Reagan adviser: Fox News ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?
A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.

I'd take anyone over those so called, "enlightened progressive filled with nothing but hate and are SNOBS." an example of what I mean. THREADS posted like this one from garbage sites like, Rawassnonsenestory


it's what the far left does.

Intellectually they are bankrupt, so they revert to name calling, character assassination, and delusions of superiority. Then if it all fails, they simply curse and yell so you can't talk or be heard, usually on college campuses which is kind of ironic.

"The far left" is usually on the winning side of ballot measures lately, so I wouldn't call that intellectually bankrupt.

And the people you're describing remind me a lot of the people on Fox News, especially Bill O'reilly.

So let me get this straight, winning elections means you are intellectually superior?

That just means they have control of elections. Does power make them intellectually superior?

Is Obama really intellectually superior since he runs the country by edict now? In all 57 states, is there no one his equal?
The poor old fool obviously missed the 2014 mid terms when Republicans with all their conservatives beat the ever living shit out of the Democrat party.

What an asshole! So America isn't the least bit conservative BUT the win was historic for some bizarre reason that obviously has eluded him.

"THAT RADICAL FRINGE PARTY" won fucking big!

Dear heavens why do these old fools keep crawling out of the woodwork?

What next? Is the old idiot going to claim that Reagan was actually a moderate?

"In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was."

Ex-Reagan adviser Fox News is self-brainwashing Republicans into a radical fringe party
The poor old fool obviously missed the 2014 mid terms when Republicans with all their conservatives beat the ever living shit out of the Democrat party.

What an asshole! So America isn't the least bit conservative BUT the win was historic for some bizarre reason that obviously has eluded him.

"THAT RADICAL FRINGE PARTY" won fucking big!

Dear heavens why do these old fools keep crawling out of the woodwork?

What next? Is the old idiot going to claim that Reagan was actually a moderate?

"In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was."

Ex-Reagan adviser Fox News is self-brainwashing Republicans into a radical fringe party

Sure, the GOP won in 2014 but to what end? They have done virtually nothing except continue to give Obama power, like they did in the recent trade legislation. Those in Congress who are Republicans are just the same as the people they replaced.

Progs use democracy to their benefit when able but thwart it when it may hurt them. Case in point is how Obama capitalized on the Prog President Bush who spent like a drunken sailor, created one of the biggest entitlements in US history, and helped destroy the economy. Obama simply had a pulse and won the election in 2008. That is using democracy to your benefit.

However, he then got up and lied about the effects of his health car program by telling people they could keep their heath care package and rates would not go up. That is called thwarting democracy by having people vote for a lie.

In the end, collectivists instinctively assume that might not only makes one right, it makes the intellectually superior. Hitler thought the same way
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Reagan was not far right and neither is today's GOP. And you're right, many Democrats voted for Reagan but not because he acted like a Democrat. He inspired people and was a great leader. A booming economy and winning the Cold War didn't hurt either.

Your right, Reagan was not far right, but in my view the GOP has moved further away from the center. The GOP Establishment did recruit moderates to run against
at the Tea Party in the primaries which really hurt the Tea Party but helped the GOP in the midterms, a lot.
Gotta disagree. I saw Reagan as right of center, and the Republicans in Congress today are left of center imo. Not all of them, obviously, but the leadership for sure. They talk like conservatives but they govern like liberals.

Not true. They govern like idiots.
Same thing, idiot.
The poor old fool obviously missed the 2014 mid terms when Republicans with all their conservatives beat the ever living shit out of the Democrat party.

What an asshole! So America isn't the least bit conservative BUT the win was historic for some bizarre reason that obviously has eluded him.

"THAT RADICAL FRINGE PARTY" won fucking big!

Dear heavens why do these old fools keep crawling out of the woodwork?

What next? Is the old idiot going to claim that Reagan was actually a moderate?

"In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was."

Ex-Reagan adviser Fox News is self-brainwashing Republicans into a radical fringe party

Sure, the GOP won in 2014 but to what end? They have done virtually nothing except continue to give Obama power, like they did in the recent trade legislation. Those in Congress who are Republicans are just the same as the people they replaced.

Progs use democracy to their benefit when able but thwart it when it may hurt them. Case in point is how Obama capitalized on the Prog President Bush who spent like a drunken sailor, created one of the biggest entitlements in US history, and helped destroy the economy. Obama simply had a pulse and won the election in 2008. That is using democracy to your benefit.

However, he then got up and lied about the effects of his health car program by telling people they could keep their heath care package and rates would not go up. That is called thwarting democracy by having people vote for a lie.

In the end, collectivists instinctively assume that might not only makes one right, it makes the intellectually superior. Hitler thought the same way

Yup, zombie Pubbots really show up in off years. And Pubs have done a great job making voters sick to death of politics.

In blue states, prices ALREADY have gone down. In red states, the rubes loved their cheap scam policies. Dems always overestimage GOP voter's impossible not to...

Hitler was a RW fascist, brainwashed Pubbot.
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The poor old fool obviously missed the 2014 mid terms when Republicans with all their conservatives beat the ever living shit out of the Democrat party.

What an asshole! So America isn't the least bit conservative BUT the win was historic for some bizarre reason that obviously has eluded him.

"THAT RADICAL FRINGE PARTY" won fucking big!

Dear heavens why do these old fools keep crawling out of the woodwork?

What next? Is the old idiot going to claim that Reagan was actually a moderate?

"In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was."

Ex-Reagan adviser Fox News is self-brainwashing Republicans into a radical fringe party

Sure, the GOP won in 2014 but to what end? They have done virtually nothing except continue to give Obama power, like they did in the recent trade legislation. Those in Congress who are Republicans are just the same as the people they replaced.

Progs use democracy to their benefit when able but thwart it when it may hurt them. Case in point is how Obama capitalized on the Prog President Bush who spent like a drunken sailor, created one of the biggest entitlements in US history, and helped destroy the economy. Obama simply had a pulse and won the election in 2008. That is using democracy to your benefit.

However, he then got up and lied about the effects of his health car program by telling people they could keep their heath care package and rates would not go up. That is called thwarting democracy by having people vote for a lie.

In the end, collectivists instinctively assume that might not only makes one right, it makes the intellectually superior. Hitler thought the same way

With all due respect Votto I am strictly commenting on the fool's assertion that a) the nation isn't conservative when clearly the electorate has been voting more conservative on a consistent basis and b) the idiotic statement that the Republican Party as a whole have been running uber conservatives...

From his article...."And so the Republican Party had responded by running "radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate."

Which is a completely unadulterated lie. If anything the GOP has been fighting tooth and nail to keep conservatives OFF the ballot.

I agree that the leadership has all but turned into an R version of the Pelosi/Reid show.

It's disgusting.
It's ridiculous to waste time trying to tell the brainwashed that they are....absolutely clueless and the thickest skulls in the world...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs

That's awful! Prove it.

also payroll taxes and FEES

The states raised payroll taxes? That's funny.

Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do.

Don't be so gd stupid. Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest. Add fees and its worse.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest.

What a stupid claim. Here in Illinois, we have a flat income tax, currently 3.75%
The poor aren't paying twice as much as the rich.
Property taxes in rich areas are higher than in poor areas.
The poor aren't paying twice as much.
In a state like California, the lowest rate is 1%, the highest is 13.3%.
Their poor definitely aren't paying twice the percentage.
ALL taxes, stupid. Can you read?

Yes, I read, and I'm mocking, your stupid claim.
I don't think Fox News viewers are brainwashed.

Newscorp has focus groups in the budget for it's "news" holdings. They find out what keeps their target demographic tuned in, and then say that.

What Fox News found out is there was a huge demographic that was on the social losing end of the 60's revolution. In 1993-1996, that was white men over 60, without college degrees, who attended a Christian church once a week. Basically socially conservative baby boomers. Now those people continue to be Fox's strongest demographic, only the original 1996 demographic is dying off, they are getting replaced with socially conservative Gen X'ers. These people grew up at the tail end of the hippy generation, and into the Reagan revolution. Fox News has been transitioning it's message towards them since 2008.

They're not being brainwashed, they're being told what they want to hear, and only the things they want to hear that help the GOP's electioneering efforts.

At the end of the day, they're still filling a niche that the mainstream media never has.

The old days of "Journalism", as a means of informing the public about current events, has become mostly obsolete before our eyes...over the last 15 years of course.

The profitable Fox News business model has the industry changing in ways that require heightened critical reasoning skills from viewers to dig down to reality.

By reality, in this instance, I'm referring to the conditions in your life affected by how you vote
Unfortunately, they're totally FOS.

Todd, look at the link. It's NOT from Fox or Breitbart.
Actually, you're brainwashed and stupid, not a neutral tax observer since 1937 based on actual tax receipts from the government.
State and local property and sales taxes hit the nonrich more, obviously. Ditto ridiculous fees we have now...
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.

A little better than average. If you can discuss your views without being a total jackass I have no problem with you or anyone being a conservative. It's the poor tortured and fearful souls that cannot rationally defend their opinions I have a problem with.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.

I'd take anyone over those so called, "enlightened progressive filled with nothing but hate and are SNOBS." an example of what I mean. THREADS posted like this one from garbage sites like, Rawassnonsenestory


it's what the far left does.

Intellectually they are bankrupt, so they revert to name calling, character assassination, and delusions of superiority. Then if it all fails, they simply curse and yell so you can't talk or be heard, usually on college campuses which is kind of ironic.

"The far left" is usually on the winning side of ballot measures lately, so I wouldn't call that intellectually bankrupt.

And the people you're describing remind me a lot of the people on Fox News, especially Bill O'reilly.

So let me get this straight, winning elections means you are intellectually superior?

That just means they have control of elections. Does power make them intellectually superior?

Is Obama really intellectually superior since he runs the country by edict now? In all 57 states, is there no one his equal?

Certainly nobody on the republican side is his equal.
Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.

I'd take anyone over those so called, "enlightened progressive filled with nothing but hate and are SNOBS." an example of what I mean. THREADS posted like this one from garbage sites like, Rawassnonsenestory


it's what the far left does.

Intellectually they are bankrupt, so they revert to name calling, character assassination, and delusions of superiority. Then if it all fails, they simply curse and yell so you can't talk or be heard, usually on college campuses which is kind of ironic.

"The far left" is usually on the winning side of ballot measures lately, so I wouldn't call that intellectually bankrupt.

And the people you're describing remind me a lot of the people on Fox News, especially Bill O'reilly.

So let me get this straight, winning elections means you are intellectually superior?

That just means they have control of elections. Does power make them intellectually superior?

Is Obama really intellectually superior since he runs the country by edict now? In all 57 states, is there no one his equal?

Certainly nobody on the republican side is his equal.


Ted Cruz can move his mouth without a teleprompter. I don't know any Dims who can do this.

In fact, Ted Cruz graduated top of his class at Harvard.
Even if the OP is true, and it isn't, Conservatives won in 10 and 14 while squishy Moderates lost to an anti-American in 08 and 12
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.

Really, Pogo?

Gimme a friggin' break...


Was that cartoon originally jinned-up as a smack-down on HuffPo or MSNBC, then plagiarized?

As to 'One Furhrer', well, we can always point to the Messiah Complex Rock-Star status of his Imperial Majesty, Barack I, and the vast quantities of ridiculing imagery directed at him for his autocracy and unilateralism, as well, can't we?

Cuts both ways.

But, as to media outlets, and bias...

Both sides have their toxic-caliber Partisan Bias Channels...

Both sides...

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Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views.

Yep , the most intolerant people in the country. and that spew came from a person (occupy) who took over our parks and turned them into garbage dumps and disrupted citizens just trying to work.... and occupied other peoples businesses and properties...what a joke and loser. I hope the people has had their fill of them. as we see they are ugly when they win, and just downright NASTY when they lose. But when they have LEFTWING hate sites like RawGargabestory feeding them that kind of HATE day in and day. Well you see what we get from it..... calling Conservatives Intolerant. what a hoot.....ALL this nasty over a fricking news station. wake up people
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Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates and chickenhawk idiocy, ridiculous propaganda and obstruction. see sig.

Actually, the last 30 years have been dominated by pander to the greedy idiot rich Reaganist tax rates

Reaganist tax rates were a 28% top rate.
Current rates are over 40% higher.

So I'm a little better than average?

Naturally, I'm not an enlightened progressive, making me a gifted intellectual, but I guess it will have to do.

I'd take anyone over those so called, "enlightened progressive filled with nothing but hate and are SNOBS." an example of what I mean. THREADS posted like this one from garbage sites like, Rawassnonsenestory


it's what the far left does.

Intellectually they are bankrupt, so they revert to name calling, character assassination, and delusions of superiority. Then if it all fails, they simply curse and yell so you can't talk or be heard, usually on college campuses which is kind of ironic.

"The far left" is usually on the winning side of ballot measures lately, so I wouldn't call that intellectually bankrupt.

And the people you're describing remind me a lot of the people on Fox News, especially Bill O'reilly.

So let me get this straight, winning elections means you are intellectually superior?

That just means they have control of elections. Does power make them intellectually superior?

Is Obama really intellectually superior since he runs the country by edict now? In all 57 states, is there no one his equal?

Certainly nobody on the republican side is his equal.

Certainly nobody on the republican side is his equal.

You're right, I haven't heard any Republicans say we should raise the capital gains tax rate,even if it reduced revenues, just to be fair.
I mean that's just world class stupid.

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