Reagan: Twenty five year later Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall

True Believers hate Reagan because he called the USSR an Evil Empire and a Failure, vowed to liberate Eastern Europe from them, and caused the collapse of the USSR and the fall of the Berlin wall
True Believers hate Reagan because he called the USSR an Evil Empire and a Failure, vowed to liberate Eastern Europe from them, and caused the collapse of the USSR and the fall of the Berlin wall

No, we hate Reagan because he gutted the American Middle Class.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck about what happened in Poland when the USSR Cracked down on their asses and Reagan didn't do shit about it in 1981. It had no effect on my life whatsoever. Similarly, it had no effect on my life when 8 years later, East Germany reunited with West Germany. (which Reagan had nothing to do with.)

But the gutting of the middle class that he was responsible for, that did have an effect on all of our lives. The way he signed bad trade deals and sold this country out to the Japanese (who paid him a million dollar bribe when he left office), that had an effect on our lives.
But the gutting of the middle class that he was responsible for.
Not in this world. You must be talking about a Reagan on your home planet.

Well, on my planet.

Reagan appointed two moderates to SCOTUS who protected a woman's right to choose abortion.
Sold Weapons to terrorists and used the money to fund drug-dealing rebels in Central America
Tripled The National Debt in 8 years.
Giving Amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.

That would be Planet Earth, not planet "Hate Radio".
Well, on my planet.

Reagan appointed two moderates to SCOTUS who protected a woman's right to choose abortion.
Roe V Wade was bad law and a good example of politics from the bench. It was and should be a state issue, there is no Constitutional right to an abortion.
Sold Weapons to terrorists and used the money to fund drug-dealing rebels in Central America
Where's the evidence he was involved? Even so I prefer that to using the Internal Revenue Service to shut the voices of Americans that oppose Big Government. That's exactly the kind of thing we were fighting back then on foreign soil, now it's here.
Tripled The National Debt in 8 years.
But revenues went up. If you get a raise and spend more it's dishonest to just look at our spending. Even so, much of it was military spending, which proved to be a worth while investment and he did not get the cuts from the Dems.
Giving Amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.

That would be Planet Earth, not planet "Hate Radio".
Hate=disagreeing with you?

Ronald Reagan on Immigration
Rising levels of illegal immigration [led to] the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). It provided amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants, in return for increased border security and penalties for companies "knowingly" hiring illegal immigrants. Aside from creating the H-2A visa for seasonal employment, IRCA failed to create new avenues for legal immigration. The combination of amnesty and inadequate avenues for legal immigration exacerbated the problem of illegal immigration. Source: Immigration Wars, by Jeb Bush, p.133-134 , Mar 5, 2013
Roe V Wade was bad law and a good example of politics from the bench. It was and should be a state issue, there is no Constitutional right to an abortion.

and it would have been nice if Reagan had appointed justices who saw it that way. But he didn't.

Where's the evidence he was involved? Even so I prefer that to using the Internal Revenue Service to shut the voices of Americans that oppose Big Government. That's exactly the kind of thing we were fighting back then on foreign soil, now it's here.

The IRS didn't shut anyone up. THey just told you if you are going to take money from the Koch brothers, you have to say that's where it came from. That's actually kind of reasonable. Now, do try to stay on topic here.

We have a problem with Jihadists today because Reagan armed them. Those damned Commies might teach girls how to read or something.

But revenues went up. If you get a raise and spend more it's dishonest to just look at our spending. Even so, much of it was military spending, which proved to be a worth while investment and he did not get the cuts from the Dems.

Actually, the Democrats passed as much spending as he asked for. They just spent a little more on social programs and a little less on $600 Toilet Seats. And, no tripling the national debt was not a good thing because the GDP did not triple.

Eventually, Reagan did realize he made a mistake and went along with the "Tax Reform" of 1986 that raised a lot of those taxes back. IT also shifted a lot more of the tax burden onto working folks.

Hate=disagreeing with you?

NO, the point I am making is that you guys love an imaginary Reagan. You've thrown out guys like Lugar and Spectre for supporting a lot less than Reagan did in liberal comprimise and liberal policy.

Now, I can understand why you NEED mythical Reagan. He talked a good game, and things didn't turn totally into shit until after he left. Given the other Republican Presidents of the 20th century all presided over massive recessions and scandals, Reagan is pretty much the only bright spot you can point to.
and it would have been nice if Reagan had appointed justices who saw it that way. But he didn't.
So he was wrong for not picking judges with an abortion litmus test? How do you know he knew how they would vote?
The IRS didn't shut anyone up. THey just told you if you are going to take money from the Koch brothers, you have to say that's where it came from. That's actually kind of reasonable. Now, do try to stay on topic here.
More than the Koch's were involved, I don't even know if they were targeted. This has been in the news, all the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status running up to the election.Your ignorance isn't my shortcoming. If you don't want to discuss it that's your problem, not mine.
We have a problem with Jihadists today because Reagan armed them. Those damned Commies might teach girls how to read or something.
LOL. You are a fucking retard. Reagan is responsible for jihad?
Actually, the Democrats passed as much spending as he asked for. They just spent a little more on social programs and a little less on $600 Toilet Seats. And, no tripling the national debt was not a good thing because the GDP did not triple.

Eventually, Reagan did realize he made a mistake and went along with the "Tax Reform" of 1986 that raised a lot of those taxes back. IT also shifted a lot more of the tax burden onto working folks.
But no where near the level it was. Again, your ignorance isn't my problem. No, the Dems didn't give him the cuts he wanted.
Now, I can understand why you NEED mythical Reagan. He talked a good game, and things didn't turn totally into shit until after he left. Given the other Republican Presidents of the 20th century all presided over massive recessions and scandals, Reagan is pretty much the only bright spot you can point to.
No, he's the best example. I never made your claims. Again, you're a fucking retard and too stupid and dishonest to talk to. Why do people even bother? Bye.
More than the Koch's were involved, I don't even know if they were targeted. This has been in the news, all the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status running up to the election.Your ignorance isn't my shortcoming. If you don't want to discuss it that's your problem, not mine.

Guy, they claimed to be social welfare groups. That's why they were denied.

If they said they were political action committees and disclosed their donors- no problem.

LOL. You are a fucking retard. Reagan is responsible for jihad?

Of course, he was. Bin Laden would have been killed by the Russians have Reagan not armed him.
and it would have been nice if Reagan had appointed justices who saw it that way. But he didn't.
So he was wrong for not picking judges with an abortion litmus test? How do you know he knew how they would vote?
The IRS didn't shut anyone up. THey just told you if you are going to take money from the Koch brothers, you have to say that's where it came from. That's actually kind of reasonable. Now, do try to stay on topic here.
More than the Koch's were involved, I don't even know if they were targeted. This has been in the news, all the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status running up to the election.Your ignorance isn't my shortcoming. If you don't want to discuss it that's your problem, not mine.
We have a problem with Jihadists today because Reagan armed them. Those damned Commies might teach girls how to read or something.
LOL. You are a fucking retard. Reagan is responsible for jihad?
Actually, the Democrats passed as much spending as he asked for. They just spent a little more on social programs and a little less on $600 Toilet Seats. And, no tripling the national debt was not a good thing because the GDP did not triple.

Eventually, Reagan did realize he made a mistake and went along with the "Tax Reform" of 1986 that raised a lot of those taxes back. IT also shifted a lot more of the tax burden onto working folks.
But no where near the level it was. Again, your ignorance isn't my problem. No, the Dems didn't give him the cuts he wanted.
Now, I can understand why you NEED mythical Reagan. He talked a good game, and things didn't turn totally into shit until after he left. Given the other Republican Presidents of the 20th century all presided over massive recessions and scandals, Reagan is pretty much the only bright spot you can point to.
No, he's the best example. I never made your claims. Again, you're a fucking retard and too stupid and dishonest to talk to. Why do people even bother? Bye.
More than the Koch's were involved, I don't even know if they were targeted. This has been in the news, all the conservative groups were denied tax exempt status running up to the election.Your ignorance isn't my shortcoming. If you don't want to discuss it that's your problem, not mine.

Guy, they claimed to be social welfare groups. That's why they were denied.

If they said they were political action committees and disclosed their donors- no problem.

LOL. You are a fucking retard. Reagan is responsible for jihad?

Of course, he was. Bin Laden would have been killed by the Russians have Reagan not armed him.

And, of course, there would have never been a 40+ year cold war if the cripple had not been ducking up to Uncle Joe Stalin and selling out millions of European.
And, of course, there would have never been a 40+ year cold war if the cripple had not been ducking up to Uncle Joe Stalin and selling out millions of European.

Uh, first, most of those "Europeans' were the countries that threw in with Hitler. Kind of hard to feel sorry for them.

Second, the USSR did more to win WWII than we did.

The cripple tossed Europeans who did not throw in with Hitler to his beloved Uncle Joe.

And some who "threw in" were thrown in and conquered by Hitler.

Be that as it may. Reagan will be far better remembered by the world than the cripple.

Just the matter of time.
In the summer of 2004 I traveled 1200 miles to stand along thousands in the National Mall who had come as I to pay our respects to President Reagan.

Safe bet that when the current invader of the White House does the world the favor of croaking there will be joyous dancing in the National Mall by a far larger crowd than the crowd that mourned President Reagan.
And, of course, there would have never been a 40+ year cold war if the cripple had not been ducking up to Uncle Joe Stalin and selling out millions of European.

Uh, first, most of those "Europeans' were the countries that threw in with Hitler. Kind of hard to feel sorry for them.

Second, the USSR did more to win WWII than we did.

We noticed you love Stalin and the USSR
The cripple tossed Europeans who did not throw in with Hitler to his beloved Uncle Joe.

And some who "threw in" were thrown in and conquered by Hitler.

Be that as it may. Reagan will be far better remembered by the world than the cripple.

Just the matter of time.

Actually, when I was in college, I had this commie-lib PolSci Professor who thought Reagan was a cheerleader for dying empire.

He was mostly right.
In the summer of 2004 I traveled 1200 miles to stand along thousands in the National Mall who had come as I to pay our respects to President Reagan.

Safe bet that when the current invader of the White House does the world the favor of croaking there will be joyous dancing in the National Mall by a far larger crowd than the crowd that mourned President Reagan.

Yeah, and that joyous crowd will look like this.


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