sees through your total ignorance, so the only people that could possibly agree with you have to other brain dead liberals.
enjoy President Trump. I hope he puts a restraining order out against the clintons so they are never allowed near the white house again.

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