Reading Is A Revolutionary Act

Reading is FUNdamental!

The world is an open book...

A couple days ago, I lugged 20 pounds of books in my backpack by bicycle uptown to Bob's bookstore on the square. He bought two of them, leaving me to truck the rest uphill and back home. He said "oh, you can chuck those into the dumpster out back". I said no way- when I was a kid, Captain Kangaroo taught me to respect books.

So I hauled ass back home sweating my balls off. And it was good.

Now, each evening after dinner, I strap on that backpack filled with 15 pounds of books and bicycle my way around town 3 sometimes 8 miles. Great cardio workout. :thup:

Reading is a revolutionary act, because when one reads, the societal myths fall apart as they come into fuller context. Not that the myths disappear, but they lose their power of superstition and control and become stories and road maps for the life journey.
Reading is FUNdamental!

The world is an open book...

A couple days ago, I lugged 20 pounds of books in my backpack by bicycle uptown to Bob's bookstore on the square. He bought two of them, leaving me to truck the rest uphill and back home. He said "oh, you can chuck those into the dumpster out back". I said no way- when I was a kid, Captain Kangaroo taught me to respect books.

So I hauled ass back home sweating my balls off. And it was good.

Now, each evening after dinner, I strap on that backpack filled with 15 pounds of books and bicycle my way around town 3 sometimes 8 miles. Great cardio workout. :thup:

Captain Kangaroo...gawd he was a good guy
Reading is FUNdamental!

The world is an open book...

A couple days ago, I lugged 20 pounds of books in my backpack by bicycle uptown to Bob's bookstore on the square. He bought two of them, leaving me to truck the rest uphill and back home. He said "oh, you can chuck those into the dumpster out back". I said no way- when I was a kid, Captain Kangaroo taught me to respect books.

So I hauled ass back home sweating my balls off. And it was good.

Now, each evening after dinner, I strap on that backpack filled with 15 pounds of books and bicycle my way around town 3 sometimes 8 miles. Great cardio workout. :thup:

Reading is a revolutionary act, because when one reads, the societal myths fall apart as they come into fuller context. Not that the myths disappear, but they lose their power of superstition and control and become stories and road maps for the life journey.

Fahrenheit 451 1966 - IMDb
Reading is FUNdamental!

The world is an open book...

A couple days ago, I lugged 20 pounds of books in my backpack by bicycle uptown to Bob's bookstore on the square. He bought two of them, leaving me to truck the rest uphill and back home. He said "oh, you can chuck those into the dumpster out back". I said no way- when I was a kid, Captain Kangaroo taught me to respect books.

So I hauled ass back home sweating my balls off. And it was good.

Now, each evening after dinner, I strap on that backpack filled with 15 pounds of books and bicycle my way around town 3 sometimes 8 miles. Great cardio workout. :thup:

Reading is a revolutionary act, because when one reads, the societal myths fall apart as they come into fuller context. Not that the myths disappear, but they lose their power of superstition and control and become stories and road maps for the life journey.

Fahrenheit 451 1966 - IMDb

you're a fireman? cool
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.

No. Some asshole fan of the church brought that one up

now you too -- go eat Jesus and drink his blood
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.

No. Some asshole fan of the church brought that one up

now you too -- go eat Jesus and drink his blood

I'm agnostic twit. And once again. Grow up.
– Promoting the progress of the mathematical, physical and natural sciences, and the study of related epistemological questions and issues
– Recognising excellence in science
– Stimulating an interdisciplinary approach to scientific knowledge
– Encouraging international interaction
– Furthering participation in the benefits of science and technology by the greatest number of people and peoples
– Promoting education and the public’s understanding of science
– Ensuring that science works to advance of the human and moral dimension of man
– Achieving a role for science which involves the promotion of justice, development, solidarity, peace, and the resolution of conflict
– Fostering interaction between faith and reason and encouraging dialogue between science and spiritual, cultural, philosophical and religious values
– Providing authoritative advice on scientific and technological matters
– Cooperating with the members of other Academies in a friendly spirit to promote such objectives."

Lofty goals.

But fuck Mother Church. It's like praising the Moonies and Scientologists

Your mindless bigotry reveals weakness and fear.
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Reading, which was once Revolutionary (centuries ago), became Mainstream and is now a Conservative Act. The sad and tragic Revolutionary (or De-evolutionary) Act in the present day is to return to ignorance and functional illiteracy.
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.

What Dainty doesn't grok is that during the Dark Ages, monks of the Catholic Church kept literacy alive.
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.

What Dainty doesn't grok is that during the Dark Ages, monks of the Catholic Church kept literacy alive.

Of course...

you miss the big picture, but you're a weirdo idiot anyway
God s Philosophers by James Hannam review Books The Guardian

In canto XVII of Inferno, Dante anticipated the principle of Galilean invariance 300 years before Galileo. Even earlier, Islamic steelmakers in Damascus unwittingly exploited nanotechnology in the manufacture of sabres that became the envy of the world. So the middle ages weren't so medieval.

Almost the only annoying thing about James Hannam's admirable book is his opening insistence on a conspiracy of "popular opinion, journalistic cliche and misinformed historians" to denigrate the middle ages, and he cites the compass, Columbus and the 1455 printed Bible of Gutenberg as advances of the middle ages. In this conspiracy, whenever someone discovered evidence of reason or progress in the 14th or 15th centuries, he writes "it could easily be labelled 'early-Renaissance' so as to preserve the negative connotations of the adjective 'medieval'." The OED gives no dates for the medieval period, but it tells me that the Renaissance began in Italy in the 14th century.

Hannam's thesis is that, by thinking critically, and by challenging classical authority, the natural philosophers of the medieval world prepared the way for modern science. He sees – Hannam is not alone in this – the history of medieval thought as a long and sometimes prickly conversation about Aristotle. The Church had its own problems with Aristotle, but concluded that he was broadly right, except when he was wrong, and philosophers should respect Aristotle except when his views clashed with Holy Writ.​
God s Philosophers by James Hannam review Books The Guardian

In canto XVII of Inferno, Dante anticipated the principle of Galilean invariance 300 years before Galileo. Even earlier, Islamic steelmakers in Damascus unwittingly exploited nanotechnology in the manufacture of sabres that became the envy of the world. So the middle ages weren't so medieval.

Almost the only annoying thing about James Hannam's admirable book is his opening insistence on a conspiracy of "popular opinion, journalistic cliche and misinformed historians" to denigrate the middle ages, and he cites the compass, Columbus and the 1455 printed Bible of Gutenberg as advances of the middle ages. In this conspiracy, whenever someone discovered evidence of reason or progress in the 14th or 15th centuries, he writes "it could easily be labelled 'early-Renaissance' so as to preserve the negative connotations of the adjective 'medieval'." The OED gives no dates for the medieval period, but it tells me that the Renaissance began in Italy in the 14th century.

Hannam's thesis is that, by thinking critically, and by challenging classical authority, the natural philosophers of the medieval world prepared the way for modern science. He sees – Hannam is not alone in this – the history of medieval thought as a long and sometimes prickly conversation about Aristotle. The Church had its own problems with Aristotle, but concluded that he was broadly right, except when he was wrong, and philosophers should respect Aristotle except when his views clashed with Holy Writ.​

Yeah? So? Got anything a little more current? Holding the members of todays church accountable for the crimes of their great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great ancestors is akin to holding your great grandparents accountable for your stupidity. It's not their fault you're a moron. That's all on you!
Only to blithering morons such as the OP.

Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.

What Dainty doesn't grok is that during the Dark Ages, monks of the Catholic Church kept literacy alive.

Of course...

you miss the big picture, but you're a weirdo idiot anyway

You are a moron who is illiterate in many ways.
Why do you think Mother Church (The HRE Vatican) kept people in the dark for so long?

Wow, you're pretty pathetic dude. You have to reach back hundreds of years to find some terrible deed the Church did so that you can have a reason to hate them.

Grow up.

What Dainty doesn't grok is that during the Dark Ages, monks of the Catholic Church kept literacy alive.

Of course...

you miss the big picture, but you're a weirdo idiot anyway

You are a moron who is illiterate in many ways.

how about this linguistic gem: F()k off?

If you wanted this thread to be about your personal religious bigotry, you should have made that clear in the OP. That way, reasonable people could have just avoided you and your insecurities.
What Dainty doesn't grok is that during the Dark Ages, monks of the Catholic Church kept literacy alive.

Of course...

you miss the big picture, but you're a weirdo idiot anyway

You are a moron who is illiterate in many ways.

how about this linguistic gem: F()k off?

If you wanted this thread to be about your personal religious bigotry, you should have made that clear in the OP. That way, reasonable people could have just avoided you and your insecurities.

Unke enters a thread and as usual , it devolves.....

Says the bigot trolling its own thread...

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