Reagan offered Sen S.I Hayakawa a Administration Post


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
How dare he! Corrupt I say! Corrupt! Here's a clipping of the AP Post:


And? You have some point to make?

Either both the Reagan and Obama Administration were corrupt, or neither were. Just asking for a little consistency. Not too much to ask for, I think.
Apparently what is too much to ask for is for you to demonstrate that they are the same situation. I mean, that would be the logical thing to do - support an assertion - but...well, you know.
Apparently what is too much to ask for is for you to demonstrate that they are the same situation. I mean, that would be the logical thing to do - support an assertion - but...well, you know.

Both men in this situation were supposedly offered a job by each Administration in turn for dropping out of their respective races.
Apparently what is too much to ask for is for you to demonstrate that they are the same situation. I mean, that would be the logical thing to do - support an assertion - but...well, you know.

Both men in this situation were supposedly offered a job by each Administration in turn for dropping out of their respective races.
There you go.

And that is against the law.

Now what?
There you go.

And that is against the law.

Now what?

Except since Obama and Reagan were both the President, neither falls under the Hatch Act if I recall correctly, no?
And? You have some point to make?

Yes, there is point to be made. In my never ending effort to provide concise, complete and concrete help to the RW fringers, I'll explain.

The Point: RWers and Republicans are H Y P O C R I T E S.

Concise, complete, concrete and an exceptional explanation, if I do say so myself (and I do). Feel free to ask anytime you need help with the obvious Si, I'll be happy to assist.
And? You have some point to make?

Yes, there is point to be made. In my never ending effort to provide concise, complete and concrete help to the RW fringers, I'll explain.

The Point: RWers and Republicans are H Y P O C R I T E S.

Concise, complete, concrete and an exceptional explanation, if I do say so myself (and I do). Feel free to ask anytime you need help with the obvious Si, I'll be happy to assist.
OMG! You're kidding? Right? Some right wingers (and some left wingers, if you can be honest) are hypocrites? No shit? Really?


If that actually made this any less illegal, that would be relevant.

So, what's the point again? Try something relevant.
And? You have some point to make?

Yes, there is point to be made. In my never ending effort to provide concise, complete and concrete help to the RW fringers, I'll explain.

The Point: RWers and Republicans are H Y P O C R I T E S.

Concise, complete, concrete and an exceptional explanation, if I do say so myself (and I do). Feel free to ask anytime you need help with the obvious Si, I'll be happy to assist.
OMG! You're kidding? Right? Some right wingers (and some left wingers, if you can be honest) are hypocrites? No shit? Really?


If that actually made this any less illegal, that would be relevant.

So, what's the point again? Try something relevant.

You really don't get it. Amazing. The point is not about legality or illegality, it's about the reaction of the RW to anything and everything President Obama does or says.
If you had read my signature line it would help. I am honest and your attempt to hide your inability to comprehend by claiming both D's and R's violate laws is both insipid and lame.
And? You have some point to make?

Either both the Reagan and Obama Administration were corrupt, or neither were. Just asking for a little consistency. Not too much to ask for, I think.

Quote your mother " if your friend jumped off a bridge would you?" Just cause some one else did something wrong doesn't make it right for you do the same thing!!!! Just another example of how unethical Obama is!!!! In his words "Fuck the Constitution or the laws of the land I'm king Obama I don't have to follow the law I'm the chosen one" now you bring up what a dead guy did, to justify what Obama did!!!! Because nobody is buying the job for free excuse!!!! What is next start calling anyone questioning this illegal activity a racist? Looks like a time for a special procecutor to look into this!!!! call Peter Fitgerald!!!!
Quote your mother " if your friend jumped off a bridge would you?" Just cause some one else did something wrong doesn't make it right for you do the same thing!!!! Just another example of how unethical Obama is!!!! In his words "Fuck the Constitution or the laws of the land I'm king Obama I don't have to follow the law I'm the chosen one" now you bring up what a dead guy did, to justify what Obama did!!!! Because nobody is buying the job for free excuse!!!! What is next start calling anyone questioning this illegal activity a racist? Looks like a time for a special procecutor to look into this!!!! call Peter Fitgerald!!!!

And of, course, getting back to his point, you are thereby accusing the Reagan administration of being "unethical" and thinking they are a monarchy that ignored the "Constitution and the laws of the land".

Impeachment is retroactive, so I believe you should be calling for an investigation of the Reagan administration FIRST, going in chronological order.

But it doesn't matter, as the point is moot anyway, since no laws were broken:
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