Reagan did some great things but will the one thing he phuct up royally on lie at the root of America’s self-destruction/demise?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
He signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 and opened the flood gates to the third-world. With one signature, he has morphed American culture in California and all border cities and states. That signature has allowed Democrats to win CA, AZ, NM, NV and much of Texas. It empowered Democrats to tear down American institutions and chisel away at the American Way and all things America/American.
Would Democrats be in the drivers seat they’re in if it not for that Reagan signature in 1986?
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He signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 and opened the flood gates to the third-world. With one signature, he has morphed American culture in California and all border cities and states. That signature has allowed Democrats to win CA, AZ, NM, NV and much of Texas. Empowered Democrats tear down American institutions and chisel away at the American Way and all things America/American.
Would Democrats be in the drivers seat they’re in if it not for that Reagan signature in 1986?
He signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 and opened the flood gates to the third-world. With one signature, he has morphed American culture in California and all border cities and states. That signature has allowed Democrats to win CA, AZ, NM, NV and much of Texas. Empowered Democrats tear down American institutions and chisel away at the American Way and all things America/American.
Would Democrats be in the drivers seat they’re in if it not for that Reagan signature in 1986?
Are you saying the Democrats had never won in those states until Reagan signed the Amnesty Bill?
Are you saying the Democrats had never won in those states until Reagan signed the Amnesty Bill?
No….new age Democrats are not pre Reagan era Democrats. Todays fascist/marxist Democrats couldn’t pull off the unAmerican bullshit they do without a new population of voting foreigners who can’t give two-shits about Americas founding principles, moral order, rich history, traditions and values….without a new population that doesn’t know about and doesn’t care about our Constitution and founding documents.
Remember when pre Reagan Democrats said shit like this?
Reagan worshippers hate to discuss his complete and total fuck up that in hindsight has or should have destroyed his ‘legacy’.
Troll ^ doubles down on his trolling because troll is upset that troll got called out on his trolling. Trolls will be trolls.
He signed the Amnesty Bill in 1986 and opened the flood gates to the third-world. With one signature, he has morphed American culture in California and all border cities and states. That signature has allowed Democrats to win CA, AZ, NM, NV and much of Texas. Empowered Democrats tear down American institutions and chisel away at the American Way and all things America/American.
Would Democrats be in the drivers seat they’re in if it not for that Reagan signature in 1986?

Ronald Reagan was a great president unlike Trump who is a right wing Nazi. Under Trump, suburban voters are fleeing the GOP. Young voters went for Ronald Reagan heavily but have turned their backs to the Trump Republican Party. Ronald Reagan expanded the Republican Party while Trump has shrunk it. Under Trump, the Republican Party has become the party of hate and restricting the rights of people they don't like.
“Cucked”….you mean like when Mexicans punk negroes for their jobs, neighborhoods, education, healthcare and welfare? That kind of cucking?
I know you have to cosplay to save face but I love my Mexican brothers and sisters and welcome them with open arms in to your country. 😁
Troll ^ doubles down on his trolling because troll is upset that troll got called out on his trolling. Trolls will be trolls.
”I hate it when people say things that hurt my feelings….I label them trolls for doing so.”

The OP is right there in your face waiting for you to stop wasting time…waiting for your refutation. Sack up and spend your time wisely….GO!
I know you have to cosplay to save face but I love my Mexican brothers and sisters and welcome them with open arms in to your country. 😁
Hahaha…sure you do…..they are punking you bottom feeders like no-one in history ever has. They have ran right past you as you stand begging for free shit.
Hahaha…sure you do…..they are punking you bottom feeders like no-one in history ever has. They have ran right past you as you stand begging for free shit.
Sure they are. By the way my family are immigrants ourselves and none of my Black American neighbors had any animosity for us moving into "their" neighborhood which itself is a pretty xenophobic way to look at things. 😄
”I hate it when people say things that hurt my feelings….I label them trolls for doing so.”

The OP is right there in your face waiting for you to stop wasting time…waiting for your refutation. Sack up and spend your time wisely….GO!
Translation: how dare anyone call out a troll for trolling!?!?!?

Classic example of why most trolls are seen as pussies.
Signing that filthy Amnesty Bill was a despicable thing for Reagan to do.

However, the reports were at the time that the Congressional leaders promised Reagan that this was a compromise and they would not let any more of the shitheads into the country. They were to secure the border.

Of course we saw how that worked out. Liberals lie.

By the way that RINO Bush also refused to seal the border.

Lots of villains here, both Democrat and Republican, however the worst villain is this Potatohead peice of shit that literally opened up the flood gates.

Piss on anybody that voted for him.
Ronald Reagan was a great president unlike Trump who is a right wing Nazi.
“but but but….TRUMP!”
Under Trump, suburban voters are fleeing the GOP.
Suburban women are ignorant, emotional fucking fools and always have been….FUCK EM!
Young voters went for Ronald Reagan heavily but have turned their backs to the Trump Republican Party.
Young voters today are PC programmed illiterates controlled by social media
Ronald Reagan expanded the Republican Party while Trump has shrunk it.
Reagan got 74 million votes?
Under Trump, the Republican Party has become the party of hate and restricting the rights of people they don't like.
Was it Republicans who conspired with social media giants to control speech? Was it the GOP who forced people to wear a face diaper and take experimental medicine they didn’t want? Was it Republicans who have openly hired people for their skin color and or genitalia?

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