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Reagan stood out due to the incredible wishful thinking of an unreflective electorate. His fatherly-fashion, pontification and condescension towards opposition pleased the appetite of those who search only duality and simplicity to be satisfied.

Oh....you are supposed to comment on Reagan, not obama........
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?
The Marine Barracks Bombing and Iran-Contra.
Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 and creating modern day terrorism due to his weak response to attacks on Americans and his willingness to negotiate with terrorist in the Muslim world while he financed terror groups in Central America (Iran Contra).
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?
The Marine Barracks Bombing and Iran-Contra.
Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 and creating modern day terrorism due to his weak response to attacks on Americans and his willingness to negotiate with terrorist in the Muslim world while he financed terror groups in Central America (Iran Contra).

I always find it curious that the left always ignores the atrocities of their pet groups that create the response to those atrocities...the Sandinistas were monsters.....and fighting them led to horrible acts by people who responded to their horrible acts...and yet the left only condemns the victims fighting for their freedom, while protecting the monsters that created the situation with their atrocities...

Unearthing A Grim Sandinista Legacy - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

The post-communist body count has begun. Another site called Mokoron, near an old Sandinista army post, was exposed when a hurricane unearthed the bodies two years ago. The farmer who found the mass grave-11 skeletons-kept silent until recently. But when he did speak, people flocked from miles around to search for remains of their sons, husbands and brothers. Thousands disappeared during the 11 years of Sandinista rule, but the rough terrain of the countryside and the continuing fear of Sandinista retribution has slowed the grim accounting.

On the one hand, it is satisfying to see the New York Times reporting the truth about Sandinista atrocities. But on the other hand, it is deeply, profoundly enraging to know that the Times, along with other major news organizations, kept stone silent about those shallow graves during the heat of the battle over contra aid in the 1980s.
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?
The Marine Barracks Bombing and Iran-Contra.
Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103 and creating modern day terrorism due to his weak response to attacks on Americans and his willingness to negotiate with terrorist in the Muslim world while he financed terror groups in Central America (Iran Contra).

I always find it curious that the left always ignores the atrocities of their pet groups that create the response to those atrocities...the Sandinistas were monsters.....and fighting them led to horrible acts by people who responded to their horrible acts...and yet the left only condemns the victims fighting for their freedom, while protecting the monsters that created the situation with their atrocities...

Unearthing A Grim Sandinista Legacy - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

The post-communist body count has begun. Another site called Mokoron, near an old Sandinista army post, was exposed when a hurricane unearthed the bodies two years ago. The farmer who found the mass grave-11 skeletons-kept silent until recently. But when he did speak, people flocked from miles around to search for remains of their sons, husbands and brothers. Thousands disappeared during the 11 years of Sandinista rule, but the rough terrain of the countryside and the continuing fear of Sandinista retribution has slowed the grim accounting.

On the one hand, it is satisfying to see the New York Times reporting the truth about Sandinista atrocities. But on the other hand, it is deeply, profoundly enraging to know that the Times, along with other major news organizations, kept stone silent about those shallow graves during the heat of the battle over contra aid in the 1980s.
Typical escape to accept responsibility by claiming the other side did the same thing or worse. Somehow the logic is that when fighting war criminals it is acceptable to hire your own war criminals.
The point of Iran Contra was that the congress passed legislation to forbid the financing of a war in Nicaragua and the surrounding countries of Central America. The congress knew it would turn into a blood bath of warring gangs of thugs and uncontrolled atrocities. The Reagan administration ignored the law and what the congress predicted came to be true and accurate. Now we use the excuse that the terrorist and war criminals we created and promoted were needed to fight the other guys terrorists. We had to destroy the villages and murder peasants to save them from possibly being destroyed and murdered by the other guys. We created terrorist to fight terrorist.
no...war sucks...and in a primitive country like El Salvador where the rule of law was non existent before the communists started butchering people in the thousands then those fighting weren't going to embrace the Geneva convention either.....especially when they suffered under the communist mass murderers.....

let me put it in a way that might get through your lefty inability to see the truth, or reality.......

You guys defend the nazis, and condemn those who resisted the nazis because they used the same methods.....but you don't condemn the nazis...you applaud them........

Get it now....by defending the communist mass murderers and attacking the anti communists you are showing how dumb you really are.......
Typical escape to accept responsibility by claiming the other side did the same thing or worse. Somehow the logic is that when fighting war criminals it is acceptable to hire your own war criminals.
The point of Iran Contra was that the congress passed legislation to forbid the financing of a war in Nicaragua and the surrounding countries of Central America. The congress knew it would turn into a blood bath of warring gangs of thugs and uncontrolled atrocities. The Reagan administration ignored the law and what the congress predicted came to be true and accurate. Now we use the excuse that the terrorist and war criminals we created and promoted were needed to fight the other guys terrorists. We had to destroy the villages and murder peasants to save them from possibly being destroyed and murdered by the other guys. We created terrorist to fight terrorist.
The point of these Central American cesspools, which had been hotbeds of revolution since FDR, was that peace was finally achieved by toppling the Soviet Union and its proxy wars. Once Soviet support was gone so did the rabid left go.

Score Reagan!

Reagan's accomplishments are so far reaching in almost every facet of his administration, it is obviously difficult to criticize him without praising him in the next thought.

You keep trying and keep failing Camp.
no...war sucks...and in a primitive country like El Salvador where the rule of law was non existent before the communists started butchering people in the thousands then those fighting weren't going to embrace the Geneva convention either.....especially when they suffered under the communist mass murderers.....

let me put it in a way that might get through your lefty inability to see the truth, or reality.......

You guys defend the nazis, and condemn those who resisted the nazis because they used the same methods.....but you don't condemn the nazis...you applaud them........

Get it now....by defending the communist mass murderers and attacking the anti communists you are showing how dumb you really are.......
You are just making crap up and using lame excuses for the Reagan administration having committed crimes. Like I said, typical of a Reagan defense. Tell the truth about Ronnie and you become a supporter of communist and Nazi's. If his crew of advisers and high ranking administration officials hadn't taken the rap for him and supported his claims of not being able to remember he would have been impeached. So much for all that courage and standing up for what he believed nonsense. He was a coward and a guy who ran away or lied about tough situations. As it turned out the culprits under his control racked up more convictions and pardons that any other administration in the history of America.
Again...you are defending the communist murderers who created the people fighting them....why do you lefties always support mass murderers.....simply because they use words you like to hear...while they are committing mass murder against the people they claim to represent....? there are no mass murdering monsters you lefties won't support......pathetic.....
Again...you are defending the communist murderers who created the people fighting them....why do you lefties always support mass murderers.....simply because they use words you like to hear...while they are committing mass murder against the people they claim to represent....? there are no mass murdering monsters you lefties won't support......pathetic.....
Why do you think voicing factual historical data is equal to defending an opposing side? It is really very immature. You should be able to defend your position without being required to make personal attacks against those who have different views than your own. The fact you have to make those personal attacks indicates you can not defend your position with facts or intellect.
I started my business in '85 and benefited from Reagan's economic expansion. What people too young don't know is how horrible it was under Carter, gasoline rationing, double digit inflation, stagnation, etc. Look up the words "misery index" if you don't believe it.

Reagan was a great speaker and wrote much of his stuff. The extreme left to this day hates his guts for what he did to communism. They will never forgive him for that. But for the rest of America, he lifted spirits, unified the masses, got America back to work and made many feel good about the USofA again.

We need another like him to clean up bo's mess, division and depressed outlook. The liberals got about everything they could hope for but are still the most miserable people in the country. It's foolish to try to appease them. They must be defeated and drummed out of office.
I despise superficiality, when you take away the acting and the posturing he did more to fuck middle-class America than any president until GWB came along, not to mention, he let the moral majority social conservatives finally get their foot in the door of American politics.
You must be in a trance. That wasn't the America I saw or historians today. You are why liberals can't be trusted with power.
no...war sucks...and in a primitive country like El Salvador where the rule of law was non existent before the communists started butchering people in the thousands then those fighting weren't going to embrace the Geneva convention either.....especially when they suffered under the communist mass murderers.....

let me put it in a way that might get through your lefty inability to see the truth, or reality.......

You guys defend the nazis, and condemn those who resisted the nazis because they used the same methods.....but you don't condemn the nazis...you applaud them........

Get it now....by defending the communist mass murderers and attacking the anti communists you are showing how dumb you really are.......
You are just making crap up and using lame excuses for the Reagan administration having committed crimes. Like I said, typical of a Reagan defense. Tell the truth about Ronnie and you become a supporter of communist and Nazi's. If his crew of advisers and high ranking administration officials hadn't taken the rap for him and supported his claims of not being able to remember he would have been impeached. So much for all that courage and standing up for what he believed nonsense. He was a coward and a guy who ran away or lied about tough situations. As it turned out the culprits under his control racked up more convictions and pardons that any other administration in the history of America.

Your problem is that you think it was only Reagan. Almost every president has interceded in other countries. FDR WW2, Truman, Korea, Eisenhower, Vietnam, JFK, Cuba, Vietnam, LBJ, Vietnam, Nixon, Vietnam, Ford and Carter, can't think of any. Reagan, Central America, Bush Sr. Kuwait, Clinton, Serbia, Bush Jr. Iraq, Afghanistan, Obama, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq.

So to try and claim a crime by Reagan what about the rest?
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

Gee, sounds like life under Obungles
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

We didn't lose Vietnam that was a lie generated by liars like "the most trusted man in news" Cronkite.

Trickle down is now nothing more then a liberal talking point. I sure am not happy replacing trickle down with trickle up poverty.

Reagan selling out the middle class, yet he ushered in a resurgence in America like no other president before or after. Could you please provide the example of how he sold out the middle class? Earn income credits, was that a sell out? I know what you will say but I will wait.

Some debt doesn't matter and the resurgence of the economy proved that. After Carter's malaise speech America needed a boost and got it. You and I go into debt to buy a home or an auto. So just saying debt is bad is BS and then to ignore the gigantic hole Obama put our children in is really laughable. And what did we get with Obama's debt? GM and the longest weakest recovery in history? Not worth the money.
The fact you have to make those personal attacks indicates you can not defend your position with facts or intellect.

personal attacks ?? is it OK when liberscum do it ? facts or intellect ? also something libercrats are a huge failure at, have you ever paid any attention to current events, such as your muslime mulatto presidunce and the Hildabeast constant lying plus any politician with a (D) behind their name perpetually lying to us.
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

Gee, sounds like life under Obungles

Really, in what way?

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