Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

not knowing what he is talking about ....never stops simple......if he doesnt have facts he will just lie...and go with it....the simple and shielded mind....

And you will never come up with a cogent argument.

1) Prove that I lied.

2) Prove that I have a "shielded mind"

It appears you have the shielded mind, just as all the far left individuals do about about women. "War on women" you say? Can't be any more shielded than that, my friend. For there to be a "war on women" there needs to be a "war." For that, you can shift your gaze to the middle east, not within our borders.

In America Women:

1) can vote.

2) can drive.

3) can marry someone of their choosing.

4) can get a job

5) are treated as full fledged human beings, not as 1/4th of one.

6) Do not live in fear of being publicly beaten or stoned for speaking out.

So bones, are you going to insult me as a means to an end, or are you going to grow a backbone and argue me?

That you and others on the social right are oblivious to the fact that your agenda is fundamentally hostile to the civil rights of women comes as no surprise, abusers are often unaware of their abuse.

And your inane argument about women fails for the same reason your inane argument concerning gay Americans failed: that gays or women might ‘have it worse’ in some other country doesn’t mitigate the fact you and other conservatives indeed seek to deny both classes of persons their civil liberties.

What is it that libturds say whenever right-wingers point out how Dims are violating their rights? Oh yeah, "quit whining!" and "get the hell out if you don't like it here."
Saying that all CEOs who outsource should be hung, that fired workers should be allowed to beat their ex-bosses with baseball bats in a locked room, and that union workers should be allowed to stalk kids is hardly attempts at sarcastic humour.

What you have written is some if the most odious things I've ever read here.

Yes, a parasite usually finds it odious when the host talks about removing it.

Hey, guy, you put Plutocracy on the ballot in 2012, and people rejected it.

Maybe instead of fretting about working people, you need to actually start acting decently.

Just a thought.

It's one thing to have a political view. It's another to advocate physical violence as a political tool to enforce your ideology in a civil democracy. You're no better than the right wing crazies pushing civil war. At least with them, they haven't justified going after people's children like you have.
Are we going into another round of "Let's mischaracterize what Joe says in sarcastic humor"?

Boo-hoo. :rolleyes:

You have made it perfectly clear what you are, asshole. If you don't like having that thrown in your face then stop being such a fucking bigoted, racist, illogical, big-mouthed asshole. Of course you lack the character to make such a change, we all know by now.
Saying that all CEOs who outsource should be hung, that fired workers should be allowed to beat their ex-bosses with baseball bats in a locked room, and that union workers should be allowed to stalk kids is hardly attempts at sarcastic humour.

What you have written is some if the most odious things I've ever read here.

Yes, a parasite usually finds it odious when the host talks about removing it.

Hey, guy, you put Plutocracy on the ballot in 2012, and people rejected it.

Maybe instead of fretting about working people, you need to actually start acting decently.

Just a thought.

It's one thing to have a political view. It's another to advocate physical violence as a political tool to enforce your ideology in a civil democracy. You're no better than the right wing crazies pushing civil war. At least with them, they haven't justified going after people's children like you have.

No, guy, the thing is, if I thought I could appeal to the decency of 1%ers, I'd happily do that.

But what I've figured out in the last six years is you guys don't have a shred of decency.

Fear, though, they understand, and it's pretty unambiguous.
Are we going into another round of "Let's mischaracterize what Joe says in sarcastic humor"?

Boo-hoo. :rolleyes:

You have made it perfectly clear what you are, asshole. If you don't like having that thrown in your face then stop being such a fucking bigoted, racist, illogical, big-mouthed asshole. Of course you lack the character to make such a change, we all know by now.

If I'm an asshole to you, you've probably done something to deserve it.

In your case, it's wasting all of our time, never contributing anything worthwhile to a thread.
Are we going into another round of "Let's mischaracterize what Joe says in sarcastic humor"?

Boo-hoo. :rolleyes:

You have made it perfectly clear what you are, asshole. If you don't like having that thrown in your face then stop being such a fucking bigoted, racist, illogical, big-mouthed asshole. Of course you lack the character to make such a change, we all know by now.

If I'm an asshole to you, you've probably done something to deserve it.

Admitting you are a fucking bigoted, racist, illogical, big-mouthed asshole doesn't make it ok, asshole.
Boo-hoo. :rolleyes:

You have made it perfectly clear what you are, asshole. If you don't like having that thrown in your face then stop being such a fucking bigoted, racist, illogical, big-mouthed asshole. Of course you lack the character to make such a change, we all know by now.

If I'm an asshole to you, you've probably done something to deserve it.

Admitting you are a fucking bigoted, racist, illogical, big-mouthed asshole doesn't make it ok, asshole.

sure it does...

The GOP revels in it's bigotry, and it's still a major political party.

BUt frankly, if you got on my bad side, you probably did something fairly stupid.
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

There is no war on women here. It's a made up lib cause for the purpose of solidifying the democrat voting base.
Stop for a moment and tell me if you haven't heard this line before: "Republicans are misogynists, they hate women and want to deprive them of choice." More often than not, that is what the liberal left will employ as their "war on women" strategy. Come to hear it from them, you'd think women in America are treated incredibly poorly by Republicans and have no opportunities or choices in this, the land of "freedom." Believe me, they have it far better off here than in any other place in the world, especially in the Middle East. It is saddening to see how women in Islamic "Honor Based" societies for example, are being treated.

Hence this documentary film, dubbed "Honor Diaries," which was released on March 8, 2014; by producer Paula Kweskin. It shows of how in these Middle Eastern honor societies, women are treated as chattel; beaten, lashed, or killed for so much as wearing the wrong type of clothing, showing their faces or driving; things most women here take for granted.

Since 1989, according to UN statistics, somewhere around 125 million women and girls have had their genitalia mutilated, some of them are married off before the age of 18, to elderly men. More than 5,000 of them (a whole lot more given that a lot of them are undocumented) are killed in honor killings for branching out in the Islamic faith. Some in the Democratic party think women have it rough in America... they would have you to believe that Conservative Republicans must absolutely abhor women.

They have no idea. None. Not one inkling of a clue of how women are so badly mistreated in the name of Islam, in the Middle East. The things that go on there are a form of institutionalized misogyny, none of which are seen here or perpetrated by anyone here in America. These usurpations of women's rights in Islam go unanswered stateside, but the real travesty is that people remain far too ignorant of this issue. Democrats might wish to take care before calling anyone a misogynist. They have no clue what a real misogyny is like. At all. They don't realize how readily the men in these honor based societies discriminate or perpetuate vicious forms of bigotry against women.

Women should be offended by the fact that they are used as political pawns in a seriously misinformed game of politics, as weapons against another political party in the United States. Women are blessed here in America, not to be subjects of the kind of violence against women in the Middle East, to have the rights and freedoms that so many overseas are deprived of daily. The real "war on women" is being perpetrated far from our borders. Whereas, the war on women here in America only exists as a figment of imagination in the minds of far left Democrats or overzealous liberals too hyped up on talking points to pay any attention to these tragic injustices being played out against women in Islamic honor based societies; more focused on vilifying their opponents for nonexistent transgressions against women. Lets face facts, there is no war on women. Not in America, anyhow.

WARNING: This video may be graphic to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

I always thought the "war on women" was a big stretch. The phrase was pure partisan BS on the part of democrats. I don't think male republicans in congress hate women or want to oppress them. I just think they simply don't care about women. I think they care more about putting their own partisan bullshit ahead of any female issues. They entertain female issues when it suits them.

Describe "female issues".
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

There is no war on women here. It's a made up lib cause for the purpose of solidifying the democrat voting base.

And only part at that. Married women vote reliably Republican. This "war on..." bullshit is for the kind of dope that takes 'Julia' seriously as a guide for living.
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

Yes. That is what he is saying. It is the same logic he uses to proclaim that gay people are not discriminated against we don't execute them.

He's a fucking scholar. The rest of us are simply swimming in shallow water. We cannot reach his depth.

No,,The narrative here is you libs make up these causes then point your finger at others saying "you don't care about our ( fill in the blank) cause, therefore you are against( name of PC group).
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Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

Yes. That is what he is saying. It is the same logic he uses to proclaim that gay people are not discriminated against we don't execute them.

He's a fucking scholar. The rest of us are simply swimming in shallow water. We cannot reach his depth.

Nice. So, no myths have been debunked by a comparison.

It smacks of wife beatin' logic.

No....This is typical lib bullshit...You people make claims. When someone disagrees, instead of providing facts to support your claims, you reply with "prove to us that what we claim is not true."
We are no longer playing your stupid game.
There is no verifiable statement, no factual background, not supporting facts indicating any war on women..NONE.
Yes. That is what he is saying. It is the same logic he uses to proclaim that gay people are not discriminated against we don't execute them.

He's a fucking scholar. The rest of us are simply swimming in shallow water. We cannot reach his depth.

a legend in his own mind

Yet oddly, as much as he wants to be a "Crusader", the guy never signed up for the military to "liberate" people from Islam.

Okay, let's get real here. Genital Mutiliation is a horrible thing, and no religion condones it. It is actually a cultural thing in some regions of the world, that if a woman can't enjoy sex, she won't cheat on her husband. And yes, while mostly performed by muslims, some Coptic Christians in North Africa also practice it.

It's a barbaric mentality, but no less misogynist than getting on Talk Radio and screaming a young woman is a "slut" and a "prostitute" because she expects birth control to be part of the health insurance she paid for along with her $30,000 tuition.

Nobody screamed.....
Your side made that up....And Obama looked like an idiot in calling that woman to see if "she was alright"...
The fact is there are women all over the world that are in severe stress, being mistreated, mutilated, murdered, etc all over the world...And you people claim there is a war on women here.
Look, this so called war does not exist. In fact, the lame stream media has forgotten about it.
They are looking for an airliner.
So... it appears I've struck a nerve. Not one liberal here is willing to admit this is true. So, do women have it so bad here, as compared to there? Why is it you use these imagined plights of women here stateside to politically bludgeon your opponents? Hmm? Why are you ignoring the real crisis going on overseas? To women of all people? Where is your outrage now? Is it because the people actually mistreating women, the actual misogynists are not Republicans?

Stop. No, you never were outraged, never have been. It's all false, and nothing but hypocrisy.

They aren't AMericans, therefore they aren't my problem.

Also, I don't think you understand what a "crisis" is.

This custom, while barbaric, has been going on for hundreds of years. There is no crisis.

But your bizarre mentality that a woman should tolerate being called a "slut" because she wants to pick the time when she gets pregnant, because, gosh darn, at least we aren't strapping you down and mutilating your pussy like those bad old Muslims.

Calling a woman a slut because she claims she has a lot of sex constitutes a war on women?
No wonder why you people have to keep dredging this up( the slut thing) to keep this stupid shit in the spotlight...
Hey genius. Nobody cares.
It's not going to be a successful campaign issue.
On the other hand....
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

There is no war on women here. It's a made up lib cause for the purpose of solidifying the democrat voting base.

And only part at that. Married women vote reliably Republican. This "war on..." bullshit is for the kind of dope that takes 'Julia' seriously as a guide for living.

I thought the Julia campaign was a bit silly.

But the fact is, married women went for the Weird Mormon Robot by 53- 46%. (compared to 51-47 for McCain) Compare that to unmarried women, who went 67-31% for Obama,and you kind of see what your problem is.

Now, here's another question you won't have the brainpower to consider.

When it's the first woman president (Hillary) instead of the first black President, how do you think those chicks are going to vote?

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