Real Men Save Children From Transgenders

When they bring about the Lord's wrath upon them in the day of judgement or before, it'll be far to late for them to say that they didn't mean it. It's coming, and they better believe it. We might not know the day or the hour, but we can see the signs of it nearing. Every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. There will be no hiding from it, even under the tallest of mountains they won't find any place that will conceal their hiding place.

They've been led astray by the evil one, and his purpose is to destroy thier lives as it was in the days of old (nothing changes).
You have NO Clue who GOD is
I know what a real man and real women are... you leftists seem to struggle

I am NOT a Leftist. I am NOT a Communist. I am NOT a Socialist. I am an American who believes in our democracy. I served my country in Viet Nam AND the Pentagon. I do not support or defend Russian Dictators.

A real man saves children from being killed by AR-15's.

A real man doesNOT demand to have control over a Woman's Body.

A real man does NOT believe the color of his skin or how he chooses to worship his version of his Non-Existent special.

A real man does NOT need to pass laws to limit voting.
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Because if there IS A GOD

Haven't read your Bible in life yet have you ?? You are absolutely correct though, otherwise when you say that God is not hate. This is true.

He is the creator of life where as he giveth life, and he taketh life away, but not in the sense that a human who doesn't believe or rebukes him might think.

These things are never done out of Hate, but only out of celebration that a life has been born or reborn and freed from the clutches of sin (ohh happy day)

However, those who rebuke him, and instead chaseth after the dark side, well that is somewhat of a different type of handling of such a thing, because sin and hate will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven period. So either this is realized or not, but it will be the man or woman's choice. Make the choice, but make it wisely. It's up to you.
I am NOT a Leftist. I am NOT a Communist. I am NOT a Socialist. I am an American who believes in our democracy. I served my country in Viet Nam AND the Pentagon. I do not support or defend Russian Dictators.

A real man saves children from being killed by AR-15's.

A real man doesNOT demand to have control over a Woman's Body.

A real man does NOT believe the color of his skin or how he chooses to worship his version of his Non-Existent special.

A real man does NOT need to pass laws to limit voting.
It's cute how you deny being a leftist while supporting trans grooming of children and then proceed to rattle off a bunch of other mindless leftist cliches.

I might call you a leftist, but there sure is one thing I WOULDN'T call you - honest.

It's about time real men stand up for our children. :clap:

Since the Government Won't. Or Can't.
Or hasn't time.
Just enough time in the day to coddle teachings of
CRT and Transgerderism.
Dopey Bruce Jenner is partly to blame.And his Immediate
Family of Uber White Priviledged.That the Media MADE
Since the Government Won't. Or Can't.
Or hasn't time.
Just enough time in the day to coddle teachings of
CRT and Transgerderism.
Dopey Bruce Jenner is partly to blame.And his Immediate
Family of Uber White Priviledged.That the Media MADE
Hollyweird has all but destroyed the culture of the USA.
It's cute how you deny being a leftist while supporting trans grooming of children and then proceed to rattle off a bunch of other mindless leftist cliches.

I might call you a leftist, but there sure is one thing I WOULDN'T call you - honest.

They aren't bright enough to think for themselves, which is why nearly all of them just parrot each other.
Haven't read your Bible in life yet have you ?? You are absolutely correct though, otherwise when you say that God is not hate. This is true.

He is the creator of life where as he giveth life, and he taketh life away, but not in the sense that a human who doesn't believe or rebukes him might think.

These things are never done out of Hate, but only out of celebration that a life has been born or reborn and freed from the clutches of sin (ohh happy day)

However, those who rebuke him, and instead chaseth after the dark side, well that is somewhat of a different type of handling of such a thing, because sin and hate will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven period. So either this is realized or not, but it will be the man or woman's choice. Make the choice, but make it wisely. It's up to you.
No shit Sherlock


No shit Sherlock


However I doubt that Sherlock Holmes was too preoccupied
{ Like Robert Downey jr. } in - Sherlock Holmes - { 2009 }
to forgo hitting or slamming the mens' room toilet.
Downey was superb.Even though not riddled with a cocaine
jones.As legends holds for the original Holmes.
Keep in mind that " God does not ask the impossible "
part of Canon law { Decree vi 1564 }
Also trust in basic human nature { differentiated from the animal kingdom }
" My first act of Free Will shall be to believe in free will. "
William James { American psychologist,philosopher } 1842-1910
Sing along time ... folks :
Mama & Daddy
Mama was a God fearin'n woman
And Daddy was a hell raise'n man
She had a bible in the Kitchen
He had a bottle in his hand.
Mama went to church every Sunday
just to listen what the Preacher had to say.
Daddy hit the Honky Tonk every single night,
Fish'n hole every other day.
Dalla s Moore
However I doubt that Sherlock Holmes was too preoccupied
{ Like Robert Downey jr. } in - Sherlock Holmes - { 2009 }
to forgo hitting or slamming the mens' room toilet.
Downey was superb.Even though not riddled with a cocaine
jones.As legends holds for the original Holmes.
Keep in mind that " God does not ask the impossible "
part of Canon law { Decree vi 1564 }
Also trust in basic human nature { differentiated from the animal kingdom }
" My first act of Free Will shall be to believe in free will. "
William James { American psychologist,philosopher } 1842-1910
Your crap is impossible to decipher
Your crap is impossible to decipher
Then how can YOU classify it as " crap ".
Unless you one them Crap experts w/o a college
degree in Crap but posess a generalized idea'r.
But did however manage a minor at college in
It's funny how the right would freak if people tried to take away their religious freedoms.
But they are trying to forcibly take away other people's rights to anything that they do not approve of.
Hypocrisy is alive and well in the Republican Party.

I think this parents drag whatever-it-is in this tweet looks ridiculous.
But I am not going to start screaming at them about it just because I don't like it.
Also...I agree with what TresFou tweeted in the OP tweet:

'While I agree with what he’s saying, I don’t think rolling up on people like a bunch of thugs and talking shit to them in front of their kids is proactive. You think those adults will be receptive? The kids are gonna empathize with the stranger with the bullhorn, or momma?'

All these 'real men' are doing is acting like bullies and dickheads.
Forcibly trying to impart their ideas on other people with a fucking blowhorn.
Whilst their children look on.

Typical acts of LOW IQ people.
Why use decency when you can use bullying?
Haven't read your Bible in life yet have you ?? You are absolutely correct though, otherwise when you say that God is not hate. This is true.

He is the creator of life where as he giveth life, and he taketh life away, but not in the sense that a human who doesn't believe or rebukes him might think.

These things are never done out of Hate, but only out of celebration that a life has been born or reborn and freed from the clutches of sin (ohh happy day)

However, those who rebuke him, and instead chaseth after the dark side, well that is somewhat of a different type of handling of such a thing, because sin and hate will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven period. So either this is realized or not, but it will be the man or woman's choice. Make the choice, but make it wisely. It's up to you.
Then perhaps you would be so kind as to post a link to unbiased, scientific proof of the existence of this 'God' of yours?

I guarantee you cannot.

He is nothing but yet another Santa Claus, Superman, Batman, Golden Plates, space ship in France and on and on.
Some fictional character/thing that some dude invented to try and get desperate/gullible people to give him power/money/sex.

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