Real Americans have had enough...First Kirsjsten Neiljssens and now SARAH!!!

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REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018

I guess that Sarah hasn’t met the White House press corps because she’s treats them very disrespectfully and she lies to them constantly.

I used to say to my kids that when they tell a lie, it’s telling me to my face that you think I’m so stupid that I’ll believe your obvious lies.

No Sarah, you don’t treat others with respect. We see that every day at the White House press briefing when you denigrate and condescend to members of the Press Corps.

Cheers to the owner of the Red Hen. Throw the bums out.

So this use of Brown Shirts by you Stalinists.

You good with that? A vicious mob of thugs assaulting a woman eating lunch, you're cool with that, right?

I vicious mob of thugs? Angry Americans chanting slogans to shame her. That’s what this is.

The Brown Shirts were separating children from their parents at the border and putting the children into cages.
REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018

I guess that Sarah hasn’t met the White House press corps because she’s treats them very disrespectfully and she lies to them constantly.

I used to say to my kids that when they tell a lie, it’s telling me to my face that you think I’m so stupid that I’ll believe your obvious lies.

No Sarah, you don’t treat others with respect. We see that every day at the White House press briefing when you denigrate and condescend to members of the Press Corps.

Cheers to the owner of the Red Hen. Throw the bums out.

So this use of Brown Shirts by you Stalinists.

You good with that? A vicious mob of thugs assaulting a woman eating lunch, you're cool with that, right?

I vicious mob of thugs? Angry Americans chanting slogans to shame her. That’s what this is.

The Brown Shirts were separating children from their parents at the border and putting the children into cages.

A vicious mob of DNC Brown Assaulting a woman on private property for being part of the Trump administration.

But thank you for confirming that you support and promote Kristalnacht.

I figured you did.

This is why there can be no compromise or peace with you evil pigs. We defeat you, or you will slaughter us all, just as you mentor Stalin did.
I would like to boycott Red Hen but I never heard of them and there aren’t any here in Orlando that I know of.

That’s how my luck has always gone with boycotts. I couldn’t boycott NBC a couple of years ago because prior to that I was boycotting them because of what they did to the Arena Football League. I couldn’t boycott Starbucks because I cannot stand the taste of their burnt coffee and never went there. I couldn’t boycott the NFL over Caepernick because I was already boycotting it for not doing anything about the Cheating Patriots. Now I can’t boycott a restaurant that doesn’t exist in my state!
REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018
Ironic that your icon suggests opposing Nazis while you applaud nazi tactics.
Sarah's job is to lie and obfuscate, to deceive the American people. To some extent, it's the role of every press secretary, but she and Spicey took it to a whole new level.
And this is a reason to disrupt my dinner?

When I go to a restaurant to have an enjoyable meal, I expect to get what I pay for.

When you interrupt her meal, you are interrupting my meal.

I will leave the premises and inform the Manager that he can contact the Police, but I am not paying for the unfinished meal.

Never to return.

Why would you want to eat in a restaurant that would likely spit in your food (or worse)? Left wing loons are childish and disgusting in how they express their irrational hatred for Trump and anyone who supports his presidency.
Throw the bums out.
assaulting a woman eating lunch, you're cool with that, right?
The Brown Shirts were separating children from their parents at the border and putting the children into cages.

BROWN SHIRTS: Divisive off-topic term stupid people like Dragonlady use based on Godwin's Law of playing the Nazi card that you call people you disagree with to try to discredit them when all your real arguments have miserably failed, which hasn't anything to do with this thread, anyway.

SEPARATING CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS AT THE BORDER: The normal process of holding back children for processing and care because they obviously can't go with their criminal adults to prison, worded in a way to try to make it sound like the arresting party trying to merely cope with the situation are the ones in the wrong and are supposed to be feeding them filet Mignon and reading them bedtime stories, the implication being that if THEY were in charge, they would do so much better which of course, they wouldn't!

PUTTING CHILDREN INTO CAGES: Current Leftist catchphrase for transparent, cost-effective, easy to construct temporary housing used for decades which affords easy supervision and containment of individuals for both control and safety now used by anti-Trump assailants to try to make him sound like he is Joseph Goebbels, made all the more transparent and divisive as illegal kids and cages isn't even the topic of the thread and has nothing to do with the OP!
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Surely there are some businesses willing to throw democrats out.

The country is dividing. Now it's getting personal. This is street level. Good.
What do you see as virtuous in division? What good has social division ever brought? Why encourage it?

Why is the left encouraging all of this hate and social division?
I guess those Alt-Right marchers are easily forgotten.

Yes, I forgot. Remind me who you're talking about

"She told the Post she believed Sanders worked in the service of an "inhumane and unethical" administration and she would absolutely do the same again. Wilkinson told the paper it was important to her that the staff had not outright refused to serve Sanders and she also said it was important that Sanders was a public official and not just a customer with whom she disagreed. "

Virginia Restaurant Owner Tells Sarah Sanders To Leave Her Joint

I'd take that restaurant off my place to visit, no matter which admin she had a problem with.
REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018

Real Americans, or rather NORMALS, have had enough of you Stalinist piles of shit.

You're liars and traitors.

The Brown Shirts you celebrate demonstrate exactly what you Stalinist fucks are.

Red Hen needs to go broke,

They'll likely see an increase in business over this. A savvy marketing move. Trump and his shit-stain cult are not popular with a majority of Americans, and people who spend money in nice restaurants are not broke ass rednecks wearing MAGA hats.

I hope the Red Hen gets a boost but it's located in deep red country, Trump won the county handily, I posted the election results previously. 6400 votes to Hillary's 3500.
So they will probably lose business. But at least they stood on their principles and didn't make the other diners eat with a Nazi witch.
"She told the Post she believed Sanders worked in the service of an "inhumane and unethical" administration and she would absolutely do the same again. Wilkinson told the paper it was important to her that the staff had not outright refused to serve Sanders and she also said it was important that Sanders was a public official and not just a customer with whom she disagreed. "

Virginia Restaurant Owner Tells Sarah Sanders To Leave Her Joint

I'd take that restaurant off my place to visit, no matter which admin she had a problem with.

Don't be such a hypocrite. I'm sure you're happy the cake baker won his case against the gay couple, right?
"She told the Post she believed Sanders worked in the service of an "inhumane and unethical" administration and she would absolutely do the same again. Wilkinson told the paper it was important to her that the staff had not outright refused to serve Sanders and she also said it was important that Sanders was a public official and not just a customer with whom she disagreed. "

Virginia Restaurant Owner Tells Sarah Sanders To Leave Her Joint

I'd take that restaurant off my place to visit, no matter which admin she had a problem with.

Don't be such a hypocrite. I'm sure you're happy the cake baker won his case against the gay couple, right?

I'll be just as much a hypocrite as you are.

you're against the baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple,

but firmly for removing a diner from her restaurant for political reasons.

(tell me all about hypocrisy. maddog 2020)
REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018

Real Americans, or rather NORMALS, have had enough of you Stalinist piles of shit.

You're liars and traitors.

The Brown Shirts you celebrate demonstrate exactly what you Stalinist fucks are.

Red Hen needs to go broke,

They'll likely see an increase in business over this. A savvy marketing move. Trump and his shit-stain cult are not popular with a majority of Americans, and people who spend money in nice restaurants are not broke ass rednecks wearing MAGA hats.

Except that Lexington, VA is in the heart of Trump country. I suspect the owner didn't know that Sanders was going to patronize her establishment and she acted on impulse. A good, clear, solid American impulse that is repulsed by the despotic White House admin.

Despotic? How so?

Let's see if you can't rub your last two remaining brain cells together.
This has been verified as a cartoon Dr. Seuss created in 1941.

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"She told the Post she believed Sanders worked in the service of an "inhumane and unethical" administration and she would absolutely do the same again. Wilkinson told the paper it was important to her that the staff had not outright refused to serve Sanders and she also said it was important that Sanders was a public official and not just a customer with whom she disagreed. "

Virginia Restaurant Owner Tells Sarah Sanders To Leave Her Joint

I'd take that restaurant off my place to visit, no matter which admin she had a problem with.

Don't be such a hypocrite. I'm sure you're happy the cake baker won his case against the gay couple, right?

I'll be just as much a hypocrite as you are.

you're against the baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple,

but firmly for removing a diner from her restaurant for political reasons.

(tell me all about hypocrisy. maddog 2020)

Just answer my question. Don't dodge it. You were happy that the cake baker won, right?
REAL Americans have had enough of Trump and his pack of slimy grifters and liars.
Now Sarah Sanders has been booted out of a restaurant, just like Kirstejjen Neilljsen (misspelled on purpose).

Sarah Sanders on Twitter

Sarah Sanders‏Verified account @PressSec
Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so

7:53 AM - 23 Jun 2018
Ironic that your icon suggests opposing Nazis while you applaud nazi tactics.

Brownshirts did NOT enter that restaurant on behalf of a fascist regime and remove Sarah Sanders. The owner did.
Sorry, but you're full of shit.
"She told the Post she believed Sanders worked in the service of an "inhumane and unethical" administration and she would absolutely do the same again. Wilkinson told the paper it was important to her that the staff had not outright refused to serve Sanders and she also said it was important that Sanders was a public official and not just a customer with whom she disagreed. "

Virginia Restaurant Owner Tells Sarah Sanders To Leave Her Joint

I'd take that restaurant off my place to visit, no matter which admin she had a problem with.

Don't be such a hypocrite. I'm sure you're happy the cake baker won his case against the gay couple, right?

I'll be just as much a hypocrite as you are.

you're against the baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple,

but firmly for removing a diner from her restaurant for political reasons.

(tell me all about hypocrisy. maddog 2020)

Just answer my question. Don't dodge it. You were happy that the cake baker won, right?

not dodging a thing, ( unlike you).

you mentioned earlier about the sign stating the management has the right to deny service.

Would that include serving gay people, (like the baker), or only people that work for a political party you dislike?

(BTW, first amendment states freedom of Religion. Guess that doesnt' include bakers, hmmm)
When you see "Christians" like Scott Pruitt and Sarah Sanders, Jeff Sessions and all these other transparently fake supporters of a pathological liar like Trump, you realize just how corrosive, toxic and putrid Republicanism is.

Leftists are inspiring their minions like you to assault people even with their families in public. What's more corrosive, toxic and putrid than that?

Why don't you just propose a law making it illegal to not be a leftist? That's what you're clearly advocating

The Stalinists are mobilizing the Brown Shirts like odanny and waitingfor2020.

Violence will escalate substantially when the Stalinists lose the mid-terms, which they will.

I wish that was a joke, but clearly it's not. What's scary even more than whack jobs like Waitingfor2020 is the defining silence from the rest of the leftists on the site. That was what most Germans did in the 30s. Sit in silence

The democrat party is run by the Stalinists. The few old style democrats still left sit in silent obedience to the Communists.

And the Brown Shirts assault a woman eating lunch. No condemnation from Rachel Madcow, Morning Joe Stalin, Chris Matthews, or the Late Night Goebbels.

They all approve of using Brown Shirts.

This is a thread where he's advocating assaulting public officials and their families in their private lives. I don't grasp how it's allowed on the board at all

Assaulting? Where did that come from? Sarah herself did not mention being assaulted.
"She told the Post she believed Sanders worked in the service of an "inhumane and unethical" administration and she would absolutely do the same again. Wilkinson told the paper it was important to her that the staff had not outright refused to serve Sanders and she also said it was important that Sanders was a public official and not just a customer with whom she disagreed. "

Virginia Restaurant Owner Tells Sarah Sanders To Leave Her Joint

I'd take that restaurant off my place to visit, no matter which admin she had a problem with.

Don't be such a hypocrite. I'm sure you're happy the cake baker won his case against the gay couple, right?

I'll be just as much a hypocrite as you are.

you're against the baker refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple,

but firmly for removing a diner from her restaurant for political reasons.

(tell me all about hypocrisy. maddog 2020)

Just answer my question. Don't dodge it. You were happy that the cake baker won, right?

not dodging a thing, ( unlike you).

you mentioned earlier about the sign stating the management has the right to deny service.

Would that include serving gay people, (like the baker), or only people that work for a political party you dislike?

(BTW, first amendment states freedom of Religion. Guess that doesnt' include bakers, hmmm)

So you're too chicken to answer my first question. You're a coward, but it's OK, you're in the right place. This site is full of them.
Here's my answer, chickenshit:
In the U.S. a citizen has the right to sue anyone for anything and hire legal counsel.
The presiding judge has the right to consider whether the lawsuit is frivolous or has merit and can proceed.
How the hell this lawsuit was condoned by the legal system is ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer's money.
The baker has the right to refuse service and it should have stopped there.
But the religious right jumped on it like flies on shit and that's why it became a national incident.
The evangelicals are ruining this country right along with their despotic, phony pussy-grabbing, porn-star-fucking POTUS.
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