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You can see the damage committed by Reagan against the middle class, while benefiting the wealthy. Yet Obama has done the exact same things only much worse....yet you love Obama.

How do you reconcile these obviously conflicting view points?

Other than not reversing existing policies towards the middle class. Can you point to what Obama policies have harmed the middle class?

Obamacare....enuff said

OK....let's look at Obamacare

It replaced a system where struggling Americans would have to go to emergency rooms and beg for care. 12 million Americans now have healthcare and healthcare costs are dropping

This replaced the Republican system where healthcare goes to the highest bidder

And it's destroying the middle class. The entire thing is a disaster
Far from it

Those in the lower middle class are receiving large subsidies to help them pay for healthcare. Many are seeing a doctor for the first time in years

Him selling arms to the "enemy" and then forgetting he had done it stands out for me. :D
Go ahead and prove it. I'll wait.
All you have to do is read about the Iran-Contra affair.
It was proven with the Poindexter and North convictions added to the Congressional hearings.
That doesn't even make sense but show where Reagan was shown to be culpable.
You are an admitted weasel. When links are provided to show that Reagan was held responsible by blemishing his legacy and adding black marks to his history that will last throughout the history of planet earth and that he will never have a magnificent Memorial built to honor him as one of the greatest President's, well, you will be a weasel and demand evidence that he was punished by the courts. And you will do it as if that is the common accepted way we punish our President's. In the meantime, you will play like you don't know what the heck Iran Contra is or was. The fact no President has been convicted of a crime after leaving office is in your mind proof that no President ever broke a law.
You really are an idiot: Ronald Reagan was the first nuclear-powered warship of any kind to be named in honor of a living former president.[6] Unlike most of the other men honored by inclusion in this group, Reagan was not associated with the United States Navy, apart from his term asCommander-in-Chief, though one of his key initiatives in office was the 600-ship Navy program.

USS Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Him selling arms to the "enemy" and then forgetting he had done it stands out for me. :D
Go ahead and prove it. I'll wait.
All you have to do is read about the Iran-Contra affair.
It was proven with the Poindexter and North convictions added to the Congressional hearings.
That doesn't even make sense but show where Reagan was shown to be culpable.
You are an admitted weasel. When links are provided to show that Reagan was held responsible by blemishing his legacy and adding black marks to his history that will last throughout the history of planet earth and that he will never have a magnificent Memorial built to honor him as one of the greatest President's, well, you will be a weasel and demand evidence that he was punished by the courts. And you will do it as if that is the common accepted way we punish our President's. In the meantime, you will play like you don't know what the heck Iran Contra is or was. The fact no President has been convicted of a crime after leaving office is in your mind proof that no President ever broke a law.
You're an admitted lying asshole. What link did you provide? And you should learn how to post relevant content instead of lazily expecting others to do your homework for you. I called your bluff and you couldn't back it up, pure and simple.

I've been down this road before, you smear mongers have nothing but accusations and bluster when called on it. If Reagan was directly tire to Iran-Contra it would be all over the web, you could find it in 1 second.
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?

ronald reagan is a traitor.

he gave arms, spare parts and technology to the terrorists in Iran who were holding American citizens as hostages. Then protected the terrorists by lying about it and tried to cover it up. When you give arms, spare parts and technology to terrorists who were holding our citizens as hostage that's treason. And there was a embargo on weapons sold to Iran at the time. By doing that he taught the terrorists that yes an American president will give them what they want as long as it's a republican president. He put countless Americans at risk to be taken as hostage and many more were taken.

ronald reagan also created al queda. he recruited bin laden, armed him, trained him, invited him and his terrorist buddies to the while house for a meeting. he named all of them "Great Freedom Fighters."

Just about all the trouble America has had with terrorists started with reagan.

reagan started America on the economic road we've been on since the 1980s. he deregulated everything he could and in the case of Savings and Loan institutions, he deregulated so much that it all crashed. When he signed the bill that deregulated S&L he said to the people with him at the time "We've hit the jackpot on this one."

his tax cuts caused the worst recession since the great depression. To create jobs he spent like a drunken sailor on the military industrial complex. He created millions of government jobs or private jobs that were paid for by tax dollars. When the cold war ended all those jobs were lost and it sent America into another recession only that recession george bush the first was president.

The only good thing I can say about reagan is that he signed the anti torture bill into law. The law that the bush boy violated.
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?

He stood up for Freedom, calling the USSR an Evil Empire, vowed to defeat them and beat them so soundly and finally that he left them only only play: take Ted Kennedy up on his offer to take over the Democrat Party.

He is revered in eastern Europe as a Hero and a Liberator for freeing them from Soviet Communism; he is reviled by "American" Progressives for freeing Eastern Europe from Soviet Communism
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I marvel at the way Reagan is blamed for the recession of 2008, a full 20 years after leaving office but not afforded credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union and its block a few months later. It's like saying FDR had no part in the victory in WWII. Bizarre stuff.
Go ahead and prove it. I'll wait.
All you have to do is read about the Iran-Contra affair.
It was proven with the Poindexter and North convictions added to the Congressional hearings.
That doesn't even make sense but show where Reagan was shown to be culpable.
You are an admitted weasel. When links are provided to show that Reagan was held responsible by blemishing his legacy and adding black marks to his history that will last throughout the history of planet earth and that he will never have a magnificent Memorial built to honor him as one of the greatest President's, well, you will be a weasel and demand evidence that he was punished by the courts. And you will do it as if that is the common accepted way we punish our President's. In the meantime, you will play like you don't know what the heck Iran Contra is or was. The fact no President has been convicted of a crime after leaving office is in your mind proof that no President ever broke a law.
You really are an idiot: Ronald Reagan was the first nuclear-powered warship of any kind to be named in honor of a living former president.[6] Unlike most of the other men honored by inclusion in this group, Reagan was not associated with the United States Navy, apart from his term asCommander-in-Chief, though one of his key initiatives in office was the 600-ship Navy program.

USS Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yes, and they named an airport after him too.
Go ahead and prove it. I'll wait.
All you have to do is read about the Iran-Contra affair.
It was proven with the Poindexter and North convictions added to the Congressional hearings.
That doesn't even make sense but show where Reagan was shown to be culpable.
You are an admitted weasel. When links are provided to show that Reagan was held responsible by blemishing his legacy and adding black marks to his history that will last throughout the history of planet earth and that he will never have a magnificent Memorial built to honor him as one of the greatest President's, well, you will be a weasel and demand evidence that he was punished by the courts. And you will do it as if that is the common accepted way we punish our President's. In the meantime, you will play like you don't know what the heck Iran Contra is or was. The fact no President has been convicted of a crime after leaving office is in your mind proof that no President ever broke a law.
You're an admitted lying asshole. What link did you provide? And you should learn how to post relevant content instead of lazily expecting others to do your homework for you. I called your bluff and you couldn't back it up, pure and simple.

I've been down this road before, you smear mongers have nothing but accusations and bluster when called on it. If Reagan was directly tire to Iran-Contra it would be all over the web, you could find it in 1 second.
You need a link for Iran Contra? It defined his administration. Calm down and learn to live with reality. Reagan was President when Iran Contra happened. You can't weasel him out of that fact.
Reagan was the last REAL President we had. He was the best of the 20th century and probably beyond. Democrats hate him because he brought down the Soviet Union (singlehandedly) while the libfucks in Congress tried to undermine his efforts (traitors). He restored patriotism and respected the Constitution, which is something we haven't seen from the Democratic Party since before I was born. Liberal shitheads piss their pants over Reagan but none of them are good enough to shine his shoes. He was a true leader, the likes of which we haven't seen since.
Reagan was a superficial cardboard cut-out of a president. When you look instead at the rouges gallery of criminals he surrounded himself with it's a wonder we had a country left after he went away.
Says the Obama dick sucker who supports the biggest fucking criminal who ever entered politics.
today in a racist says something stupid!
Do you not read what you type before posting or are you just stupid and not able to recognize the incoherence of your post?
you said something stupid and you are a racist.. my post is spot on
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

Gee, sounds like life under Obungles

Debt never mattered to the democrats and still doesn't.....Reagan had a deal with them....and they broke it....he wanted to check the Soviets and had to build up a military to do that........had the democrats stopped being tax and spend aholics....we wouldn't be where we are today......
Reagan was the last REAL President we had. He was the best of the 20th century and probably beyond. Democrats hate him because he brought down the Soviet Union (singlehandedly) while the libfucks in Congress tried to undermine his efforts (traitors). He restored patriotism and respected the Constitution, which is something we haven't seen from the Democratic Party since before I was born. Liberal shitheads piss their pants over Reagan but none of them are good enough to shine his shoes. He was a true leader, the likes of which we haven't seen since.
Reagan was a superficial cardboard cut-out of a president. When you look instead at the rouges gallery of criminals he surrounded himself with it's a wonder we had a country left after he went away.
Says the Obama dick sucker who supports the biggest fucking criminal who ever entered politics.
today in a racist says something stupid!
Do you not read what you type before posting or are you just stupid and not able to recognize the incoherence of your post?
you said something stupid and you are a racist.. my post is spot on
Says the idiot who can't put a sentence together, use capital letters and periods, and whose only rebuttal is to call someone a racist. Good job, moron.
Reagan was a superficial cardboard cut-out of a president. When you look instead at the rouges gallery of criminals he surrounded himself with it's a wonder we had a country left after he went away.
Says the Obama dick sucker who supports the biggest fucking criminal who ever entered politics.
today in a racist says something stupid!
Do you not read what you type before posting or are you just stupid and not able to recognize the incoherence of your post?
you said something stupid and you are a racist.. my post is spot on
Says the idiot who can't put a sentence together, use capital letters and periods, and whose only rebuttal is to call someone a racist. Good job, moron.
well since you are a racist why would i ever in the slightest manner respect your opinion by giving it a worthy response as if it was a legitimate opinion.
you are a bottom feeder and nothing more.
Says the Obama dick sucker who supports the biggest fucking criminal who ever entered politics.
today in a racist says something stupid!
Do you not read what you type before posting or are you just stupid and not able to recognize the incoherence of your post?
you said something stupid and you are a racist.. my post is spot on
Says the idiot who can't put a sentence together, use capital letters and periods, and whose only rebuttal is to call someone a racist. Good job, moron.
well since you are a racist why would i ever in the slightest manner respect your opinion by giving it a worthy response as if it was a legitimate opinion.
you are a bottom feeder and nothing more.
Then why do you keep trying, spermball?
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?
He gave speeches written by Peggy Noonan and he made America feel strong great and proud.

He got shot and showed amazing resolve.

He was special and warm. It may have been fake but he made Americans believe in greatness and pride.
Seems some are quite delusional about the presidency of ronnie...Try reading some history about him, from all angles and writers.
The man was a pack of hidden policies and underhanded dealings.
But then, no one likes to hear bad things about their "god":
I voted for Reagan twice

At the time, the moral of the country was at an all time low. We ere humiliated by Iran, had lost VietNam, had double digit inflation and high interest rates

Reagan offered promise, a shining city on the hill, personal responsibility. He was charming and had a vision of what we should be

I bought in to trickle down economics, debt doesn't matter, a huge military and right wing rhetoric

In hindsight, Reagan sold out working Americans to provide a low cost workforce and led us on a path of unfettered debt

Gee, sounds like life under Obungles

Debt never mattered to the democrats and still doesn't.....Reagan had a deal with them....and they broke it....he wanted to check the Soviets and had to build up a military to do that........had the democrats stopped being tax and spend aholics....we wouldn't be where we are today......
Debt never matter, yet it was Andy Jackson that paid down the debt to nearly nothing, only president to do this...
Oh and Reagan increased the debt, raised taxes to cover his tax cut and expanded the size of govt. employees...
I wasn't old enough at the time to fully know what was going on during Reagan's presidency. A lot of people worship him, and a lot of people abhor him. What made him stand out?

He was a leader, and people liked him even those who tended to disagree with him. He was a very likable person. He also worked with Congress, and Congress worked with him. It truly was a two way street. There was a lot of give and take. As for how his policies fared, I believe he put us on the wrong track in the long run. Not that he was completely wrong, but conservatives took his vision and doubled down on it over and over again. Cut taxes, cut spending, cut cut cut; it only goes so far before it becomes detrimental to running government. It would be the same as if we had gone on an unending spending spree and just added more and more spending. Either way, the bills have to be paid and you need enough revenue to cover the expenses. Cons cut taxes without a way to pay the bills. Libs spent when they didn't have the money to spend. While there is a good argument for deficit spending at certain times, we've been doing it way too much and for way too long.

Bottom line is that Reagan boosted the confidence of America which really helped to get the economy rolling, but he also doubled federal spending during his eight years in office. For me, Reagan was a pragmatist more than an ideologue. Overall, I would say he was a good president, as I would say the same for Obama, Clinton, and Bush Sr. The only really horrible president we have had is GW. GW did have some help though from Alan Greenspan and others. He made some ill advised decisions which cost this country dearly. That being said, I would never question his belief that he was doing what he thought was best for the US. It just didn't work out that way for him.

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