Ready To Admit You Made A Huggggge Mistake???

The whole nation notices it, and it's not making you look good.

What exactly did you hope to accomplish by being loud and proud with your sore-loser butthurt?

Are you making any converts to the butthurt fascist cult?


How about that.

As always, thanks for working so hard to convince people to vote Democratic. Keep up the good work, we're counting on you.
I personally am not fond of the chant as it is disrespectful to the Office of the President. Joe Biden who is a lying, corrupt, life long politician deserves little or no respect but the office he holds., Still I find it amazing that so many people love that chant. The fact that the chant breaks out at college football games is interesting as a high percentage of people who have attended college and are fans of college football are brainwashed liberals.

Time will tell if the democrats can maintain their tenuous control of our government after the next two elections. At this time it looks like things will be so bad in this nation that the Midterm Elections will be a historic victory for the Republican Party.

I’ll bet most people who have to fill up an empty gasoline tank on their car are thinking, “F**k Joe Biden” when they see the price. The same likely happens after a visit to the grocery store. People will also be very upset when the toys their children most want are still sitting on a cargo freighter off California on Christmas.

If the vaccine mandates causes a number of police and firefighters to be fired and the big democrat cities are swamped in crime and fires are breaking out all over people will be pissed.

Plus Biden is running around proposing incredibly stupid ideas like paying certain illegal aliens $450,000 each and the FBI and DOJ are targeting angry parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.
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The whole nation notices it, and it's not making you look good.

What exactly did you hope to accomplish by being loud and proud with your sore-loser butthurt?

Are you making any converts to the butthurt fascist cult?


How about that.

As always, thanks for working so hard to convince people to vote Democratic. Keep up the good work, we're counting on you.

Perhaps you'd rather the graphic representation:

I personally am not fond of the chant as it is disrespectful to the Office of the President. Joe Biden who is a lying, corrupt, life long politician deserves little or no respect but the office he holds., Still I find it amazing that so many people love that chant. The fact that the chant breaks out at college football games is interesting as a high percentage of people who have attended college and are fans of college football are brainwashed liberals.

Time will tell if the democrats can maintain their tenuous control of our government after the next two elections. At this time it looks like things will be so bad in this nation that the Midterm Elections will be a historic victory for the Republican Party.

I’ll bet most people who have to fill up an empty gasoline tank on their car are thinking, “F**k Joe Biden” when they see the price. The same likely happens after a visit to the grocery store. People will also be very upset when the toys their children most want are still sitting on a cargo freighter off California on Christmas.

If the vaccine mandates causes a number of police and firefighters to be fired and the big democrat cities are swamped in crime and fires are breaking out all over people will be pissed.

Plus Biden is running around proposing incredibly stupid ideas like paying certain illegal aliens $450,000 each and the FBI and DOJ are targeting angry parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

I'm skeptical of this whole "respect for the office" line people say. He's not a king or a Pope; the President is a civil servant, like a postal worker or the guy at the DMV. If anyone truly needs to be respected in our system, it's the people of the United States, his employers, and we see precious little of that.

Moreover, whatever one does or doesn't think about the Presidency, the individual who holds that office deserves exactly the respect from those who employ him as he earns, and that's exactly what Grandpa Badfinger is getting. If anyone is disrespecting the Presidency, it's him with his attempts to treat it like a dictatorship.
I'm skeptical of this whole "respect for the office" line people say. He's not a king or a Pope; the President is a civil servant, like a postal worker or the guy at the DMV. If anyone truly needs to be respected in our system, it's the people of the United States, his employers, and we see precious little of that.

Moreover, whatever one does or doesn't think about the Presidency, the individual who holds that office deserves exactly the respect from those who employ him as he earns, and that's exactly what Grandpa Badfinger is getting. If anyone is disrespecting the Presidency, it's him with his attempts to treat it like a dictatorship.
Normally, I would respect the office of the President. But the office is being tarnished by an incompetent tyrant who seems determined to destroy America.

He might get me fired soon because of his unscientific mandates. I got COVID at work. After recovering, I went back to work and worked as an essential worker throughout the pandemic without issue. Now he wants to fire me for not getting vaxed when I have better immunity than the uninfected vaccinated.

But hundreds of thousands of illegals can come right across the border, unvaccinated, even infected with COVID, and he wants me to pay for their benefits and even six figure settlements.

I have no respect for the office today. None. I have complete disdain for it.
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I'm skeptical of this whole "respect for the office" line people say. He's not a king or a Pope; the President is a civil servant, like a postal worker or the guy at the DMV. If anyone truly needs to be respected in our system, it's the people of the United States, his employers, and we see precious little of that.

Moreover, whatever one does or doesn't think about the Presidency, the individual who holds that office deserves exactly the respect from those who employ him as he earns, and that's exactly what Grandpa Badfinger is getting. If anyone is disrespecting the Presidency, it's him with his attempts to treat it like a dictatorship.
Fair point. Thanks.
Dems are only concerned with lining their own pockets by selling their votes to the highest bidder. They laugh at poor and middle class Dems who vote for them. After the elections they go right back to screwing over the poor and middle class.

I believe you give them too much credit.
It goes beyond that......they openly and actively work for evil.....for death and destruction.

They serve a very different.....master.

Dud, we wouldn't trust you to reliably tell us what YOU think (most of us dispute the idea that you even DO think). Why do you think it's going to work for you to show us memes purporting to tell us the thoughts of people who wouldn't waste time throwing pocket change at you, let alone talk to you?

Insults work so much better when they come from someone who isn't a universal object of contempt and derision. Just FYI.
Dud, we wouldn't trust you to reliably tell us what YOU think (most of us dispute the idea that you even DO think). Why do you think it's going to work for you to show us memes purporting to tell us the thoughts of people who wouldn't waste time throwing pocket change at you, let alone talk to you?

Insults work so much better when they come from someone who isn't a universal object of contempt and derision. Just FYI.
Gasoline, inflation, racism, Iran, Israel, spending.......and that's the least of it.

It's well established that you Biden voters can't name policies of Trump you voted against.....

...and you certainly won't claim to have voted for the mess we see as a direct result of the election....

Biden's Presidency: Disastrous Start | National Review

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start | National Review

Biden still pitching massive spending plans despite inflation surge​

10 big problems with Joe Biden's foreign policy — and one ...

Violence in Israel Challenges Biden's 'Stand Back ...

Violence in Israel Challenges Biden’s ‘Stand Back’ Approach

11 Trillion Reasons To Fear Joe Biden's Presidency ...

11 Trillion Reasons To Fear Joe Biden's Presidency

Here us the explanation for a Biden vote.....the only reason:

In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour. “I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

Want a doggie treat????


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