Real Men Save Children From Transgenders

It's funny how the right would freak if people tried to take away their religious freedoms.
But they are trying to forcibly take away other people's rights to anything that they do not approve of.
Hypocrisy is alive and well in the Republican Party.

I think this parents drag whatever-it-is in this tweet looks ridiculous.
But I am not going to start screaming at them about it just because I don't like it.
Wow, really ??.. So you are tolerant of such things as those children being in a setting like that really ?????

No one is taking away anything from the leftist or anyone as far as what they perceive as what they want for themselves in life, but when the left or anyone crosses a line of perceived encroachment, then look for the push back.

Once upon a time the majority was closer than ever concerning many things in America, and it was because the majority stood for the same things in the majority, and over time the majority became very tolerant of a lot of things as long as they weren't encroached upon by those things in which they became tolerant of....

Otherwise people stayed respectfully separate from some things while giving some tolerance towards those things as was wanted by those who wanted such things.

It is that many Americans might be having regret over some of the things in which they've allowed in their spaces, especially when the children became involved.

Rights in some cases are highly subjective, and they depend on the people being exceptive of what is perceived to be rights or not, otherwise if those rights aren't given to us by God then they are very subjective amongst the citizen's and their tolerance of such things that some might perceive as their rights, but the majority might see otherwise.

Creating a right that ends up abusing people, and then the people reject such a thing by a consensus of or in a majority of, otherwise them being against such a right or rights due to evidence of abuse, then the right won't end up being a legitimate recognized right by the citizen's at all in a case where open abuse is present within the supposed right.

The only ones causing themselves to lose their rights, are those who abuse those rights, and no one else is responsible, so stop lying.
Then perhaps you would be so kind as to post a link to unbiased, scientific proof of the existence of this 'God' of yours?

I guarantee you cannot.

He is nothing but yet another Santa Claus, Superman, Batman, Golden Plates, space ship in France and on and on.
Some fictional character/thing that some dude invented to try and get desperate/gullible people to give him power/money/sex.
You are one lost puppy, and hopefully one day since your mother decided to bring you into this world via the miracle of birth, that you might somehow come to your senses, but if you don't you're gonna meet the one who tolerated your rebellion and rejection in hopes that your eyes someday would have opened up.

If ,your eyes don't, then he'll be ok with that because he gave you the freedom of choice, and you can choose to abuse your freedom or not. YOUR CHOICE !!
Then perhaps you would be so kind as to post a link to unbiased, scientific proof of the existence of this 'God' of yours?

I guarantee you cannot.

He is nothing but yet another Santa Claus, Superman, Batman, Golden Plates, space ship in France and on and on.
Some fictional character/thing that some dude invented to try and get desperate/gullible people to give him power/money/sex.
Why are you so THREATENED by religion?
You are one lost puppy, and hopefully one day since your mother decided to bring you into this world via the miracle of birth, that you might somehow come to your senses, but if you don't you're gonna meet the one who tolerated your rebellion and rejection in hopes that your eyes someday would have opened up.

If ,your eyes don't, then he'll be ok with that because he gave you the freedom of choice, and you can choose to abuse your freedom or not. YOUR CHOICE !!
As I guaranteed - you could not post a link to back up your 'God Club' beliefs.
Because none exist.

The ONLY thing you God Club types have is the old 'Leap of Faith'.
You have absolutely NOTHING else.

Bye now.

It is fact.
Because you 'God Club' types have NO, factual proof, whatsoever.

All you have is the ole 'Leap Of Faith'.
Nothing else.

It's weird.
If a salesman comes to your door and offers ZERO, factual evidence to backup what he is selling - you would give him the boot.
Yet, you are so desperate for there to be a 'God'...that you believe the first 'salesman' priest/minister/whatever to peddle his 'Leap of Faith' nonsense.

And is impossible to be 200% wrong or right on whether something exists or not.
100% is as far as you can go.

Bye now.
Don't stay up too late asking your non-existent, Leap-of-Faith God to try and fix your life.
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It is fact.
Because you 'God Club' types have NO, factual proof, whatsoever.

All you have is the ole 'Leap Of Faith'.
Nothing else.

It's weird.
If a salesman comes to your door and offers ZERO, factual evidence to backup what he is selling - you would give him the boot.
Yet, you are so desperate for there to be a 'God'...that you believe the first 'salesman' priest/minister/whatever to peddle his 'Leap of Faith' nonsense.

And is impossible to be 200% wrong or right on whether something exists or not.
100% is as far as you can go.

Bye now.
Don't stay up too late asking your non-existent, Leap-of-Faith God to try and fix your life.
It is fact.
Because you 'God Club' types have NO, factual proof, whatsoever.

All you have is the ole 'Leap Of Faith'.
Nothing else.

It's weird.
If a salesman comes to your door and offers ZERO, factual evidence to backup what he is selling - you would give him the boot.
Yet, you are so desperate for there to be a 'God'...that you believe the first 'salesman' priest/minister/whatever to peddle his 'Leap of Faith' nonsense.

And is impossible to be 200% wrong or right on whether something exists or not.
100% is as far as you can go.

Bye now.
Don't stay up too late asking your non-existent, Leap-of-Faith God to try and fix your life.

lol another terrified pagan deviant pontificates like a 10 year old.
Proggies don't like it when you point out they are pro-child grooming.
Bunch of degenerate parents hoping to make themselves feel a little less awful about their own problems by indoctrinating children to share their mental illnesses.
Disgusting people & it is child abuse to take kids to see these perverted he-shes prancing around like Tinkerbell on molly
True. They are all perverted fags. Children should not be exposed to this sordid behavior.
It is fact.
Because you 'God Club' types have NO, factual proof, whatsoever.

All you have is the ole 'Leap Of Faith'.
Nothing else.

It's weird.
If a salesman comes to your door and offers ZERO, factual evidence to backup what he is selling - you would give him the boot.
Yet, you are so desperate for there to be a 'God'...that you believe the first 'salesman' priest/minister/whatever to peddle his 'Leap of Faith' nonsense.

And is impossible to be 200% wrong or right on whether something exists or not.
100% is as far as you can go.

Bye now.
Don't stay up too late asking your non-existent, Leap-of-Faith God to try and fix your life.
Well ,I ain't the one going to Hell. Bye.
A real man saves children from being killed by AR-15's.
By taking them from people who had nothing to do with it huh............Or police who sat idle huh.........Mr. Real man, why do you attack those who have never committed a crime?

A real man doesNOT demand to have control over a Woman's Body.
A real man will not allow the murder of unborn babies.

A real man does NOT believe the color of his skin or how he chooses to worship his version of his Non-Existent special.
So you have to be an Atheist to be a real man..........too funny

A real man does NOT need to pass laws to limit voting.
A real man doesn't need to allow every tom dick and harry into the country to illegally vote.

You seem like a Con Artist to me and not a real man. Oh well.
Then perhaps you would be so kind as to post a link to unbiased, scientific proof of the existence of this 'God' of yours?

I guarantee you cannot.

He is nothing but yet another Santa Claus, Superman, Batman, Golden Plates, space ship in France and on and on.
Some fictional character/thing that some dude invented to try and get desperate/gullible people to give him power/money/sex.
Sodum and Gamora speaking to quaint........Trying to normalize mentally ill people that think they are a woman with a wanker.......lmao

It's about time real men stand up for our children. :clap:

Proggies don't like it when you point out they are pro-child grooming.
Bunch of degenerate parents hoping to make themselves feel a little less awful about their own problems by indoctrinating children to share their mental illnesses.
Disgusting people & it is child abuse to take kids to see these perverted he-shes prancing around like Tinkerbell on molly
Real men and other grown ups realize transgenders are no threat to children. But many other people who falsely condemn transgenders are a threat to society.

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