Real Misogyny: Debunking the War on Women

Don't even begin to give me that shit about the gop not being against women's rights because it is going on right in front of your nose.[/SIZE]

'Cause if you use large, bold font and really, really - REALLY insist then it must be true, eh? Is that how your 'logic' works, Junior?

Go grow up a little more, there will still be plenty of time for you to be an idiot.
And he's right. You are barbarous. You are eerily silent when it comes to the barbarism being taken out against women in the Middle East. Far worse things are happening to women over there than here in western society. You scream at the top of your lungs about how women don't have a choice here, or are treated badly in America and conveniently ignore the women being slaughtered, mutilated, sodomized and denied basic human rights at the hands of Muslim men.

But hey you a) don't mind that it's Islam, since Christianity is apparently more evil, and b) don't care that Men are doing it in the name of Islam, since only Conservative Republican men are capable of such barbarity. Not only are you a bigot, you are misandrist, on top of being a misogynist. You care not what happens to women. If you did, you'd speak out against these atrocities.

So when are you going to sign up for the military to "civilize" the bad old Muslims.

Especially since the thing you are complaining about - female circumcission- is practiced by Christians in that region and is NOT officially endorsed by any religion. It's actually a cultural thing that predates the Abrahamic Religions. I took the time to explain this to you, but you obviously want to make it a rel igion thing.

What it does say is that the mentality that you have and the mentality that they have are up there in the same thinking... How dare those women have sex for the sake of enjoying sex.

I'm not going to do anything about it, at least not beyond what I posted. I'm waiting for the self proclaimed champions of women's rights to stand up and speak out against these injustices.

And yes, it is about religion, obviously since men who profess to worship Allah are committing these atrocities. You can't admit how hypocritical liberals are when it comes to women and religion.
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So when are you going to sign up for the military to "civilize" the bad old Muslims.

And there it is, the official sign that an idiot like JoeNobody has completely run out of argument.

NO, that's asking Tampon why he is so much a chestbeater, and oddly, never managed to sign up for the military when we are in this holy war for civilization...

Could ask you the same question... but that would be pointless.

I'm not going to do anything about it, at least not beyond what I posted. I'm waiting the self proclaimed champions of women's rights to stand up and speak out against these injustices.

And yes, it is about Religion, obviously since men who profess to worship Allah are committing these atrocities. You can't admit how hypocritical liberals are when it comes to women and religion.

I think everyone here has said it's a barbaric practice of primitive people.

So I'm not sure what else you are expecting of folks. That they should be more upset about what cultures have been doing for thousands of years in OTHER countries as oppossed to what one political party is attempting in this country?

It would be helpful if you knew what you were talking about. This practice has nothing to do with religion, as no religion endorses it and it's practice crosses not only religious lines, but was practiced before Christianty and Islam became things.

I'm the first one to rip religion a new one, but this isn't a fair rap. The practice evolved, first amongst slaves, as a means to keep women from enjoying sex and therefore having sex with someone her owner/husband didn't want her to.
So when are you going to sign up for the military to "civilize" the bad old Muslims.

And there it is, the official sign that an idiot like JoeNobody has completely run out of argument.

NO, that's asking Tampon why he is so much a chestbeater, and oddly, never managed to sign up for the military when we are in this holy war for civilization...

Could ask you the same question... but that would be pointless.

When you abandon logic you have given up the argument. No surprise, pussy.

When you abandon logic you have given up the argument. No surprise, pussy.

NO, I just get bored with people who scream about how we need to right some injustice in the world, and then leave it to someone else to do the hard work.

Usually some working class kid they promised a college education to.

But frankly, I'll give Templar Credit.. his arguments are fallacies, but at least he makes them.

When you abandon logic you have given up the argument. No surprise, pussy.

NO, I just get bored ....

You're not "bored," you're empty; bankrupt of ideas, without a clue of how to get out of the hole you've dug for yourself. Stop being a bigoted, racist, hypocritical fucking asshole and you won't find yourself in such circumstances quite so often.
And everything that any democrat has ever said represents "your side"? Anything ever uttered by any democrat anywhere represents what every democrat in the country thinks and believes always and forever? Have you really gotten that stupid?

Bill Maher said that the 9/11 hijackers were "brave."

Bill Maher is a Democrat.

Hence, all Democrats think the 9/11 hijackers are brave.


Who even implied that?

However, there are certain things that no liberal objects to. I've never heard a liberal say they would like to bring back welfare to work requirements. I've never heard a liberal say we pay enough in taxes. I try not to generalize, but some things are consistently supported by liberals and never objected to.

Welfare to work (PRWORA) that was signed by Clinton in 1996? It's still in effect. It isn't necessary to bring something back that didn't leave.

We do pay enough in taxes. It is past time to start looking at the massive hospital systems in the states that don't pay property taxes. Secondly, what falls under "education" that also doesn't pay taxes.

I suspect you just whipped all that out to antagonize without much thought at all.

When you abandon logic you have given up the argument. No surprise, pussy.

NO, I just get bored ....

You're not "bored," you're empty; bankrupt of ideas, without a clue of how to get out of the hole you've dug for yourself. Stop being a bigoted, racist, hypocritical fucking asshole and you won't find yourself in such circumstances quite so often.

Guy, I'm perfectly good with despising a bunch of dupes who let a kiddy-diddling con man take them for all their money.

Sorry that you aren't honest enough to admit you think they are a scam just as much as I do.
NO, I just get bored ....

You're not "bored," you're empty; bankrupt of ideas, without a clue of how to get out of the hole you've dug for yourself. Stop being a bigoted, racist, hypocritical fucking asshole and you won't find yourself in such circumstances quite so often.

Guy, I'm perfectly good with despising a bunch of dupes who let a kiddy-diddling con man take them for all their money.

The fact that you are 'comfortable' being an empty-headed, hypocritical, hateful, bigoted low-life does not make it any less disgraceful, you scumbag. Wallowing in your own shit doesn't make it any cleaner, asshole.
You're not "bored," you're empty; bankrupt of ideas, without a clue of how to get out of the hole you've dug for yourself. Stop being a bigoted, racist, hypocritical fucking asshole and you won't find yourself in such circumstances quite so often.

Guy, I'm perfectly good with despising a bunch of dupes who let a kiddy-diddling con man take them for all their money.

The fact that you are 'comfortable' being an empty-headed, hypocritical, hateful, bigoted low-life does not make it any less disgraceful, you scumbag. Wallowing in your own shit doesn't make it any cleaner, asshole.

Joseph SMith lied to people and had sex with children... if you think that's "holy" or something, that's kind of your problem.

I look at Smith as just the 19th century's David Koresh.

Difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?

Original and Extra-Crispy.
Just to clarify, you are stating that the war on women in the US is not occurring because women are mistreated in the Middle East. Yes?

Yes. That is what he is saying. It is the same logic he uses to proclaim that gay people are not discriminated against we don't execute them.

He's a fucking scholar. The rest of us are simply swimming in shallow water. We cannot reach his depth.

Nice. So, no myths have been debunked by a comparison.

It smacks of wife beatin' logic.

Hey moron, wife beating is illegal.
The Left will always have a war on something or someone to accuse the republicans of, it's what they do, it's like they have it in their DNA or something.

"Dey wanna put ya'll back in chains" ring a bell in your pea brain!
Yes. That is what he is saying. It is the same logic he uses to proclaim that gay people are not discriminated against we don't execute them.

He's a fucking scholar. The rest of us are simply swimming in shallow water. We cannot reach his depth.

Nice. So, no myths have been debunked by a comparison.

It smacks of wife beatin' logic.

Hey moron, wife beating is illegal.
The Left will always have a war on something or someone to accuse the republicans of, it's what they do, it's like they have it in their DNA or something.

"Dey wanna put ya'll back in chains" ring a bell in your pea brain!

So, you got nothing either. Good to know, crack head.
Yes. That is what he is saying. It is the same logic he uses to proclaim that gay people are not discriminated against we don't execute them.

He's a fucking scholar. The rest of us are simply swimming in shallow water. We cannot reach his depth.

Nice. So, no myths have been debunked by a comparison.

It smacks of wife beatin' logic.

Hey moron, wife beating is illegal.
The Left will always have a war on something or someone to accuse the republicans of, it's what they do, it's like they have it in their DNA or something.

"Dey wanna put ya'll back in chains" ring a bell in your pea brain!

I believe it's time to put down the crack pipe sir.
Nice. So, no myths have been debunked by a comparison.

It smacks of wife beatin' logic.

Hey moron, wife beating is illegal.
The Left will always have a war on something or someone to accuse the republicans of, it's what they do, it's like they have it in their DNA or something.

"Dey wanna put ya'll back in chains" ring a bell in your pea brain!

So, you got nothing either. Good to know, crack head.

Well, as a woman who you allege is being warred against, I would like very much for you to explain specifically HOW I'm being warred against. It just seems to me that if someone was making war on me, I would have noticed it at some point; but somehow, I seem to have missed it and don't feel the least bit beleaguered by anyone except the people who keep telling me how under siege I am.
You, one of the prime users of vitriol have the unmitigated nerve to make this statement.

Interestingly enough, I love how one of these folks can't help but spam my thread with vitriol rather than to discuss the point cogently. I guess I'll glean that to be an admission of defeat.

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