Real Progressives Vote Jill Stein

When you're ready to come out of the closet, I'll be here to embrace you

When you're ready to stop using gay slurs, you won't be a hypocritical homophobe, perhaps.
Be creative about it, and post it to the internet!

24 Awesomely Creative Ways To Come Out Of The Closet

Which way did you choose?
If I were gay, I think I'd go with number 10. But since you're a die-hard Trumper we're completely different, so I have no idea which one you'll go with. :thup:

So, you practiced gay sex on your dog. Good to know.
You seem more like a Gary Johnson douche bag to me
When you're ready to come out of the closet, I'll be here to embrace you

When you're ready to stop using gay slurs, you won't be a hypocritical homophobe, perhaps.
Be creative about it, and post it to the internet!

24 Awesomely Creative Ways To Come Out Of The Closet

Which way did you choose?
If I were gay, I think I'd go with number 10. But since you're a die-hard Trumper we're completely different, so I have no idea which one you'll go with. :thup:

So, you practiced gay sex on your dog. Good to know.
Hey I don't think that perverted thought of yours is allowed to be posted on the site. I know it must be hard to come out, but don't get carried away.
When you're ready to stop using gay slurs, you won't be a hypocritical homophobe, perhaps.
Be creative about it, and post it to the internet!

24 Awesomely Creative Ways To Come Out Of The Closet

Which way did you choose?
If I were gay, I think I'd go with number 10. But since you're a die-hard Trumper we're completely different, so I have no idea which one you'll go with. :thup:

So, you practiced gay sex on your dog. Good to know.
Hey I don't think that perverted thought of yours is allowed to be posted on the site. I know it must be hard to come out, but don't get carried away.

You should come out as a homophobe. Just say it, bro. We all know it at this point, anyways.
Be creative about it, and post it to the internet!

24 Awesomely Creative Ways To Come Out Of The Closet

Which way did you choose?
If I were gay, I think I'd go with number 10. But since you're a die-hard Trumper we're completely different, so I have no idea which one you'll go with. :thup:

So, you practiced gay sex on your dog. Good to know.
Hey I don't think that perverted thought of yours is allowed to be posted on the site. I know it must be hard to come out, but don't get carried away.

You should come out as a homophobe. Just say it, bro. We all know it at this point, anyways.
Oh I'm bored of this now. Carry on.
Which way did you choose?
If I were gay, I think I'd go with number 10. But since you're a die-hard Trumper we're completely different, so I have no idea which one you'll go with. :thup:

So, you practiced gay sex on your dog. Good to know.
Hey I don't think that perverted thought of yours is allowed to be posted on the site. I know it must be hard to come out, but don't get carried away.

You should come out as a homophobe. Just say it, bro. We all know it at this point, anyways.
Oh I'm bored of this now. Carry on.

Being a homophobe just isn't as fun as it used to be, huh?
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.
Good platform. Most of that stuff will more than pay for itself.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.
Good platform. Most of that stuff will more than pay for itself.

I don't like socialism; but I'd rather live real socialism than this BS we have now if the govt. must be an overlord.
Jill Stein is a real progressive and not a DINO who will perpetuate a Republican agenda as defined by various Marxists on this board.

The real progressive, this is a partial listing of Jill Stein's 2016 platform:

* Enact a Green New Deal and create 20 millions jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy.

* In her Just Transition program, communities will move towards more green energy. Displaced fossil fuel workers will receive full income and benefits as they transition to alternative employment.

* Treat energy as a human right.

* Redirect research funds from fossil fuels to energy and conservation.

* End destructive energy extraction such as fracking, off shore drilling and pipelines.

* Protect pollinators

* Ban neonicotioids and other harmful pesticides that threaten the survival of bees and butterflies.

* Support an acceptable global climate and impart funds to that end to developing countries.

* Invest in clean air, water, food, and soil for everyone.

* Enact stronger environmental justice laws which will help low=income communities currently disproportionately affected.

* Conversion to zero waste processes.

* Enforceable rights to work for government as last resort.

* Workers earning fair shares.

* Grants and low interest loans to green companies.

* REPLACE NAFTA and other corporate agreements that export American jobs.

* Effective anti poverty programs that restore dignity and guarantee economic human rights such as housing, water and utilities.

* Healthcare: NO COPAYS, PREMIUMS, OR DEDUCTIBLES. (You pay for the treatment you receive and only the treatment you receive).

* Women's right to morning after pills.


* Tuition free education from K-University.

* Eliminate the authoritarian common core and put education back into the hands of communities.

* Recognize poverty as a key obstacle to learning.

* $15 minimum federal wage.

* Make corporations pay their fair share.

* Take action against wage theft.

* LGBTQIA+ protections.

* Demilitarize border crossings.

* Halt deportations of law abiding undocumented immigrants.

* Protect free internet; opposing the online piracy act and all other legislation that undermines freedom and equality.

* Abolish the death penalty.


* End US role as world's arms supplier.

* Cut military spending by at least 50 percent.


* Increase funding for public housing.
Good platform. Most of that stuff will more than pay for itself.

I don't like socialism; but I'd rather live real socialism than this BS we have now if the govt. must be an overlord.
What parts of this platform do you consider socialism? Some of this could be considered Libertarian.
A transcript of Jill Stein’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board

Stein leads that a president shouldn't have a history of backroom deals.

Just the back room deals she hasn't been invited in on.

Those who have read David Brook's Bobos In Paradise are familiar with the demographic Jill Stein appeals to. 'Greens' are more of a marketing campaign than a serious political option. So was Bernie. Most New Democrats like to pretend they're 'enlightened' as well, so there is a lot of overlap, but at the end of the day they're still the same old sweatshop operators and fascists of the late 19th century capitalist mold, they just have a different public image gimmick and fashion victim phoniness, wear jeans and beards like Steve Jobs and his ilk, and many 'Libertarian' frauds. Same shit, different day.

Bobos in Paradise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you a BOurgeois BOhemian?
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A transcript of Jill Stein’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board

Stein leads that a president shouldn't have a history of backroom deals.

Just the back room deals she hasn't been invited in on.

Those who have read David Brook's Bobos In Paradise are familiar with the demographic Jill Stein appeals to. 'Greens' are more of a marketing campaign than a serious political option. So was Bernie. Most New Democrats like to pretend they're 'enlightened' as well, so there is a lot of overlap, but at the end of the day they're still the same old sweatshop operators and fascists of the late 19th century capitalist mold, they just have a different public image gimmick and fashion victim phoniness, wear jeans and beards like Steve Jobs and his ilk, and many 'Libertarian' frauds. Same shit, different day.

Bobos in Paradise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you a BOurgeois BOhemian?
You couldn't be any more wrong.

Working and Living as Part of the Green Party
  • People who support the Green Party are more likely to be renting their home than owning their home outright or with a mortgage.
  • Non-white ethnicities are more likely to support the Green Party even though a majority of the party’s official membership is White/Caucasian.
  • In the US, Green Party support is more likely to come from rural communities and districts than urban or suburban areas.
  • Although many Green Party supporters are employed full-time, it is more likely that a supporter will be currently unemployed.
  • Green Party supporters are not as likely to have a university degree when compared to the general population, but they are more likely to hold a post-graduate degree or consider themselves to be a full-time student.
  • People who support the Green Party are more likely to be a public sector worker than be employed in the private sector.
  • 56% of Green Party supporters who voted for their party in the last election say that they plan to do so again in the next election.
  • 32 Stunning Green Party Demographics |
A transcript of Jill Stein’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board

Stein leads that a president shouldn't have a history of backroom deals.

Just the back room deals she hasn't been invited in on.

Those who have read David Brook's Bobos In Paradise are familiar with the demographic Jill Stein appeals to. 'Greens' are more of a marketing campaign than a serious political option. So was Bernie. Most New Democrats like to pretend they're 'enlightened' as well, so there is a lot of overlap, but at the end of the day they're still the same old sweatshop operators and fascists of the late 19th century capitalist mold, they just have a different public image gimmick and fashion victim phoniness, wear jeans and beards like Steve Jobs and his ilk, and many 'Libertarian' frauds. Same shit, different day.

Bobos in Paradise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you a BOurgeois BOhemian?

I think you want to paint them with too broad a brush, tbh. I'm not calling the greenies the salt of the earth. And in fact, many would revert to fascism or what have you. But there indeed is a segment of well meaning people with in their ranks; and I believe Stein is one of them; or at least, she hasn't shown herself to be corrupted at this point.

Also, as someone libertarian inclined, I definitely know what you say doesn't apply to them especially. We like for people to be self sufficient and prosperous. We just don't want govt. being overlords in that process. Frankly, many if not most founding fathers were libertarians; they just didn't call it that at the time.

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