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Real Conspiracy..

This message is hidden because candycorn is on your ignore list.

Unruly spoiled children who cannot nor will not take the time to first, read what they are going to complain about, or even understand what thee OP or subsequent posts say or mean; are not tolerated.....

The OP makes you sound unbalanced.
The post above (going out of your way to address someone who you say you are ignoring) confirms it.

I know...you're not saying anything for sure...you're just asking questions...blah blah blah.

Same old twoofer bullsheet.
Please ignore the trolling juvenile... He is in the middle of an attention seeking tantrum. Do not encourage or empower him. I have done what he cannot accept twice now; first I embarrassed him and showed his ignorance and then when he threw a fit and stamped his feet like a child I ignored him. This has made him turn into the trolling little twerp you see now....

Watch as he loses his mind trying to get my attention again... Right now he may be saying one thing, but in reality he is saying "you can't ignore me! You can't, you can't, you can't!" Let him stomp his foot and cry until he is finished, then he will do what all spoiled children will eventually have to do and move on.
lotta credibility there............:cuckoo:

I'm sorry but the pre-teen, pimple-popping, momma's boy, home schooled, socially inept, juvenile douchebag thread is elsewhere.... Until you have a point to make, or an apology for me, or something valid to say you do not qualify for recognition any longer...

So go troll all you wish douchebag, I will ignore you and when the forum has had enough they will rid themselves of you. Or enough people will ignore you and you will go off crying. Thats what this is all about anyway isn't it junior... Attention....:lol:

yeah best thing to do for trolls like him and slackass is put them on your ignore list.Let them make idiots out of themsleves like they always do by telling them you have them on ignore and then they STILL keep addressing your posts and talk to you as though they think I ever read their moronic ramblings anymore.Trolls like them got serious memory problems,you tell them many times you got them on your ignore list and they STILL address and respond to your posts,proof right there of what morons they are and are desperate for attention from you.:lol::lol:

I mean how pathetic can you get? when someone tells ME they have me on their ignore list,I dont keep addressing their posts and talk to them like many of these moron 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do.:lol: Proof there they dont know anything about logic and common sense huh?:lol: The only 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists I even bother with anymore are the new ones that come on that ask questions about it. btw,this post so well describes candy corn troll boy down to the tee.
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Motive for the 9/11 Attacks:

Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997)

Pay attention to the maps and where we were back in 2008. You'll quickly realize what Obama and Biden meant when they promised during campaign speeches that they'll finish what Bush started in Central Asia.

Here's a couple of my favorite quotes:

From the Introduction:
"Eurasia is thus the chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy continues to be played, and that struggle involves geostrategy—the strategic management of geopolitical interests. It is noteworthy that as recently as 1940 two aspirants to global power, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, agreed explicitly (in the secret negotiations of November of that year) that America should be excluded from Eurasia. Each realized that the injection of American power into Eurasia would preclude his ambitions regarding global domination. Each shared the assumption that Eurasia is the center of the world and that he who controls Eurasia controls the world. A half century later, the issue has been redefined: will America's primacy in Eurasia endure, and to what ends might it be applied?

The ultimate objective of American policy should be benign and visionary: to shape a truly cooperative global community, in keeping with long-range trends and with the fundamental interests of humankind. But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is therefore the
purpose of this book

This is from the conclusion, Page 107:

"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."

"In the absence of a comparable external challenge, American society may find it much more difficult to reach agreement regarding foreign policies that cannot be directly related to central beliefs and widely shared cultural-ethnic sympathies and that still require an enduring and sometimes costly imperial engagement."

Wow. It looks like Brzezinski (Obama's most senior foreign policy advisor) got really lucky in 2001. His widely perceived external threat showed up on our doorstep and everything he recommended has coincidentally begun falling into place. it must be nice to be lucky like that.

Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post... it was a great post and deserved better. I was stuck fighting the douchebag and neglected t ogive it proper attention.

yeah brzezinski seems to be lucky like that in a lot of things...

Just like Kissinger and a few other of the more slippery types who seem to be able to advise both parties presidents over the years.... I found it very funny that Kissinger was the "bad guy" advisor to Reagan by most democrats in the 80's, but now he's the "good guy" mentor to Obama... And the band keeps playing....:eusa_eh:

yeah pretty interesting isnt it? I got a thread on Kissinger a few posts down matter of fact called KISSINGER CALLS ON OBAMA FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER.
Please ignore the trolling juvenile... He is in the middle of an attention seeking tantrum. Do not encourage or empower him. I have done what he cannot accept twice now; first I embarrassed him and showed his ignorance and then when he threw a fit and stamped his feet like a child I ignored him. This has made him turn into the trolling little twerp you see now....

Watch as he loses his mind trying to get my attention again... Right now he may be saying one thing, but in reality he is saying "you can't ignore me! You can't, you can't, you can't!" Let him stomp his foot and cry until he is finished, then he will do what all spoiled children will eventually have to do and move on.


You vastly overestimate your importance. As long as you're focusing on me; its fine. Keep up the good work. Look at the guy who posted right after you; his obsession has lasted for over a year now. Welcome to the club.
lotta credibility there............:cuckoo:

I'm sorry but the pre-teen, pimple-popping, momma's boy, home schooled, socially inept, juvenile douchebag thread is elsewhere.... Until you have a point to make, or an apology for me, or something valid to say you do not qualify for recognition any longer...

So go troll all you wish douchebag, I will ignore you and when the forum has had enough they will rid themselves of you. Or enough people will ignore you and you will go off crying. Thats what this is all about anyway isn't it junior... Attention....:lol:

yeah best thing to do for trolls like him and slackass is put them on your ignore list.Let them make idiots out of themsleves like they always do by telling them you have them on ignore and then they STILL keep addressing your posts and talk to you as though they think I ever read their moronic ramblings anymore.Trolls like them got serious memory problems,you tell them many times you got them on your ignore list and they STILL address and respond to your posts,proof right there of what morons they are and are desperate for attention from you.:lol::lol:

I mean how pathetic can you get? when someone tells ME they have me on their ignore list,I dont keep addressing their posts and talk to them like many of these moron 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists do.:lol: Proof there they dont know anything about logic and common sense huh?:lol: The only 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists I even bother with anymore are the new ones that come on that ask questions about it. btw,this post so well describes candy corn troll boy down to the tee.

Ignoring me by mentioning me in every post? Nice job.
Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post... it was a great post and deserved better. I was stuck fighting the douchebag and neglected t ogive it proper attention.

yeah brzezinski seems to be lucky like that in a lot of things...

Just like Kissinger and a few other of the more slippery types who seem to be able to advise both parties presidents over the years.... I found it very funny that Kissinger was the "bad guy" advisor to Reagan by most democrats in the 80's, but now he's the "good guy" mentor to Obama... And the band keeps playing....:eusa_eh:

Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

whats funny about the 9/11 OCTA'S is they call people liek us who dont accept the lies and bullshit of the 9/11 coverup commission,conspiracy theorists,the government always label people like that who dont accept their lies that,same thing in the kennedy assassination,well THEY are conicidence theorists because they blindy accept the 9/11 commission report no matter how absurd and ludicrous the coincidences are.:cuckoo:
Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post... it was a great post and deserved better. I was stuck fighting the douchebag and neglected t ogive it proper attention.

yeah brzezinski seems to be lucky like that in a lot of things...

Just like Kissinger and a few other of the more slippery types who seem to be able to advise both parties presidents over the years.... I found it very funny that Kissinger was the "bad guy" advisor to Reagan by most democrats in the 80's, but now he's the "good guy" mentor to Obama... And the band keeps playing....:eusa_eh:

Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

Well the very idea that people still believe there is a real difference in the end result of who is president astounds me...

GW was elected as a conservative, but he turned out a centrist. obama a liberal who has become a centrist, Clinton was so center he was the middle. ANd with all of them no matter what they said or claimed, and no matter what the bills or legislation was supposed to be, all of it played off of what went before all leading us to the same end. Bush started the bailouts and obama continued them. Tell me what the chances are of that happening with two such different and opposing platforms?

its not possible if things were as they claim or say.

No repeal of the patriot act even mentioned after election, when it was all the talk before hand. no action on anything but health care and climate change which are both socialist changes and adhering to the centrist way.

Party politics is the show to keep us bickering while they whittle away at our rights and liberty.

yeah exactly,well done.good points.
This will be the very last chance I give you candycorn

So make the most of it....
Wow, you're not going to post to me anymore? Gee, I wouldn't want that to happen gasleak. LOL.

The remediation of immediate concerns is much more expensive than the remediation of less urgent matters. Theres this thing in business called "cost". Look it up. If there are no pending lawsuits which you pretty much agree...if there are no huge backlog of cases as you pretty much agree...the remediation issue (if any) was not apparently urgent.

Gee, to hear every other conspiracy whackjob here, the core was easily accessed and held a jillion tons of thermite. Asbestos too? Wow!

And it could have been very low...you just don't know. :clap2: Way to drive home a point there. :lol:


Now if you are done being a child and want to discuss my OP or debate its points logically, cite and quote me correctly without misrepresenting it..

Why discuss shit with you...its all "we don't know" Take a stand beeotch and let us destroy you like a "man" that you hope to someday be.

OK douchebag you just wasted your last chance with me.... You have no point, you lack the ability to discuss this logically, and you lack the maturity to shut the fuck up and just go away....

We are done now.... Post all you want and you will get no response from me. I do not respond to spoiled children with no manners, and I do not empower trolls....

Everyone gets chances with me to a point. Once that is reached I am done with them....

Good by troll boy...

your finding out the same exact same thing about candycorn troll boy that hundreds of others have that have debated him,he is the biggest loser troll who blatantly ignores evidence and facts and witness testimonys and says you said things you never said.Not surprising he became your first troll here at this site that you put on ignore,there is this other site he posts at as well that everybody laughs at his pathetic posts and someone made a thread there called IS CANDY CORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? at THAT site,you can use different user names and when people started ignoring the troll he started using different ones cause he is so desperate for attention.

Slackass you should add to ignore as well,he is the second biggest troll here you will find out.
This message is hidden because candycorn is on your ignore list.

Unruly spoiled children who cannot nor will not take the time to first, read what they are going to complain about, or even understand what thee OP or subsequent posts say or mean; are not tolerated.....

:clap2::clap2::clap2: hahahahahahahahahaha great stuff there.too bad the kid is such a retard he doesnt know what that means.:lol:
Please ignore the trolling juvenile... He is in the middle of an attention seeking tantrum. Do not encourage or empower him. I have done what he cannot accept twice now; first I embarrassed him and showed his ignorance and then when he threw a fit and stamped his feet like a child I ignored him. This has made him turn into the trolling little twerp you see now....

Watch as he loses his mind trying to get my attention again... Right now he may be saying one thing, but in reality he is saying "you can't ignore me! You can't, you can't, you can't!" Let him stomp his foot and cry until he is finished, then he will do what all spoiled children will eventually have to do and move on.

heh heh,you found out what everybody finds out that debates this juvenile troll that when you embarrass him and show him his ignorance,he resorts to name calling,throwing a fit stamping his feet and crying like the child he is.:lol::lol:
This will be the very last chance I give you candycorn

So make the most of it....

First, The use of asbestos in the towers is common knowledge.... They all used it back then as an insulation and fire retardant.

9/11 Asbestos Exposure, Ground Zero Mesothelioma & Dangers of Asbestos, 9/11 Buildings & Twin Towers Asbestos

Asbestos and the World Trade Center

The threat of asbestos | Science and Technology | BBC World Service

As far as lawsuits for exposure, who knows why there weren't or even if there were? Perhaps they didn't get direct exposure because the asbestos was in the cores and structure beams and the rest was removed once the news of its hazardous properties was released? Maybe they were settled out of court for money. or maybe the effects of asbestos, when not inhaled directly like the safety workers went through, were over stated... Who knows and more importantly what difference does it make?

It makes no difference at all, the fact is there was asbestos used in its construction, and the fact it was on the core structure and support beams made removing it very difficult and costly. In fact the costs could have been more than the value of the building when it was all said and done, we just don't know.

And the fact we just don't know was the entire point I was making when I said "possible reasons why""....

Now if you are done being a child and want to discuss my OP or debate its points logically, cite and quote me correctly without misrepresenting it..

anyways back to the topic at hand,again great post,good stuff there.:clap2:
This will be the very last chance I give you candycorn

So make the most of it....

First, The use of asbestos in the towers is common knowledge.... They all used it back then as an insulation and fire retardant.

9/11 Asbestos Exposure, Ground Zero Mesothelioma & Dangers of Asbestos, 9/11 Buildings & Twin Towers Asbestos

Asbestos and the World Trade Center

The threat of asbestos | Science and Technology | BBC World Service

As far as lawsuits for exposure, who knows why there weren't or even if there were? Perhaps they didn't get direct exposure because the asbestos was in the cores and structure beams and the rest was removed once the news of its hazardous properties was released? Maybe they were settled out of court for money. or maybe the effects of asbestos, when not inhaled directly like the safety workers went through, were over stated... Who knows and more importantly what difference does it make?

It makes no difference at all, the fact is there was asbestos used in its construction, and the fact it was on the core structure and support beams made removing it very difficult and costly. In fact the costs could have been more than the value of the building when it was all said and done, we just don't know.

And the fact we just don't know was the entire point I was making when I said "possible reasons why""....

Now if you are done being a child and want to discuss my OP or debate its points logically, cite and quote me correctly without misrepresenting it..

anyways back to the topic at hand,again great post,good stuff there.:clap2:

Good stuff? He basically said "could have" to everything...why even bring it up if it "could have" happened? I know, just to take a shot.

You could be a homosexual who swallows semen. I'm not saying you are....Im just saying "you could be".

Fun isn't it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post... it was a great post and deserved better. I was stuck fighting the douchebag and neglected t ogive it proper attention.

yeah brzezinski seems to be lucky like that in a lot of things...

Just like Kissinger and a few other of the more slippery types who seem to be able to advise both parties presidents over the years.... I found it very funny that Kissinger was the "bad guy" advisor to Reagan by most democrats in the 80's, but now he's the "good guy" mentor to Obama... And the band keeps playing....:eusa_eh:

Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

whats funny about the 9/11 OCTA'S is they call people liek us who dont accept the lies and bullshit of the 9/11 coverup commission,conspiracy theorists,the government always label people like that who dont accept their lies that,same thing in the kennedy assassination,well THEY are conicidence theorists because they blindy accept the 9/11 commission report no matter how absurd and ludicrous the coincidences are.:cuckoo:

The 9/11 Commission report remains bulletproof. On the major points, nobody has ever pointed out a single inaccuracy.
Wow, you're not going to post to me anymore? Gee, I wouldn't want that to happen gasleak. LOL.

The remediation of immediate concerns is much more expensive than the remediation of less urgent matters. Theres this thing in business called "cost". Look it up. If there are no pending lawsuits which you pretty much agree...if there are no huge backlog of cases as you pretty much agree...the remediation issue (if any) was not apparently urgent.

Gee, to hear every other conspiracy whackjob here, the core was easily accessed and held a jillion tons of thermite. Asbestos too? Wow!

And it could have been very low...you just don't know. :clap2: Way to drive home a point there. :lol:


Why discuss shit with you...its all "we don't know" Take a stand beeotch and let us destroy you like a "man" that you hope to someday be.

OK douchebag you just wasted your last chance with me.... You have no point, you lack the ability to discuss this logically, and you lack the maturity to shut the fuck up and just go away....

We are done now.... Post all you want and you will get no response from me. I do not respond to spoiled children with no manners, and I do not empower trolls....

Everyone gets chances with me to a point. Once that is reached I am done with them....

Good by troll boy...

your finding out the same exact same thing about candycorn troll boy that hundreds of others have that have debated him,he is the biggest loser troll who blatantly ignores evidence and facts and witness testimonys and says you said things you never said.Not surprising he became your first troll here at this site that you put on ignore,there is this other site he posts at as well that everybody laughs at his pathetic posts and someone made a thread there called IS CANDY CORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? at THAT site,you can use different user names and when people started ignoring the troll he started using different ones cause he is so desperate for attention.

Slackass you should add to ignore as well,he is the second biggest troll here you will find out.

911nutjob is just pissed i outed him as a traitor, not a citizen asking questions, but a true traitor to his country. The country that allowed his mother the sanctuary to birth and nurture him, he has betrayed.

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

911nutjob has nothing to say that is worth listening to unless you are an agent of treason or an actual foriegn agent.

traitorous 911nutjob - proven beyond a doubt


911nutjob never debates anything, just attacks
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OK douchebag you just wasted your last chance with me.... You have no point, you lack the ability to discuss this logically, and you lack the maturity to shut the fuck up and just go away....

We are done now.... Post all you want and you will get no response from me. I do not respond to spoiled children with no manners, and I do not empower trolls....

Everyone gets chances with me to a point. Once that is reached I am done with them....

Good by troll boy...

your finding out the same exact same thing about candycorn troll boy that hundreds of others have that have debated him,he is the biggest loser troll who blatantly ignores evidence and facts and witness testimonys and says you said things you never said.Not surprising he became your first troll here at this site that you put on ignore,there is this other site he posts at as well that everybody laughs at his pathetic posts and someone made a thread there called IS CANDY CORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? at THAT site,you can use different user names and when people started ignoring the troll he started using different ones cause he is so desperate for attention.

Slackass you should add to ignore as well,he is the second biggest troll here you will find out.

911nutjob is just pissed i outed him as a traitor, not a citizen asking questions, but a true traitor to his country. The country that allowed his mother the sanctuary to birth and nurture him, he has betrayed.

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

911nutjob has nothing to say that is worth listening to unless you are an agent of treason or an actual foriegn agent.

traitorous 911nutjob - proven beyond a doubt


911nutjob never debates anything, just attacks

All you have done in here so far has been to attack save one post. And the fact you support the little annoying brat candycorn speaks volumes of your true nature as well... SO far you haven't been as idiotic and immature as candycorn, but thats not a compliment...
your finding out the same exact same thing about candycorn troll boy that hundreds of others have that have debated him,he is the biggest loser troll who blatantly ignores evidence and facts and witness testimonys and says you said things you never said.Not surprising he became your first troll here at this site that you put on ignore,there is this other site he posts at as well that everybody laughs at his pathetic posts and someone made a thread there called IS CANDY CORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? at THAT site,you can use different user names and when people started ignoring the troll he started using different ones cause he is so desperate for attention.

Slackass you should add to ignore as well,he is the second biggest troll here you will find out.

911nutjob is just pissed i outed him as a traitor, not a citizen asking questions, but a true traitor to his country. The country that allowed his mother the sanctuary to birth and nurture him, he has betrayed.

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

911nutjob has nothing to say that is worth listening to unless you are an agent of treason or an actual foriegn agent.

traitorous 911nutjob - proven beyond a doubt


911nutjob never debates anything, just attacks

All you have done in here so far has been to attack save one post. And the fact you support the little annoying brat candycorn speaks volumes of your true nature as well... SO far you haven't been as idiotic and immature as candycorn, but thats not a compliment...

Slackass is as big a hypocrite troll as candy corn troll boy is.He goes around whining when people call him names even though HE Is always the one that starts it all first with childish insults and then cries like a baby when they insult him back.Like you said,the fact that he supports candy corn boy speaks VOLUMES of his true nature.You'll find out if you hang out here long enough,this troll like candy corn,blatantly ignores evidence,facts and witness testimonys as well and when proven wrong,he posts lies and bullshit to try and save in his posts just like candy corn troll boy does.two peas in a pod they are.
your finding out the same exact same thing about candycorn troll boy that hundreds of others have that have debated him,he is the biggest loser troll who blatantly ignores evidence and facts and witness testimonys and says you said things you never said.Not surprising he became your first troll here at this site that you put on ignore,there is this other site he posts at as well that everybody laughs at his pathetic posts and someone made a thread there called IS CANDY CORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST? at THAT site,you can use different user names and when people started ignoring the troll he started using different ones cause he is so desperate for attention.

Slackass you should add to ignore as well,he is the second biggest troll here you will find out.

911nutjob is just pissed i outed him as a traitor, not a citizen asking questions, but a true traitor to his country. The country that allowed his mother the sanctuary to birth and nurture him, he has betrayed.

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

911nutjob has nothing to say that is worth listening to unless you are an agent of treason or an actual foriegn agent.

traitorous 911nutjob - proven beyond a doubt


911nutjob never debates anything, just attacks

All you have done in here so far has been to attack save one post. And the fact you support the little annoying brat candycorn speaks volumes of your true nature as well... SO far you haven't been as idiotic and immature as candycorn, but thats not a compliment...

I have attempted to debate with 911nutjob and clownlite for over a year, and they refuse to even express an opinion. I have engaged in discussion with christophera for as long and have determined that he is as looney as they come. he simply continues to post the same shit over and over. I do not respond to him any longer, I only post in his threads to ridicule him. I have had discussions with terral, and find that he is delusional, the scarey kind of delusional like Tim McVeigh. I stay away from him. I have had some discussions with eots, and while we have disagreed, and tormented each other, I would have to say that all in all eots is ok. I would go elk hunting with eots and wouldn't worry about him with a rifle behind me. I would not say that about any of the others I mentioned. I also know that candycorn, fizz and dive do not agree with me on eots, and don't even ask liability. They got this blood feud thing going. All the nutjob twoofers seem to think there is this two-sided argument going. Agent chrissy calls it a "false peer group". That is bullshit. The statement that i support candycorn is only true to the extent that when I can get a laugh at the twoofer's expense, I will chime in with candycorn, divecon, liability or fizz, and others, but these are the ones that spend the most time in the conspiracy forum.
I find the truthers here to be lacking, that's why I call them twoofers. They are not quite real truthers. I even started a thread about it.
When all these idots have is bullshit, inuendo and lies, the only rational response to them is to ridicule and torment them.
I read your 3 part OP and am waiting for more, like a post where you actually present your opinion and are not plagurizing an article from somewhere else. So far I have not ridiculed you or attacked you have I? I am still waiting to see where your coming from and what your agenda is. I did the same thing with the rest of the truthers. Go back and read old threads, you'll see it to be true.
Once I determined that there is no possibility of actual discussion with these guys, I do engage in tormenting them. There is nothing else left to do. All they have is their distrust of the government, and that is the extent of any evidence they have. How about you? I will say you do seem to have the ability to engage in conversation, that is an improvemnt over 911nutjob, clownlite or agent chrissy.
gslack said:
The problems with some of the theories out there are the way they are scrapped together from bits of knowledge from all over. They take of a fact and then they make assumptions to fill in the blanks. Then they may make sweeping statements or claims based on that patchy knowledge

Yes they do, just like you've done.

My knowledge of the Towers come from one place and it is as good as can be gotten under conditions. It came from a documentary that I evidence as having existed with the update on search for missing PBS video by Dr. Ron Larsen. What I describe is completely consistent with what is seen on 9-11 and construction photos are also consistently explained.

You have not posted an image of the supposed steel core structure on 9-11. The reason you have not is they did not exist.

This IS the east wall of the concrete tubular core of WTC 1 toppling into the empty core area.


gslack said:
You can plainly see in the picture that the "giant" steel cores, are in reality a lattice work of steel girders and supports thatched together to form a caged chamber that was then filled with concrete.

1. The "cores" are spoken of as large steel beams. The fact is, the actual core beams were made up of several connected beams, then filled and wrapped in concrete.

What you describe is not seen EVER when the core is exposed. What is seen is rebar in the position of walls surrounding the core.


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