Reagan this; Bush that... What year is it? Who is President? for how long??

You know............that's something I've wondered a bit myself, because there are several GOP candidates who have compared themselves to Reagan.

And you know...............I can't understand why....................

Reagan increased taxes. Around 4 times.

Reagan negotiated with terrorists as well as had a scandal in Iran-Contra.

Reagan managed to make us one of the least liked nations during his term. I know, because I was serving in the military and going overseas and saw it.

Reagan damn near broke the Navy with his 500 ship proposal. There were many times that ships deployed on cruised and were only 85 percent manned.

Nope, don't see much reason why the current GOP continues to worship at the altar of Reagan.
Hey..We are not here to be liked. Just look at history..On countless occasions we have been asked by allies and not so friendly nations alike for humanitarian and military aid.
Reagan made the Russians wet their pants. Our foreign policy opened the door for more level heads in Russia to negotiate from a position of weakness. Instead of the typical USSR bluster encouraged by their hawkish view that a nuclear conflict could be "won", the USSR had nothing with which to scare us. Their more sensible leaders knew the nuclear threat was mere story telling. Nuclear conflict cannot be won. And the Russians were made to realize this.
You may not have had friendly relations while overseas, but that was just the times.
It wasn't just the times, it was the policies enacted by Reagan that made the rest of the world hate us and do terror attacks on places where U.S. troops gathered.
Hillary does have a distinct problem. She can't claim the last 7 years were wonderful and that she wants to continue doing the same things, because most Americans do not think the country is going in the right direction. She also can't run against the last 7 years and Obama without losing a massive chunk of the voters she thinks she's entitled to have. Therefore, she has to pretend somehow that the last 7 years didn't happen, and run against some president from the past. It's going to be interesting, because she has the political acumen and agility of a manitee on land.

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