Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

First woman president


Old male asshole pandering to people who want to regulate their hoo-haas....

False premise, you illogical, disingenuous asshole.

Well, your side is the one that thinks we need to talk about "Gift from God" and "Legitimate" rape.

You think it's ok for union members to threaten and harass women and children...... :thup:

It's tantamount to saying its OK for corporate executives to hire union busters to beat and kill workers and terrorize their families for wanting to organize, i.e. capitalists "fighting back" against "communism."

It is, of course, barbaric.

Just like JoeB131.
First woman president


Old male asshole pandering to people who want to regulate their hoo-haas....

False premise, you illogical, disingenuous asshole.

Well, your side is the one that thinks we need to talk about "Gift from God" and "Legitimate" rape.

And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?
False premise, you illogical, disingenuous asshole.

Well, your side is the one that thinks we need to talk about "Gift from God" and "Legitimate" rape.

And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?

Bill Maher said that the 9/11 hijackers were "brave."

Bill Maher is a Democrat.

Hence, all Democrats think the 9/11 hijackers are brave.

Stop for a moment and tell me if you haven't heard this line before: "Republicans are misogynists, they hate women and want to deprive them of choice." More often than not, that is what the liberal left will employ as their "war on women" strategy. Come to hear it from them, you'd think women in America are treated incredibly poorly by Republicans and have no opportunities or choices in this, the land of "freedom." Believe me, they have it far better off here than in any other place in the world, especially in the Middle East. It is saddening to see how women in Islamic "Honor Based" societies for example, are being treated.

Hence this documentary film, dubbed "Honor Diaries," which was released on March 8, 2014; by producer Paula Kweskin. It shows of how in these Middle Eastern honor societies, women are treated as chattel; beaten, lashed, or killed for so much as wearing the wrong type of clothing, showing their faces or driving; things most women here take for granted.

Since 1989, according to UN statistics, somewhere around 125 million women and girls have had their genitalia mutilated, some of them are married off before the age of 18, to elderly men. More than 5,000 of them (a whole lot more given that a lot of them are undocumented) are killed in honor killings for branching out in the Islamic faith. Some in the Democratic party think women have it rough in America... they would have you to believe that Conservative Republicans must absolutely abhor women.

They have no idea. None. Not one inkling of a clue of how women are so badly mistreated in the name of Islam, in the Middle East. The things that go on there are a form of institutionalized misogyny, none of which are seen here or perpetrated by anyone here in America. These usurpations of women's rights in Islam go unanswered stateside, but the real travesty is that people remain far too ignorant of this issue. Democrats might wish to take care before calling anyone a misogynist. They have no clue what a real misogyny is like. At all. They don't realize how readily the men in these honor based societies discriminate or perpetuate vicious forms of bigotry against women.

Women should be offended by the fact that they are used as political pawns in a seriously misinformed game of politics, as weapons against another political party in the United States. Women are blessed here in America, not to be subjects of the kind of violence against women in the Middle East, to have the rights and freedoms that so many overseas are deprived of daily. The real "war on women" is being perpetrated far from our borders. Whereas, the war on women here in America only exists as a figment of imagination in the minds of far left Democrats or overzealous liberals too hyped up on talking points to pay any attention to these tragic injustices being played out against women in Islamic honor based societies; more focused on vilifying their opponents for nonexistent transgressions against women. Lets face facts, there is no war on women. Not in America, anyhow.

WARNING: This video may be graphic to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

I think the left is well aware of the mass abuse of women in Muslim communities, but since it doesn't suit their agenda, they look the other way. They are selective about which women they stand up for. Conservative women are called vulgar names and abused Muslim women are invisible to them. What does that really say? They are not for women's rights. They are for liberals' rights. Period.
Well, your side is the one that thinks we need to talk about "Gift from God" and "Legitimate" rape.

And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?

Bill Maher said that the 9/11 hijackers were "brave."

Bill Maher is a Democrat.

Hence, all Democrats think the 9/11 hijackers are brave.


Apparently so, according to JoeNobody's standard.
Well, your side is the one that thinks we need to talk about "Gift from God" and "Legitimate" rape.

And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?

Bill Maher said that the 9/11 hijackers were "brave."

Bill Maher is a Democrat.

Hence, all Democrats think the 9/11 hijackers are brave.


Who even implied that?

However, there are certain things that no liberal objects to. I've never heard a liberal say they would like to bring back welfare to work requirements. I've never heard a liberal say we pay enough in taxes. I try not to generalize, but some things are consistently supported by liberals and never objected to.

Any liberals out there believe that gun-free zone signs are stupid because they attract killers? Statistics support this.

Any liberals out there understand that most terrorist attacks committed against us and our allies have been by young Muslim males? Statistics support this.

Any liberals out there willing to admit that terrorists and other vile criminals are pouring through our southern borders and there is a great need for more security? Why do some talk as if only decent, law abiding people would even think of sneaking in here?

Any liberals willing to admit that our voting system is more wrought with fraud than any other system because there are no safeguards and no one is looking for the real cheating? It can be done, but who is willing to take a hard look at things?

Any liberals willing to admit that most gun owners are responsible and that criminals could care less about laws? Why is the NRA always vilified after a shooting? Why do they call for gun control, which only affects the decent people?

Any liberals here who openly support our constitution and bill of rights?

Why are conservative minorities always treated like crap by the left? I haven't seen a positive remark about any black Republican.

If the left has respect for women in general, why the constant vulgar comments on Republican women? And why doesn't NOW come forth to defend all women when attacked and treated like crap?

Why do so many on the left act like abortion is more important to women than jobs or the economy? I think unemployment has hurt more women than them having to pay for birth control or abortion.
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?


The OP’s is a failed and idiotic ‘argument.’

It reminds me of an old joke about a guy who is standing under a lamp post looking on the ground. His friend walks up and asks what he is looking for. The man says that he is looking for his key. His friend asks if he has a general idea of where he might have lost it. The man says two blocks away. His friend asks him why he is looking for that key here if he lost it so far away. The man says it is because the light is better.

The OP says that there is no war on women and decides that he isn't going to talk about legislation. The problem is that is what it is about. It isn't some random battle cry for issues that have been resolved.

As to talk about legislation demonstrates the failure of the OP’s ‘argument.’
Any liberals here who openly support our constitution and bill of rights?

Liberals understand and support the Constitution and its case law, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law.

The problem lies with conservatives who refuse to accept the fact that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, who seek to acknowledge only the jurisprudence they agree with, and ignore the case law they perceive to be in conflict with subjective rightwing dogma.
Stop for a moment and tell me if you haven't heard this line before: "Republicans are misogynists, they hate women and want to deprive them of choice." More often than not, that is what the liberal left will employ as their "war on women" strategy. Come to hear it from them, you'd think women in America are treated incredibly poorly by Republicans and have no opportunities or choices in this, the land of "freedom." Believe me, they have it far better off here than in any other place in the world, especially in the Middle East. QUOTE]
I stopped reading right here. The argument that women should be happy they are treated better here than in the Mideast is stupid in the extreme. Can you really argue that woman should be happy they are being treated like second class citizens rather than cows because that is basically the argument being given.
Oh, and as for the republican party NOT being anti-women, how about a government committee composed entirely of male republicans setting policy on women's right to birth control refusing to allow one person or women to speak for birth control. How about agreeing to allow Susan Fluke a chance to speak and then denying her that right. How about rush Limbaugh SLUT-SHAMING her because she wanted to speak to women's rights. Don't even begin to give me that shit about the gop not being against women's rights because it is going on right in front of your nose.
Answer these four question:
Do you approve of the slut shaming of Susan Fluke or do you disapprove?
Do you believe women should have a right to any and all types of birth control?
Do you believe a man should have control over his own body?
Do you believe a women should have control over her own body?
And don't give us your usual crappy conditions. These are simple questions and require simple "Yes" or "No" answers. Try standing on your hind legs for a change.
You think it's ok for union members to threaten and harass women and children...... :thup:

It's tantamount to saying its OK for corporate executives to hire union busters to beat and kill workers and terrorize their families for wanting to organize, i.e. capitalists "fighting back" against "communism."

It is, of course, barbaric.

Just like JoeB131.

They do that shit now. That's the point. That's why we have laws that protect actions during a strike.

But do try to keep on topic instead of whining your best of "Joe B is a big meanie because he doesn't like Rich Mormons."

Bill Maher said that the 9/11 hijackers were "brave."

Bill Maher is a Democrat.

Hence, all Democrats think the 9/11 hijackers are brave.


Actually, Bill Maher was said they were "not cowardly" compared to politicians who fired missiles from 10,000 miles away. He also immediately apologized for it.

Now, compare that to the Republican Crazies, who just can't help themselves on the rape comments, because, honestly, they are in a real trick bag on this subject.

Either you believe fetuses are people, or you don't. And if you do, then you have to be against abortion, even in cases of rape. So, yeah, you get the whole slew of inappropriate adjectives in front of the word rape that the GOP uses to try to convince women to let themselves be victimized again.
False premise, you illogical, disingenuous asshole.

Well, your side is the one that thinks we need to talk about "Gift from God" and "Legitimate" rape.

And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?

Wow, guy, you almost got to a point where you made an argument. Holy, fucking shit.

Incidentally, I don't have a "side". I think both sides are full of shit.

But to the point, the problem is not just an occasional stupid utterance, it's that the utterances are at the heart of the philosophy- that a kidney-bean sized zygote has more rights than the woman it is in.
You think it's ok for union members to threaten and harass women and children...... :thup:

It's tantamount to saying its OK for corporate executives to hire union busters to beat and kill workers and terrorize their families for wanting to organize, i.e. capitalists "fighting back" against "communism."

It is, of course, barbaric.

Just like JoeB131.

They do that shit now. That's the point. That's why we have laws that protect actions during a strike.

But do try to keep on topic instead of whining your best of "Joe B is a big meanie because he doesn't like Rich Mormons."

This is a historic first. JoeB demanding that someone get back on topic. In one of MY threads. An absolutely jaw dropping development!

And he's right. You are barbarous. You are eerily silent when it comes to the barbarism being taken out against women in the Middle East. Far worse things are happening to women over there than here in western society. You scream at the top of your lungs about how women don't have a choice here, or are treated badly in America and conveniently ignore the women being slaughtered, mutilated, sodomized and denied basic human rights at the hands of Muslim men.

But hey you a) don't mind that it's Islam, since Christianity is inherently more evil, and b) don't care that men are doing it in the name of Islam, since only Conservative Republican men are capable of so much more barbarity. Not only are you a bigot, you are misandrist, on top of being a misogynist. You care not what happens to women. If you did, you'd speak out against these atrocities.
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And he's right. You are barbarous. You are eerily silent when it comes to the barbarism being taken out against women in the Middle East. Far worse things are happening to women over there than here in western society. You scream at the top of your lungs about how women don't have a choice here, or are treated badly in America and conveniently ignore the women being slaughtered, mutilated, sodomized and denied basic human rights at the hands of Muslim men.

But hey you a) don't mind that it's Islam, since Christianity is apparently more evil, and b) don't care that Men are doing it in the name of Islam, since only Conservative Republican men are capable of such barbarity. Not only are you a bigot, you are misandrist, on top of being a misogynist. You care not what happens to women. If you did, you'd speak out against these atrocities.

So when are you going to sign up for the military to "civilize" the bad old Muslims.

Especially since the thing you are complaining about - female circumcission- is practiced by Christians in that region and is NOT officially endorsed by any religion. It's actually a cultural thing that predates the Abrahamic Religions. I took the time to explain this to you, but you obviously want to make it a rel igion thing.

What it does say is that the mentality that you have and the mentality that they have are up there in the same thinking... How dare those women have sex for the sake of enjoying sex.
And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?

Bill Maher said that the 9/11 hijackers were "brave."

Bill Maher is a Democrat.

Hence, all Democrats think the 9/11 hijackers are brave.


Who even implied that?


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