Reagan adviser: Fox News ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.

If they keep being so fringy and radical, they'll never hold majorities in the House or Senate...wait...what?

their left wing hate sites (like rawgarbagestories) post this kind of shit so they can hope they forget they just got a HISTORIC BEATING not only SIX months ago. and keep them all stupid and frothing at the mouth FOR THE PARTY

Party over country is their motto
“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

“And so, they are completely in a universe in which they are hearing the same exact ideas, the same arguments, the same limited amount of data repeated over and over and over again. And that’s brainwashing.”

And many conservatives come to USMB and post the same exact lies, the same failed arguments, the same amount of false information repeated over and over and over again in the hope it's perceived to be true.

What's remarkable is the dissonance that's manifested between conservatives 35 years ago and today, where Reagan and members of his administration would clearly reject the extremism most on the right currently practice.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Eee-gads, it is the Democrats who have become radicalized and fringe, not the Republicans. From reckless spending to trampling on religious liberty to dangerous racial agitation to taking over the Internet, the Democrats are falling off the left edge of the Earth.

The Republicans, in the meantime, now control 31 state governments and both chambers of Congress.
OP- THE story of US politics the last couple of decades...a disgrace.
The last couple of decades have been dominated by Democrat administration and Democrat legislative majority.

Well at last the time has come when I reluctantly must admit that francoHFW does have a minimum amount of brains.
While the guy makes some valid points.....he has a very abrasive style. I've heard him on a variety of radio shows.....he's a flame thrower.
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Eee-gads, it is the Democrats who have become radicalized and fringe, not the Republicans. From reckless spending to trampling on religious liberty to dangerous racial agitation to taking over the Internet, the Democrats are falling off the left edge of the Earth.

The Republicans, in the meantime, now control 31 state governments and both chambers of Congress.

The nation is shifting left faster than the Democrats are. Looking over ballot measures passed recently will show you that. The Democrats as a political party are lacking and generally just in poor condition in my opinion.
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.

Don't confuse him with facts.
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.

I really knew I shouldn't have looked, but trainwrecks and Hazeldouche threads being what they are...


Again, we are dealing with weapons grade stupid people here. Some former unknown douchebag from the Reagan Admin wants to make himself popular by hating on conservatives? G H W Bush did that his whole career, so what?

None of these sniveling bed wetters will even discuss the radical leftist fringe for the democrook party or even acknowledge that there are no "moderate" democrooks. Who is the "maverick" democrook who supports gun rights? Who's the guy "reaching across the isle" on abortion? Who's the "renegade" democrook standing up for traditional marriage? Any democrooks concerned at all about 18 TRILLION dollars of debt when they were all howling in unison about 6 Trillion?

So suck my ass about some unknown psuedointellectual dipshit no one has ever heard of coming out against Reagan. When the few who do it against obozo are audited and disappear.

Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Eee-gads, it is the Democrats who have become radicalized and fringe, not the Republicans. From reckless spending to trampling on religious liberty to dangerous racial agitation to taking over the Internet, the Democrats are falling off the left edge of the Earth.

The Republicans, in the meantime, now control 31 state governments and both chambers of Congress.

You know what is sad about the Democrat base. Is how they can get their ass kicked yet go on pretending they are STILL the CHOICE of the people. and hate sites like Rawstory is there to feed them that. so they don't get all DISCOURAGED I guess.

which is what they actually should be, looking at WHY THEY LOST under a Democrat President. but instead they spread stupid stuff like this around... that's why they look so much like sheep

so what does Rawgarbage come up with. A FORMER REAGAN person from 25YEARS ago claims FOX FOX FOX FOX news cause people to become FRINGE AND EXTREME. and someone eats that dumb nonsense up........................ what losers
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Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.

At least there is two way brainwashing now. That's what the left has a problem with. Their monopoly on brainwashing has been thwarted.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?
A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?
A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.
Your average conservative, at least on this board, would have called me a commie cocksucker and told me he was a genius, so yeah you seem a little more rational than the haters that populate the board.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?
A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.
Your average conservative, at least on this board, would have called me a commie cocksucker and told me he was a genius, so yeah you seem a little more rational than the haters that populate the board.

Men like Rush want big government just as much as the average liberal. The game though, is for one side to support big government for wars overseas and the other side to support big government at home.

In the end, both support big government at home and abroad.

It's like creating Frankenstein and then trying to control him. It can't be done and I think men like Rush understand this even though he never verbalizes it.

After all, if he did verbalize it, it would be the end of his career as a pot stirrer.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?
A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.

I'd take anyone over those so called, "enlightened progressive filled with nothing but hate and are SNOBS." an example of what I mean. THREADS posted like this one from garbage sites like, Rawassnonsenestory

Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?
A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.
Your average conservative, at least on this board, would have called me a commie cocksucker and told me he was a genius, so yeah you seem a little more rational than the haters that populate the board.

Not true kid, all one has to do is show you up and you get pissed ad go crazy.

I've never called you any of those things.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Yeah it's insane and Fox News makes it a lot worse. They literally paint anyone who might have a different opinion than them as a unamerican terrorist. It's ridiculous.

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