Reagan adviser: Fox News ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

If you're trying to twist this into Reagan being a liberal, you have failed.

No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views.
Be on the receiving end of that much misinformation and you begin to see them as the enemy. They certainly treat those who disagree with them as enemies. They exemplify every sin against truth that makes up bad journalism including the cardinal rule, sensationally telling people what they want to hear (otherwise known as blowing smoke up their ass).

U are a tool.

We are all on the receiving end of deliberate disinformation at the hands of the left wing main stream media constantly.

Fucking Stephanapolous would give a blow job to Shrillary and HE is considered a fair reporter?

Get the fuck outta heeeeeere. You are disconnected from reality.
And............the progs have the bubble of every other news network. I noticed that Bartlett's "theory" doesn't make the quantum leap that ABC, NBC, CBS MSNBC, PBS Al Jazeera and CNN are "fair and balanced". When is the prog left going to stop whining about a single news network and face the reality that they lost in the biggest landslide in mid-term history barely six months ago?
Fox news is different because of their working partnership with the GOP. No other network coordinates so closely with a political party, not even close.

No other network? Not even close? Are you freaking nuts after the mini scandal that news anchor George Stepenopolis was contributor to the Clinton fund? It should have come as no surprise because Georgie boy was a mover and shaker in the freaking Clinton administration before he became a left wing news anchor. CBS engaged in treason when they tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. Chris Matthews was an aid to a democrat congressman. If you look at the personal relationships in the mainstream media many of the news babes are married to big shot democrat operatives. What the hell was Al Gore's relationship with the left wing propaganda source Al Jazeera when he sold his network to it. Does anybody in their right mind think that Al-Jazeera is fair and balanced?
I never said that other networks do not engage in bullshit but the level of coordination between the GOP and Fox News stands alone. They read GOP news releases verbatim for Christ's sake.

Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views.

"Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views"-Bluto

In the real world, both sides of the aisle have "abject intolerance to opposing views". You've been here long enough to know that for Christ sake.
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

Ironically, it is the rash hysterical liberal reaction to the very existence of Fox News (see haxmutt's OP) that is the actual demonstration of abject intolerance to opposing views.
Be on the receiving end of that much misinformation and you begin to see them as the enemy. They certainly treat those who disagree with them as enemies. They exemplify every sin against truth that makes up bad journalism including the cardinal rule, sensationally telling people what they want to hear (otherwise known as blowing smoke up their ass).

U are a tool.

We are all on the receiving end of deliberate disinformation at the hands of the left wing main stream media constantly.

Fucking Stephanapolous would give a blow job to Shrillary and HE is considered a fair reporter?

Get the fuck outta heeeeeere. You are disconnected from reality.
I'm not the one jumping to the defense of a propaganda machine. TV news media is 100% fucked up. There is no bastion of truth to be found there. Quit watching that shit, it rots your brain.
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.

That guy probably voted McCain. A true fact. Reagen had to make peace with the bushes after 1980 so that he could get support from the entire political party. That is the only reason why this guy is even saying this.
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.


National Socialism..... What party is most affiliated with that phrase? What party campaigns the most against the capatalism Economics? What party stands against Israel on just about every issue in the world?
Only the bs rates nobody megarich pays, Pub dupe. And giant corps mostly pay nothing. Great job! While the country and the nonrich fall to pieces...

Only the megarich paid Reagan's 28%?
Only the megarich pay Obama's 39.6%?
They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees. Same as people like you. Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains. Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous, and theyALL blame the poor. MORE brainwashed GOP a-holes...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs

That's awful! Prove it.

also payroll taxes and FEES

The states raised payroll taxes? That's funny.

Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do.

Don't be so gd stupid. Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest. Add fees and its worse.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP
If you're trying to twist this into Reagan being a liberal, you have failed.

No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Reagan was not far right and neither is today's GOP. And you're right, many Democrats voted for Reagan but not because he acted like a Democrat. He inspired people and was a great leader. A booming economy and winning the Cold War didn't hurt either.
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.


National Socialism..... What party is most affiliated with that phrase? What party campaigns the most against the capatalism Economics? What party stands against Israel on just about every issue in the world?

Very good Heinz. I see you fed the lyrics into Google Translate and got "German detected". You sleuth you. ;)

The point there is really the idea of the one-party state Fox Noise wants. The idea of Eliminationism.

Of course, that's part of how FNC builds a loyal ratings base -- by selling paranoia where its disciples get to join a secret tree-house club of "us against the world". People lap it up. :rofl:
If you're trying to twist this into Reagan being a liberal, you have failed.

No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Reagan was not far right and neither is today's GOP. And you're right, many Democrats voted for Reagan but not because he acted like a Democrat. He inspired people and was a great leader. A booming economy and winning the Cold War didn't hurt either.

Your right, Reagan was not far right, but in my view the GOP has moved further away from the center. The GOP Establishment did recruit moderates to run against
at the Tea Party in the primaries which really hurt the Tea Party but helped the GOP in the midterms, a lot.
People falling back on some random tidbit of leftwing bias in media (there really isn't much, there's only pro-democrat bias...) don't really dispute the point. Conservatives are still warped in the head regardless of how much the Liberals are.
Only the megarich paid Reagan's 28%?
Only the megarich pay Obama's 39.6%?
They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees. Same as people like you. Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains. Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous, and theyALL blame the poor. MORE brainwashed GOP a-holes...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs

That's awful! Prove it.

also payroll taxes and FEES

The states raised payroll taxes? That's funny.

Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do.

Don't be so gd stupid. Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest. Add fees and its worse.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest.

What a stupid claim. Here in Illinois, we have a flat income tax, currently 3.75%
The poor aren't paying twice as much as the rich.
Property taxes in rich areas are higher than in poor areas.
The poor aren't paying twice as much.
In a state like California, the lowest rate is 1%, the highest is 13.3%.
Their poor definitely aren't paying twice the percentage.
If you're trying to twist this into Reagan being a liberal, you have failed.

No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Reagan was not far right and neither is today's GOP. And you're right, many Democrats voted for Reagan but not because he acted like a Democrat. He inspired people and was a great leader. A booming economy and winning the Cold War didn't hurt either.

Your right, Reagan was not far right, but in my view the GOP has moved further away from the center. The GOP Establishment did recruit moderates to run against
at the Tea Party in the primaries which really hurt the Tea Party but helped the GOP in the midterms, a lot.
Gotta disagree. I saw Reagan as right of center, and the Republicans in Congress today are left of center imo. Not all of them, obviously, but the leadership for sure. They talk like conservatives but they govern like liberals.
No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Reagan was not far right and neither is today's GOP. And you're right, many Democrats voted for Reagan but not because he acted like a Democrat. He inspired people and was a great leader. A booming economy and winning the Cold War didn't hurt either.

Your right, Reagan was not far right, but in my view the GOP has moved further away from the center. The GOP Establishment did recruit moderates to run against
at the Tea Party in the primaries which really hurt the Tea Party but helped the GOP in the midterms, a lot.
Gotta disagree. I saw Reagan as right of center, and the Republicans in Congress today are left of center imo. Not all of them, obviously, but the leadership for sure. They talk like conservatives but they govern like liberals.

I'll agree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to disagree. :2up:
Conservatives did not used to be like this, they were never open minded but I do not remember them recoiling so violently from alternative views.

This is what the left does. They bastardize terms like "conservative" to the point of it meaning nothing more than people that may question or oppose progressive policies, and then put people they don't like in the "conservative" group. They then stereotype them and attack their character and call them racists, bigots, extremists, etc.

As for me, who is a "conservative", I don't even watch Fox news, nor do I care much for talking heads like Rush.

So what does that make me?

I'm sure you were just as outraged when the right was turning the word liberal into a curse word, right?
No, but without question, Reagan would be classified a RINO.
I've found that people who say that don't understand Reagan or conservatism.

Ummmm, I voted for Reagan twice (and not in the same year :laugh:). Reagan was not as far right as the GOP has moved in today's political environment.. Also, you'll recall, Reagan did quite well getting the Dem vote. After Reagan, many of those same voters voted Democratic again.
Reagan was not far right and neither is today's GOP. And you're right, many Democrats voted for Reagan but not because he acted like a Democrat. He inspired people and was a great leader. A booming economy and winning the Cold War didn't hurt either.

Your right, Reagan was not far right, but in my view the GOP has moved further away from the center. The GOP Establishment did recruit moderates to run against
at the Tea Party in the primaries which really hurt the Tea Party but helped the GOP in the midterms, a lot.
Gotta disagree. I saw Reagan as right of center, and the Republicans in Congress today are left of center imo. Not all of them, obviously, but the leadership for sure. They talk like conservatives but they govern like liberals.

Not true. They govern like idiots.
Ex-Reagan adviser: Fox News is ‘self-brainwashing’ Republicans into a radical fringe party

In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

“Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

Great line from the Simpsons - Fox News, Not Racist, but #1 with racists.

If they keep being so fringy and radical, they'll never hold majorities in the House or Senate...wait...what?

Well they got it, but holding it might be a little harder.
A fear of the framers in creating a democracy was that the poor would vote themselves all the goodies; to combat this some states allowed only people with property to vote, and the Constitution allowed people to vote for only one half of the three branches. As America became more democratic and people were allowed to vote for both Senate and president it seems the goodies still belong to the upper classes. Is that because of Fox News, the American people or what?
They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees. Same as people like you. Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains. Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous, and theyALL blame the poor. MORE brainwashed GOP a-holes...

They pay 27% in ALL taxes and fees.

Why are you whining about all taxes and fees?
Reagan wasn't in charge of all taxes and fees.

Then there's the old rich and hedge funders paying 0% on capital gains.

Rich people and hedge funders don't pay 0% on capital gains.

Reaganists have put in so many loopholes for the superrich and giant corps it's ridiculous

Reagan eliminated loopholes when he cut the top rate to 28%.
If there are too many loopholes, perhaps they were added in the last 28 years?

and theyALL blame the poor.

Someone blames the poor for loopholes?
Well that's franco level stupidity right there.
No, for everything. Mario Cuomo: "Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable."

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs- which kill the non rich- also payroll taxes and FEES. Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do. Great job, Foxbots. Tell us how 47% pay no taxes again, ya brainwashed feqs. Enjoy hell.

When Reagan cut the fed rates, the states raised theirs

That's awful! Prove it.

also payroll taxes and FEES

The states raised payroll taxes? That's funny.

Now the poorest workers pay more in all taxes and fees than the richest do.

Don't be so gd stupid. Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest. Add fees and its worse.

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ITEP

Here's state and local tax rates, the poorest pay twice as much %wise as the richest.

What a stupid claim. Here in Illinois, we have a flat income tax, currently 3.75%
The poor aren't paying twice as much as the rich.
Property taxes in rich areas are higher than in poor areas.
The poor aren't paying twice as much.
In a state like California, the lowest rate is 1%, the highest is 13.3%.
Their poor definitely aren't paying twice the percentage.
ALL taxes, stupid. Can you read?

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