Reagan adviser: Fox News ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

Fox News isn't any worse than MSNBC.
The right has their talking points resources, the left has their talking point resources.
That's reality.
I wish people wouldn't frequent these resources, it leads to less than stellar factual information.
MSNBC is a whisper compared to the Fox News megaphone, liberals do not need a daily booster shot of bullshit to reconfirm their political beliefs. We do not need anyone to tell us how to feel, what to be outraged over or what the official party version of the truth happens to be today. There is no equivalency between the two.

Liberals seem to need only to control the press. Hell, even the Huffington post admits it.

Obama s Escalating War on Freedom of the Press Norman Solomon
I'd take anyone over those so called, "enlightened progressive filled with nothing but hate and are SNOBS." an example of what I mean. THREADS posted like this one from garbage sites like, Rawassnonsenestory


it's what the far left does.

Intellectually they are bankrupt, so they revert to name calling, character assassination, and delusions of superiority. Then if it all fails, they simply curse and yell so you can't talk or be heard, usually on college campuses which is kind of ironic.
Sure, hater dupe. The only hate I see on the left is for the lies and hate your tiny mind has been filled with. See sig, last line. Memorize the rest. Your heroes are screwing you all the way to the bank.

Go Hate other people who don't think like you some more.
My friends out here all all racist Foxbots or ditto silent majority. Great people except for their ignorance. Can you read, hater dupe?

You lost us at "all all", dupe.
Any excuse to stay a b rainwashed chump lol...
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Yep. Conservatives have learned to properly purge less radical elements from our environment.
Not all conservatives are as fucked in the head as you are, please refrain from speaking for them.
When the party goosesteps in line, does it matter?
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.
Only the bs rates nobody megarich pays, Pub dupe. And giant corps mostly pay nothing. Great job! While the country and the nonrich fall to pieces...

Only the megarich paid Reagan's 28%?
Only the megarich pay Obama's 39.6%?
They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees. Same as people like you. Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains. Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous, and theyALL blame the poor. MORE brainwashed GOP a-holes...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.
Only the bs rates nobody megarich pays, Pub dupe. And giant corps mostly pay nothing. Great job! While the country and the nonrich fall to pieces...

Only the megarich paid Reagan's 28%?
Only the megarich pay Obama's 39.6%?
They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees. Same as people like you. Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains. Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous, and theyALL blame the poor. MORE brainwashed GOP a-holes...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.

The poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees? Sounds like you have been brainwashed by the notion that the solution to economic prosperity is rooted in class warfare at all costs. Truth be told, you can't point to where that is true.
If you're trying to twist this into Reagan being a liberal, you have failed.

No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.

I disagree but hey I'm just a schmuck.

JFK would NEVER be elected by the Dems today.

JFK wrote an Executive Order to do away with the Fed.

Then he went to Dallas..................

JFK wrote an Executive Order to do away with the Fed.

No he didn't.
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.
Only the bs rates nobody megarich pays, Pub dupe. And giant corps mostly pay nothing. Great job! While the country and the nonrich fall to pieces...

Only the megarich paid Reagan's 28%?
Only the megarich pay Obama's 39.6%?
They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees. Same as people like you. Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains. Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous, and theyALL blame the poor. MORE brainwashed GOP a-holes...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs

That's awful! Prove it.

also payroll taxes and FEES

The states raised payroll taxes? That's funny.

Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do.

Fox News isn't any worse than MSNBC.
The right has their talking points resources, the left has their talking point resources.
That's reality.
I wish people wouldn't frequent these resources, it leads to less than stellar factual information.
MSNBC is a whisper compared to the Fox News megaphone, liberals do not need a daily booster shot of bullshit to reconfirm their political beliefs. We do not need anyone to tell us how to feel, what to be outraged over or what the official party version of the truth happens to be today. There is no equivalency between the two.

Liberals seem to need only to control the press. Hell, even the Huffington post admits it.

Obama s Escalating War on Freedom of the Press Norman Solomon
You have such little faith in the press to be a pain in the ass to those in power. This shit is nothing new and yet damaging stories do come out. The really bad shit always comes out eventually.
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
If you're trying to twist this into Reagan being a liberal, you have failed.

No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.
Reagan would have adjusted his beliefs to whatever it took to get elected and stay in power and you people will vote for any sufficiently skilled actor but his ability to compromise and make deals with democrats is now a mortal sin.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views.
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.

And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.

Can anyone say "Stephanoupolis"?
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.

Can anyone say "Stephanoupolis"?
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views.
Be on the receiving end of that much misinformation and you begin to see them as the enemy. They certainly treat those who disagree with them as enemies. They exemplify every sin against truth that makes up bad journalism including the cardinal rule, sensationally telling people what they want to hear (otherwise known as blowing smoke up their ass).
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.

No other network? Not even close? Are you freaking nuts after the mini scandal that news anchor George Stepenopolis was contributor to the Clinton fund? It should have come as no surprise because Georgie boy was a mover and shaker in the freaking Clinton administration before he became a left wing news anchor. CBS engaged in treason when they tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. Chris Matthews was an aid to a democrat congressman. If you look at the personal relationships in the mainstream media many of the news babes are married to big shot democrat operatives. What the hell was Al Gore's relationship with the left wing propaganda source Al Jazeera when he sold his network to it. Does anybody in their right mind think that Al-Jazeera is fair and balanced?
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.

No other network? Not even close? Are you freaking nuts after the mini scandal that news anchor George Stepenopolis was contributor to the Clinton fund? It should have come as no surprise because Georgie boy was a mover and shaker in the freaking Clinton administration before he became a left wing news anchor. CBS engaged in treason when they tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. Chris Matthews was an aid to a democrat congressman. If you look at the personal relationships in the mainstream media many of the news babes are married to big shot democrat operatives. What the hell was Al Gore's relationship with the left wing propaganda source Al Jazeera when he sold his network to it. Does anybody in their right mind think that Al-Jazeera is fair and balanced?
I never said that other networks do not engage in bullshit but the level of coordination between the GOP and Fox News stands alone. They read GOP news releases verbatim for Christ's sake.

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