Real Men Save Children From Transgenders

More on the false and insane religion of transgenderism:

I highly recommend this video. It will enlighten you as to how incredibly insane, vile and dangerously destructive this movement is, especially for our children.
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"Mommy? Daddy? What do the words "Its not going to suck itself" mean on that great big sign over there?"

I am convinced there is not so much as one single sentient leftist in this forum. Who could POSSIBLY defend this crap?

They're actually perplexed that anybody would question their imbecility.

The organizing question, “What is a woman” – and the apparent inability of highly educated people to answer it – is offered as a gateway into the more general controversy. Walsh does a great service in exposing the incoherence of gender advocates and activists in an easy-to-digest form. And they are truly incoherent. From Walsh’s interview with Dr. Michelle Forcier of Brown University:

Forcier: Telling that family based on that little penis that your child is absolutely 100 male-identified, not matter what occurs in their life – that’s not correct. …
Walsh: Have you ever met a 4-year old who believes in Santa Claus?….Would you say that this is someone who maybe has a tenuous grasp of realty
Forcier: They have an appropriate 4-year old hand on the reality that’s very real for them
Walsh: Agreed. Santa Claus is real for them but Santa Claus is not actually real.
Forcier: But Santa Claus does deliver their Christmas presents.
Walsh: Well yeah, but he’s not real though.
Forcier: To that child they are.
Walsh: But I see a child who believes in Santa Claus…but say this is a boy and he says I’m a girl . This is someone who can’t distinguish between fantasy and realty so how could you take that as a reality?
Forcier: I would say that as a pediatrician and as a parent I would say how wonderful my 4-year old and their imagination is.​


. Aside from the specific gender-issues, the most illuminating aspect to me of What is a Woman is the apparent industrial-level acrylic bubble in which these activists and advocates live. Walsh asks simple, commonsense questions—questions that organically flow from these proponents’ beliefs and assertions. Questions that any reasonable person would ask after hearing the statement, “A woman can have a penis.”

And they are all, to a person, dumfounded. They don’t seem able to process that someone would actually question their dogmas. And they are not at all, as someone once said on another subject, prepared to give a reason for their hope. It is illustrative of the dynamics of that world, but also a warning for any of us tempted to simply expound rather than to engage, explain, and think matters through."
Enough said.

People are not "Groomed" one way or the other. Sexual Identity starts from a very early age.
FALSE! Homos are doing everything they can to spread their mental sickness, and establish it as a normal thing. Just like when thy went to war with American psychiatrists in the 1970s to get the American Psychiatric Assn to remove homosexuality from their disorder classification.

Now they groom kids in schools, and have a "Pride" month (June) complete with parades (that nobody attends except them), and special rainbow attire for professional sports teams ( which many players are refusing to wear).

"Pride"? How is being a sex pervert something to be proud of ?

As for "Sexual Identity" it starts at birth, and never changes.
What is a woman?

You fuck face.

You dipshits know this latest ignorance, in a long line of ignorance, isn’t going to work for you right?

And why do you mental midgets always post some cult leader speaker, that’s probably a closet fag anyway, thinking you’re making sone profound point?

I notice all of you seem to be into closet fag cult speakers.
Can you imagine how this stuff looks to the world leader's and their armies who are out there fighting in war to protect their families, their "children", and their home's ??

Meanwhile back here we are being forced by Democrat's to showcase the nation's dirty laundry and sinfulness in these things before the world, in which places this country in question as to our moral standings, our social construct, and our purpose in the world as the so called world leader anymore...........

IMO and to the world as well I guess, "our value's and moral standings" are becoming more and more non-existent/extinct these days. In fact the world's leader's will be using this stuff in their speeches and rhetoric against this country in the coming future.

Stay tuned.

So how do you folks think that it makes the world feel, when we are supposed to be morally superior, and far more righteous in our beliefs to a much higher level or degree then they are, otherwise when we attempt to lead them on the world stage ??? It's becoming a joke.

We are showcasing our complete idiocy as a people by engaging in the thing's that this nation is engaged in or is supporting hap-hazzardly in front of the world's armies and in front of world state's (in which in some cases), we are helping to defeat some of those armies and state's by sending out weapon's of mass destruction either against or for the armies of choice which ever the case might be................

The nation's dirty laundry is a dangerous thing when it comes to war and the rumor's of war, otherwise especially when we are supporting or conducting war that the nation is now supporting, aiding or abetting while out in the world in our attempt to be the supposed "good guy's".

Just as we have seen here from those trying to deflect or make excuses for those who are seen openly influencing
children into a world of deceitful behaviour's and mentally challenged lifestyle's, well it all comes with a price down the lines. That price could include the death of this entire nation on the world stage ultimately.

Anyone thinking that the torch of value's and standard's can't be given to another in the world, uhhhh is living in a delusional state of mind.

God doesn't support any nation that becomes completely corrupt through and through. It's always been his hope's that we support his word by a majority, and that we honor his righteousness, his truth, and his guidance if we so choose it freely.

Some here said that such topic's don't or shouldn't include war and such, so don't mix it in right, but I say that when looking at the bigger picture of what these things lead to either here or out in the world, then such things must include the bigger picture because we don't need a build up of indictments against us by those looking for such things to justify sentiment against our being the supposed leader of the world when we don't deserve the title or the respect that should come with it, otherwise if engaged in sinfulness at super high levels.

We have lost what was left of any moral high ground it appears, and the Biden administration is a national disaster that keeps getting worse everyday.
FALSE! Homos are doing everything they can to spread their mental sickness, and establish it as a normal thing. Just like when thy went to war with American psychiatrists in the 1970s to get the American Psychiatric Assn to remove homosexuality from their disorder classification.

Now they groom kids in schools, and have a "Pride" month (June) complete with parades (that nobody attends except them), and special rainbow attire for professional sports teams ( which many players are refusing to wear).

"Pride"? How is being a sex pervert something to be proud of ?

As for "Sexual Identity" it starts at birth, and never changes.

There is no grooming. Reich Wing Talking Point.

The Bastard son of Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man says nothing about Homosexual's or Homosexual Relationships. Now, on Divorce, he hated it. Jesus condemned it.

But please do continue with your Henny Penny The Sky Is Falling Reich Wing Rants, I find them amusing.
Homosexuality NOT A Sin: NOT A Sickness What The Bible Does and Does NOT Say.

Four Things You Did Not Now About The Sky Man and Gay Marriage.

There is no basis for religious claims made by the Reich Wing.

But then again the Reich Wing does love cherry pick the their holy myth book.
Real rightwing bigots contrive hatful lies about transgender Americans.
Tell us, Jones, what is a woman?

According to transgenderism, the scientific answer is transphobic.

I'd say that's the stuff of evil, the stuff of an agenda up to no good.

I say we have some truth in advertisement.

Let's wave this flag and tell the truth:


Let's burn this flag and stop the madness:

There is no grooming. Reich Wing Talking Point.

The Bastard son of Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man says nothing about Homosexual's or Homosexual Relationships. Now, on Divorce, he hated it. Jesus condemned it.

But please do continue with your Henny Penny The Sky Is Falling Reich Wing Rants, I find them amusing.
See reality, post #79. Thanks.

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