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Real Conspiracy..

Well yes I know I do, been welding in my garage for years now and soldering I have done since a teen.

my point in that was to ask the obvious questions one should ask when given an absolute like that regarding the cross and how it came to be. And the other persons post was a bit of sarcasm to show a possible reply we could expect on it.....

And your point is what exactly?

P.S. the guy in the pic is actually cutting not welding or soldering. he is cutting the twisted metal beams to allow them to remove them easier. or so it would seem. he is using a variation of an OXY-ACETYLENE torch to do so. There are also plasma cutters and I am sure other newer technologies I am not privy to. Suffice to say I am no expert on metal working having just done it for my own purposes and having high school metal shop for a year, but the difference is quite easily seen....

I was referring to the construction, welding and Riveting.

Does this thread really have a point??? ;) I'm not big on the conspiracy theory. WTC did have it's problems, yet I don't connect the dots.

Well its about real conspiracy or the reality of conspiracy in general. All of this is clear if you read the OP and the follow-up posts I made. It was long and divided to ensure there was no misunderstandings. But all of this is moot if you choose not to read them.

I do not condone the official story but I also do not buy into the myriad of conspiracy theories that have surrounded it. The reality in my opinion is neither, scenario is correct. Which is based on the contention that this entire thing is not a conspiracy but a voluntary effort action by the people to remain numb and ignorant to the happenings of the world around them, in favor of a little bit of comfort and self preservation.

I hope that helps, but really if you want to figure the thread out you should read over more than just one post or just posts directed to you personally....

Point taken. My notice was in reference to soldering in High Rise construction.
I lost interest in this thread a long time ago. Living in NYC, I've heard it all about WTC over the years, from design, construction, maintenance, safety, and the attacks themselves. Rudy's Elite Armageddon Command And Control Center was always a bone of contention with me. Like a boy with a favorite toy, no matter the cost, that played over real well.... huh. You seem real reasonable in your posts. :):):)
is this one melted together too?

I see lots of bolt heads. They may have been soldered on too--in perfect alignment--because there were thousands of people in that tower...can you say for sure that one of them didn't do it?

Sorry...I morphed into curvelight there.

Does anybody here have the ability to distinguish between welding and soldering?:lol::lol::lol:

Amazing how the thermite on every beam wasn't set off by the torches those guys were using.
How far up did the asbestos go before it was banned? Somewhere in the 80's, 87th floor?
I was referring to the construction, welding and Riveting.

Does this thread really have a point??? ;) I'm not big on the conspiracy theory. WTC did have it's problems, yet I don't connect the dots.

Well its about real conspiracy or the reality of conspiracy in general. All of this is clear if you read the OP and the follow-up posts I made. It was long and divided to ensure there was no misunderstandings. But all of this is moot if you choose not to read them.

I do not condone the official story but I also do not buy into the myriad of conspiracy theories that have surrounded it. The reality in my opinion is neither, scenario is correct. Which is based on the contention that this entire thing is not a conspiracy but a voluntary effort action by the people to remain numb and ignorant to the happenings of the world around them, in favor of a little bit of comfort and self preservation.

I hope that helps, but really if you want to figure the thread out you should read over more than just one post or just posts directed to you personally....

Point taken. My notice was in reference to soldering in High Rise construction.
I lost interest in this thread a long time ago. Living in NYC, I've heard it all about WTC over the years, from design, construction, maintenance, safety, and the attacks themselves. Rudy's Elite Armageddon Command And Control Center was always a bone of contention with me. Like a boy with a favorite toy, no matter the cost, that played over real well.... huh. You seem real reasonable in your posts. :):):)

Thank you, but as far as reasonable, ask my intern and you would get different claim.... HAHHAHAHA!

Yeah I am sure you have had to deal with extremes and in-betweens on that. And I agree on Juli and the way it was handled by his admin....
How far up did the asbestos go before it was banned? Somewhere in the 80's, 87th floor?

That's a dam good question really... All I know is they were stopped before completing the towers. The asbestos sprayed on the framework was already in there from my understanding. I think it was put on those sections as the floors interiors were being put in. but I could be wrong on that...
Motive for the 9/11 Attacks:

Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997)

Pay attention to the maps and where we were back in 2008. You'll quickly realize what Obama and Biden meant when they promised during campaign speeches that they'll finish what Bush started in Central Asia.

Here's a couple of my favorite quotes:

From the Introduction:
"Eurasia is thus the chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy continues to be played, and that struggle involves geostrategy—the strategic management of geopolitical interests. It is noteworthy that as recently as 1940 two aspirants to global power, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, agreed explicitly (in the secret negotiations of November of that year) that America should be excluded from Eurasia. Each realized that the injection of American power into Eurasia would preclude his ambitions regarding global domination. Each shared the assumption that Eurasia is the center of the world and that he who controls Eurasia controls the world. A half century later, the issue has been redefined: will America's primacy in Eurasia endure, and to what ends might it be applied?

The ultimate objective of American policy should be benign and visionary: to shape a truly cooperative global community, in keeping with long-range trends and with the fundamental interests of humankind. But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is therefore the
purpose of this book

This is from the conclusion, Page 107:

"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."

"In the absence of a comparable external challenge, American society may find it much more difficult to reach agreement regarding foreign policies that cannot be directly related to central beliefs and widely shared cultural-ethnic sympathies and that still require an enduring and sometimes costly imperial engagement."

Wow. It looks like Brzezinski (Obama's most senior foreign policy advisor) got really lucky in 2001. His widely perceived external threat showed up on our doorstep and everything he recommended has coincidentally begun falling into place. it must be nice to be lucky like that.

Obama is the biggest con artist and fraud of a president.If you go back to the prior months when he was senator and running for the office of the presidency,you hear him in many of his speechs saying he will end the war and bring troops home.what does he do,he lies,continues the war and expands it.Him and Mccain both voted to reinstate the patriot act.At first he acted like he apposed McCain saying he wasnt for the patriot act but after getting elected,he reversed his stance and voted to reinstate in.

He has lied about EVERYTHING he would do once he got into office.Theres no difference between the two parties,they're both corrupt and neither represent the people.Everyone here should watch the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION.It talks all about that.It also explains WHY our government killed Kennedy who was out last REAL president we had not a puppet for the military industrail complex.

Obama is exactly what he is supposed to be. A tool.... There is no real difference between right and left outside the show they put on. The deeper core issues, and all the real legislation of meaning and bearing is already decided upon way before it gets to the vote in either house or senate.

Most of these ideas or legislations come directly from the groups, think-tanks, and the UN or the bastards who control them. All of them press and push for globalization either openly or deceptively. Globalization not based on a democracy but one of an oligarchy. An elitist government run as a corporation with board members and CEO's whom are not voted in or out by the people they claim to represent, but appointed by their represent leaders of their national governments. Those chosen for this appointment are taken from a select list of candidates given to those government leaders by the very same oligarch committees forming the body itself.

The entire UN representative setup is a closed loop. None are appointed but at the whim and choice of the representatives already in place. And they talk about freedom and democracy..... yeah right....

yeah I know.so very true.The thing thats such a joke about us being a free country is there have been many people who have spoken out against the 9/11 coverup and they have lost their jobs for doing so.you cant even question your own government without losing your job in the process.some free country we have huh? Man there sure are a lot of people living in denial here.they dont want to admit that everything they were brought up to believe in the school systems was all a complete lie.thats a hard pill for them to swallow for many around here and the country as well.
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Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post... it was a great post and deserved better. I was stuck fighting the douchebag and neglected t ogive it proper attention.

yeah brzezinski seems to be lucky like that in a lot of things...

Just like Kissinger and a few other of the more slippery types who seem to be able to advise both parties presidents over the years.... I found it very funny that Kissinger was the "bad guy" advisor to Reagan by most democrats in the 80's, but now he's the "good guy" mentor to Obama... And the band keeps playing....:eusa_eh:

Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

well done.

one more piece of evidence of the long standing relationship between Obama and Kissinger the "COINCIDENCE THEORISTS" will just shrug off as a mere coincidence.:cuckoo: yeah I had heard about that.
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Wow, Slack. You've got time on your hands!


I was banned years ago from DU - after only one or two posts. I linked to a document that showed invite-only membership to s single organiztion comprised of the most senior members and appointees of both the GOP and Dem parties, and the heads of the leading financial, corporate, and media organizations.

My post was basically a statement that the Dem and GOP leadership shared the same agenda. I demonstrated how policy thinktank memberships and participation could de mapped as a foundation to determining that there is an actual shared agenda between both parties, and how successive administrations use PR and a false left/right paradigm to drag the public into keeping them in power.

That thread lasted about 15 minutes before i received a lifelong ban with no explanation. :)

damn what a bunch of nazis those people were.Banning you just for posting the truth just for posting a link with a statement that the DEM and GOP parties leadership share the same agenda.what nazis banning you so soon just for that.bastards.Hope they die a slow painful death.
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Sorry it took me so long to respond to your post... it was a great post and deserved better. I was stuck fighting the douchebag and neglected t ogive it proper attention.

yeah brzezinski seems to be lucky like that in a lot of things...

Just like Kissinger and a few other of the more slippery types who seem to be able to advise both parties presidents over the years.... I found it very funny that Kissinger was the "bad guy" advisor to Reagan by most democrats in the 80's, but now he's the "good guy" mentor to Obama... And the band keeps playing....:eusa_eh:

Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

well done.

one more piece of evidence of the long standing relationship between Obama and Kissinger the "COINCIDNCE THEORISTS" will just shrug off as a mere coincidence.:cuckoo: yeah I had heard about that.

Not really thats what I have had for a paper I am writing..... Sometime LOL....

Correction: OOPs my bad I got my threads mixed ..... Please disregard what I wrote above
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Think about it... Who would want to tell the country one of our own did that? What judge or supreme court justice would want to be presiding over that case? You couldn't do it well enough to satisfy people no matter how you tried. There would be a level of distrust in government like no one has ever imagined. imagine how hard it would be to even attempt any kind of legislation or governance after something like that came out?

Something like that coming out would be the end of this government and they know it. So there will never be anyone anywhere near us or an ally ever accused. You would have an easier time bringing charges against Mickey Mouse for it than any government official.

As I said before commissions like 9/11 and Warren are designed to sell the official story. The cast is already set, and all the players named and there is no doubt who, how, and why at that point. And they are not investigations by any means. I find it humorous when I hear of this or that commission designated to fact find or establish guilt or investigate. The legislative branch does not share roles with the Judiciary, and for them to pretend and for people to buy it is truly telling of the real knowledge of government in this country by its citizens.

Example: The communist witch hunts of McCarthy... Back then in the public eye an appearance before that committee was evidence of guilt and a conviction in the minds of the people. Today they are considered not legal and is stated they did not actually DO anything but accuse and ask questions. The blacklisting came from the businesses and organizations themselves, and any actual deportation or sentences of treason were handled by the courts. All the committee did was make recommendations, and pint the finger in the effort to drum up support and anti-communist propaganda. But to the people the committee did it as sure as shootin..

They learned lessons from those days. Lessons about guilt and the perception of guilt, and what a non-judiciary committee can do in the eye of the public. In reality they have no power in such matters beyond making a recommendation to the supreme court, and the clout that may bring to the justices. But in the court of opinion they are the law just the same.

people really need to wake up and understand what things really mean in situations like that. it will keep them from falling prey to their own ignorance...

:clap2::clap2: great stuff.Too bad so many people are in denial here that they will never read this awesome post of yours.Like you said so every well,commissions like 9/11 and The warren report are such a joke because like you said,they are designed to sell the official story.Yeah the cast is already set,and all the players named and there is no doubt who,how,or why at that point.That is such great stuff you just said there that you should make another thread saying all that cause you hit the nail right on the head.

It would do know good though for many around here cause like i said before,they are in so much denial and are not willing to unlearn what they have learned throughout their entire life from the school systems and dont want to face the fact that they were brainwashed with lies and propaganda from their school system.That is a hard pill for many to swallow that their own government betrayed them like this and committed treason in both of these cases.

Their just not willing to do what Yoda said so well in Empire Strikes Back.To unlearn everything they have learned from their textbooks in high school. well he didnt say the part about textbooks of course obviously.ha ha,but you get the idea.They just dont want to think outside the box because so many of them are like what Jack Nicholson said in A FEW GOOD MEN.you cant handle the truth!!!! which describes so many people here on these boards and half the population of america.sad but true.
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Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

Well the very idea that people still believe there is a real difference in the end result of who is president astounds me...

GW was elected as a conservative, but he turned out a centrist. obama a liberal who has become a centrist, Clinton was so center he was the middle. ANd with all of them no matter what they said or claimed, and no matter what the bills or legislation was supposed to be, all of it played off of what went before all leading us to the same end. Bush started the bailouts and obama continued them. Tell me what the chances are of that happening with two such different and opposing platforms?

its not possible if things were as they claim or say.

No repeal of the patriot act even mentioned after election, when it was all the talk before hand. no action on anything but health care and climate change which are both socialist changes and adhering to the centrist way.

Party politics is the show to keep us bickering while they whittle away at our rights and liberty.

You were starting to convince me that 9/11 was an inside job until you said Obama is a centrist.

WTF? He isn't a centrist. Idiot.

Obama is just like all the other presidents we have had since Kennedy the last REAL president we had, real because he did not do what the military industrial complex told him to do which is why they killed him.Obama like every president since him, just a puppet for the military industrial complex willing to whatever they ask him to do. watch my video the obama deception that I have in my link below under the heading MUST SEE VIDEO.
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Did you know that when Obama wrote his thesis paper on Russian Nuclear Disarmament while he was studying poly-sci at Columbia, the Dean of Russian Studies was Zbigniew Brzezinski?

Wow! Another lucky break for Zbig! One of his former students promises to finish Zbig's "Grand Chessboard" strategy that Bush started, if he gets elected President!

And after appointing Zbig as his senior foreign policy advisor, Obama is expanding the Eurasian fronts as though "The Grand Chessboard" were his personal policy map.

What a coincidence! And none of that would have happened if we didn't have public support to invade Afghanistan. Another coincidence!

With 9/11, Zbig got his external perceived threat, he got support from the American people to do something Imperialistic that would have otherwise been opposed, he gets to see all of his maps and arrows come into place during the Bush Administration, and now he gets to be senior policy advisor to his former student who has promised to finish everything that Bush has started in Eurasia! What luck!!!!

Motive for 9/11? The only people who don't understand or see it are those who cannot stand to understand or see it.

Well the very idea that people still believe there is a real difference in the end result of who is president astounds me...

GW was elected as a conservative, but he turned out a centrist. obama a liberal who has become a centrist, Clinton was so center he was the middle. ANd with all of them no matter what they said or claimed, and no matter what the bills or legislation was supposed to be, all of it played off of what went before all leading us to the same end. Bush started the bailouts and obama continued them. Tell me what the chances are of that happening with two such different and opposing platforms?

its not possible if things were as they claim or say.

No repeal of the patriot act even mentioned after election, when it was all the talk before hand. no action on anything but health care and climate change which are both socialist changes and adhering to the centrist way.

Party politics is the show to keep us bickering while they whittle away at our rights and liberty.

You were starting to convince me that 9/11 was an inside job until you said Obama is a centrist.

WTF? He isn't a centrist. Idiot.

Idiot? okay genius tell me exactly what side George W sounded like he was on when you heard about he bailouts and stimulus packages? Sounded like left of course, but he was voted in by the right. All of his policies were those of someone who was decidedly NOT a conservative. but his views on other things were. So centrist.... Not left nor right...

Obama continued his economic policies even expanded them, kept the patriot act as is, and in so doing showed his true nature. He too is not a true liberal, but a progressive which is a new way to call someone left of center.... healthcare? Ha it was coming anyway it had to no matter who was in office. Climate change? The list of people backing the money in this are across both parties..

he is a centrist, and obviously I have given a lot more thought to this than you have. So if there is an idiot here its you.....
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Well the very idea that people still believe there is a real difference in the end result of who is president astounds me...

GW was elected as a conservative, but he turned out a centrist. obama a liberal who has become a centrist, Clinton was so center he was the middle. ANd with all of them no matter what they said or claimed, and no matter what the bills or legislation was supposed to be, all of it played off of what went before all leading us to the same end. Bush started the bailouts and obama continued them. Tell me what the chances are of that happening with two such different and opposing platforms?

its not possible if things were as they claim or say.

No repeal of the patriot act even mentioned after election, when it was all the talk before hand. no action on anything but health care and climate change which are both socialist changes and adhering to the centrist way.

Party politics is the show to keep us bickering while they whittle away at our rights and liberty.

You were starting to convince me that 9/11 was an inside job until you said Obama is a centrist.

WTF? He isn't a centrist. Idiot.

Idiot? okay genius tell me exactly what side George W sounded like he was on when you heard about he bailouts and stimulus packages? Sounded like left of course, but he was voted in by the right. All of his policies were those of someone who was decidedly NOT a conservative. but his views on other things were. So centrist.... Not left nor right...

Obama continued his economic policies even expanded them, kept the patriot act as is, and in so doing showed his true nature. He too is not a true liberal, but a progressive which is a new to call someone left of center.... healthcare? Ha it was coming anyway it had to no matter who was in office. Climate change? The list of people backing the money in this are across both parties..

he is a centrist, and obviously I have given a lot more thought to this than you have. So if there is an idiot here its you.....

I'd hate to see what you call a liberal. Expanding healthcare to those unwilling to pay for it and unwilling to work for it is the largest example of liberalism that there ever was.
You were starting to convince me that 9/11 was an inside job until you said Obama is a centrist.

WTF? He isn't a centrist. Idiot.

Idiot? okay genius tell me exactly what side George W sounded like he was on when you heard about he bailouts and stimulus packages? Sounded like left of course, but he was voted in by the right. All of his policies were those of someone who was decidedly NOT a conservative. but his views on other things were. So centrist.... Not left nor right...

Obama continued his economic policies even expanded them, kept the patriot act as is, and in so doing showed his true nature. He too is not a true liberal, but a progressive which is a new to call someone left of center.... healthcare? Ha it was coming anyway it had to no matter who was in office. Climate change? The list of people backing the money in this are across both parties..

he is a centrist, and obviously I have given a lot more thought to this than you have. So if there is an idiot here its you.....

I'd hate to see what you call a liberal. Expanding healthcare to those unwilling to pay for it and unwilling to work for it is the largest example of liberalism that there ever was.

This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

THink about it... What makes more sense they finally actually started caring for poor like they claim and failed to do for so many years? Or they wanted to save our medical future and follow the other countries at the constant badgering of the UN to do so? Why did so many health care professionals support this? First a non-privatized medical insurance will be the first steps in non-privatized medical Industry. So why did they jump all over it? According to the popular story There is a risk government involvement will lower prices and control billing so why would they be for this? unless they had a better reason to back it..

This is the core of it. its not for you or me or anyone like us, and especially not for the poor. That is how they sell it. This is like the claim the civil war was about slavery. it was about state's rights and trade, slavery was a way to sell it.

This is about malpractice and related insurance and billing costs which were forcing doctors and hospitals to raise rates, and in some cases forced them into HMO's and various other incorporated schemes to save their asses. They had to work in numbers and under the umbrella of a group or corporation to stay safe. One of the reasons we had a decline in Doctors coming into the business over the last decades, was directly related to these matters. Medical malpractice suits were almost as big a business as medicine and it had to be curbed somehow. Look on TV and you see commercials for law offices dedicated to medical malpractice all the time.

This was the biggest threat to medicine and big pharma period. And you add in the billing and payment problems they have with various insurance companies, which HMO's made far worse and you see how many potential doctors opted for other fields or work in other countries.

This was no Liberal policy at all. It has nothing to do with any real liberal ideology. THe modern liberal ideology is a sham to sell to the socially conscious. And the modern conservative Ideology is a sham for the self reliant.

There is no real left or right, and thats the sad truth.
Idiot? okay genius tell me exactly what side George W sounded like he was on when you heard about he bailouts and stimulus packages? Sounded like left of course, but he was voted in by the right. All of his policies were those of someone who was decidedly NOT a conservative. but his views on other things were. So centrist.... Not left nor right...

Obama continued his economic policies even expanded them, kept the patriot act as is, and in so doing showed his true nature. He too is not a true liberal, but a progressive which is a new to call someone left of center.... healthcare? Ha it was coming anyway it had to no matter who was in office. Climate change? The list of people backing the money in this are across both parties..

he is a centrist, and obviously I have given a lot more thought to this than you have. So if there is an idiot here its you.....

I'd hate to see what you call a liberal. Expanding healthcare to those unwilling to pay for it and unwilling to work for it is the largest example of liberalism that there ever was.

This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

THink about it... What makes more sense they finally actually started caring for poor like they claim and failed to do for so many years? Or they wanted to save our medical future and follow the other countries at the constant badgering of the UN to do so?
Only a lib would care about what the UN thinks. You really bought the bullshit argument that if we spend $1,000,000,000,000.00 that we don't have that we will save money and reduce the deficit? I will admit that the argument isn't a liberal argument, its one straight out of Walt Disney.

Why did so many health care professionals support this?
More patients = more dollars for them. We're not splitting the atom here.

First a non-privatized medical insurance will be the first steps in non-privatized medical Industry. So why did they jump all over it? According to the popular story There is a risk government involvement will lower prices and control billing so why would they be for this? unless they had a better reason to back it..
Uhhhh no. They were not behind it until the assurance that there would be no government insurance to compete with. As long as they know Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, et. al. will continue to pay $30 for an aspirin, the hospitals and doctors will continue to charge $30 for an aspirin.

This is the core of it. its not for you or me or anyone like us, and especially not for the poor.
Call me when you come back on the reservation.

This is about malpractice and related insurance and billing costs which were forcing doctors and hospitals to raise rates, and in some cases forced them into HMO's and various other incorporated schemes to save their asses. They had to work in numbers and under the umbrella of a group or corporation to stay safe. One of the reasons we had a decline in Doctors coming into the business over the last decades, was directly related to these matters. Medical malpractice suits were almost as big a business as medicine and it had to be curbed somehow. Look on TV and you see commercials for law offices dedicated to medical malpractice all the time.

Funny, when Bush was talking about tort reform, Obama and his ilk were not to happy about it. If that was all it was about....they would have--by your definition--have been for it.

This was the biggest threat to medicine and big pharma period. And you add in the billing and payment problems they have with various insurance companies, which HMO's made far worse and you see how many potential doctors opted for other fields or work in other countries.

This was no Liberal policy at all. It has nothing to do with any real liberal ideology. THe modern liberal ideology is a sham to sell to the socially conscious. And the modern conservative Ideology is a sham for the self reliant.

There is no real left or right, and thats the sad truth.

Have you not been awake for the last 20 years?
you gotta love it how that dumbfuck troll candyfags life is so pathetic he is so desperate for attention around here he still addresses people who dont read his posts anymore and has to talk to himself.man this guys life is pathetic.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
you gotta love it how that dumbfuck troll candyfags life is so pathetic he is so desperate for attention around here he still addresses people who dont read his posts anymore and has to talk to himself.man this guys life is pathetic.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

He responded which makes him 10X the man you can ever hope to be. But oh well, your story has been written already.
I'd hate to see what you call a liberal. Expanding healthcare to those unwilling to pay for it and unwilling to work for it is the largest example of liberalism that there ever was.

This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

THink about it... What makes more sense they finally actually started caring for poor like they claim and failed to do for so many years? Or they wanted to save our medical future and follow the other countries at the constant badgering of the UN to do so?
Only a lib would care about what the UN thinks. You really bought the bullshit argument that if we spend $1,000,000,000,000.00 that we don't have that we will save money and reduce the deficit? I will admit that the argument isn't a liberal argument, its one straight out of Walt Disney.

Point to the part I backed a liberal policy in that post...... Come on you illiterate twit, point it out to me....

More patients = more dollars for them. We're not splitting the atom here.

Uhhhh no. They were not behind it until the assurance that there would be no government insurance to compete with. As long as they know Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, et. al. will continue to pay $30 for an aspirin, the hospitals and doctors will continue to charge $30 for an aspirin.

Call me when you come back on the reservation.

Funny, when Bush was talking about tort reform, Obama and his ilk were not to happy about it. If that was all it was about....they would have--by your definition--have been for it.

YOU intolerable little moron! You just spent paragraphs arguing something you didn't read again..... Retard!.... Seriously there was no backing a liberal ideal or anything in it that gave any such impression.... Whats your excuse this time useless? Sun get in your eyes? Fucking imbecile!!!!

This was the biggest threat to medicine and big pharma period. And you add in the billing and payment problems they have with various insurance companies, which HMO's made far worse and you see how many potential doctors opted for other fields or work in other countries.

This was no Liberal policy at all. It has nothing to do with any real liberal ideology. THe modern liberal ideology is a sham to sell to the socially conscious. And the modern conservative Ideology is a sham for the self reliant.

There is no real left or right, and thats the sad truth.

Have you not been awake for the last 20 years?

Dude either you have ADD/ADHD so bad you can't comprehend what you read or you just browse over it and look for a few key words and wing it...

Seriously, you didn't grasp a thing in hardly any of that... First you claimed I bought into something that was clearly never the case if you read it..... Any excuse for that?

Didn't think so..... I gave you another chance and you still couldn't bring yourself to read the post enough to understand it......

So I am done wasting time on you after this... THis is the last explanation I will give you, if you cannot be bothered to read it, than don't post. And if its a comprehension or attention span problem. get help, get meds, get something before posting again.

Listen and READ!!!!!

1. Your first comment shows you didn't understand anything I wrote...
candycorn said:
"Only a lib would care about what the UN thinks. You really bought the bullshit argument that if we spend $1,000,000,000,000.00 that we don't have that we will save money and reduce the deficit? I will admit that the argument isn't a liberal argument, its one straight out of Walt Disney. "
WTF are you rambling about? You couldnt have read it.... Where in any of what I said do you hear a liberal backing claim? Seriously point it out to me....... Freaking unbelievable!

What I said:

gslack said:
This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

Any of that sound liberal? You waste of time useless SOB! Read the shit or don't but don't waste my time with posts that have nothing to do with it.......:lol::lol::lol:

Dude there is no excuse for you now.... You have shown you are a useless POS through and through.....

This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

THink about it... What makes more sense they finally actually started caring for poor like they claim and failed to do for so many years? Or they wanted to save our medical future and follow the other countries at the constant badgering of the UN to do so?
Only a lib would care about what the UN thinks. You really bought the bullshit argument that if we spend $1,000,000,000,000.00 that we don't have that we will save money and reduce the deficit? I will admit that the argument isn't a liberal argument, its one straight out of Walt Disney.

Point to the part I backed a liberal policy in that post...... Come on you illiterate twit, point it out to me....

More patients = more dollars for them. We're not splitting the atom here.

Uhhhh no. They were not behind it until the assurance that there would be no government insurance to compete with. As long as they know Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, et. al. will continue to pay $30 for an aspirin, the hospitals and doctors will continue to charge $30 for an aspirin.

Call me when you come back on the reservation.

Funny, when Bush was talking about tort reform, Obama and his ilk were not to happy about it. If that was all it was about....they would have--by your definition--have been for it.

YOU intolerable little moron! You just spent paragraphs arguing something you didn't read again..... Retard!.... Seriously there was no backing a liberal ideal or anything in it that gave any such impression.... Whats your excuse this time useless? Sun get in your eyes? Fucking imbecile!!!!

Have you not been awake for the last 20 years?

Dude either you have ADD/ADHD so bad you can't comprehend what you read or you just browse over it and look for a few key words and wing it...

Seriously, you didn't grasp a thing in hardly any of that... First you claimed I bought into something that was clearly never the case if you read it..... Any excuse for that?

Didn't think so..... I gave you another chance and you still couldn't bring yourself to read the post enough to understand it......

So I am done wasting time on you after this... THis is the last explanation I will give you, if you cannot be bothered to read it, than don't post. And if its a comprehension or attention span problem. get help, get meds, get something before posting again.

Listen and READ!!!!!

1. Your first comment shows you didn't understand anything I wrote...
candycorn said:
"Only a lib would care about what the UN thinks. You really bought the bullshit argument that if we spend $1,000,000,000,000.00 that we don't have that we will save money and reduce the deficit? I will admit that the argument isn't a liberal argument, its one straight out of Walt Disney. "
WTF are you rambling about? You couldnt have read it.... Where in any of what I said do you hear a liberal backing claim? Seriously point it out to me....... Freaking unbelievable!

What I said:

gslack said:
This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

Any of that sound liberal? You waste of time useless SOB! Read the shit or don't but don't waste my time with posts that have nothing to do with it.......:lol::lol::lol:

Dude there is no excuse for you now.... You have shown you are a useless POS through and through.....


Spending a trillion dollars when you are trillions in debt is a liberal policy you dumbass. It would have been liberal to spend that money if it were on tanks, on planes, on navy ships etc...

That is fiscal liberalism at its worst.

Social liberalism was exhibited by the numbers of poor and frankly lazy that will solely benefit from it.

I'm not sure why you can't see it but the fact is; you can't.

As for sounding like an imbecile...some of your post was in blue, some in black, some of your phrases attributed to me...you wrote the book on it.

Enjoy your 9/11 rimbjob blowjob you're about to get; you earned it.

PS: Ignoring someone means you don't respond to them. Just giving your a hint of what you might find in a dictionary should you ever endeavor to open one for the first time. Talk about dishonest...
Only a lib would care about what the UN thinks. You really bought the bullshit argument that if we spend $1,000,000,000,000.00 that we don't have that we will save money and reduce the deficit? I will admit that the argument isn't a liberal argument, its one straight out of Walt Disney.

Point to the part I backed a liberal policy in that post...... Come on you illiterate twit, point it out to me....

More patients = more dollars for them. We're not splitting the atom here.

Uhhhh no. They were not behind it until the assurance that there would be no government insurance to compete with. As long as they know Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana, et. al. will continue to pay $30 for an aspirin, the hospitals and doctors will continue to charge $30 for an aspirin.

Call me when you come back on the reservation.

Funny, when Bush was talking about tort reform, Obama and his ilk were not to happy about it. If that was all it was about....they would have--by your definition--have been for it.

YOU intolerable little moron! You just spent paragraphs arguing something you didn't read again..... Retard!.... Seriously there was no backing a liberal ideal or anything in it that gave any such impression.... Whats your excuse this time useless? Sun get in your eyes? Fucking imbecile!!!!

Have you not been awake for the last 20 years?

Dude either you have ADD/ADHD so bad you can't comprehend what you read or you just browse over it and look for a few key words and wing it...

Seriously, you didn't grasp a thing in hardly any of that... First you claimed I bought into something that was clearly never the case if you read it..... Any excuse for that?

Didn't think so..... I gave you another chance and you still couldn't bring yourself to read the post enough to understand it......

So I am done wasting time on you after this... THis is the last explanation I will give you, if you cannot be bothered to read it, than don't post. And if its a comprehension or attention span problem. get help, get meds, get something before posting again.

Listen and READ!!!!!

1. Your first comment shows you didn't understand anything I wrote...

WTF are you rambling about? You couldnt have read it.... Where in any of what I said do you hear a liberal backing claim? Seriously point it out to me....... Freaking unbelievable!

What I said:

gslack said:
This wasn't about healthcare for the poor.. That is the happy side effect that sells it. All this was is a guarantee of payment by our government. payment of debts, and insured against extreme costs of licenses and malpractice insurance and legalities. This keeps doctors here, instead of other countries where they are already insured and losses guaranteed.

Any of that sound liberal? You waste of time useless SOB! Read the shit or don't but don't waste my time with posts that have nothing to do with it.......:lol::lol::lol:

Dude there is no excuse for you now.... You have shown you are a useless POS through and through.....


Spending a trillion dollars when you are trillions in debt is a liberal policy you dumbass. It would have been liberal to spend that money if it were on tanks, on planes, on navy ships etc...

Freaking moron, you miss the whole fucking point again.... Where did I say I supported it you retard once more please point it out... No one and especially not me denied it was bullshit, if you would fucking read it you would now this, yet you didn't and you run off at the mouth like an idiot...

That is fiscal liberalism at its worst.

Social liberalism was exhibited by the numbers of poor and frankly lazy that will solely benefit from it.

I'm not sure why you can't see it but the fact is; you can't.

Jesus H christ you fool! Do yourself a favor and read something once in while.... Again instead of reading it you decided its a pro-liberal post.... Like a fucking idiot!!!!! Unbelievable man how do you even function? Seriously how the fuck do you manage to get through a day without being the moron people point at and laugh? You just 3 times in one thread refused to read a post and then bitched about it.... Whats worse you didn't understand enough of what you DID read to even give an accurate response.....

As for sounding like an imbecile...some of your post was in blue, some in black, some of your phrases attributed to me...you wrote the book on it.

Enjoy your 9/11 rimbjob blowjob you're about to get; you earned it.

PS: Ignoring someone means you don't respond to them. Just giving your a hint of what you might find in a dictionary should you ever endeavor to open one for the first time. Talk about dishonest...

DUDE the reason I had some blue (the parts in between your quotes)was so I didn't have to separate each section of your ignorant crap with separate quote tags..... You cried about me ignoring remember douchebag? yeah you cried like a bitch and have been for a couple days now... I gave you a chance because of your half-assed apology and because you gave a reasonable post that deserved a response after that.... And for that second chance I gave you, you once more showed you do not read posts... you just pick a word or phrase and ramble off like an impatient juvenile....

Now unless you have some good reason why you did this twice now in the same thread, or why we shouldn't deem you a useless POS troll and ignore your ignorant and illiterate ass from here on out, I am done wasting my time with you.....

That was all blue you moron, get it now????
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