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Real Conspiracy..

Wow, Slack. You've got time on your hands!


I was banned years ago from DU - after only one or two posts. I linked to a document that showed invite-only membership to s single organiztion comprised of the most senior members and appointees of both the GOP and Dem parties, and the heads of the leading financial, corporate, and media organizations.

My post was basically a statement that the Dem and GOP leadership shared the same agenda. I demonstrated how policy thinktank memberships and participation could de mapped as a foundation to determining that there is an actual shared agenda between both parties, and how successive administrations use PR and a false left/right paradigm to drag the public into keeping them in power.

That thread lasted about 15 minutes before i received a lifelong ban with no explanation. :)

Hey shorebreak, how are ya? Still working to take over the world? (thats a joke)
I have a lot of days I just don't feel good enough to do anything, so i spend a lot of time on the internet. In the winter especially as i spend my summers living and working at a lake in the mountains. In the fall, I work as a hunting guide. In the winter, i have nothing to do except the horses.
I never got banned from a message board, but I have only posted on 3, so don't go by me.
However, I could see getting banned for the reasons you were- promoting the idea that the two party system is simply a tool used by our so-called leaders for control. yep, I could see getting banned for that because i have posted about the same thing on USMB.
and if THAT wasnt enough evidence for you Gslack that Slackass isnt a close second to the biggest troll here at this site right after candy corn troll boy,here just look at THIS link of this thread here he made.

as usual,he goes off sprouting lies and bullshit attacking people on here who dont swallow his garbage and lies he always post here.This troll loses his credibility big time here making a thread calling us mentally ill when HE is the one that is mentally ill.making a thread just to insult people like he did and always does just for not accepting the lies of the government is someone who has no credibility.

As you can see,he goes on and writes bullshit and lies saying we think alex jones is our ONLY credible source for information when myself and others have listed MANY different credible sources MANY times in the past like high level CIA,FBI and military men who say it was an inside job as credible sources.

Eots has listed a link called PATRIOTS QUESTION 9/11 with hundreds of first responders,firemen,architects, engineers,witnesses,pilots, and pentagon officials,ect ect HUNDREDS of times for him but as you can see,that stupid dumb fuck troll ignores those facts of the credible sources we have listed for him too many times before in the past and just goes on here lying his ass off saying we only use alex jones as our ONLY source. proof right here in his OWN thread what a lying hypocrite troll he is and this is just ONE of his many childish threads he has made in the past.Go back through several pages back and you will see for yourself MANY threads he has made attacking people just for pointing out his lies and propaganda he posts and proving him wrong time after time.

You'll find out like so many other here have like myself,eots,terral,creative dreams and others,he just insults you and makes threads like that just like the disinformation agent troll he is only because we dont believe his bullshit and lies he posts all the time.

Your just pissed that you only made "wanna be twoofer" in my scientific poll, and in the thread it was in exposed your loyalty for the terrorists that attacked us on 911.


I would be trying to attack me too if I were you, discrediting me is the only hope you have of regaining any credibility.
Well I do know one thing... I hate being told who to talk to... Sure fire way to get me on the defensive...

Anyway, I hope I didn't make christophera too upset. I understand how it feels to be angry over something and want answers so bad you can't stand it. At the end of the day you just gotta let go and accept what you can. if it were a contrived or planned event or attack, or they actually were demolished by someone, no one will ever be able to prove it.

Think about it... Who would want to tell the country one of our own did that? What judge or supreme court justice would want to be presiding over that case? You couldn't do it well enough to satisfy people no matter how you tried. There would be a level of distrust in government like no one has ever imagined. imagine how hard it would be to even attempt any kind of legislation or governance after something like that came out?

Something like that coming out would be the end of this government and they know it. So there will never be anyone anywhere near us or an ally ever accused. You would have an easier time bringing charges against Mickey Mouse for it than any government official.

As I said before commissions like 9/11 and Warren are designed to sell the official story. The cast is already set, and all the players named and there is no doubt who, how, and why at that point. And they are not investigations by any means. I find it humorous when I hear of this or that commission designated to fact find or establish guilt or investigate. The legislative branch does not share roles with the Judiciary, and for them to pretend and for people to buy it is truly telling of the real knowledge of government in this country by its citizens.

Example: The communist witch hunts of McCarthy... Back then in the public eye an appearance before that committee was evidence of guilt and a conviction in the minds of the people. Today they are considered not legal and is stated they did not actually DO anything but accuse and ask questions. The blacklisting came from the businesses and organizations themselves, and any actual deportation or sentences of treason were handled by the courts. All the committee did was make recommendations, and pint the finger in the effort to drum up support and anti-communist propaganda. But to the people the committee did it as sure as shootin..

They learned lessons from those days. Lessons about guilt and the perception of guilt, and what a non-judiciary committee can do in the eye of the public. In reality they have no power in such matters beyond making a recommendation to the supreme court, and the clout that may bring to the justices. But in the court of opinion they are the law just the same.

people really need to wake up and understand what things really mean in situations like that. it will keep them from falling prey to their own ignorance...
Well I do know one thing... I hate being told who to talk to... Sure fire way to get me on the defensive...

Anyway, I hope I didn't make christophera too upset. I understand how it feels to be angry over something and want answers so bad you can't stand it. At the end of the day you just gotta let go and accept what you can. if it were a contrived or planned event or attack, or they actually were demolished by someone, no one will ever be able to prove it.

Think about it... Who would want to tell the country one of our own did that? What judge or supreme court justice would want to be presiding over that case? You couldn't do it well enough to satisfy people no matter how you tried. There would be a level of distrust in government like no one has ever imagined. imagine how hard it would be to even attempt any kind of legislation or governance after something like that came out?

Something like that coming out would be the end of this government and they know it. So there will never be anyone anywhere near us or an ally ever accused. You would have an easier time bringing charges against Mickey Mouse for it than any government official.

As I said before commissions like 9/11 and Warren are designed to sell the official story. The cast is already set, and all the players named and there is no doubt who, how, and why at that point. And they are not investigations by any means. I find it humorous when I hear of this or that commission designated to fact find or establish guilt or investigate. The legislative branch does not share roles with the Judiciary, and for them to pretend and for people to buy it is truly telling of the real knowledge of government in this country by its citizens.

Example: The communist witch hunts of McCarthy... Back then in the public eye an appearance before that committee was evidence of guilt and a conviction in the minds of the people. Today they are considered not legal and is stated they did not actually DO anything but accuse and ask questions. The blacklisting came from the businesses and organizations themselves, and any actual deportation or sentences of treason were handled by the courts. All the committee did was make recommendations, and pint the finger in the effort to drum up support and anti-communist propaganda. But to the people the committee did it as sure as shootin..

They learned lessons from those days. Lessons about guilt and the perception of guilt, and what a non-judiciary committee can do in the eye of the public. In reality they have no power in such matters beyond making a recommendation to the supreme court, and the clout that may bring to the justices. But in the court of opinion they are the law just the same.

people really need to wake up and understand what things really mean in situations like that. it will keep them from falling prey to their own ignorance...

Gee....do you think gasleak will give us an alternate version of events more believeable than the 9/11 Commission Report?
The wikipedia page on the structure is erroneous and I've posted enough to show it. The steel core columns did not exist and that not one image from 9-11 shows them is enough proof in itself.

FEMA deception

This is a concrete tubublar core.

Christopharter said:
This is a concrete tubublar core.

No it isn't .. it's the Colgate Clock with a tragic disaster unfolding in the background. WTF is a "tubublar" .?

However .. later .. a person called Christopharter decided that he could see 3 inch rebar at a kilometer or more. And then changed the architecture of the WTC Towers with a fantasy he loves .. ?

Now everybody ... here's Chrissy's favourite tune

oh what fun a wonderful time ..!

oom pap pah !!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOg2wL9W_Vs]YouTube - The Merry Go Round Broke Down[/ame]

Stann << AGENT :eek::eek:
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The wikipedia page on the structure is erroneous and I've posted enough to show it. The steel core columns did not exist and that not one image from 9-11 shows them is enough proof in itself.

FEMA deception

This is a concrete tubublar core.


Dude you are know resorting to absolutism.... you basically just said "its true cause I said so".. And if thats true, you need help....

Jesus man you aren't listening..... Once more the cores were not made of giant single long pieces of steel, they just don't make them like that and they are too hard to work with. The claims of "Giant steel cores" by the media were inaccurate.... Got that? Look it up all day long, you can go to any site that is not trying to sell conspiracy theories who may have some knowledge of steel construction or skyscraper design and you can see this...

The wikki article is erroneous? How? It's not about the attacks, the destruction, or 9/11, its about the construction of the twin towers. I read it and I found nothing to give any impression it tries to cover or mislead in any way. You say its erroneous because it doesn't tell you what you want to hear.

I am sorry but dedicating yourself to theory that is both inaccurate, and physically impossible is completely illogical. A building that tall, and constructed in that manner, could not be built using concrete and rebar to bear the load. Its just an ignorant claim and an even more ignorant theory to try and sell on people.

Along with the usual hucksters peddling illogical, and impossible theories to a trusting public emotionally seeking answers. We also have lowlife POS garbage peddlers who want to sell an embarrassing and damaging theory (like this one) to people for their own entertainment and financial gain. I can at least understand the true believers, but these kinds of lowlifes are neither believers nor even conscientious. They just want to peddle garbage get some money off it. And that is the case with this theory...

its illogical, impossible in reality, lacks any integrity, and ruins the real truth seekers case. As long as this kind of crap is passed around it will be used to paint all who question the official story with the same "wako" brush...
Continued as part of the OP and subsequent posts... (finally)

We have a great industry of conspiracy theories out there. Believe it or not, it is a big business and those involved are just as greedy and unscrupulous as you can find in any other business. Many of them can and will pass on garbage and feel no remorse about it. Although some may really believe what they say, and even some may actually be thinking they are doing the right thing, there are nearly as many just out to entertain or grab a buck.

Now I am not saying that all of these people are hucksters, no not at all. Some really do believe what they claim, and would do the same thing even if they never made a dime. Guys like Maxwell, and Huxley are this type. A lot of what they say is most likely true in some aspect or another. But something being most likely true in some aspect does not make it all true either. A great deal of it is still just speculation, no matter how logical or good it sounds.

After the good intentioned folk, we have the entertainers. These are the professional wrestling of the theory culture. The David Ike's and his ilk. They like to be outrageous and they like to entertain. They often try and pass that off as real, but most of it is no more genuine than Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania. They point to "lizard people" or reptillians and make claims so fantastic no one outside the more strange sects take them seriously. THese people believe themselves harmless, and although they are when viewed directly, indirectly they can unwittingly spread a lot of negativity. Some actually go to see a Ike presentation believing when he says "reptilians" he means "jews" or "zionists". And that is a serious problem he seems to ignore or pretend its a lie... So Ike and some like him are relatively harmless and entertaining, but to some they are irresponsible to say the least.

Me? I think He has a niche and he is going to ride it out. I think he knows some racists take "reptilian" to mean "jew" or he may even actually mean it that way. Either way he knows its money and hes not going to stop...

After the Ike's and the Maxwells, we have the Alex Jones types. These guys are the most widely appealing and have the biggest audience, which means they make the most money. They use the "investigative journalist" angle and play it well. They do "expose's" on globalists and the elites, and do so in a way that looks very professional and realistic. They stand outside CFR meetings and shout with signs, sneak into Bohemian Grove, and all types of things. The thing to remember with these guys, they jump from theory to theory blaming "globalists"... Well thats a way of naming a bad guy almost everyone can get behind. its basically saying "they" did it, and keeping "them" very vague. And thats how you can easily see the fact it is a business to them. They blame someone who is an apparition or someone who they cannot prove anything on like does with the "reptilians" but they up the ante with a group or individual who is human but nonetheless benign.

Now thats not to say Jone's is completely wrong about everything. No not at all, globalists do seek world government and all of that. But the problem arises when you have to consider how much they actually do as opposed to how much he claims they do. According to him they do it all... Well I think its more logical they don't have to. There are just as many azzholes at home as there are the next town over.

After that we have the completely unethical and irresponsible types. The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain. Its one thing to have a niche and be entertaining, and its another to pass on garbage that is detrimental to legitimate folk with a real problem they want answers to.

These lowlife SOB's are the ones spreading nonsense about explosives placed in the cores of the twin towers while they were built. or the ones who tell us this or that political party member is a Satan worshiper. They are as likely give any truth as I am to become the next Pope. And whats worse, they don't care about anybody or anything outside themselves.

Any person seeking the truth or wishing to impart the truth, would not bring a political party into it. Its a tell tale sign of Bullshit. how could one political party do so much while the other party was right there with them? Hell they can't even agree on legitimate legislation and bicker over the silliest things non-stop, so how in the hell could either of them let the other pull something off like 9/11? Its ridiculous...

These people are motivated by money or a political ideology or both. These kind of partisan hacks are the kind of scumbag who perpetuate the left/right political mentality which keeps people ignorant. And thats why I feel they are the most dangerous to the people of all the theorist types.

Ike is entertaining, and despite being a bit of a kook relatively harmless. Jones again entertaining and has some truth. But the other types who push garbage that makes legitimate concerns a joke, are social parasites.

As far as I am concerned, there is some real legitimate people out there who sincerely seek truth. And then there are entertainers wanting a buck and political pundits wanting to bash the other party. keep that in mind when you go seeking truth....
Continued as part of the OP and subsequent posts... (finally)

We have a great industry of conspiracy theories out there. Believe it or not, it is a big business and those involved are just as greedy and unscrupulous as you can find in any other business. Many of them can and will pass on garbage and feel no remorse about it. Although some may really believe what they say, and even some may actually be thinking they are doing the right thing, there are nearly as many just out to entertain or grab a buck.

Now I am not saying that all of these people are hucksters, no not at all. Some really do believe what they claim, and would do the same thing even if they never made a dime. Guys like Maxwell, and Huxley are this type. A lot of what they say is most likely true in some aspect or another. But something being most likely true in some aspect does not make it all true either. A great deal of it is still just speculation, no matter how logical or good it sounds.

After the good intentioned folk, we have the entertainers. These are the professional wrestling of the theory culture. The David Ike's and his ilk. They like to be outrageous and they like to entertain. They often try and pass that off as real, but most of it is no more genuine than Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania. They point to "lizard people" or reptillians and make claims so fantastic no one outside the more strange sects take them seriously. THese people believe themselves harmless, and although they are when viewed directly, indirectly they can unwittingly spread a lot of negativity. Some actually go to see a Ike presentation believing when he says "reptilians" he means "jews" or "zionists". And that is a serious problem he seems to ignore or pretend its a lie... So Ike and some like him are relatively harmless and entertaining, but to some they are irresponsible to say the least.

Me? I think He has a niche and he is going to ride it out. I think he knows some racists take "reptilian" to mean "jew" or he may even actually mean it that way. Either way he knows its money and hes not going to stop...

After the Ike's and the Maxwells, we have the Alex Jones types. These guys are the most widely appealing and have the biggest audience, which means they make the most money. They use the "investigative journalist" angle and play it well. They do "expose's" on globalists and the elites, and do so in a way that looks very professional and realistic. They stand outside CFR meetings and shout with signs, sneak into Bohemian Grove, and all types of things. The thing to remember with these guys, they jump from theory to theory blaming "globalists"... Well thats a way of naming a bad guy almost everyone can get behind. its basically saying "they" did it, and keeping "them" very vague. And thats how you can easily see the fact it is a business to them. They blame someone who is an apparition or someone who they cannot prove anything on like does with the "reptilians" but they up the ante with a group or individual who is human but nonetheless benign.

Now thats not to say Jone's is completely wrong about everything. No not at all, globalists do seek world government and all of that. But the problem arises when you have to consider how much they actually do as opposed to how much he claims they do. According to him they do it all... Well I think its more logical they don't have to. There are just as many azzholes at home as there are the next town over.

After that we have the completely unethical and irresponsible types. The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain. Its one thing to have a niche and be entertaining, and its another to pass on garbage that is detrimental to legitimate folk with a real problem they want answers to.

These lowlife SOB's are the ones spreading nonsense about explosives placed in the cores of the twin towers while they were built. or the ones who tell us this or that political party member is a Satan worshiper. They are as likely give any truth as I am to become the next Pope. And whats worse, they don't care about anybody or anything outside themselves.

Any person seeking the truth or wishing to impart the truth, would not bring a political party into it. Its a tell tale sign of Bullshit. how could one political party do so much while the other party was right there with them? Hell they can't even agree on legitimate legislation and bicker over the silliest things non-stop, so how in the hell could either of them let the other pull something off like 9/11? Its ridiculous...

These people are motivated by money or a political ideology or both. These kind of partisan hacks are the kind of scumbag who perpetuate the left/right political mentality which keeps people ignorant. And thats why I feel they are the most dangerous to the people of all the theorist types.

Ike is entertaining, and despite being a bit of a kook relatively harmless. Jones again entertaining and has some truth. But the other types who push garbage that makes legitimate concerns a joke, are social parasites.

As far as I am concerned, there is some real legitimate people out there who sincerely seek truth. And then there are entertainers wanting a buck and political pundits wanting to bash the other party. keep that in mind when you go seeking truth....

I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.
Continued as part of the OP and subsequent posts... (finally)

We have a great industry of conspiracy theories out there. Believe it or not, it is a big business and those involved are just as greedy and unscrupulous as you can find in any other business. Many of them can and will pass on garbage and feel no remorse about it. Although some may really believe what they say, and even some may actually be thinking they are doing the right thing, there are nearly as many just out to entertain or grab a buck.

Now I am not saying that all of these people are hucksters, no not at all. Some really do believe what they claim, and would do the same thing even if they never made a dime. Guys like Maxwell, and Huxley are this type. A lot of what they say is most likely true in some aspect or another. But something being most likely true in some aspect does not make it all true either. A great deal of it is still just speculation, no matter how logical or good it sounds.

After the good intentioned folk, we have the entertainers. These are the professional wrestling of the theory culture. The David Ike's and his ilk. They like to be outrageous and they like to entertain. They often try and pass that off as real, but most of it is no more genuine than Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania. They point to "lizard people" or reptillians and make claims so fantastic no one outside the more strange sects take them seriously. THese people believe themselves harmless, and although they are when viewed directly, indirectly they can unwittingly spread a lot of negativity. Some actually go to see a Ike presentation believing when he says "reptilians" he means "jews" or "zionists". And that is a serious problem he seems to ignore or pretend its a lie... So Ike and some like him are relatively harmless and entertaining, but to some they are irresponsible to say the least.

Me? I think He has a niche and he is going to ride it out. I think he knows some racists take "reptilian" to mean "jew" or he may even actually mean it that way. Either way he knows its money and hes not going to stop...

After the Ike's and the Maxwells, we have the Alex Jones types. These guys are the most widely appealing and have the biggest audience, which means they make the most money. They use the "investigative journalist" angle and play it well. They do "expose's" on globalists and the elites, and do so in a way that looks very professional and realistic. They stand outside CFR meetings and shout with signs, sneak into Bohemian Grove, and all types of things. The thing to remember with these guys, they jump from theory to theory blaming "globalists"... Well thats a way of naming a bad guy almost everyone can get behind. its basically saying "they" did it, and keeping "them" very vague. And thats how you can easily see the fact it is a business to them. They blame someone who is an apparition or someone who they cannot prove anything on like does with the "reptilians" but they up the ante with a group or individual who is human but nonetheless benign.

Now thats not to say Jone's is completely wrong about everything. No not at all, globalists do seek world government and all of that. But the problem arises when you have to consider how much they actually do as opposed to how much he claims they do. According to him they do it all... Well I think its more logical they don't have to. There are just as many azzholes at home as there are the next town over.

After that we have the completely unethical and irresponsible types. The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain. Its one thing to have a niche and be entertaining, and its another to pass on garbage that is detrimental to legitimate folk with a real problem they want answers to.

These lowlife SOB's are the ones spreading nonsense about explosives placed in the cores of the twin towers while they were built. or the ones who tell us this or that political party member is a Satan worshiper. They are as likely give any truth as I am to become the next Pope. And whats worse, they don't care about anybody or anything outside themselves.

Any person seeking the truth or wishing to impart the truth, would not bring a political party into it. Its a tell tale sign of Bullshit. how could one political party do so much while the other party was right there with them? Hell they can't even agree on legitimate legislation and bicker over the silliest things non-stop, so how in the hell could either of them let the other pull something off like 9/11? Its ridiculous...

These people are motivated by money or a political ideology or both. These kind of partisan hacks are the kind of scumbag who perpetuate the left/right political mentality which keeps people ignorant. And thats why I feel they are the most dangerous to the people of all the theorist types.

Ike is entertaining, and despite being a bit of a kook relatively harmless. Jones again entertaining and has some truth. But the other types who push garbage that makes legitimate concerns a joke, are social parasites.

As far as I am concerned, there is some real legitimate people out there who sincerely seek truth. And then there are entertainers wanting a buck and political pundits wanting to bash the other party. keep that in mind when you go seeking truth....

I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.

I'll just add that most You Tube videos are not facts because if you doubt that there was a massive conspiracy that involves everybody from Bush to the Chamber Maid at the Fountainbleu on Miami Beach; you'll be asked to watch "proof" in the form of videos that all contradict one another. And if you don't, guess what; you're a government agent--just like me. LOL:lol:

I'm still betting that you'll ultimately see gasleak evolve into "jews did it" but so far, so good I think.
Continued as part of the OP and subsequent posts... (finally)

We have a great industry of conspiracy theories out there. Believe it or not, it is a big business and those involved are just as greedy and unscrupulous as you can find in any other business. Many of them can and will pass on garbage and feel no remorse about it. Although some may really believe what they say, and even some may actually be thinking they are doing the right thing, there are nearly as many just out to entertain or grab a buck.

Now I am not saying that all of these people are hucksters, no not at all. Some really do believe what they claim, and would do the same thing even if they never made a dime. Guys like Maxwell, and Huxley are this type. A lot of what they say is most likely true in some aspect or another. But something being most likely true in some aspect does not make it all true either. A great deal of it is still just speculation, no matter how logical or good it sounds.

After the good intentioned folk, we have the entertainers. These are the professional wrestling of the theory culture. The David Ike's and his ilk. They like to be outrageous and they like to entertain. They often try and pass that off as real, but most of it is no more genuine than Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania. They point to "lizard people" or reptillians and make claims so fantastic no one outside the more strange sects take them seriously. THese people believe themselves harmless, and although they are when viewed directly, indirectly they can unwittingly spread a lot of negativity. Some actually go to see a Ike presentation believing when he says "reptilians" he means "jews" or "zionists". And that is a serious problem he seems to ignore or pretend its a lie... So Ike and some like him are relatively harmless and entertaining, but to some they are irresponsible to say the least.

Me? I think He has a niche and he is going to ride it out. I think he knows some racists take "reptilian" to mean "jew" or he may even actually mean it that way. Either way he knows its money and hes not going to stop...

After the Ike's and the Maxwells, we have the Alex Jones types. These guys are the most widely appealing and have the biggest audience, which means they make the most money. They use the "investigative journalist" angle and play it well. They do "expose's" on globalists and the elites, and do so in a way that looks very professional and realistic. They stand outside CFR meetings and shout with signs, sneak into Bohemian Grove, and all types of things. The thing to remember with these guys, they jump from theory to theory blaming "globalists"... Well thats a way of naming a bad guy almost everyone can get behind. its basically saying "they" did it, and keeping "them" very vague. And thats how you can easily see the fact it is a business to them. They blame someone who is an apparition or someone who they cannot prove anything on like does with the "reptilians" but they up the ante with a group or individual who is human but nonetheless benign.

Now thats not to say Jone's is completely wrong about everything. No not at all, globalists do seek world government and all of that. But the problem arises when you have to consider how much they actually do as opposed to how much he claims they do. According to him they do it all... Well I think its more logical they don't have to. There are just as many azzholes at home as there are the next town over.

After that we have the completely unethical and irresponsible types. The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain. Its one thing to have a niche and be entertaining, and its another to pass on garbage that is detrimental to legitimate folk with a real problem they want answers to.

These lowlife SOB's are the ones spreading nonsense about explosives placed in the cores of the twin towers while they were built. or the ones who tell us this or that political party member is a Satan worshiper. They are as likely give any truth as I am to become the next Pope. And whats worse, they don't care about anybody or anything outside themselves.

Any person seeking the truth or wishing to impart the truth, would not bring a political party into it. Its a tell tale sign of Bullshit. how could one political party do so much while the other party was right there with them? Hell they can't even agree on legitimate legislation and bicker over the silliest things non-stop, so how in the hell could either of them let the other pull something off like 9/11? Its ridiculous...

These people are motivated by money or a political ideology or both. These kind of partisan hacks are the kind of scumbag who perpetuate the left/right political mentality which keeps people ignorant. And thats why I feel they are the most dangerous to the people of all the theorist types.

Ike is entertaining, and despite being a bit of a kook relatively harmless. Jones again entertaining and has some truth. But the other types who push garbage that makes legitimate concerns a joke, are social parasites.

As far as I am concerned, there is some real legitimate people out there who sincerely seek truth. And then there are entertainers wanting a buck and political pundits wanting to bash the other party. keep that in mind when you go seeking truth....

I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.

I'll just add that most You Tube videos are not facts because if you doubt that there was a massive conspiracy that involves everybody from Bush to the Chamber Maid at the Fountainbleu on Miami Beach; you'll be asked to watch "proof" in the form of videos that all contradict one another. And if you don't, guess what; you're a government agent--just like me. LOL:lol:

I'm still betting that you'll ultimately see gasleak evolve into "jews did it" but so far, so good I think.

Well, the fact that Terral and agent chrissy both have their own little section on youtube proves your point about that.
Whether it is youtube or any other method of spreading information, when someone has to tell you what they are presenting is "indistputable proof", or somesuch, they are usually lying to advance an agenda.
You might be right about gslack, but only time will tell. i will state for the record that I, slackjawed Rothschild had nothing to do with 911, and have no knowledge of any jewish involvement with same.
Continued as part of the OP and subsequent posts... (finally)

We have a great industry of conspiracy theories out there. Believe it or not, it is a big business and those involved are just as greedy and unscrupulous as you can find in any other business. Many of them can and will pass on garbage and feel no remorse about it. Although some may really believe what they say, and even some may actually be thinking they are doing the right thing, there are nearly as many just out to entertain or grab a buck.

Now I am not saying that all of these people are hucksters, no not at all. Some really do believe what they claim, and would do the same thing even if they never made a dime. Guys like Maxwell, and Huxley are this type. A lot of what they say is most likely true in some aspect or another. But something being most likely true in some aspect does not make it all true either. A great deal of it is still just speculation, no matter how logical or good it sounds.

After the good intentioned folk, we have the entertainers. These are the professional wrestling of the theory culture. The David Ike's and his ilk. They like to be outrageous and they like to entertain. They often try and pass that off as real, but most of it is no more genuine than Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania. They point to "lizard people" or reptillians and make claims so fantastic no one outside the more strange sects take them seriously. THese people believe themselves harmless, and although they are when viewed directly, indirectly they can unwittingly spread a lot of negativity. Some actually go to see a Ike presentation believing when he says "reptilians" he means "jews" or "zionists". And that is a serious problem he seems to ignore or pretend its a lie... So Ike and some like him are relatively harmless and entertaining, but to some they are irresponsible to say the least.

Me? I think He has a niche and he is going to ride it out. I think he knows some racists take "reptilian" to mean "jew" or he may even actually mean it that way. Either way he knows its money and hes not going to stop...

After the Ike's and the Maxwells, we have the Alex Jones types. These guys are the most widely appealing and have the biggest audience, which means they make the most money. They use the "investigative journalist" angle and play it well. They do "expose's" on globalists and the elites, and do so in a way that looks very professional and realistic. They stand outside CFR meetings and shout with signs, sneak into Bohemian Grove, and all types of things. The thing to remember with these guys, they jump from theory to theory blaming "globalists"... Well thats a way of naming a bad guy almost everyone can get behind. its basically saying "they" did it, and keeping "them" very vague. And thats how you can easily see the fact it is a business to them. They blame someone who is an apparition or someone who they cannot prove anything on like does with the "reptilians" but they up the ante with a group or individual who is human but nonetheless benign.

Now thats not to say Jone's is completely wrong about everything. No not at all, globalists do seek world government and all of that. But the problem arises when you have to consider how much they actually do as opposed to how much he claims they do. According to him they do it all... Well I think its more logical they don't have to. There are just as many azzholes at home as there are the next town over.

After that we have the completely unethical and irresponsible types. The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain. Its one thing to have a niche and be entertaining, and its another to pass on garbage that is detrimental to legitimate folk with a real problem they want answers to.

These lowlife SOB's are the ones spreading nonsense about explosives placed in the cores of the twin towers while they were built. or the ones who tell us this or that political party member is a Satan worshiper. They are as likely give any truth as I am to become the next Pope. And whats worse, they don't care about anybody or anything outside themselves.

Any person seeking the truth or wishing to impart the truth, would not bring a political party into it. Its a tell tale sign of Bullshit. how could one political party do so much while the other party was right there with them? Hell they can't even agree on legitimate legislation and bicker over the silliest things non-stop, so how in the hell could either of them let the other pull something off like 9/11? Its ridiculous...

These people are motivated by money or a political ideology or both. These kind of partisan hacks are the kind of scumbag who perpetuate the left/right political mentality which keeps people ignorant. And thats why I feel they are the most dangerous to the people of all the theorist types.

Ike is entertaining, and despite being a bit of a kook relatively harmless. Jones again entertaining and has some truth. But the other types who push garbage that makes legitimate concerns a joke, are social parasites.

As far as I am concerned, there is some real legitimate people out there who sincerely seek truth. And then there are entertainers wanting a buck and political pundits wanting to bash the other party. keep that in mind when you go seeking truth....

I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.

I agree. however I do feel a healthy amount of government distrust is a good thing. keeps the bastards respectable at least...:lol:

I am sure I will meet the more extreme types on this board as I get more experience.

I do want to say... I watched the attacks and collapse live as they happened from my office that was in Fort Meade Maryland back then. At the time it looked to me like a controlled demolition to just below impact level. I stated as much then and virtually everyone in the office concurred. Now none of us are experts on that, I and at least two other people had seen buildings taken down using controlled demolition from a distance before, but no real first hand experience other than that.

Despite everyone's agreement at the time, once the explanations came in as to how they fell and their construction, the number of people still feeling it was a controlled demolition diminished to a very small few. I still had my doubts, and they still remain... Too many coincidences, innuendo, and related things to just accept the official report.

But a controlled demolition? Well on the towers, I seriously doubt it. But the smaller building 7 I believe its called? That was brought down, and there is no denying that. Why? who knows, it had already been evacuated and to my knowledge no one was alive in it, so that is actually not relevant beyond that. it doesn't mean the other two were brought down, and thats the way we have to look at it. One does not equal the other and that is the truth.

I doubt the controlled demolition on the towers mostly because after doing some research (not from conspiracy sites) on their construction, we see they wouldn't have had to use charges on it to bring it down. The design was similar to an expansion bridge in the way the pieces all connected to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. The outside concrete, aluminum and steel pre-fab pieces were designed to work like a screen. And were not actual load bearing on their own like that of an older or classical construction. They shared load bearing once all connected but even then only a small amount.

The main load bearing was handled by the floor trusses which connected to the central core structure and to a very small degree the outer wall pre-fab meshes. The floor trusses themselves were held up by the core structures rather than the classic load bearing walls and main beams used in other constructions.

The thing is if they had been designed with a load bearing support at each corner, the buildings would probably still be standing today. And if they had been built with a bit of the classical methods of load bearing walls per floor, they definitely would still be standing.

The part of the official report that is probably the most accurate is their account of how the buildings fell. By looking at the design you can easily see this if you are being objective and honest. The problem is how did a group terrorists living in caves figure this out and how did they manage to pull it off like they did. And thats where the official report turns to garbage in my opinion.
Continued as part of the OP and subsequent posts... (finally)

We have a great industry of conspiracy theories out there. Believe it or not, it is a big business and those involved are just as greedy and unscrupulous as you can find in any other business. Many of them can and will pass on garbage and feel no remorse about it. Although some may really believe what they say, and even some may actually be thinking they are doing the right thing, there are nearly as many just out to entertain or grab a buck.

Now I am not saying that all of these people are hucksters, no not at all. Some really do believe what they claim, and would do the same thing even if they never made a dime. Guys like Maxwell, and Huxley are this type. A lot of what they say is most likely true in some aspect or another. But something being most likely true in some aspect does not make it all true either. A great deal of it is still just speculation, no matter how logical or good it sounds.

After the good intentioned folk, we have the entertainers. These are the professional wrestling of the theory culture. The David Ike's and his ilk. They like to be outrageous and they like to entertain. They often try and pass that off as real, but most of it is no more genuine than Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania. They point to "lizard people" or reptillians and make claims so fantastic no one outside the more strange sects take them seriously. THese people believe themselves harmless, and although they are when viewed directly, indirectly they can unwittingly spread a lot of negativity. Some actually go to see a Ike presentation believing when he says "reptilians" he means "jews" or "zionists". And that is a serious problem he seems to ignore or pretend its a lie... So Ike and some like him are relatively harmless and entertaining, but to some they are irresponsible to say the least.

Me? I think He has a niche and he is going to ride it out. I think he knows some racists take "reptilian" to mean "jew" or he may even actually mean it that way. Either way he knows its money and hes not going to stop...

After the Ike's and the Maxwells, we have the Alex Jones types. These guys are the most widely appealing and have the biggest audience, which means they make the most money. They use the "investigative journalist" angle and play it well. They do "expose's" on globalists and the elites, and do so in a way that looks very professional and realistic. They stand outside CFR meetings and shout with signs, sneak into Bohemian Grove, and all types of things. The thing to remember with these guys, they jump from theory to theory blaming "globalists"... Well thats a way of naming a bad guy almost everyone can get behind. its basically saying "they" did it, and keeping "them" very vague. And thats how you can easily see the fact it is a business to them. They blame someone who is an apparition or someone who they cannot prove anything on like does with the "reptilians" but they up the ante with a group or individual who is human but nonetheless benign.

Now thats not to say Jone's is completely wrong about everything. No not at all, globalists do seek world government and all of that. But the problem arises when you have to consider how much they actually do as opposed to how much he claims they do. According to him they do it all... Well I think its more logical they don't have to. There are just as many azzholes at home as there are the next town over.

After that we have the completely unethical and irresponsible types. The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain. Its one thing to have a niche and be entertaining, and its another to pass on garbage that is detrimental to legitimate folk with a real problem they want answers to.

These lowlife SOB's are the ones spreading nonsense about explosives placed in the cores of the twin towers while they were built. or the ones who tell us this or that political party member is a Satan worshiper. They are as likely give any truth as I am to become the next Pope. And whats worse, they don't care about anybody or anything outside themselves.

Any person seeking the truth or wishing to impart the truth, would not bring a political party into it. Its a tell tale sign of Bullshit. how could one political party do so much while the other party was right there with them? Hell they can't even agree on legitimate legislation and bicker over the silliest things non-stop, so how in the hell could either of them let the other pull something off like 9/11? Its ridiculous...

These people are motivated by money or a political ideology or both. These kind of partisan hacks are the kind of scumbag who perpetuate the left/right political mentality which keeps people ignorant. And thats why I feel they are the most dangerous to the people of all the theorist types.

Ike is entertaining, and despite being a bit of a kook relatively harmless. Jones again entertaining and has some truth. But the other types who push garbage that makes legitimate concerns a joke, are social parasites.

As far as I am concerned, there is some real legitimate people out there who sincerely seek truth. And then there are entertainers wanting a buck and political pundits wanting to bash the other party. keep that in mind when you go seeking truth....

I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.

I agree. however I do feel a healthy amount of government distrust is a good thing. keeps the bastards respectable at least...:lol:

I am sure I will meet the more extreme types on this board as I get more experience.

I do want to say... I watched the attacks and collapse live as they happened from my office that was in Fort Meade Maryland back then. At the time it looked to me like a controlled demolition to just below impact level. I stated as much then and virtually everyone in the office concurred. Now none of us are experts on that, I and at least two other people had seen buildings taken down using controlled demolition from a distance before, but no real first hand experience other than that.

Despite everyone's agreement at the time, once the explanations came in as to how they fell and their construction, the number of people still feeling it was a controlled demolition diminished to a very small few. I still had my doubts, and they still remain... Too many coincidences, innuendo, and related things to just accept the official report.

But a controlled demolition? Well on the towers, I seriously doubt it. But the smaller building 7 I believe its called? That was brought down, and there is no denying that. Why? who knows, it had already been evacuated and to my knowledge no one was alive in it, so that is actually not relevant beyond that. it doesn't mean the other two were brought down, and thats the way we have to look at it. One does not equal the other and that is the truth.

I doubt the controlled demolition on the towers mostly because after doing some research (not from conspiracy sites) on their construction, we see they wouldn't have had to use charges on it to bring it down. The design was similar to an expansion bridge in the way the pieces all connected to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. The outside concrete, aluminum and steel pre-fab pieces were designed to work like a screen. And were not actual load bearing on their own like that of an older or classical construction. They shared load bearing once all connected but even then only a small amount.

The main load bearing was handled by the floor trusses which connected to the central core structure and to a very small degree the outer wall pre-fab meshes. The floor trusses themselves were held up by the core structures rather than the classic load bearing walls and main beams used in other constructions.

The thing is if they had been designed with a load bearing support at each corner, the buildings would probably still be standing today. And if they had been built with a bit of the classical methods of load bearing walls per floor, they definitely would still be standing.

The part of the official report that is probably the most accurate is their account of how the buildings fell. By looking at the design you can easily see this if you are being objective and honest. The problem is how did a group terrorists living in caves figure this out and how did they manage to pull it off like they did. And thats where the official report turns to garbage in my opinion.

A certain amount of distrust of the government is healthy and was promoted by the founders.

I don't think guys in caves are limited in what they can figure out when they possess almost unlimited funding and have family connections to the global commercial construction industry. I don't see that as a flaw in the report, but your not the first to express that opinion. That's a valid opinion and I respect it.

I think the area where the commission report shows it's weakness is related to government agencies performing an investigation into attacks that by their very nature show a series of security failures. It seems to me there were efforts to either gloss-over or completely hide the failures of certain government agencies and officials. I also understand the fact that there are certain things that should not be made public for future security reasons. In fact, some of the latter issues may be intertwined with some of the former issues. IMHO.
I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.

I'll just add that most You Tube videos are not facts because if you doubt that there was a massive conspiracy that involves everybody from Bush to the Chamber Maid at the Fountainbleu on Miami Beach; you'll be asked to watch "proof" in the form of videos that all contradict one another. And if you don't, guess what; you're a government agent--just like me. LOL:lol:

I'm still betting that you'll ultimately see gasleak evolve into "jews did it" but so far, so good I think.

Well, the fact that Terral and agent chrissy both have their own little section on youtube proves your point about that.
Whether it is youtube or any other method of spreading information, when someone has to tell you what they are presenting is "indistputable proof", or somesuch, they are usually lying to advance an agenda.
You might be right about gslack, but only time will tell. i will state for the record that I, slackjawed Rothschild had nothing to do with 911, and have no knowledge of any jewish involvement with same.

As a fellow member of the ruling elite...I concur.

Hilarious are the characterizations of the hijackers "living in caves".

The leader, Atta, has this on his wiki page:

Atta studied architecture at Cairo University, and went to Hamburg, Germany in 1992 to continue his studies at the Technical University of Hamburg, where he remained a student until fall 1999.

Probably more university time than most people here from the looks of things.

One of the bastards on 175 attended school in Bonn, Germany (how many caves are in Bonn?).

Also according to wiki, Hani Hanjour attended the University of Arizona briefly.

Most of the hi-jackers traveled more extensively than most Americans (they were all living in this country by the way). It just goes to show the mis-characterizations are still there. Even in the more "balanced" souls of the twoofer community.
I like this post. The first part I boldened is what I have been saying since 911, and on here. There is money being made, and sometimes it is not easy figuring out if someone is pushing an idea for cash, or to exchange information.

The second part that I put in bold describes several on the message boards, and I feel that it describes some in the media besides Alex Jones. I would describe the ex-governor and cartoon character Jesse Ventura this way. I think he jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon for profit.

There are those on this very board that fit this description;
"The ones who post utube videos and write blogs making baseless and wild claims directed to the emotional public. They are the types all of us need to stay away from. Often these types do far more harm than they do good or even entertain"

I believe that since you, gslack, seem to have figured out agent chrissy as quick as you have, you will figure out the ones that fit this description as well.

I understand that there are questions about what happened on 911, there should be. I have questions myself. I also understand that in the most basic sense, the official investigations and reports (commission report and NIST report) raised as many questions as they answer. I do think that the basic premise of both of these investigations is accurate. I hold that opinion because so far I have not seen anything credible that disputes a planned attack by al qaida. So far the only arguments to dispute that basic premise are based soley on distrust of the government, or hatred of President Bush. In some cases, I believe that some alternate theories are presented only to advance distrust and hatred of the government or particular people. Most of the time those that spread this type of propaganda (yup that's all it is) start out something like this; "Well, since we all know that Bush/Cheney murdered 3000+ American Citizens....." or include the term OCTA. Dead givaway there that someone has an agenda, especially when they do not present any facts or even opinions.

I agree. however I do feel a healthy amount of government distrust is a good thing. keeps the bastards respectable at least...:lol:

I am sure I will meet the more extreme types on this board as I get more experience.

I do want to say... I watched the attacks and collapse live as they happened from my office that was in Fort Meade Maryland back then. At the time it looked to me like a controlled demolition to just below impact level. I stated as much then and virtually everyone in the office concurred. Now none of us are experts on that, I and at least two other people had seen buildings taken down using controlled demolition from a distance before, but no real first hand experience other than that.

Despite everyone's agreement at the time, once the explanations came in as to how they fell and their construction, the number of people still feeling it was a controlled demolition diminished to a very small few. I still had my doubts, and they still remain... Too many coincidences, innuendo, and related things to just accept the official report.

But a controlled demolition? Well on the towers, I seriously doubt it. But the smaller building 7 I believe its called? That was brought down, and there is no denying that. Why? who knows, it had already been evacuated and to my knowledge no one was alive in it, so that is actually not relevant beyond that. it doesn't mean the other two were brought down, and thats the way we have to look at it. One does not equal the other and that is the truth.

I doubt the controlled demolition on the towers mostly because after doing some research (not from conspiracy sites) on their construction, we see they wouldn't have had to use charges on it to bring it down. The design was similar to an expansion bridge in the way the pieces all connected to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. The outside concrete, aluminum and steel pre-fab pieces were designed to work like a screen. And were not actual load bearing on their own like that of an older or classical construction. They shared load bearing once all connected but even then only a small amount.

The main load bearing was handled by the floor trusses which connected to the central core structure and to a very small degree the outer wall pre-fab meshes. The floor trusses themselves were held up by the core structures rather than the classic load bearing walls and main beams used in other constructions.

The thing is if they had been designed with a load bearing support at each corner, the buildings would probably still be standing today. And if they had been built with a bit of the classical methods of load bearing walls per floor, they definitely would still be standing.

The part of the official report that is probably the most accurate is their account of how the buildings fell. By looking at the design you can easily see this if you are being objective and honest. The problem is how did a group terrorists living in caves figure this out and how did they manage to pull it off like they did. And thats where the official report turns to garbage in my opinion.

A certain amount of distrust of the government is healthy and was promoted by the founders.

I don't think guys in caves are limited in what they can figure out when they possess almost unlimited funding and have family connections to the global commercial construction industry. I don't see that as a flaw in the report, but your not the first to express that opinion. That's a valid opinion and I respect it.

I think the area where the commission report shows it's weakness is related to government agencies performing an investigation into attacks that by their very nature show a series of security failures. It seems to me there were efforts to either gloss-over or completely hide the failures of certain government agencies and officials. I also understand the fact that there are certain things that should not be made public for future security reasons. In fact, some of the latter issues may be intertwined with some of the former issues. IMHO.


One of the other big problems I found was the finger pointing that went on. FBI blamed the CIA, the CIA blamed the NSA, and they all in turn blamed one another until all that could be said was they all F__ked up..

The problem with that is, since the mid-80's they all fall under the NSC... The FBI likes to pretend its not the case but its a fact. The FBI head reports to the NSC. They wanted it that way since the J edgar days. They didn't want another power bloc like that in place. Took them a long time to get the final J edgar man out of there, and once they did they set it under NSC control fully.

So they can pretend they lacked communication between them and it was intelligence community lack of sharing that caused them to miss it all they want, but its a bullshit scapegoating.

Either they didn't do their job, or they did it the way they were told to.... They do not refuse to share intel between them anymore. THat is not tolerated and hasn't been since 79' and the whole botched Delta Force mission in Iran.
Wow...you may be doing the impossible..making the world think that Curvelight has a long lost twin.

To address a couple of your points...

Steel bems didn't melt; just weakened.
Fireproofing was compromised by the impact of the planes.

Thats as far as I read before I decided you were not worth the effort.


According to FEMA and according to numerous recorded testimonies and reports, there were vast pools of molten metal in the WTC rubble.

Since the beams were only weakened, what was the catalyst to turn the steel into pools of molten material?

Here's one of them by NYFD hero's (36 seconds):

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCdRA09pztM]YouTube - 9/11: Molten Metal at Ground Zero[/ame]

Not only does that video prove candycorn troll boy never does any research and lies all the time but he has also been caught lying like he does everyday in his poste here because the photos CLEARLY show some of the steel columns were melted which is impossible due to office fires or jet fuel.
I don't know what that video proves, I mean the metal could have been aluminum to be fair. only one way to be sure is to get them to tell us the molten metals color, consistency, and heat coming from it. And I am sure they weren't worried about such things at the time.

The only thing we know for sure is the buildings were hit by planes and that for some reason after that they fell. The rest is speculation no matter how possible or likely it may seem. I do know one thing, the asinine theory christophera is spouting is bullshit and he is merely trying to sell it and become the new David Ike or something silly.
Okay as much as I respect the rescue and other workers on the scene, I do not see how any of this proves anything...

Ever dropped something from 1200 feet? Well a penny from the empire state building roof can kill. THe reason there were no items in one piece still, is the fact the stuff near the top fell so far and hit so hard, and the stuff in the middle or the bottom, was crushed by the mass and velocity of the things and pieces from above. This is not any evidence of anything but a building falling....

My point still stands, until they can reliably identify the molten metal we cannot say what it was or how it got there or from what source. If it were aluminum, or similar lightweight alloys, they would have melted at much lower temps than the steel. And as far as the duration of the fires at ground zero, they had to dig up yards and yards of debris. Some of it flammable, some flame resistant. The mass covered much of the burning sections, allowing heat to build up. Ask a fireman about what happens when a closed room with fuel to burn but a lack of oxygen prevents a flame, gets a burst of oxygen from an opened door? its a fireball of heat and flame..... This is a viable explanation no?

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