Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Nothing is as black and white as you people try and portray it -- plausible deniability

>>>The story about bin Laden and the CIA — that the CIA funded bin Laden or trained bin Laden — is simply a folk myth. ....

In fact, there are very few things that bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and the U.S. government agree on. They all agree that they didn't have a relationship in the 1980s.

And they wouldn't have needed to. Bin Laden had his own money, he was anti-American and he was operating secretly and independently. The real story here is the CIA did not understand who Osama was until 1996, when they set up a unit to really start tracking him - Bergen: Bin Laden, CIA links hogwash - Aug 24, 2006

>>>The CIA was very reluctant to be involved at all. They thought it would end up with them being blamed, like in Guatemala." So the Agency tried to avoid direct involvement in the war, ... the skittish CIA, Cannistraro estimates, had less than ten operatives acting as America's eyes and ears in the region. Milton Bearden, the Agency's chief field operative in the war effort, has insisted that "[T]he CIA had nothing to do with" bin Laden. Cannistraro says that when he coordinated Afghan policy from Washington, he never once heard bin Laden's name<<<<

Dispelling the CIA-Bin Laden Myth | Fox News

It's sad that you insist on ignoring the truth. But, that doesn't make what you imagine true at all!

>>> True. It's a myth worthy of FOX News and WND :badgrin:

The USA has backed people, movements, and governments that at first glance looked like any cooperation would be contrary to American interests or principles, but again: nothing is as black and white as people like you hope to portray them

OBL was known to the US intel agencies, and intel agencies in other governments years before 9/11. OBL was later tracked as a person of interest harming US assets around the time of 1993 attack on WTC in NYC.

and because we know OBL is later tracked (he was a known entity years before 1993) you are revealed to be a loon: "The FBI had a mole inside al Qaeda who met with Osama bin Laden eight years prior to 9/11 and knew he planned to finance terror attacks, but the bureau declined to tell Congressional investigators or the 9/11 Commission about the mole, sources involved in the case told NBC News." FBI Never Revealed It Had Al Qaeda Mole Who Met Bin Laden - NBC News

:eek: even right wing nutjob sources play the game with facts loosely based on fact that OBL was a known entity: Former FBI Translator: Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Right Up Until 9/11 Washington's Blog
"Hey, BIn Laden brought his own guns. We weren't responsible for him at all, other than the fact we were arming all of his buddies and providing them intelligence as to where the Russians were."

But at least we kept them Dirty Stinking Commies from teaching Girls how to Read. That's the important thing.

it's comical for LWNJs to talk about revisionist history; ESPECIALLY regarding the Reagan years.

all that "reagan" debt? 8 years of Dems holding the purse strings

so many Dems voted FOR Reagan's policies the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them. oh by the way it was clinton who abandoned resistence to the Taliban. there was no Taliban in the Reagan years.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
there's a leftard here implying that Russians killed 1 million Afghanis because they only wanted to teach young girls to read

good one nutjob. ok continue drooling!
it's comical for LWNJs to talk about revisionist history; ESPECIALLY regarding the Reagan years.

all that "reagan" debt? 8 years of Dems holding the purse strings

so many Dems voted FOR Reagan's policies the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them. oh by the way it was clinton who abandoned resistence to the Taliban. there was no Taliban in the Reagan years.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Go away troll!

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate

and because we know OBL is later tracked (he was a known entity years before 1993) you are revealed to be a loon:


Wow, Dante, are you so illiterate that you can't read an article and realize that I have put forth no opinion, but instead only quoted an acknowledged expert, journalist Peter Bergin? And, are you putting yourself forward as more of an expert on the subject than Bergin, who has been reporting on this story for more than a decade? :cuckoo:

There DOES seem to be a loon on this thread, but it certainly isn't me. Thanks for revealing yourself so I don't waste time on you any further. :eusa_clap:
it's comical for LWNJs to talk about revisionist history; ESPECIALLY regarding the Reagan years.

all that "reagan" debt? 8 years of Dems holding the purse strings

so many Dems voted FOR Reagan's policies the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them. oh by the way it was clinton who abandoned resistence to the Taliban. there was no Taliban in the Reagan years.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Go away troll!

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate

While, of course, Democrats controlled the House and controlled the budgetary process.

Keep trying. :lol:

and because we know OBL is later tracked (he was a known entity years before 1993) you are revealed to be a loon:


Wow, Dante, are you so illiterate that you can't read an article and realize that I have put forth no opinion, but instead only quoted an acknowledged expert, journalist Peter Bergin? And, are you putting yourself forward as more of an expert on the subject than Bergin, who has been reporting on this story for more than a decade? :cuckoo:

There DOES seem to be a loon on this thread, but it certainly isn't me. Thanks for revealing yourself so I don't waste time on you any further. :eusa_clap:

A reporter reporting on a subject cannot be contradicted or shown to be in error?

my oh my, who is a moron?

and you put forth no opinion? :lol:
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A reporter reporting on a subject cannot be contradicted or shown to be in error?

my oh my, who is a moron?

and you put forth no opinion? :lol:

You open yourself up for the retort that obviously YOU are a moron.

Now, while you keep trying to find a way to rebut Bergin, know that you'd be MUCH better off to educate yourself rather than continue your quest to create a link between Reagan and bin Laden.

[ame=]Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad: Peter L. Bergen: 9780307955883: Books[/ame]

Happy reading.
leftard; Dems controlled the House for all 8 Reagan years and both the House and Senate for 2 years.
it's hilarious the way you left-wing morons try to make a point when in reality you're just spewing the same moronic excues for your own complicity and collusion.
the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe Democrats in Congress that voted for the Reagan Agenda. and you like to mention that Reagan raised taxes which you LWNJs love too. why cant Reagan get any love from you leftardz?

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy mean ol republicans made me vote FOR Reagan's policies!! THEY MADE MY DEMS TO THE SAME THING UNDER BUSH TOO!!!
and they're still doing it today under obama!

i'm sensing a theme leftard; decades of idiotic excuse-making from liberals
A reporter reporting on a subject cannot be contradicted or shown to be in error?

my oh my, who is a moron?

and you put forth no opinion? :lol:

You open yourself up for the retort that obviously YOU are a moron.

Now, while you keep trying to find a way to rebut Bergin, know that you'd be MUCH better off to educate yourself rather than continue your quest to create a link between Reagan and bin Laden.

[ame=]Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad: Peter L. Bergen: 9780307955883: Books[/ame]

Happy reading.

you're still confused. Go back and see where Dante says al qaeda and Regan/CIA link is based on myths.


go back and see where Dante also acknowledges connections between bin laden and the US government aid
it's comical for LWNJs to talk about revisionist history; ESPECIALLY regarding the Reagan years.

all that "reagan" debt? 8 years of Dems holding the purse strings

so many Dems voted FOR Reagan's policies the term REAGAN DEMOCRAT was coined to describe them. oh by the way it was clinton who abandoned resistence to the Taliban. there was no Taliban in the Reagan years.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Go away troll!

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate

While, of course, Democrats controlled the House and controlled the budgetary process.

Keep trying. :lol:

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate

One house of the US Congress
leftard; Dems controlled the House for all 8 Reagan years and both the House and Senate for 2 years.
it's hilarious the way you left-wing morons try to make a point when in reality you're just spewing the same moronic excues for your own complicity and collusion.
the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe Democrats in Congress that voted for the Reagan Agenda. and you like to mention that Reagan raised taxes which you LWNJs love too. why cant Reagan get any love from you leftardz?

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy mean ol republicans made me vote FOR Reagan's policies!! THEY MADE MY DEMS TO THE SAME THING UNDER BUSH TOO!!!
and they're still doing it today under obama!

i'm sensing a theme leftard; decades of idiotic excuse-making from liberals

You really should have googled 'Reagan Democrat' before you call people names and try to convince folks that you know what you are talking about. I was there. I know what it means. You don't know what the term means.
there's a leftard here implying that Russians killed 1 million Afghanis because they only wanted to teach young girls to read

good one nutjob. ok continue drooling!

Hey, Bedwetter, a million people died because the terrorists... oh, i'm sorry, "Freedom Fighters" dragged on the war for 9 years.

And then they turned around and bit us in the ass.

I'm reminded of the Israeli story about the girl who picks up a viper to warm it up, and the minute it is warm enough, it bites here.

"You knew what I was when you picked me up", the Viper said as it slithered away!
A reporter reporting on a subject cannot be contradicted or shown to be in error?

my oh my, who is a moron?

and you put forth no opinion? :lol:

You open yourself up for the retort that obviously YOU are a moron.

Now, while you keep trying to find a way to rebut Bergin, know that you'd be MUCH better off to educate yourself rather than continue your quest to create a link between Reagan and bin Laden.

[ame=]Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad: Peter L. Bergen: 9780307955883: Books[/ame]

Happy reading.

you're still confused. Go back and see where Dante says al qaeda and Regan/CIA link is based on myths.


go back and see where Dante also acknowledges connections between bin laden and the US government aid

So, you believe you are an expert and your word should be taken over those who have researched, reported and been acknowledged as accurate.

The only confusion I had was that I thought you were sane.

Shuffle on down the road because you're a clown.
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Go away troll!

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate

While, of course, Democrats controlled the House and controlled the budgetary process.

Keep trying. :lol:

For the first six years of the Reagan presidency (1981-87) The Republicans controlled the Senate

One house of the US Congress

Yep, as I said, Democrats controlled the House and controlled the budgetary process. Thanks for acknowledging I was correct.
leftard; Dems controlled the House for all 8 Reagan years and both the House and Senate for 2 years.
it's hilarious the way you left-wing morons try to make a point when in reality you're just spewing the same moronic excues for your own complicity and collusion.
the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe Democrats in Congress that voted for the Reagan Agenda. and you like to mention that Reagan raised taxes which you LWNJs love too. why cant Reagan get any love from you leftardz?

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy mean ol republicans made me vote FOR Reagan's policies!! THEY MADE MY DEMS TO THE SAME THING UNDER BUSH TOO!!!
and they're still doing it today under obama!

i'm sensing a theme leftard; decades of idiotic excuse-making from liberals

You really should have googled 'Reagan Democrat' before you call people names and try to convince folks that you know what you are talking about. I was there. I know what it means. You don't know what the term means.

The meaning of Reagan Democrat is me; I am a Reagan Democrat. However, I might have not voted for him if it had not been for the Cold War. But still the fact remains that Reagan saved the World form communist slavery and all freedom loving people should be eternally grateful; it is a shame that his birthday is not a national holiday.
leftard; Dems controlled the House for all 8 Reagan years and both the House and Senate for 2 years.
it's hilarious the way you left-wing morons try to make a point when in reality you're just spewing the same moronic excues for your own complicity and collusion.
the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe Democrats in Congress that voted for the Reagan Agenda. and you like to mention that Reagan raised taxes which you LWNJs love too. why cant Reagan get any love from you leftardz?

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! mommy mommy mean ol republicans made me vote FOR Reagan's policies!! THEY MADE MY DEMS TO THE SAME THING UNDER BUSH TOO!!!
and they're still doing it today under obama!

i'm sensing a theme leftard; decades of idiotic excuse-making from liberals

You really should have googled 'Reagan Democrat' before you call people names and try to convince folks that you know what you are talking about. I was there. I know what it means. You don't know what the term means.


as always,this is all the reaganuts can post when they are cornered with facts they cant refute about :bsflag:
so much for the reaganuts beliefs that Reagan was responsible for the collapse of the soviet union.

[ame=]CIA says Reagan had NOTHING to do with Soviet Union's demise - YouTube[/ame]
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