Real Men Save Children From Transgenders

They have to be stopped. Trans is a one way track. Once some twisted bastard fingers a child as trans there is no way out. Everything that child says is turned around. Denying he or she is trans only proves the child is and undergoing pressure. Maybe conversion therapy. Prosecute parents and family. The only way out of trans terror for some children is suicide. Yes, it is trans terror. It is being used against children to destroy them.
A Molested Generation Loses the Will to Survive
Homosexuality NOT A Sin: NOT A Sickness What The Bible Does and Does NOT Say.

Four Things You Did Not Now About The Sky Man and Gay Marriage.

There is no basis for religious claims made by the Reich Wing.

But then again the Reich Wing does love cherry pick the their holy myth book.
Don't Let Christofascists V. Secular Humanists Define the Debate

I've never heard anyone who opposes homo-"sexuality" cite religious reasons for that. Another poster, who must be in an isolated class (as in "the noble gases"?) wrote that he had never heard anyone who didn't . Both sides are ignoring the common people. Whichever side people are on, this is not a religious issue.
Don't Let Christofascists V. Secular Humanists Define the Debate

I've never heard anyone who opposes homo-"sexuality" cite religious reasons for that. Another poster, who must be in an isolated class (as in "the noble gases"?) wrote that he had never heard anyone who didn't . Both sides are ignoring the common people. Whichever side people are on, this is not a religious issue.

Sexual Orientation:

Do We Choose Our Orientation?​

Being straight, gay, or bisexual is not something that a person can choose or choose to change. In fact, people don't choose their sexual orientation any more than they choose their height or eye color. It is estimated that about 10% of people are gay. Gay people are represented in all walks of life, across all nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and in all social and economic groups.
Notice that only the shills like him from Langley,him and two others were the only ones who hated the op.? :biggrin:

That is motivates you people, the shear belief that because you believe you are right you are hated.

I do not hate a person I do not know. What I hate is the idea a person, any person uses their religious belief as weapon against others. I know you do not believe that, but I do not give a flying fuck through a rolling fucking donut anyway.

You and other pathetic, self involved, delousional idiots need you belief that you are superior, you not, just a weak mind petty person who is so afraid of things around them, they need a god to justify their hate.
5 pages with multiple posts by leftists and not one condemning this bullshit. Just derailment.
And they wonder why people always relate them to pedophiles and shit.
They have been very clear that they support the grooming of children by exposing them to tranny erotica at a venue that proclaims "it's not going to suck itself".

What a sad state of affairs that these brainwashed imbeciles now see turning kinds tranny as some sort of status symbol.
IMO and to the world as well I guess, "our value's and moral standings" are becoming more and more non-existent/extinct these days. In fact the world's leader's will be using this stuff in their speeches and rhetoric against this country in the coming future.

Yes, well, that decline started with the Civil War, and the general amoral trends and fashions of the 'Gilded Age', so it wasn't just the Left all by itself; they have a whole lot of help from the right as well. Business ethics went down first.
Sexual Orientation:

Do We Choose Our Orientation?​

Being straight, gay, or bisexual is not something that a person can choose or choose to change. In fact, people don't choose their sexual orientation any more than they choose their height or eye color. It is estimated that about 10% of people are gay. Gay people are represented in all walks of life, across all nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, and in all social and economic groups.
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

More evidence for what class is forcing this gender confusion on us. "De Nemours" is an aristocratic title granted to the DuPont family by the soon-to-be-guillotined King Louis XVI of France in 1784.
They have been very clear that they support the grooming of children by exposing them to tranny erotica at a venue that proclaims "it's not going to suck itself".

What a sad state of affairs that these brainwashed imbeciles now see turning kinds tranny as some sort of status symbol.
When they bring about the Lord's wrath upon them in the day of judgement or before, it'll be far to late for them to say that they didn't mean it. It's coming, and they better believe it. We might not know the day or the hour, but we can see the signs of it nearing. Every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. There will be no hiding from it, even under the tallest of mountains they won't find any place that will conceal their hiding place.

They've been led astray by the evil one, and his purpose is to destroy thier lives as it was in the days of old (nothing changes).

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