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I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages
You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?

Obamacare....enuff said
I started my business in '85 and benefited from Reagan's economic expansion. What people too young don't know is how horrible it was under Carter, gasoline rationing, double digit inflation, stagnation, etc. Look up the words "misery index" if you don't believe it.

Reagan was a great speaker and wrote much of his stuff. The extreme left to this day hates his guts for what he did to communism. They will never forgive him for that. But for the rest of America, he lifted spirits, unified the masses, got America back to work and made many feel good about the USofA again.

We need another like him to clean up bo's mess, division and depressed outlook. The liberals got about everything they could hope for but are still the most miserable people in the country. It's foolish to try to appease them. They must be defeated and drummed out of office.
no...war sucks...and in a primitive country like El Salvador where the rule of law was non existent before the communists started butchering people in the thousands then those fighting weren't going to embrace the Geneva convention either.....especially when they suffered under the communist mass murderers.....

let me put it in a way that might get through your lefty inability to see the truth, or reality.......

You guys defend the nazis, and condemn those who resisted the nazis because they used the same methods.....but you don't condemn the nazis...you applaud them........

Get it now....by defending the communist mass murderers and attacking the anti communists you are showing how dumb you really are.......
You are just making crap up and using lame excuses for the Reagan administration having committed crimes. Like I said, typical of a Reagan defense. Tell the truth about Ronnie and you become a supporter of communist and Nazi's. If his crew of advisers and high ranking administration officials hadn't taken the rap for him and supported his claims of not being able to remember he would have been impeached. So much for all that courage and standing up for what he believed nonsense. He was a coward and a guy who ran away or lied about tough situations. As it turned out the culprits under his control racked up more convictions and pardons that any other administration in the history of America.

Your problem is that you think it was only Reagan. Almost every president has interceded in other countries. FDR WW2, Truman, Korea, Eisenhower, Vietnam, JFK, Cuba, Vietnam, LBJ, Vietnam, Nixon, Vietnam, Ford and Carter, can't think of any. Reagan, Central America, Bush Sr. Kuwait, Clinton, Serbia, Bush Jr. Iraq, Afghanistan, Obama, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq.

So to try and claim a crime by Reagan what about the rest?
Your problem is you are ignoring an act of Congress that forbade what the Reagan administration did. A little pesky group of laws commonly known as the Boland Amendment. None of those examples you give had such a law. In fact, all of those situations except for the incursions into Cambodia and Laos were done with Congressional knowledge and approval.

OK, I will now apply the "Obama excuse." When was Reagan brought up on charges for violation of that amendment? Can we expect it to happen soon?
Poindexter and North took the fall and were convicted. They later won their appeals due to immunity agreements with congress. Six others never came to trial due to pardons given by Bush 41. One of the pardons was for the Secretary of Defense.
Reagan's illness was so advanced when he left office he would not have been judged competent to stand trial for anything.
Meanwhile obama knows absolutely nothing about anything gone wrong and libs buy it.

obama knows absolutely nothing, until he reads about it in a three day old newspaper, by his own admission :up:

in American history, has there ever been a more blatant traitor than the muslime mulatto from Kenya who has illegally occupied the oval office for the past 6 years ???? :up:
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages
You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?
You fail to answer my question and respond with a question. Why?

So you fail to see the damage Big Ears has done, but see it in Reagan.

Proof you are nothing more than a partisan hack.
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages
You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?

Obamacare....enuff said

No, that's really not enuff said, since most Republican's actually like Obamacare. You just have to call it the Affordable Care act is all...

Poll Republicans hate Obamacare but like most of what it does - The Washington Post
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages

I hate to inform you but the US never lost a major battle in the VN war, not even TET. TET was a major win for the US. If there was, as you say, no clear cut goal in VN then how how can you say the US lost? The mistake was going there in the first place. But there were legitimate reasons for going although I would have stayed the hell out. The second mistake was when we had the north on the ropes and didn't seal the deal, mostly because of opposition at home and the MSM who people tended to believe back then.

Go to this site and you can see effective tax rates, it really does not show what you are saying about Reagan.

Here s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 Quartz

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Since we are moving onto 16 years of democrat presidents since Reagan, the inequity you think exists, why did they not fix it? I mean the left wing brags about how the Republicans can't win elections, at least up to 2014, funny they didn't fix the problem they created in their minds.

As for educational spending, here is a chart that does indeed show a decline in spending, federal, BEFORE Reagan took office. It also shows that the spending merely came down to where it should have been. BTW, take a gander at what Obama has done.


Here is a chart on middle class wages, wow just what I said, Reagan started the expansion for the middle class and Clinton ended it. Again, look at what Obama has done, if you wish to blame Reagan for something that didn't happen.

Him selling arms to the "enemy" and then forgetting he had done it stands out for me. :D
Go ahead and prove it. I'll wait.

All you have to do is read about the Iran-Contra affair.
It was proven with the Poindexter and North convictions added to the Congressional hearings.

Interesting you brought this up considering what is going on with Hillary. This was pre-email but what him and North did was set up their own communication network that they thought only they could control or had access, they were wrong.

Any way, both convictions were overturned on appeal.
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages

I hate to inform you but the US never lost a major battle in the VN war, not even TET. TET was a major win for the US. If there was, as you say, no clear cut goal in VN then how how can you say the US lost? The mistake was going there in the first place. But there were legitimate reasons for going although I would have stayed the hell out. The second mistake was when we had the north on the ropes and didn't seal the deal, mostly because of opposition at home and the MSM who people tended to believe back then.

Go to this site and you can see effective tax rates, it really does not show what you are saying about Reagan.

Here s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 Quartz

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Since we are moving onto 16 years of democrat presidents since Reagan, the inequity you think exists, why did they not fix it? I mean the left wing brags about how the Republicans can't win elections, at least up to 2014, funny they didn't fix the problem they created in their minds.

As for educational spending, here is a chart that does indeed show a decline in spending, federal, BEFORE Reagan took office. It also shows that the spending merely came down to where it should have been. BTW, take a gander at what Obama has done.


Here is a chart on middle class wages, wow just what I said, Reagan started the expansion for the middle class and Clinton ended it. Again, look at what Obama has done, if you wish to blame Reagan for something that didn't happen.


Regarding Vietnam, Nixon bombed the shit out of NV and forced them to a peace agreement at the Paris Peace Accords. We then left Vietnam.

Of course the commies almost immediately started up their aggression against SV, which without US assistance, lead to their capitulation.

Little known fact: One of the most heinous acts ever committed by the US Gov was the D congress' refusal to honor our treaty obligations to SV, thus failing to offer support.
Yeah, he talked up the greatness of America. All while turning America from the biggest creditor nation to the biggest debtor, trading arms for hostages, propping up murderous dictatorships in Central and South America, and illegally funding terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Nicaragua. People bought into the grandfatherly image and flowery rhetoric while ignoring all the really bad shit going on in the background.
Can you prove any of that? And what about obama's debt increase? Sounds like more libslander to me.
Him selling arms to the "enemy" and then forgetting he had done it stands out for me. :D
Go ahead and prove it. I'll wait.
All you have to do is read about the Iran-Contra affair.
It was proven with the Poindexter and North convictions added to the Congressional hearings.
That doesn't even make sense but show where Reagan was shown to be culpable.
You are an admitted weasel. When links are provided to show that Reagan was held responsible by blemishing his legacy and adding black marks to his history that will last throughout the history of planet earth and that he will never have a magnificent Memorial built to honor him as one of the greatest President's, well, you will be a weasel and demand evidence that he was punished by the courts. And you will do it as if that is the common accepted way we punish our President's. In the meantime, you will play like you don't know what the heck Iran Contra is or was. The fact no President has been convicted of a crime after leaving office is in your mind proof that no President ever broke a law.
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?

He wasn't perfect but two things stood out and made him great, he was a leader and there NEVER, EVER was there a doubt what country he loved. I can ask no more of a president.

How can someone loving a country be proved? What can be proved is that he had the most corrupt administration of all time although several other republican administrations weren't far behind - Grant, Harding, Nixon, again, all republican. Reagan's war on education seemed to reap rewards though, judging by all the ignorant pro republican posts seen on this board.
Last edited:
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages
You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?

Obamacare....enuff said

OK....let's look at Obamacare

It replaced a system where struggling Americans would have to go to emergency rooms and beg for care. 12 million Americans now have healthcare and healthcare costs are dropping

This replaced the Republican system where healthcare goes to the highest bidder
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages

I hate to inform you but the US never lost a major battle in the VN war, not even TET. TET was a major win for the US. If there was, as you say, no clear cut goal in VN then how how can you say the US lost? The mistake was going there in the first place. But there were legitimate reasons for going although I would have stayed the hell out. The second mistake was when we had the north on the ropes and didn't seal the deal, mostly because of opposition at home and the MSM who people tended to believe back then.

Go to this site and you can see effective tax rates, it really does not show what you are saying about Reagan.

Here s the US tax rate on your income for every year since 1913 Quartz

Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Since we are moving onto 16 years of democrat presidents since Reagan, the inequity you think exists, why did they not fix it? I mean the left wing brags about how the Republicans can't win elections, at least up to 2014, funny they didn't fix the problem they created in their minds.

As for educational spending, here is a chart that does indeed show a decline in spending, federal, BEFORE Reagan took office. It also shows that the spending merely came down to where it should have been. BTW, take a gander at what Obama has done.


Here is a chart on middle class wages, wow just what I said, Reagan started the expansion for the middle class and Clinton ended it. Again, look at what Obama has done, if you wish to blame Reagan for something that didn't happen.


There was never a winning strategy for VietNam. Just kill more of them than they kill of ours
60,000 died for nothing
We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.

I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages
You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?

Obamacare....enuff said

OK....let's look at Obamacare

It replaced a system where struggling Americans would have to go to emergency rooms and beg for care. 12 million Americans now have healthcare and healthcare costs are dropping

This replaced the Republican system where healthcare goes to the highest bidder

And it's destroying the middle class. The entire thing is a disaster
I regret to inform you.....yes, we did lose VietNam. It was the result of never having a clear vision of what we wanted to accomplish outside of kill commies

Tickle down resulted in the wealthy just keeping the extra wealth rather than trickling down prosperity......why was anyone surprised?

Reagan sold out the middle class by shifting more of the tax burden to them, cutting labor protections, cutting educational support and holding down wages
You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?

Obamacare....enuff said

OK....let's look at Obamacare

It replaced a system where struggling Americans would have to go to emergency rooms and beg for care. 12 million Americans now have healthcare and healthcare costs are dropping

This replaced the Republican system where healthcare goes to the highest bidder

And it's destroying the middle class. The entire thing is a disaster
Far from it

Those in the lower middle class are receiving large subsidies to help them pay for healthcare. Many are seeing a doctor for the first time in years

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