Reagan: Twenty five year later Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall

When the history of the era of the cold war is written in the future, Gorbachev will be viewed as a heroic figure. He managed the breakup of the Soviet Union without a sea of bloodshed. Reagan will be viewed as an ancilliary figure, someone on the sidelines.
I'm sorry, what did we win again?

Trillions of dollars in debt, a bloated military, a gutted middle class and Jihadists running around the world blowing shit up.

But Ronnie Ray-Gun gave that wall a stern talking to.
a lot pictures with the article at the site

Putin trying to put the wall back up while Obama dithers and golfs.

Via NY Post:
Reagan Hits The Wall

……. Long before the Wall came down physically, an American president had inflicted the fatal blow when he used the one thing Communism never could deal with: the truth, spoken aloud and publicly.
That president’s name was Ronald Reagan, who sealed the Wall’s fate when he went to Berlin and issued his famous call: “Mr. Gorbahev, tear down this wall.” Even for him it hadn’t started there.
Early on in his presidency he had told a friend his strategy for the Cold War: “We win, and they lose.” [...]
So as the world marks this wonderful victory for freedom, let no one make the mistake of speaking of the “fall of the Berlin Wall.”
The Berlin Wall came down because it was pulled down.
Via Stars and Stripes

ALL of it here:
Reagan 8220 Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall 8221 Germany Marks 25 Years Since Fall Of Berlin Wall Weasel Zippers
I was too young to remember Kennedy Berlin speech, but that was greatest speech of my lifetime. Reagan essentially directed Gorbachev to tear down the wall, and lo and behold, in due course the wall and indeed the USSR came tumbling down. I was fortunate enough to remember that period well.

Easily the greatest president in living memory.
a lot pictures with the article at the site

Putin trying to put the wall back up while Obama dithers and golfs.

Via NY Post:
Reagan Hits The Wall

……. Long before the Wall came down physically, an American president had inflicted the fatal blow when he used the one thing Communism never could deal with: the truth, spoken aloud and publicly.
That president’s name was Ronald Reagan, who sealed the Wall’s fate when he went to Berlin and issued his famous call: “Mr. Gorbahev, tear down this wall.” Even for him it hadn’t started there.
Early on in his presidency he had told a friend his strategy for the Cold War: “We win, and they lose.” [...]
So as the world marks this wonderful victory for freedom, let no one make the mistake of speaking of the “fall of the Berlin Wall.”
The Berlin Wall came down because it was pulled down.
Via Stars and Stripes

ALL of it here:
Reagan 8220 Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall 8221 Germany Marks 25 Years Since Fall Of Berlin Wall Weasel Zippers
I was too young to remember Kennedy Berlin speech, but that was greatest speech of my lifetime. Reagan essentially directed Gorbachev to tear down the wall, and lo and behold, in due course the wall and indeed the USSR came tumbling down. I was fortunate enough to remember that period well.

Easily the greatest president in living memory.

Yet Reagan was not in control in Berlin or Moscow, where those decisions were made...
The people of Eastern Europe build statues honoring the great man who set them free: Ronald Reagan. He called Communism a failure and promised to defeat it as an empire and an ideology. Some people are still fuming that first, he had the courage and wisdom to call Communism a failure, second he vowed to defeat it and third, that he succeeded. All in the space of a 2 Presidential terms.

Can you imagine the freedom and prosperity we could unleash here in the USA by turning away from the flawed, failed "You didn't build that!" ideology and embracing free enterprise and entrepreneurship?
The libs hate Reagan because of his proven policies that worked. You can't argue with success, you either embrace it or lie your ass off and hope someone believes you.

Job growth under Reagan vs. obama
The people of Eastern Europe build statues honoring the great man who set them free: Ronald Reagan. He called Communism a failure and promised to defeat it as an empire and an ideology. Some people are still fuming that first, he had the courage and wisdom to call Communism a failure, second he vowed to defeat it and third, that he succeeded. All in the space of a 2 Presidential terms.

Can you imagine the freedom and prosperity we could unleash here in the USA by turning away from the flawed, failed "You didn't build that!" ideology and embracing free enterprise and entrepreneurship?
They also have Charlie Chaplin statues in Eastern Europe...
The people of Eastern Europe build statues honoring the great man who set them free: Ronald Reagan. He called Communism a failure and promised to defeat it as an empire and an ideology. Some people are still fuming that first, he had the courage and wisdom to call Communism a failure, second he vowed to defeat it and third, that he succeeded. All in the space of a 2 Presidential terms.

Can you imagine the freedom and prosperity we could unleash here in the USA by turning away from the flawed, failed "You didn't build that!" ideology and embracing free enterprise and entrepreneurship?

Okay, guy, except that in the process of that, he gutted the middle class and tripled the national debt.

So what did we all get for "Defeating Communism"? What was in it for us?

The reality is, we discovered that the 'Evil Empire" was really a collection of third world countries that didn't get along. and then we wondered why we spent 40 years being terrified of these people.
Hard line Communist supporters hate Reagan for freeing all those people and defeating Soviet Communism
The people of Eastern Europe build statues honoring the great man who set them free: Ronald Reagan. He called Communism a failure and promised to defeat it as an empire and an ideology. Some people are still fuming that first, he had the courage and wisdom to call Communism a failure, second he vowed to defeat it and third, that he succeeded. All in the space of a 2 Presidential terms.

Can you imagine the freedom and prosperity we could unleash here in the USA by turning away from the flawed, failed "You didn't build that!" ideology and embracing free enterprise and entrepreneurship?

Okay, guy, except that in the process of that, he gutted the middle class and tripled the national debt.

So what did we all get for "Defeating Communism"? What was in it for us?

The reality is, we discovered that the 'Evil Empire" was really a collection of third world countries that didn't get along. and then we wondered why we spent 40 years being terrified of these people.

I'm not a politician so I can say to your face you're a fucking liar.
Only those that have no faith in capitalism are afraid of Communism. Anyway, I didn`t realize that it was Reagan who kept the East German troops in their barracks when the wall started to crumble.
"Poor dear, there`s nothing between his ears"
Margaret Thatcher, speaking to one of her officials about Reagan, cited by Peter Jenkins, Mrs. Thatcher`s Revolution.
The people of Eastern Europe build statues honoring the great man who set them free: Ronald Reagan. He called Communism a failure and promised to defeat it as an empire and an ideology. Some people are still fuming that first, he had the courage and wisdom to call Communism a failure, second he vowed to defeat it and third, that he succeeded. All in the space of a 2 Presidential terms.

Can you imagine the freedom and prosperity we could unleash here in the USA by turning away from the flawed, failed "You didn't build that!" ideology and embracing free enterprise and entrepreneurship?

Okay, guy, except that in the process of that, he gutted the middle class and tripled the national debt.

So what did we all get for "Defeating Communism"? What was in it for us?

The reality is, we discovered that the 'Evil Empire" was really a collection of third world countries that didn't get along. and then we wondered why we spent 40 years being terrified of these people.

I'm not a politician so I can say to your face you're a fucking liar.

You'd can say that. What you can't do is refute a single word I said.
Communist supporters hate Reagan because they believe oppression, poverty, misery and slavery are good things.

Reagan opted for Freedom and Optimism and he is revered in Eastern Europe as a savior
Communist supporters hate Reagan because they believe oppression, poverty, misery and slavery are good things.

Reagan opted for Freedom and Optimism and he is revered in Eastern Europe as a savior
He`s their Jesus? Reaganists keep saying this stuff but they don`t seem to have anything to back them up.

Reagan in 1979....."80% of air pollution comes not from chimneys and exhaust pipes, but from plants and trees"
I think he was Palin`s father.
'A referendum on the Act of Declaration of Independence was held in Ukraine on 1 December 1991 A majority of 92.3% of voters approved the declaration of independence made by the Verkhovna Rada on 24 August 1991.'

Wake up, we are in a new century now :bye1:
By the way, after World War 2 Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt signed up an agreement: all the countries must stay in the same borders forever. According to that separation of Ukraine (and other republics) from the USSR was illegitimate.
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