Real Men Save Children From Transgenders

By taking them from people who had nothing to do with it huh............Or police who sat idle huh.........Mr. Real man, why do you attack those who have never committed a crime?

A real man will not allow the murder of unborn babies.

So you have to be an Atheist to be a real man..........too funny

A real man doesn't need to allow every tom dick and harry into the country to illegally vote.

You seem like a Con Artist to me and not a real man. Oh well.
Notice how these defenders of child abuse are all atheist ??? It's a pattern it seems.
Sodum and Gamora speaking to quaint........Trying to normalize mentally ill people that think they are a woman with a wanker.......lmao
This is what happens when a nation has been convinced to give up on God, and to look outward for something to replace him with, and the evil one is more than happy to oblige them in their travels.

He is the author of confusion, and trouble never leaves him. He has plenty that worship him here, and that really is shocking because they seemingly are educated yet are completely insane all at the same time.
A fetus is not a baby until - at the earliest - they have brain activity.

Does an unborn baby eventually develope a heart beat, finger's and toe's, brain activity etc, and at whatever month it happens during the pregnancy???? Are leftist/liberals not stopping even when that activity is present ??? Trying to slick out of what's been going on isn't going to fly with your simplistic attempt's at trying to slide on the issue.
Does an unborn baby eventually develope a heart beat, finger's and toe's, brain activity etc, and at whatever month it happens during the pregnancy???? Are leftist/liberals not stopping even when that activity is present ??? Trying to slick out of what's been going on isn't going to fly with your simplistic attempt's at trying to slide on the issue.
Move the goalposts much?
First you say you are trying to save a baby.
Then, when I prove that your point is shift it to: 'well, it probably will eventually become a baby'.

You have no fucking right to tell a woman what she can do with a fetus that is NOT a baby.
Once it has brain activity?
I am with you.
But not before.

You fucking hypocrites.
You are SOOO big on individual rights (as you should be).
But the second they become inconvenient - out the fucking window with individual rights.

We are done here.
I am not wasting my time on ignorant dinosaurs with hypocritical morals that change whenever the mood suits them.

Bye now.
Move the goalposts much?
First you say you are trying to save a baby.
Then, when I prove that your point is shift it to: 'well, it probably will eventually become a baby'.

You have no fucking right to tell a woman what she can do with a fetus that is NOT a baby.
Once it has brain activity?
I am with you.
But not before.

You fucking hypocrites.
You are SOOO big on individual rights (as you should be).
But the second they become inconvenient - out the fucking window with individual rights.

We are done here.
I am not wasting my time on ignorant dinosaurs with hypocritical morals that change whenever the mood suits them.

Bye now.
Not sure who you were talking too, but I'll accept for them your defeat on the matter. lol.
Move the goalposts much?
First you say you are trying to save a baby.
Then, when I prove that your point is shift it to: 'well, it probably will eventually become a baby'.

You have no fucking right to tell a woman what she can do with a fetus that is NOT a baby.
Once it has brain activity?
I am with you.
But not before.

You fucking hypocrites.
You are SOOO big on individual rights (as you should be).
But the second they become inconvenient - out the fucking window with individual rights.

We are done here.
I am not wasting my time on ignorant dinosaurs with hypocritical morals that change whenever the mood suits them.

Bye now.
Why do you murder babies with your BS?
Why do you murder babies with your BS?
Not only that, but he doesn't even know who he's responding to half the time.. ROTFLMBO... I read a few lines and realized he was addressing someone else... LOL. I've seen that happen a lot here in the heat of battle.
this is an interesting topic
Ok simple question for you rookie - Do you agree or don't agree with the children being in the strip club or bar with the drag queens and a sign on the wall saying "it's not going to suck itself" ???
Notice how these defenders of child abuse are all atheist ??? It's a pattern it seems.

Most of them are probably some pagan cult fans or other, and are just too ashamed to admit it. They will occasionally pop up in threads about the 'paranormal' or spiritualism threads babbling like 60's hippies or something.
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A fetus is not a baby until - at the earliest - they have brain activity.

lol do you think two year olds are 'viable'? How about four year olds? According you sick gimps, there is no reason not to kill four year olds when they become inconvenient, so excuse us while we piss on your idiot 'rationalizations', gimp.
Most of them are probably some pagan cult fans or other, and are just too ashamed to admit it. They will occasionally pop up in threads about the 'paranormal' or spiritualism threads babbling like 60's hippies or something.
Don't believe they are a shamed to admit it these days.
lol do you think two year olds are 'viable'? How about four year olds? According you sick gimps, there is no reason not to kill four year olds when they become inconvenient, so excuse us while we piss on your idiot 'rationalizations', gimp.
That's an easy one for them, otherwise they just claim that conservatives are the one's killing the two and four year olds after they are forced to be inconveniently born, so in their opinion it's more cleaner to just get it done while in the womb, you know out of sight and all.
It got no traction in the thread I created, so I'll leave this here.

This is the mental illness we're up against


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