Reagan's 11th Commandment & Why I'm a Democrat


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
We can all remember the cute quip by Reagan about his 11th commnandment about NEVER to speak ill of a fellow republican (and it seems there is a 12th one about, NEVER pass up a chance to undermine something that the other party proposes.)

Anyway, there is much "rejoicing" by right wingers concerning the rift between Obama and many within his party over the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

What these right wingers, however, fail to recognize is THAT the disagreement is precisely the way politics should work.....not the kind of "group think" that republicans constantly engage in......

Can anyone, in recent times, name one instance where where republicans openly criticized one another openly in the congressional floor? Sure, we can say that some saner republicans are warning the GOP that they are becoming the "party of the unhinged," but such rifts are generic and not specific to any particular policy.

....and that, my friends, is why I've chosen to be a democrat.....I welcome discord among my party in the fervent wish that better decisions are rendered because of the debates.

Reasoned debate and civil disagreement should be part and parcel of all political parties, for only in this way can they grow.
no surprise with you that you have the delusion that the demopublicans are not as corrupt as the reprocrats and dont get it that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the blind sheep like you think they have a choice in who gets elected.:uhoh3:

at least you have one foot in the door though and dont fall for the propaganda of the lamestream media and out corrupt school system that reagan was a great president though.that was the ONLY thing that brought me to this thread is its sick how so many sheep in america worship that mass murderer.
The last time a democrat stepped out of line they kicked him out of the party. Even a former V.P. candidate wasn't safe from the wrath of democrats when he appeared to be too moderate. Joe Lieberman had to run as an independent against a nut case democrat who didn't dare to anger the crazy liberal base.
We can all remember the cute quip by Reagan about his 11th commnandment about NEVER to speak ill of a fellow republican (and it seems there is a 12th one about, NEVER pass up a chance to undermine something that the other party proposes.)

Anyway, there is much "rejoicing" by right wingers concerning the rift between Obama and many within his party over the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

What these right wingers, however, fail to recognize is THAT the disagreement is precisely the way politics should work.....not the kind of "group think" that republicans constantly engage in......

Can anyone, in recent times, name one instance where where republicans openly criticized one another openly in the congressional floor? Sure, we can say that some saner republicans are warning the GOP that they are becoming the "party of the unhinged," but such rifts are generic and not specific to any particular policy.

....and that, my friends, is why I've chosen to be a democrat.....I welcome discord among my party in the fervent wish that better decisions are rendered because of the debates.

There's between 613 and 622 commandments in fact, and 'never speak ill of fellow Republicans' is a slight alteration to a real commandment of 'never put a fellow Israelite to shame.'

Not to put any Jew to shame (Lev. 19:17)
We can all remember the cute quip by Reagan about his 11th commnandment about NEVER to speak ill of a fellow republican (and it seems there is a 12th one about, NEVER pass up a chance to undermine something that the other party proposes.)

Anyway, there is much "rejoicing" by right wingers concerning the rift between Obama and many within his party over the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

What these right wingers, however, fail to recognize is THAT the disagreement is precisely the way politics should work.....not the kind of "group think" that republicans constantly engage in......

Can anyone, in recent times, name one instance where where republicans openly criticized one another openly in the congressional floor? Sure, we can say that some saner republicans are warning the GOP that they are becoming the "party of the unhinged," but such rifts are generic and not specific to any particular policy.

....and that, my friends, is why I've chosen to be a democrat.....I welcome discord among my party in the fervent wish that better decisions are rendered because of the debates.

Spoken by someone who automatically attributes any opposition to Obama's policies as racist?
We can all remember the cute quip by Reagan about his 11th commnandment about NEVER to speak ill of a fellow republican (and it seems there is a 12th one about, NEVER pass up a chance to undermine something that the other party proposes.)

Anyway, there is much "rejoicing" by right wingers concerning the rift between Obama and many within his party over the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

What these right wingers, however, fail to recognize is THAT the disagreement is precisely the way politics should work.....not the kind of "group think" that republicans constantly engage in......

Can anyone, in recent times, name one instance where where republicans openly criticized one another openly in the congressional floor? Sure, we can say that some saner republicans are warning the GOP that they are becoming the "party of the unhinged," but such rifts are generic and not specific to any particular policy.

....and that, my friends, is why I've chosen to be a democrat.....I welcome discord among my party in the fervent wish that better decisions are rendered because of the debates.

Spoken by someone who automatically attributes any opposition to Obama's policies as racist?

How did you ever arrive at that conclusion is beyond me......
But, wait.....I take it back....You must have heard it on FOX to NEVER pass up a chance to be "indignant" about your racist culpabilities.
Conservatism is based on the premise of keeping things the way they are, they need no new ideas, no debates, no new approaches to life. Republicans even consider the word progress a dirty word and people that want to improve things are ugh progressives. If you were rich and comfortable would you try to create a new way of doing things?
Conservatism is based on the premise of keeping things the way they are, they need no new ideas, no debates, no new approaches to life. Republicans even consider the word progress a dirty word and people that want to improve things are ugh progressives. If you were rich and comfortable would you try to create a new way of doing things?

Conservatives are strong believers that " must dance with the ones who brought you to the party..." Ergo, big money brought you to congress....and THOSE are the constituents who then must be served and NOT the electorate.
We can all remember the cute quip by Reagan about his 11th commnandment about NEVER to speak ill of a fellow republican (and it seems there is a 12th one about, NEVER pass up a chance to undermine something that the other party proposes.)

Anyway, there is much "rejoicing" by right wingers concerning the rift between Obama and many within his party over the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

What these right wingers, however, fail to recognize is THAT the disagreement is precisely the way politics should work.....not the kind of "group think" that republicans constantly engage in......

Can anyone, in recent times, name one instance where where republicans openly criticized one another openly in the congressional floor? Sure, we can say that some saner republicans are warning the GOP that they are becoming the "party of the unhinged," but such rifts are generic and not specific to any particular policy.

....and that, my friends, is why I've chosen to be a democrat.....I welcome discord among my party in the fervent wish that better decisions are rendered because of the debates.

Spoken by someone who automatically attributes any opposition to Obama's policies as racist?

How did you ever arrive at that conclusion is beyond me......
But, wait.....I take it back....You must have heard it on FOX to NEVER pass up a chance to be "indignant" about your racist culpabilities.

No, I simply read some of your previous posts. Inconvenient, eh?
BTW, I oppose Obama's TPP trade agreement......Instead, he should be lobbying HARD for congress to pass an infrastructure improvement (aka a freaking JOB) Bill..especially as we have just sustained a train derailment catastrophe.
We can all remember the cute quip by Reagan about his 11th commnandment about NEVER to speak ill of a fellow republican (and it seems there is a 12th one about, NEVER pass up a chance to undermine something that the other party proposes.)

Anyway, there is much "rejoicing" by right wingers concerning the rift between Obama and many within his party over the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.

What these right wingers, however, fail to recognize is THAT the disagreement is precisely the way politics should work.....not the kind of "group think" that republicans constantly engage in......

Can anyone, in recent times, name one instance where where republicans openly criticized one another openly in the congressional floor? Sure, we can say that some saner republicans are warning the GOP that they are becoming the "party of the unhinged," but such rifts are generic and not specific to any particular policy.

....and that, my friends, is why I've chosen to be a democrat.....I welcome discord among my party in the fervent wish that better decisions are rendered because of the debates.
Actually, I wouldn't think of the GOP and groupthink in the same sentence right now.
Actually, I wouldn't think of the GOP and groupthink in the same sentence right now.

...and yet, can you ever picture a scenario where the House GOP caucus is meeting and deciding on some stratagem, and anyone of those "honorable" people stand up and loudly state, "lets forget about screwing Obama for a minute, what we are deciding is bad for the country..." ?

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